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Started by SWEET, Sep 17, 10:22 AM 2023

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Hi friends, this already a stale topic, but I post for those yet to understand, how to bet 16numbers of pies and stars numbers in matrix.

stringbeanpc said Nov 28, 2013...

Something I notice is when the spins are arranged in rows of 6 is that
the frequency of total pies/stars represented per row resembles a bell curve.

Example, find a group of about 600 spins and organize them into rows
of 6 spins each.

For each row of 6 spins

1) Most frequent are rows with a total of four separate pies
2) Next with approximate equal frequency is rows with either three or
five separate pies
3) Next, but with much lower frequency is a rows with either two or
six separate pies
4) Lastly, very rare is to have rows with only one pie represented

I notice approximately the same statistics with the stars.
and Kimo AGREED with the finding of stringbeanpc,
see below.

KimoLiRoulette said Nov 28, 2013
Hi Stringbeanpc,

You are on the right path. Consistency is in line with the law of
averages and probability.

Kimo Li
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


stringbeanpc said Dec 02, 2013

Here is some of my analysis from a set of 1200 European spins (200
rows of 6) with the green zero removed

Rows with 4 pies = 105
Rows with 3 or 5 pies = 38 & 51 respectively
Rows with 2 or 6 pies = 4 & 2 respectively
Rows with only 1 pie = 0
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


thoug it just a small sample, the most important hypothesis, is...

Rows with 4 pies = 105
Rows  5 pies = 51 .

Rows with 6 pies =  2


approximately 2/3.

thus we track 4hit in 5spins, that has independent pies and stars, and bet 16numbers only, hoping that both pies and star will stay 4hit/6spins
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


we could also bet only 20numbers, if pies has 5hit/5spin and stars has 4/5spins, (or vice versa)...

Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


stringbeanpc said Dec 02, 2013

Here is some of my analysis from a set of 1200 European spins (200
rows of 6) with the green zero removed

Rows with 4 pies = 105
Rows with 3 or 5 pies = 38 & 51 respectively
Rows with 2 or 6 pies = 4 & 2 respectively
Rows with only 1 pie = 0

think hard!

Rows with 3 or 5 pies/stars = 38 & 51 respectively

Rows with 2 or 6 pies/stars = 4 & 2 respectively

Rows with only 1 pie/star = almost 0.

you think in term of pies/stars combination.

Lets say, after 5spins, theres only 1pie/star hit, then how you bet the risk that POSSIBLITY, 6/37, of losing?
How about only 2pies/stars hit after 5spins???
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


you bet only the numbers that overlap by the horizontal/ vertical pies/stars...

we bet the possibilities, of both pies/ stars high probabilities of hit.

eg, all six pies and all six stars hit in next 6spins, has low probabilities.

only 1pie and only 1star hit in next 6spin, has low probabilities.

only 2pies and 2stars to hit in next 6spins, has low probabilities, thus how to bet?
The RISK, still there.
Cover the zero, in long term, everything, will hit math expectation!
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


You cant find those Stringbeanpc and Kimo Li conversations, Kimo Li had erase them since Stringbeanpc had inadvertently disclose the core math probabilities...
I copied them 10years ago, and only now understand ...
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


you can bet pies and stars in form of PINWHEELS..

you need two pinwheels.

one for pies and one for stars.
then OVERLAP...

Now, you understand, how Kimo Li walk to a table, bet straight away, by just looking at past few previous spins, as he said, "THE EVENT IS THERE!
But people just not see them..."
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


how to bet the pinwheel?

Kimo Li wont tell..

His students wont tell...

People who understand wont tell...

I tell....

it has 1/27 odd of losing....
Everything I post here, already STALE since roulette invented, I just keen to discuss...


very very surprised thats theres no interest in this...


Can you help me understand where the probability of losing only 1/27 comes from? Thank you


Kimo Li's pies and stars matrix for the reference  :thumbsup: 


why bother with a picture just use the real thing by crystal



I bothered with the picture because I didn't know a tracker existed.
Thank you for sharing. Beautiful visual layouts.
