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Started by MoneyT101, Aug 04, 05:31 PM 2024

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I'm bored and I want to bury that other topic

I remember a couple of years ago there was a discussion between Steve, the general, priyanka and rrbb.  Steve kept insisting that the only way to win was to increase the accuracy of your prediction. I think it all started in random thoughts and then moved over to a new topic.  Maybe one of you guys can post it here for anyone that hasn't read it.

I know this question might sound stupid lol; but understand what I'm really asking you.

Is predicting the number the only way to win in roulette? 

Obviously you need to pick the right number/group to win, I know that and it's not what I'm really asking.

I'm talking more about the approach.  Do I really need to predict to win or is there another way?!

I would like to get your personal thoughts, let's chat...
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole

Tobacco Vanille

The approach to how you predict will undoubtedly decide how successful you are. I see it as a game where you gather as much information as you can and then you need to decide how to use that information and what preference you give to certain parts of it.

Is it any different in any other type of betting venture? You weigh up all the info at your disposal and then make your best guess.

Pryanka talked about not letting the 'law of large numbers' catch up with you. I think she mentioned about switching between streams was the way to go. I can vouch for that one. What I have found is that by stitching different streams together is a great way to help you prolong a winning streak because it can give you more clarity amongst the randomness of it all.

I am sure there are different ways to go about it and obviously we don't need to get every decision correct to be a long term winner. We just need to be consistent with our processes and trust in them because we can't always expect a smooth ride.


Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Aug 04, 09:23 PM 2024Hi, I believe that if we combine 2 or more partitions (DS, DZ, EC) intelligently to attack a dz cycle or a Ds cycle we can create some advantage. But I haven't been able to do that yet. I believe the secret is that it can't be anything static, but rather something mobile that changes according to what's happening in the cycle.

Priyanka, I shared in the Random Thoughts thread that the dozen that closed the previous cycle will close the current cycle by an average of 62%. This is always using the last DZ of the cycle as the first of the current cycle.

In a test with a flat bet, I waited to close the first cycle and bet flat on the DZ that closed the previous cycle until the current cycle closed. And I restarted the attack with the dz of the second cycle and did this for 81 spins. It reached -14 and returned to +1.

This is certainly not a winning attack, but I believe we can use this combined with something to make an effective attack.

I just wanted to share it to see if any ideas come up here.

Yes it's true the percentage is high but the problem is the losses per cycle when you don't win on the first spin. Because the data is conditional.

Under the condition of a repeat of a dozen.. the one that starts the cycle ends it at a high percentage. But this doesn't account for the fact that sometimes you have -1,-2 per cycle.

Your real problem are these losses being accumulated.  This kind of betting is considered the waiting game and it will fail.
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Exactly Money, I'm trying to solve this problem but still no success!
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett


And regarding your topic, I think I understand the point you are trying to make.

We don't need to predict the exact number or group that will come next, but we need to know what is bound to happen and have a plan to exploit that.
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett


Quote from: Tobacco Vanille on Aug 04, 08:41 PM 2024The approach to how you predict will undoubtedly decide how successful you are. I see it as a game where you gather as much information as you can and then you need to decide how to use that information and what preference you give to certain parts of it.

Yes very true! The better you understand the game you are playing the more you learn.  PRI said to break the game down. This is where you find what you need and what you don't need.

Quote from: Tobacco Vanille on Aug 04, 08:41 PM 2024Pryanka talked about not letting the 'law of large numbers' catch up with you. I think she mentioned about switching between streams was the way to go. I can vouch for that one. What I have found is that by stitching different streams together is a great way to help you prolong a winning streak because it can give you more clarity amongst the randomness of it all.

Glad to hear you found a way to make it work for you.  It sounds like you are combining streams across the board.  Good strategy!

Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Aug 04, 11:41 PM 2024Exactly Money, I'm trying to solve this problem but still no success!

Look at what tobacco is doing.  He has found a way to remove some prediction out of the game.

Quote from: Rond1nell1x on Aug 04, 11:44 PM 2024but we need to know what is bound to happen and have a plan to exploit that.

Is that even possible? Do you have any ideas?

Remember this game isn't infinite. Well it can be depending how you look at it I guess lol.  But just by the fact that a number has to repeat it makes the game finite
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


I haven't found any effective betting plan.
Stitching the flows is the way to go, but I haven't found it yet.
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett


Can I help you, I know I'm not in good standing here but it doesn't matter. If we know that roulette is random and that the history of the numbers means nothing, then how do we play? Let's take for example any three numbers, one number in each third ( 5, 13, 32 ) and play all day with those three numbers, the result will be no worse than any better system, you will thank me later.


Thanks for trying to help @MumboJumbo

But I don't see where playing any 3 numbers will be better than any other system.

I took these 3 numbers in your example and simulated them in a test result here:

In 30 spins there was 1 hit: debt of -54
In 100 spins there was 4 hits: debt of -156
In 300 spins there was 18 hits: debt of -252

Maybe you wanted to show something else that I didn't see!!!
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett


Why don't you just try testing for real money on real roulette, the simulations don't work for me, try playing 100 spins for real money and show me the result, you can't lose much. Here, give me the three numbers you want and I will play them for real money 100 times and show you the result.


I think theres definitely something to the below post by alexlaf in the other thread- posting here so we can keep the discussion going! What I dont really get is the minus and plus of these numbers- not sure if thats losses or betting amounts?



A. I bet on all previous unique numbers
B. I add a second Result stream, the opposite from A, but shifted 1 spin:

A. -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, +30
B.  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -30

A is a losing proposition, B is a losing proposition. However, combined they give a winning system (when we have a repeat we break even at least)

We now also know that the A and B "systems" must be interwoven: at any time, we can NOT create 2 bets that totally separate A and B!
example to illustrate this concept: bet on number 1, and on low. when 1 hit, we have the proceeds of 1 AND the low, so A consists of the low bets, however, when 1 does not hit, but low hits, the low acts like the B system. Again, this is just an example to illustrate the interwovenness of A and B. There is now way we can split the two bets in the above example into A and B. They are a unity
What also should become clear: It could just occur that we MUST bet all numbers on the table!


@MumboJumbo I'm sorry but I don't see how failing the tests will work out in real play.
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett


It seems that we do not understand each other, you are testing the system in an unreliable way, I am talking about real roulette in real time.
Here is my test for the numbers 5, 13, 32 (103 spins)

Speed ��Auto Roulette evolution gaming
dated 15.8.2024 at 15.00

first number ~ 12,27,23,12,15,2,23,0,36,26
29,5,12 ~ the last number

Account balance $1000
bet $1 per number
103 spins
$309 invested
hit 10 numbers
earnings 360-309= $51
new balance after 103 spins $1051


I understand. You will succeed with this attack more than 90% of the time, the problem is when you fail, you will be caught by the law of large numbers.

I don't remember where I read it, but I did several tests and was surprised by the result of a simple attack. (bet on the numbers as they appear)

The number 12 comes up, bet on 12, the next is 25, bet on 12 and 25. For each number that appears, place a chip on it.

At some point you will be in profit up to 37 spins.
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett
