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Started by nottophammer, Mar 23, 04:54 PM 2022

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Days I’ve been thinking about this, whether to post or not.
The so-called mighty West abandoned you. They could see the Russians building up troops close to your borders and took little action if any.
Did the western countries and their leaders learn nothing from WW2?
What did Adolf do in 1941? He amassed 3000000 soldiers and tanks and heavy armaments along the soviet border. From the Baltic Sea to the black sea. If you look at a documentary about the, rise and fall of the Nazis. It shows operation Barbarossa. A proposed 3 prong attack on 3 Russian cities, the hardest would possibly been Moscow.
So, why did the West, its NATO & UN do nothing? Oh yeah after heavy bombing and 3 hospitals blown up in 24hours, they said let’s apply sanctions. What a crock of shite that is. Will take too long. 
The mighty Ukrainians are holding Putin back and well done those brave soldiers and ordinary citizens.
Yesterday, hear Belarus is going to send 40000 soldiers to make up those Russians lost.
Now talk of dirty weapons, like chemical weapons.
If the chickens of the West; USA, UK, THE CRAP HOLE THE EU, CANADA, AUS, THE LIST GOES ON. Deploy tanks and troops, plus heavy armaments on the Ukraine borders, like Adolf did perhaps wanker Putin will think about what he’s doing. Sounds like Iraqi, when Saddam Hussain sent over chemical bombs and what did the West do? Probably a bit more as oil fields; other wise they’d done nothing, like they have to Ukraine.
Look forward to comments, probably all negative. 
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educate yourself  :twisted:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


This is not like WWII, because now there is the risk that if NATO become involved things will escalate and become MUCH worse. In the worst case nuclear weapons will be deployed. The west is doing the right thing by limiting itself to supplying arms and aid. Nobody wants WWIII


Today Ukraine president asks for tanks, said if not going to send them, then Ukraine will buy them.
Biden, Johnson have spoken; but NATO is not getting involved unless Putin uses chemical weapons.
Now if that happens the west are behind, they should have done what dear old Adolf did; put troops and weaponry on the borders. Then they’d be in position.
As usual the west will be late to the party, leaving the Ukrainians to fight by themselves.
You really think it would go nuclear?

algojack at least you have  commented
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Jack, just heard there are some units in eastern Europe going to in crease to 8 units. Listen to protect borders of Poland and other eastern countries. So, why did they not do that for Ukraine.
Also just heard on TV the department store Next are going to put up their prices; guess why, the war in Ukraine. How many other business will jump on the band waggon?
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Hi guys!
This is from Poland guy report of this War. I live in Warsaw capital of Poland. I'm 42 years old, alone father living with my 14 years old son. Poland is prepared for war but this war will not come to our contry directly. This war is in our country from 2014 when Russia grab Crimea and invade Ukraine first time. 2 million Ukrainians left Ukraine and come here to live, work and find a peace. Now when Russia invade Ukrainian second time a month ago another 3 million Ukrainian girls, womens, elders and children escaped from War to our great country. 3 millions people! In Poland lives 36 million Poles so now we are Poland - Ukraine country. They are living with us in our homes, apartments. We share all activities with our Ukrainian neighbours, we share with money, work, our peace. I dont know how our country is shown in your media like internet or TV.
I have 2 homes - so one of them i gave to Ukrainian family - mother with 2 childs (8 months girl and 11 year old boy) - their father is fighting in Charkov. Soon i will take to this house another mother with children. My son's school takes Ukrainian children to class to study with Polish kids like thousands another polish schools. Our government give free money to every single Ukrainian but they want to work and assimilate in our country. Poland is not very rich country but we know what WAR is, so we do what we can for Ukraine. Our neighbours are Germany and Russia so from hundreds years we fight for our freedom.
Now when new war comes to Europe not beauty words but actions show us who is our allie and who is against Poland. Europe is divided with two powers - Russia and Free Europe. Free Europe which one wants freedom for civil, honour and strength.
United States and Great Britain are with Free Europe - they are giving Ukraine and Poland intelligence, satelittes and all informations about Russian armys. They support Ukrainian army, Polish government. We are proud with US nad UK. But shadows show us that Germany are closer to Russia than Free Europe. They doesn't want to help Ukrainian army, they want trade with Russia and become more rich. France, Belgium, Hungary (we thought that is our great allie) are traitors - they stand with Russia. They trade with Russia and support Putin's army with money from trades. When new war comes and China will eat Taiwan Europe will be divided. We Polish people know how to predict wars - and we know that Russia will be stronger after that sanctions. Russian people are very hard people - they can be poor, they can be ruled by tyranny but they want have strong army - not with new tehcnology, but countless.

The world will not be the same as it used to be. We know it and we know IT comes. Only United Europe can stop bad times but Europe is NOT United. Part of Europe wants $ instead of peace and honour. It is time to understand that $ is nothing without peace, freedom, strenght and honour.


My opening reply was comparing what Hitler managed to do in 1941. He had an army with tanks and heavy armaments along the Russian border. That was Baltic Sea to black sea.
Now the West or NATO if you want knew what Putin was doing, building his soldiers and weaponry near to Ukraine. Now it’s 2022; they could easily have the Ukraine borders protected. Surely its easy to move equipment today than in 1941.   
I don’t suppose it would have stopped Putin, but the shelling might not be so heavy. Plus, the support for the Ukraine army would be better. The tanks the president asking for would have been there.
Good luck to you in Poland.
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Quote from: Smoczoor on Mar 26, 08:30 AM 2022
Hi guys!
This is from Poland guy report of this War. I live in Warsaw capital of Poland
Now when new war comes to Europe not beauty words but actions show us who is our allie and who is against Poland
Good luck to you in Poland......................greeting from Croatia



Here we are in 2025 and still Putin is at it.
He's sailing up and down UK waters testing the water, JOKE.
So, when is the west going to, I mean really help Ukraine.
How many more hospitals are the west going to let get blown up and other infrastructure.

What is the Don, Don Trump going to do? Oh yeah sanctions.

Just get on with it and finish it one way or the other.
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What do you suppose would happen if Ukraine surrendered?
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