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Miss 5 or more, Hit 2 in 4!

Started by GLC, Jun 14, 11:32 PM 2010

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Here's a dozens/columns system that is easy to play.  It does take a lot of tracking.  As always, single 0 roulette is better.  Although, I only have access to 0/00 wheel.

Play both dozens and columns at the same time.  Track until a dozen or column doesn't hit for 5 spins.  Zero doesn't count as a miss during tracking.  Zero does count as a loss during betting.  (If you feel like you're not betting often enough, you can count the zero as a miss while tracking but it does affect the win/loss ratio.)

When a dozen/column misses for 5 or more spins wait until it finally hits, then bet it to hit again within 3 spins.

I think this may do well flat betting, but I have only tested it with a progression.  The progression I use is the standard 2:1 proggy 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47,70.

If you don't hit within the 3 bets 1,1,2 then re-track for another 5 miss and hit and continue the progression with 3,4,6.  If you lose this second series of 3 bets, track for another betting opportunity and continue with 9,14,21.  I've never gotten past 14 units bet without a win.  Any win results in a new high so just start over with 1,1,2 on the next betting opportunity.

You don't have to use 1 progression on the dozens and another on the columns.  If you lost 3 bets on the dozens and a betting opportunity shows on the columns, con't betting with 3,4,6 on the columns.  Or, you can keep them separate.  You choose.

This is easy to test and play.  I've been testing it for 1 hour sessions.  I don't think you need to hit and run with this system.  Just play until you have enough (as if you can ever have enough) then quit.  I usually get about 15 units in an hours play on an airball table.  1 spin per minute.

So far I haven't had a lost progression (the one listed above = 209 units).    If you wanted, you could use 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21 which is 61 units.  I'm thinking of going to this since I haven't gone beyond 14 units bet so far.  That means I have to lose 3 sets of 3 bets before I have to take a 61 unit loss.  It will happen.  Just a matter of time.

As with all systems like this, the big question is can you stay ahead after the losses.  I think with this one, you just might be able to.  

Even though I've had good luck with this, I know it needs a lot of testing before we bet real money.  If anyone is interested in helping test it, I'd like to get some feedback.

For the programmers among us, this should be an easy one to program.  Then we could get a quick verdict.

Thanks for any interest,   George
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


hello george and thanks for posting this.  it looks steady.
how many sessions/spins have you tested for?

i did a couple of tests on a live wheel.  2 hours play resulted in 23 units profit and a further hour resulted in 11 points.

like you, the furthest i went on the progression was 14 points, just the one time.

thanks again,

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Quote from: ewarwoowar on Jun 19, 04:07 AM 2010
hello george and thanks for posting this.  it looks steady.
how many sessions/spins have you tested for?

I did a couple of tests on a live wheel.  2 hours play resulted in 23 units profit and a further hour resulted in 11 points.

like you, the furthest I went on the progression was 14 points, just the one time.

thanks again,



I have tested this on about 1500 spins.  They were downloaded from the spins section of Win-maxx.  I did lose a 209 unit progression, but that still left me ahead by 175 units.  I haven't tested the 61 unit stop loss progression yet.  I will do some more testing and keep you posted.

1500 spins is still not that much in the over-all picture, so this definitely needs more testing.

Thanks for your interest,    George
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I want to explain this system a little more.  The title may be a little misleading.  What it means is that you wait until a dozen has missed for 5 or more times then when it finally hits, you bet it to hit again within the next 3 spins.

The reasoning behind the system is if a dozen misses 5 times, it may continue to miss for another 5 times or maybe even 25 times.  That's why we wait until it finally hits before we bet on it.  Perfect odds say that it should hit approximately once every 3 spins (approx. because of the zero).  If it has missed say 9 times, it's tendency is to catch up on hits, therefore, we can risk some bets that it will hit again soon. 

To bet 3 times is not cast in stone.  Fender1000 suggested 4 bets in his THE ZONE system.  And now in Crossplay 5 he's reduced it to 2 times.  These two systems aren't exactly the same as miss 5 or more, hit 2 in 4, but they are built on the same line of reasoning.

Another progression I am testing and it's doing quite well also is to bet 1,1,2,3,4,6.  That makes 6 shots that the sleeper will hit again soon.  If I lose at this level, I go to 2,2,4,6,8,12 bets on the next qualifier.  I continue to bet at this level until I recover the 17 units lost plus 3 or 4 more units so I can come out ahead.

If I lose at the 2,2,4,6,8,12 level before recovering my losses, I go to 4,4,8,12,16,24.  I stay at this level until I recover all previous losses plus 6 or 8 units.  Then I return to 1,1,2,3,4,6 until I lose a 6 bet series at which time I start all over again.

Try it and see what you think,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Jun 20, 08:06 PM 2010
I want to explain this system a little more.  The title may be a little misleading.  What it means is that you wait until a dozen has missed for 5 or more times then when it finally hits, you bet it to hit again within the next 3 spins.

I have found betting it to hit again within the next 6 spins very successful using progression 112346 :)


Quote from: moles40 on Aug 19, 03:15 PM 2010
I have found betting it to hit again within the next 6 spins very successful using progression 112346 :)

To be honest, I tested this system for about 3000 spins betting the 6 step progression with 3 levels and had good results.  Then I hit some losses along the way, which brought my winnings back down to not such a good level, +570.  At that time, my Attention Deficit Disorder kicked in and I discontinued testing because I got interested in other systems. 

Since there wasn't any identifyable interest from the rest of the forum, I assumed everyone had written it off as an uninteresting system and without help testing, it's a long process to prove something is a definite winner.

I'm torn regarding the best progression.  The 112346; 22468 12; 448 12 16 results in a lot of wins, but the 119 units on a loss wipes out a lot of small wins.  Somewhat disheartening.

I've considered playing it with 1,1,2; if lose requalify then bet 2,2,3; if lose requalify then bet 3,3,4; etc.. 4,4,5; etc...  Stay at the current level until you either lose and go to the next level or until you have reached a new high bankroll, then start back at 1,1,2.

A more aggressive progression is 1,1,2; 2,2,4; 4,4,8; 8,8,16; 16,16,32; etc...

It should work better on a single zero or no zero roulette.  If you are testing it, let me know how you're doing.  I may come back and join you if it keeps looking promising.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Reverse the thinking mate! In my humble opinion, you are better by scrapping negative progressions and sticking to POSITIVE ones.

Before settling my game strictly with flat bets, somewhere in my experience I realized progressions must be positive and slow, because dispersions are inevitable.

The way to take advantage of the cycles being using concentration of hits as a recovery tool.

It sure isn't fun to deplete a bankroll, only to see the system reach the concentration of hits point and hitting a lot, enough to make a killing!

Trust me; as a general rule negative progressions aren't the way to stand a chance in this game of fluctuations. Positive & slow all the way!
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Would you mind critiqueing this system.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
