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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Started by F_LAT_INO, Jun 25, 03:19 PM 2010

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Can you give me an example of how you keep your written record please ?

As in number sector doz/col = numbers to bet

Flat said I'm writtin too much info, but I'm confused as to howelse to write it  ???

Any help would be muchly appreciated

I think Flat fell asleep after his football match  :D (joke Flate)  :)
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on Nov 04, 04:21 AM 2010

Can you give me an example of how you keep your written record please ?

As in number sector doz/col = numbers to bet

Flat said I'm writtin too much info, but I'm confused as to howelse to write it  ???

Any help would be muchly appreciated

I think Flat fell asleep after his football match  :D (joke Flate)  :)

sorry to get in the way.

my sugestion is:

in a land casino
get one of those papers they offer
write down this square


after a number is spun write it down followed by his (easy to get) sector.
17-(go to the tiny square...2nd dozzen=2ndRow...2nd column=2ndLine) - 5
11- 2
34- 7
Got it?
you have already all nine sectors marked down you start getting the 4 different furthest
ex 2786 - it qualifies because it hits each and every ROW and LINE of owr tiny square.

This is how i do it without writing too much.

Hope it helps


Alberto Jonas


Quote from: albertojonas on Nov 04, 04:58 AM 2010
sorry to get in the way.

my sugestion is:

in a land casino
get one of those papers they offer
write down this square


after a number is spun write it down followed by his (easy to get) sector.
17-(go to the tiny square...2nd dozzen=2ndRow...2nd column=2ndLine) - 5
11- 2
34- 7
Got it?
you have already all nine sectors marked down you start getting the 4 different furthest
ex 2786 - it qualifies because it hits each and every ROW and LINE of owr tiny square.

This is how I do it without writing too much.

Hope it helps


Alberto Jonas

Thanx Albert, that really helped  :thumbsup: !
Its Set In Stone =)


Okkk just done a quick session:

42 Spins and ended up +152

Most bets won on the first spin

All but one spin won on the second spin

Just one bet needed to go to the third spin, and won

Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on Nov 04, 07:02 AM 2010

thanks Albert, that really helped  :thumbsup: !

Thanks Alberto,

The only thing I do differently is that I don't write the spun number down, just the sectors.

The other thing that helps is to erase crossed off sectors so only the live sectors are showing.  This makes finding the 4 furthest much quicker.  Since I will be playing at an airball machine, I can have all the papers or props I want and nobody cares.  If I just cross off dead sectors, it gets hard to pick out the live ones.

The trigger you are using is the original trigger which is safer than Flat's more recent trigger which gives more bets.

Original trigger:  The 4 sectors must include all 3 dozens and all 3 columns.

New trigger:  The 4 sectors must include all 3 dozens but not all 3 columns.  But, no column can have all 3 sectors covered.

In other words, if sectors 1-5-6-9 are furthest back we can bet because 1-5-9 cover the 3 dozens but no column has more than 2 sectors covered.

If sectors 1-4-6-7 are furthest back, we can not bet because 1-4-7 cover the 3 dozens but they are all in the same column.  No bet.

I looks like the hit rate for the 1st or 2nd spin after a trigger is pretty high.  Maybe we should look at only betting 1 or 2 times for each new trigger thereby missing some of the longer losing streaks before a hit.  This might also limit the number of bets-per-hour, but if the hit-to-bet ratio goes up, it's worth it.

We know that we can still get 4-5 or 6 losses in a row either way, but which is most effective?

I am being buried alive with work so I won't be able to post as much as I'd like for a few days.

You guys are carrying the ball so I'll fade into the background for a while unless I have a thought or answer to a question.

Good work,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Before you start on the air ball macn.George
then don't bet 4 furthest/cause you might get bored
of waiting periods/--but bet last 4 sectors hit--regardles
of where these might be,---with same progression.
You will be KO out with some zeros/automatic every spin bet/
but you will hardly ever have 5-6 progress hands,and plenty of winning streaks.
This is for Air ball only.BTW-lost my initial BR-240-on Dublin today.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Nov 04, 01:23 PM 2010
Before you start on the air ball macn.George
then don't bet 4 furthest/cause you might get bored
of waiting periods/--but bet last 4 sectors hit--regardles
of where these might be,---with same progression.
You will be KO out with some zeros/automatic every spin bet/
but you will hardly ever have 5-6 progress hands,and plenty of winning streaks.
This is for Air ball only.by the way-lost my initial BR-240-on Dublin today.

Flat when you say bet last 4 sectors regardless of where these might be.........do you mean any mix of doz/col ?
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on Nov 04, 01:28 PM 2010
Flat when you say bet last 4 sectors regardless of where these might be.........do you mean any mix of doz/col ?

Means last 4 hit sectors,exp;

sectors outcomes;

2----bet same
9----bet last 4
5----bet last 4------and so on

For this you don't need a spreadsheet,pencil
as you have a visual control.
Here no bet only when 3 of the last 4 sectors
are in the same doz/col.
Same effect as other bet,but no long wait periods
andquicker profit.

BTW---only for Air ball,these rules.
You can always get me on  


OK thanx Flat  :thumbsup:

I will test some more 2morrow  :)
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Nov 04, 02:00 PM 2010
Means last 4 hit sectors,exp;

sectors outcomes;

2----bet same
9----bet last 4
5----bet last 4------and so on

For this you don't need a spreadsheet,pencil
as you have a visual control.
Here no bet only when 3 of the last 4 sectors
are in the same doz/col.
Same effect as other bet,but no long wait periods
andquicker profit.

by the way---only for Air ball,these rules.

WHATS the difference between air ball and the real deal?


Quote from: warrior on Nov 04, 02:58 PM 2010
what's the difference between air ball and the real deal?

Cause from my observance playing air ball last few days.
Its apparent it repeats sectors very often,exmp;

1-10-4.........especially these 3 sectors.

Thts on this ABM I'm playing,maybe others behave diff.....
should be observed while playing.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Nov 04, 03:19 PM 2010
Cause from my observance playing air ball last few days.
Its apparent it repeats sectors very often,exmp;

1-10-4.........especially these 3 sectors.

Thts on this ABM I'm playing,maybe others behave diff.....
should be observed while playing.
ok that answers my? never seen air ball in play thanks flat.



New bet strategy.

You may have tried it already and opted for the martingale.


A little less volatile than martingale, but with almost as good winning potential.

3 options:

1.  Bet 1-2-3-5-8-13-21.  7 steps only. If lose 8 take loss (-424) and start over.  Bet 1 step to the right on loss and go back 2 steps on a win.  Anytime at new high, start over.  Big loss rare, but big wins often.

2.  Bet 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21. 8 steps.  If lose 9 take loss (-432) and start over.  Bet 1 step to the right on a loss and go back 3 steps on a win.  Big loss more rare, but less big wins often.

3.  Bet 1-1-2-2-3-5-8-13-21.  9 Steps.  If lose 10 take loss (-448) and start over.  Bet 1 step to right on loss and go back 3 steps on a win.  Big loss very rare, but still big wins often.

Option #1 is the most aggressive.  Because 7 steps, loses a little more often, but the wins can be fantastic and should be able to stay ahead of losses by a mile.

Must have a larger bank to begin with, but should accumulate wins rapidly.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One point I forgot to make on the above progressions.

I think these should only be tested playing for 1 bet after each trigger.  Win or lose on the 1st bet after qualifying trigger, stop and wait for new betable trigger and bet 1 time.

This cuts down on long runs of losses somewhat.  It can be extended to 2 bets after each qualifying trigger. 

This needs much testing to confirm it's a better way to play.

I still think FLAT's original system is the most stable and safest way to play.

These other tweaks are for the more adventure loving players.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Nov 04, 10:14 PM 2010
One point I forgot to make on the above progressions.

I think these should only be tested playing for 1 bet after each trigger.  Win or lose on the 1st bet after qualifying trigger, stop and wait for new betable trigger and bet 1 time.

This cuts down on long runs of losses somewhat.  It can be extended to 2 bets after each qualifying trigger. 

This needs much testing to confirm it's a better way to play.

I still think FLAT's original system is the most stable and safest way to play.

These other tweaks are for the more adventure loving players.


Must agree!
...but still the "power" of the bet selection has to be optimized.
I just prefer not to mess around. Surfin' the Caos.

