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Boost Your Self-Esteem by Priyanka Gupta

Started by praline, Jul 23, 07:44 AM 2024

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What should I do?

Forget and live my live.
Post private info and go to jail were I will have plenty of time to continue with my roulette studies.
Continue my roulette journey
None of the above
Post private info without going to jail


Good Day To All forumers!

To anticipate the false hope that the reader can possibly construct in his mind, I feel obligated to put a disclaimer and the explanation for the disclaimer :twisted:


I've put a lot of work and sacrificed a lot of life moments during my roulette journey based on inputs made by Priyanka and RRBB, as a lot of us.
But, unfortunately I couldn't achieve the main target, finding the Holly Grail.
Maybe, because I don't deserve it or maybe due to misconceptions and false hopes given by those who I believed were talking truth.

This is a brief introduction to the first and last edition of my book entirely dedicated to Priyanka and RRBB.

The release date is programmed for tomorrow (or not), exactly at "whenever I want" o'clock.

The reason for this creature is enormous respect for ALL fellas I worked with in the endless years of my journey, most of them deserve the HG grail more than whoever in this world.
As i anticipated earlier, there were a lot of contradictions in P and R letters to the world, that are there just to confuse those who in their (P and R's) undisputable opinion dont deserve the opportunity equal to what they got from Dyk.

So now we have an Indian young computer science engineer and programmer.


not so young Spanish fella, who studied chemistry and ended as EU patent attorney.

Both have a good life, acchived by hard work and none of them need "roulette money" to travel the world, do charity or help their families.

Unfortunately not all have equal possibilities and opportunities, and even if you are smart you will end in the trash bin just because you are honest.

I tried to contact both of them directly in the real life with zero degree of success, maybe because i wasn't too sceptical when they posted on forum and I didn't used social engineering techniques to get their attention,
I hoped that my hard work will be noticed and rewarded...yeah I didnt knew at that time that the world works differently :wink:  and nobody gives a Duck if you are good and honest person :girl_to:

RRBB told me that he isn't rrbb and he will call the cops if I will write him again. So no more Amsterdam coffee-shops for me, I guess >:D

Priyanka completely ignored my messages. Don't know if there are some restrictions in California on writing people through Instagram O0

So I'm kinda feel used... It's true that they don't owe me nothing, and it was my choice to follow their writings.
On the other hand I never demanded the solution, but asked for directions or at least to look at what I'm doing and save me a couple of years of my not infinite life.

What do you think guys?
What will be the most reasonable pass to follow?
Should I collect and post all FREELY AVAILABLE information on R and P?

Thanks for reading, and for your future inputs.

I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Just thinking out loud, as someone would say...

Instagram: paartygoat

Could just theoretically Priyanka be

Pinky Varambally?
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Could she possibly have 2 dogs, 2 daughters and 1 husband (jonbwell, Instagram)?
Don't know, but from what Priyanka wrote and posted on this and bet selection forum, it just might be her...
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


I think it can be proven by those who read and made "a lot of interactions" between Priyanka's posts, if not, my proof is about to come.
And after, we can freely discuss about posts from rrbb/reddwarf and his life achievements, of course based only on what they have posted on the internet and not more.
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


why do you want know Pryanka contact? The problem are the puzzle strategies where is hard decipher it.RRBB and reddwarf too gave us some good tips but ever with enigms.Maybe there are no users at forum can have found a profitable way. :twisted:


I don't want to know it, I already know it. Including names of her dogs.

There was a post from Priyanka about 9% edge, using quads cycles and betting only for cl 2 and cl 3, betting the one that closes "cycle length cycle".
I decoded it completely, programmed it in Rx. And it failed.
Btw there is no vdw in that strategy. Unless you consider Priyanka's post saying that : " if you carefully noticed, vdw is nothing, but betting the dominant".

The question I want the answer to is the following:

Did I spent ~ 8 years of my life on nothing, or it's just me that is plain stupid?
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


And another quote from Priyanka, as I remember it:

"I contacted several members here on this forum, explaining full mechanical system, unfortunately no-one could understand it.."

I'm not sure if this is referred to the chat with roulette ghost, tomla and bigez about stats on defining element, but if it does, she definitely choosed the wrong people to share.
In the end they spread the copy of that chat around the forum, cutting out things that could help others decipher the system, just because they couldn't.
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


We can go further and see if

 Preethi Varambally

can give us more inputs in our roulette journey...

I understand that working in California for VMware, might be frustrating, but hey, roulette is also frustrating, isn't it?
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


You will be amazed on how many attempts to hack into my internet accounts where made, after I contacted Preethi and her husband. Btw her husband makes money by borrowing €€$$$ to African people!
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


I don't have TheHolyGrail.


As David would say:

"You never know where all this sharing can lead..."
I don't have TheHolyGrail.


Interesting Praline. Trying revive dying forum like in the good old days.

Keep posting.  :thumbsup:


Dyslexic was other user at forum that too said have a system where guaranntee have least one repetition at 37 spins and it is profitable at each 37 spins cycle.Him too gave some tips but too hard deciprhe. ;D


Rrbb, told that he made it with help of dyksexlic
I don't have TheHolyGrail.

Tobacco Vanille

Continue your roulette journey, what have you got to lose at this stage?

Some of us spent years reading all the 'gurus' of roulette. My saving grace was that I always had a healthy dose of skepticism for the likes of Pryanka and Turbogenius etc... and didn't invest in their ideas 100% at the expense of my own thoughts.

Something to consider is that people who have beaten the games in one shape or another are well documented in books, papers and T.V. movies etc... Then we have the internet where there are shadowy characters who claim they never lose a session or as you say above possess a 9% edge on roulette. If someone wasn't so engrossed in it all, they might take a step back and ask how can a lot of these claims be credible.

My 100% honest opinion and I am not afraid to include myself in this is that most of us were lead up the garden path and we were gullible and naive enough to believe a lot of what was spouted. But that's a learning experience and you can use that to your advantage because you can then see what can't really work and why it can't work. You can then also see what might work and where you should be looking. What I mean by that is you have to simplify things. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to beat roulette, you just need to be practical and think about what is going to be the easiest way to beat the game and then you can slightly expand on it if you want to.

My advice to you (Praline) is sincere. I think we have exchanged messages in the past. I was Bally6354 on Vic's betselection forum. I learned to beat Baccarat (took me a few years) then this year I converted that to the dozens in roulette. The 2/1 payout really gives some scope. But that's it! I know I can't go any further than that and so I am at peace now and content with all my years of toil. I would wish it for you as well and all the other long-time researchers but I know it's difficult because I still read the different forums and all the long time posters and a lot of them could never just scrap everything they ever believed in and start from scratch again. Their ego wouldn't allow for it.

Anyway, peace and out.
