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Do anybody has any winning system in this forum or all damn losers ?

Started by munirchittagong, Dec 18, 02:32 PM 2020

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Quote from: munirchittagong on Dec 28, 05:03 AM 2020So u guys all losers. Not a single winning system anybody has.

Newbie beware who just started playing roulette, don’t be excited to see few systems here in the posts when u see it wins at ur first try. remember all every single one loses at the end.

You might not want to overlook this. There are ways to do well at gambling. If you come up with a bet selection process math oriented players will say that it does not matter. You must lose more bets placed than you will win, in the aggregate.  That is completely true.  However you can still win almost all of your gambling sessions as long as you don't try to correct the imbalance with a progression.  A blind bet selection progression will succumb to the same imbalance result of the odds. So you will lose as expected.

There is however a way. It comes from using a simple two stage MM method.  You can use any consistent or non-consistent  bet selection method that you want. This will take into account all suspicions that there is a magical math beating strategy. In fact there is no magical bet selection that will make this work or not work.

What works is noticing the slow grinding up or down of the gambling session.  You can also use rapid changes too.  If you have trouble relating to this then just look at the Red /  Black results from 100 continuous spins. If you bet only Red numbers and the same amount for all 100 spins you might win or you will more likely lose a little.  If you study this technique long enough you will learn from how at times things tend to favor you or at other times they will oppose you. In most cases they will oppose you because of the house's edge advantage. This is in accordance with the math that tends to dominate everything. You are expected to lose more bets than you win.

So how do you deal with this?  I suggest that you find a way to see if you can see swarms of the same positive or negative conditions.  For a while Red will dominate. Conversely you will see stretches when Black will dominate. It just stands to reason that you want to use these conditions to your advantage. So you bet small when you can't see an obvious condition of dominance. You bet bigger when you can by betting the dominate side while it continues.

That is the winning system that you should be looking for. You don't have to pay anyone to figure this out.  You just have to master the skill of observing the conditions.  You can't blame others for not gaining these skills. You can't blame math where you are expected to lose more bets than you will win.  You can lose the bets that you are supposed to lose. You just attempt to do that at the cheap price.  Some will try to tell you that you can't know what a dominate streak looks like because you can't predict how long it will last.  But they are just using the streak to make the same point.  So it comes down to knowing what dominance looks like and learning how to exploit them when they tend to last for a while.  You never get to predict how long they will last. You don't need that power of prediction. You just need to bet bigger when you are winning.  This logic confounds the math oriented players that use it as an excuse to never look for it or to gain the skill of using it.  So they persist on gambling forums and act like saviors of the world protecting people from this very simple approach to gambling.  It's like a religion to them. They have their dogma, belief system, and followers. They can't help themselves.

That's the good part too. They protect the opportunity to use MM to aggregate wins.  It's fun to watch them take the higher ground. You watch. This single topic makes them flip out.  Just try to convince them that you can see a win streak.  They can't even manage to accept the possibility that a person con notice a win streak. So they attack the messenger. It's all they have. The implication is that they have always defended a losing position and they are wrong. That can't be true. So you get dogmatic control freak machinations and a full breakdown of the free discussion process.

So pick a side. You can learn to be skillful or you can carry water for the religion of math & gambling.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/

Mister Eko

The real losers are not the player, who believe in his dreams, making a plan, a strategy, a method, and going to the casino, and make a loss. The real looser are those, who says "but but roulette is unbeatable, and overall results will be negative, amd house edge and bla bla bla..."

These people are without hope, and they are loosers from their very first minute in their life. Those who try, and believe, they has a chance to become a millionaire from roulette.


Quote from: munirchittagong on Dec 28, 05:03 AM 2020
So u guys all losers. Not a single winning system anybody has.

That´s not true. Don´t call me a loser!

Newbie beware who just started playing roulette, don’t be excited to see few systems here in the posts when u see it wins at ur first try. remember all every single one loses at the end.

That´s correct!

Beware anybody send u pm n claim them have something most of them are scammers.

That´s correct!

Best of luck all the losers ! Keep doing ur test at ur most favourite RX and keep ur illusionist  mind on.

It is not a good thing to call people losers just because they don´t present you a winning system or strategy.

Obviously you are the loser, because you are too lazy to create a system yourself. not to mention a winning one.
There is always a game

Tobacco Vanille

If someone did have a winning strategy

Would they.....

A) Sit on a forum day after day?

B) Reveal all and probably neutralize any small advantage they had?

C) Milk their strategy slowly trying to keep the golden goose alive and have a whale of a time in the process?

It's a tricky one!

Mister Eko

Quote from: Tobacco Vanille on Dec 28, 04:04 PM 2020
If someone did have a winning strategy

Would they.....

A) Sit on a forum day after day?

B) Reveal all and probably neutralize any small advantage they had?

C) Milk their strategy slowly trying to keep the golden goose alive and have a whale of a time in the process?

It's a tricky one!

Tricky one? One of the simplest questions of the world.

A: Not all day, but why not a daily few hours, if it is possible? Who regulates it? Who says, a HG owner must leave all forums, and disappear suddenly? It is like put a shit, where they growed up. Unlogical. They have time to play, and have time to take a fun at forums. No need to play 0-24 in casinos, and you know why not very clearly.

B: No way. But giving some understandable small hints no problematico. It is a help, and a self-recognition, pride to themselves, a self-certification, that "you have far from what I have", "I am at the throne, lick my ass rat", and reading all the lickers questions, emails, massages. At the certain moment forum members becomes modern droids.

C: Exactly. It is an egobooster.

Tobacco Vanille

To answer my own questions just for the heck of it!

A) It would be like Lewis Hamilton taking driving lessons.

B) You would instantly regret it and you would no longer have any control over your discovery.

C) Sounds good to me.


Quote from: munirchittagong on Dec 28, 05:03 AM 2020
So u guys all losers. Not a single winning system anybody has.

Have you ever really thought that someone would reveal to you a really effective system in a public forum..?  :twisted:

game over

For them, anyone who says they have something winning is a scammer.
Why don't they dedicate themselves to researching and working seriously on how randomness works and looking for a way to win?
Because they ask others, if when they have an affirmative answer, they call them scammers? Has no sense!!!



Quote from: game over on Dec 28, 05:04 PM 2020
Why don't they dedicate themselves to researching and working seriously on how randomness works and looking for a way to win?

Because they would have to really engage instead of constantly criticizing and complaining about everyone who showing any positive initiative, besides they prefer to prey on other people's work, because they are too lazy and narrow-minded to personally make an intellectual effort.


Quote from: Ares289 on Dec 28, 04:44 PM 2020Have you ever really thought that someone would reveal to you a really effective system in a public forum..?
I did. I did it because someone that is a pretty good Baccarat player suggested to me that I could share a working method and that it would have no effect on the gambling community. Now this person and I disagree on just about everything politically.  But I realized that he was 100% correct in this observation of gambling forums. People tend to only look at things that contribute or confirm what they are already interested in at the time.  So that alone leaves a very small interested field. It's a very small group of people that are willing to do the work it takes to become a skilled player.  How few really worked on counting cards to the point that they were really good at it. How many of them knew that you could still lose on your way to winning in the long run? It also takes gambling experience and self awareness. You must leave behind greed and impulsive reactions to adversity. It's all part of success. People don't really want to win. If they did they would do the work.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Dec 28, 08:08 PM 2020
I did. I did it because someone that is a pretty good Baccarat player suggested to me that I could share a working method and that it would have no effect on the gambling community.

So if that were true then it would only mean that you're the exception that proves the rule... BUT as far as I know you have never given to a public forum a PRECISE plan/strategy on how to proceed STEP BY STEP to be able to win consistently more and more in the LONG-TERM game, so this mean that probably you aren't the type of person who "MUNIRCHITTAGONG" is looking for here.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


As I told in this topic, there are real systems/methods which can win in short term.
If you want to believe it, just give me some of your number series you have lost or can't find the next number.
Don't send me more numbers, just give me last 18 numbers, I will give you less than 12 - 10 predicted numbers which will surely come within next 6 spins. 
Good Luck!

Mister Eko

Give me too any 50-100 numbers, I will show you a profit at the end.


Quote from: Ares289 on Dec 29, 12:32 AM 2020So if that were true then it would only mean that you're the exception that proves the rule... BUT as far as I know you have never given to a public forum a PRECISE plan/strategy on how to proceed STEP BY STEP to be able to win consistently more and more in the LONG-TERM game, so this mean that probably you aren't the type of person who "MUNIRCHITTAGONG" is looking for here.

I didn't publish it here. I published it once at a different forum.  People that want to know have worked it out for themselves and how to study it.  It came up here at this forum because people here wanted to discuss it or ridicule it. I shared it. The casinos are not going nuts over it. They are not going nuts over precognition either. They are not going nuts over TurboGenius' hottest number theories. It's just the way that forums tend to work.  I'm done with it. I did a good enough job of explaining it. I provided practicing software so a person could perfect the skills in the safety of their own homes. It's good enough.

If you can't make "bet big when you are doing well and bet small when you are not," then I don't see where that qualifies anyone to exterminate the logic of it. It's out there. It's published. I did it because the guy that suggested that I could do it was 100% right. It makes me laugh. People are extremely funny. Their first decision is skepticism and a demand that you prove it to them before they will believe.  But my goal was to take that attitude and serve up an excrement sandwich for them to eat once it's all too late. You see, I'm using human nature as a weapon against itself. People are so predictable. It's better to suffer together rather than to be seen as an outsider. So the lemmings get squished under the bus before they jump over the cliff. Same difference. Same result.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


There are many methods that provide a good income constantly. You just have to play using your head!
