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Do anybody has any winning system in this forum or all damn losers ?

Started by munirchittagong, Dec 18, 02:32 PM 2020

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You can not win with systems or predictions, because there is always a counter sequence. There is no reason for numbers to not come up that you are not betting on.

(Maybe) Sometimes you can influence the results using psychic abilities. Maybe, but not enough to profit.


What do u think of a series of 5 vídeos uploaded on youtube by a guy called casino hacker, he always does the same 2 bets in evolution live roulette, first bet to a color to double his balance and 2nd bet all his balance to only 1 number,in the five videos he wins between 13000 - 15000 dollars in a minute....


I rewrite this under correct topic since some one ask about my last post.
Please check this out. Its really working and you can test your numbers before play.

Now you have a better knowledge about roulette numbers and it opposite numbers: example 2-14, 25-31, 28-36 etc.
Method Example: If you see number 14 count next 2 number from 14 to select the bet number and keep count to 13 and bet on 14th number. I just take 14 and 2 example you can use any number set except 23,26,32,24,5,10,0)
Example: If 8,14,4,1,5,10,5,7,13,23,15,7,34,9,6,34,12,11,20,19,0,18,
see 14, count 2 from it it is 1 then wait for 13 numbers from 14 then bet for 1 and its its neighbors, opposite, back and forward etc as follows: 1's bet: 20,1,33,4,0,36,2 and (1 USD for last number + 50% as a insurance for 0,5,10)
After 13 count mean after 6 in above example; you start to bet above numbers then within next 4 spins you can see one of that number. Use USD 1 per number, with progression. 10,20,30,40 (USD 100.00)
Golden Rule: If you make your bank roll double stop the game for min 60 minutes. (If start with USD 100 and when its come to USD200.00 stop the game for 60 minutes)
There are some other rules you will use to know when play.
If anybody can please make the software for this system. 


The only person who has a winner system is the owner of the casino.
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned

holy roller

You said,

Tried. Interesting at the begging. But it the loser at the end as usual.

You are 100% correct. If you stay until you lose it all you will always be a loser at the end..... AS USUAL.

If your mindset is to break the casino every trip then you will be the only one broken.

Trying to make one fortune instead of taking your winnings and running is foolishness.

And why would I tell someone how I play on here when their very first post was an angry hate filled tirade?

You are the LAST person I would want to help. So I won't.


Please note this system is related to European Roulette only. Some guys send me numbers related to American Roulette.
Sorry this system only for ER.
Note: As I said there are lot of other rules to apply when you play this. Play slow and limit the bank roll as I said. Also send me any loss series where I would like to recommend how to avoid that loss next time. Also I never seen any loss in my tests..... 


Visual Ballistics....good for predictions after the spin, but inpractical in the casino enviornment as used traditionally. Can be very effective under certain conditions.
Wheel Mapping...a method i devised years ago, has treated me right for over 10 years now. Bets can be made after ball spin. Highly accurate. Suitable only for one wheel and one ball size per session. Also effective on automated  wheels.
Mechanical Bet Selection....another method i devised years ago. Bets can be placed before the spin. A statistical advantage can be gained which is quit significant. Bets are determined using previous spin data. Very easy for begginners and very effective.
Money Management...sounds crazy, but a great  money management strategy can be the most effective method to beat the wheel. Each spin is subject to a statistical average, and the astute player can use this to their advantage with the proper wage management system in place.
.....I have been a roulette dealer on the MS Gulf Coast for over 15 years and an advantage player for just as long. I have seen it all and tried it all. All of my methods are based on my experience as a dealer, and my unique view of the game from the other  side of the table. If you are interested in learning about my methods, message me. I would be glad to help. good luck


When studying a wheel and trying to determine drop point, all you need is 3 points of reference. These three points of reference will take into account all of the factors which will determine the drop point of the ball. If you can name it, it will be taken into account.
Next, you must have a method not only for prediction, but also for bet placement. As a dealer, i have very quick hands. I have been dealing roulette and craps for over 15 years, however, this isnt necessary for placing bets very quickly mid spin. There are many methods one can use to bet faster and more efficiently. One such method is something i came up with years ago which i like to call "pinch betting". Any method for increased betting speed is crucial to your success as a player, as knowing where the ball will drop means nothing if you dont have time to place the winning bet.
As to the three points of reference needed for an accurate prediction, at least in the method i use, these points can vary. There are a number of things which have an effect on the outcome of the ball drop, and some of the most important of these includes: wheel speed, ball speed, launch point, ball size, the ball track itself, and one of the most important factors....the dealer.
Dealer signature is has a very profound effect on each and every spin, in more ways than one.
Now, three points of reference can refer to a combination of the factors i just mentioned, but two of the most important are the speeds of the wheel and the ball. If using the speed of the ball, then three reference spins can produce an accurate prediction, however, this number can be lowered to merely two if you incorporate the speed of the wheel.
The speed of the wheel, along with all other factors, can be taken into account automatically from spin to spin by merely correctly referencing three rotations of the ball. That being said, choosing your dealer can also eliminate the need for additional calculations. This is done by choosing a dealer with a strong signature. One who doesnt alternate his spins often. A common launch point can prove very useful, and even more useful than that is a common wheel speed. In this regard, the wheel you choose could also be of the utmost importance.
The speed at which the wheel slows after it is pushed by the dealer is going to vary from wheel to wheel. Choosing a wheel with a very slow rate of deceleration and coupled with a dealer who re spins the wheel infrequently and launches from the same point in the ball track consistently, can provide all of the advantage you need. Now you simply must not the average speed of the wheel using previous spins, and now you only have to reference 2 spins in order to obtain an acurate prediction.
These sorts of things must be taken into consideration when employing your advantage play strategy, as the speed in which you make your predictions coupled with the speed in which you place your bets, will be the greatest determining factors to your success. This is of course provided that you have a solid method of predicting ball drop.
There are so many more factors than just your prediction skills which effect the outcome of your play,so be sure to always take them into account. beating the wheel isnt just a single strategy, it is a skillset and a total method, incorporating multiple factors to increase your edge. It must be treated as a job. This is the only way i have found to beat the house, and once you master it, it will be second nature. Like breathing. Anyone can do it.


You know what I understood - in order not to be a loser in roulette, you need to be able to stop in time. For example, you won - and that's it, stop! No need to try to magnify, double, triple. You don't have to be driven by your greed. because then you screw up the whole bankroll
Don't believe in the me that believe in you, don't believe in the you that believes in me, believe in yourself who believes in you!


I'd say those who we are actually winning get feed up with the usual junk feed on the forums ..


Arthur Lambert

Hello, I am a newbie and have not tried to play here yet  :-\


I have a winning system, but its not roulette:) 2000 procent gain in 4 years, plus i have proof. dm me.
