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thomasgrant_2.psc and BigScript_FV-12-h.psc

Started by ThomasGrant, Jan 05, 01:37 PM 2011

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Ok, some members have been asking me about these two scripts.
So lets take a look at the first one.

uses s_utils; is used in both scripts.
This file must be in the root folder where you have the RSS.exe located.
And that is for all versions of RSS.

All my scripts are based on what Silver has done.

Universal script for bet on sleepers.

Universal script for bet on sleepers - BetVoyager.

Universal script for bet on sleepers - RTG.

I'd recommend you download all of these and see if you can understand them.
You can learn a great deal from these scripts.

So back to s_utils
Lets take a look at the functions and procedures.

procedure bet_x_on_y(xunits,yelements,chips);

This has 3 areas of concern.
That you need to understand.

Here is the first section. This will do for most playtech casinos.
for k:=7 downto 1 do begin //here we go through every chip
    if xunits>=(chips[k]*100) then begin
       x_knt:=((xunits) div (chips[k]*100));//here we check how much chips[k] we must put
       for x:=1 to x_knt do begin
         case k of

Now have a look at the slight difference there is for BV.
for k:=9 downto 1 do begin //here we go through every chip
    if xunits>=(chips[k]*100) then begin
       x_knt:=((xunits) div (chips[k]*100));//here we check how much chips[k] we must put
       for x:=1 to x_knt do begin
         case k of

Can you see the difference?
for k:=7 downto 1 do begin
for k:=9 downto 1 do begin

Plust we have added

So this is a way to modify the chips.

Now for the parts in s_utils that relate to the main script. The Elements.
This is the first area you will have to pay attention to.

for y:=0 to VarArrayHighBound(yelements,1) do begin
           case yelements[y] of

The second are is
function number_is(number, name):boolean;

This function is where you can add your own systems.
All you do is make sure you have the numbers that appear or the numbers that you want to look for in the array.

function number_is(number, name):boolean;
{check if the number is red, black ,etc.}
case name of
   'red':  if in_array(number,[1,3,5,7, 9,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,25,27,30,32,34,36]) then result:=True;
   'black':if in_array(number,[2,4,6,8,10,11,13,15,17,20,22,24,26,28,29,31,33,35]) then result:=True;
   'odd': if in_array(number,[1,3,5,7, 9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35]) then result:=True;
   'even':if in_array(number,[2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36]) then result:=True;
   'low': if in_array(number,[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18]) then result:=True;
   'high':if in_array(number,[19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36]) then result:=True;

So lets look at voisins.

case yelements[y] of

You can see in the above for Voisins.
That we have a few different bets.
We have a split bet.
A street bet.
And a corner bet.

Voisins ties up with it's counter part in s_utils
function number_is(number, name):boolean;
{check if the number is red, black ,etc.}
case name of
'voisins':  if in_array(number,[0,2,3,4,7,12,15,18,19,21,22,25,26,28,29,32,35]) then result:=True;

And you can see what numbers land for Voisins.
0,2,3 etc...

The other function in s_utils is

function in_array(i_nr,i_array):boolean;

This goes about it's business to see if the number is in the array.
You will see this in the main script.

Now for part 3.
The Elements.

{Wait for a element not to hit in "X" times, and then bet progression.
0 didn_apear - indicate how much spins the element didn't lan
1 alert - indicate how much spins we must wait for element didn't apear
2 cnt_progression - store the current number from progresiion array
3 win_coeficient - indicate how much increase the bet on winning
4 names - indicate the name of element (look at the s_utils module to get the name, or to add your own names)
5 martingale_progression - indicate the element's progression
6 cnt_elements - indicate how much same table-elements we have in the group, usuall =1 (for example we have [0,10,0,??,'groupA'[0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,9,12]
  where groupA - is the 9 singles. In this case the win_coeficient must remain 35, and the cnt_elements=9.
  So the correct will be [0,10,0,35,'groupA',[0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,9,12],9])
7 play_cnt - indicate how much times the element will play
  (-1 - the element will always play; 0 - the element will not play; 1 - the element will play only once; 2 - only 2 times; 3 - only 3 times; ...)
  (in this example: red - will play always; column1 - will play 3 times; single0-will never play; street4 - will play 1 time.)
8 will indicate how much elements we have in this row
9 the progression multiplier - how much units to bet on every elements for each progression value
10 name of group

            [[0],[5],[0], 1,['red','black','high','low','odd','even'],[0,1,2,4,8,16,32,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512],1,[-1],0,[1],'ECs'],
            [[0],[6],[0], 2,['column1','column2','column3','dozen1','dozen2','dozen3'],[0,1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47,1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47,70,105,158,237,355,533],1,[3],0,[1],'DozCol'],

            [[0],[10],[0], 5,['line1_3','line1_4'],[0,1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47,1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47,70,105,158,237,355,533],2,[3],0,[1],'2lines'],

So lets break it down.
So you can follow along and find out where problems may occur when you see the balance go out.
Silver has provided an excellent comments of the element parts.

Here is the first line.
[[0],[5],[0], 1,['red','black','high','low','odd','even'],[0,1,2,4,8,16,32,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512],1,[-1],0,[1],'ECs'],

Now lets take a look at that more closely.
Here is, broken down into separate lines, so you can understand each part of the element.

[[0], {0 didn_apear - indicate how much spins the element didn't lan}
[5], {1 alert - indicate how much spins we must wait for element didn't apear}
[0], {2 cnt_progression - store the current number from progresiion array}
1, {3 win_coeficient - indicate how much increase the bet on winning}
['red','black','high','low','odd','even'], {4 names - indicate the name of element (look at the s_utils module to get the name, or to add your own names)}
[0,1,2,4,8,16,32,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512], {5 martingale_progression - indicate the element's progression}
1, {6 cnt_elements - indicate how much same table-elements we have in the group, usuall =1 (for example we have [0,10,0,??,'groupA'[0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,9,12]
  where groupA - is the 9 singles. In this case the win_coeficient must remain 35, and the cnt_elements=9.
  So the correct will be [0,10,0,35,'groupA',[0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,7,9,12],9])}
[-1], {7 play_cnt - indicate how much times the element will play
  (-1 - the element will always play; 0 - the element will not play; 1 - the element will play only once; 2 - only 2 times; 3 - only 3 times; ...)
  (in this example: red - will play always; column1 - will play 3 times; single0-will never play; street4 - will play 1 time.)}
0, {8 will indicate how much elements we have in this row}
[1], {9 the progression multiplier - how much units to bet on every elements for each progression value}
'ECs'], {10 name of group}

Now, you see. I was having some issues with changing some of the element values.
The element values I wanted to change are
1, {1 alert - indicate how much spins we must wait for element didn't apear}
7, {7 play_cnt - indicate how much times the element will play}
9, {9 the progression multiplier - how much units to bet on every elements for each progression value}

In BigScript_FV-12-h.psc
I attempted to do just that.
But it did not work the way I wanted it to.

In BigScript_FV-12-h.psc
You can see much of my own code.
My own script.
As I have put a great deal into it.
It has the most comprehensive script components that I have learned while putting my scripts together.
In fact, it is one of the best scripts I have done.
Even though it is still not perfect.
As I have not updated it since getting Silvers new script.
The script contains the bulk of my ideas.
On things like how to save to a file.
How to save numbers to a file.
How to change the element parts. (Though not fully working.)

And so, I paid Silver to do me a new script.
One that would solve the problems I was having with the element components.


This is where the problems started.
I was having issues with the balance.
Had no idea on what was going wrong.
Or how to fix the problem with the balance.
I posted about this.
Asked Silver some questions.
But to no avail.

Then I looked into the script.
And started turning the elements of.
Trying to trace down the problem.
Then I found it.
And discovered why my balance was going out.
It all has to do with the 3 main element components.
They have to be the same.

Let me explain with Voisisn.


You can see that we have 9 chips placed on the table.


And you can see that after the progression is number 9
This tells the script that there is 9 chips being placed on the table.
Now, where I had issues with this.
Is when I used the same s_utils in BV.
Since BV no zero table has no zero.
So when it read the script.
It looked in the procedure bet_x_on_y(xunits,yelements,chips);

But these two bets were not on the table.


But it counted 9.
So the balance would start to go out of wack.

The other areas that had potential to go out of wack were
3 win_coeficient - indicate how much increase the bet on winning
6 cnt_elements - indicate how much same table-elements we have in the group, usuall =1

Now if you look at voisins
It has -1 for 3
Where as for something like Dozens
It has 2
Or streets has 11

So why is voisins -1?
Silver account for this.
In the
procedure stack_array(sa_elements; var sa_elements);
end else begin //in case we have voisins
             if in_array(last_nr,[0,2,3]) then begin
               amount:=amount+(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*11*2)-(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*7);//in case we have landed street*2
             end else begin
               if in_array(last_nr,[25,26,28,29]) then amount:=amount+(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*8*2)-(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*7)//in case we have landed corner*2
                                                  else amount:=amount+(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*17)-(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*8);//in case we have landed some split

I know it looks complicated.
But it really isn't that hard.
Once you know and understand how the script works.
And what the elements do. And how it all ties together.

As for
6 cnt_elements - indicate how much same table-elements we have in the group, usuall =1
This is for how many bets are placed on the table.
So if you have a group. Or you wish to add in a sector bet.
And it has 6 chips.
You would put 6 down in the section.

To trace down problems.
Put a red marker on the part of the code you wish to stop at.
Then I would suggest using F7 and keep pressing it.
Until you find out where the problem is.
This is what I used to solve the issues with the balance.
And the bets.

To modify the scripts.
Go ahead.
See if you can understand them.
Perhaps you may wish to start with
unit_value:=0.10; //here you need to specify values of 1 unit
This changes the bet unit for all bets.

Or change the amount or balance.
//enter the start_amount

Have a good look into these scripts.
My BigScript_FV-12-h.psc

Has many great ideas in it.
It may not be perfect.
It may contain errors.
Same as my toms_utils

I based all my ideas. Scripts. Code from what Silver has done.
I just expanded on them.
Tried to figure out how to do things.
And came up with some very innovative ideas.

Please take the time to read through the scripts.
See if you can understand them.
They will teach you a great deal about coding.

See how different my style of coding is to that of Silvers.
I try and approach things logically.
And put in many comments.
So I can keep track of what I am doing.
So does Silver.

And you will to.

If you have any further questions.
Please feel free to ask.

The above should solve many of the issues or problems you may have.
Try and trace the problem to it's source.
See what it is doing.
And why.
Then you can start to figure out what to do next.
Or how to solve the problem.

Perhaps I should do a video on how to trace and step through the script.

Hope all of that helps.


Thomas R. Grant
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Quote1, {1 alert - indicate how much spins we must wait for element didn't apear}
7, {7 play_cnt - indicate how much times the element will play}
9, {9 the progression multiplier - how much units to bet on every elements for each progression value}

In In BigScript_FV-12-h.psc
I have that as 1,5,7

procedure change_1(sa_elements; var sa_elements);{This changes the start position for each system}

procedure change_5(sa_elements; var sa_elements);{This procedure changes the bets unit}

procedure change_7(sa_elements; var sa_elements);{This procedure changes the bets unit}

To modify these.
Read how Silver did it in...

//for k_el:=0 to VarArrayHighBound(elements,1) do begin
for k_el:=0 to 1 do begin
   for k_el1:=0 to elements[k_el,8]-1 do begin

procedure change_it(ci_elements,k,k1,id; var ci_elements);

Also, you may wish to double check my toms_utils
To see if it is accurate.
I just copied what Silver did.
And added a few of my own.
Plus I capitalized all the names.
Looks neater.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


All my scripts. And all of Silvers scripts are now being transferred over to RSS Pro.
All the ideas I have. All of Silvers excellent code.
Are being coded into RSS Pro.
RSS Pro has a lot more options.
Works better than RSS.
And is more user friendly.
You can see many of my tutorials on RSS Pro.
Many more to come.
I don't use RSS much anymore.
Gone as high as I can with it.


Was the last script I did for it.
It contains the bulk of all of what I was trying to do.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*



The Idea...

The concept...

The code...

It all started way back when....
Many moons had passed since I first came in here.
Admin had just released RSS.
So I started learning how to use it.
Asked so many questions.

You see... I had this idea.

What if I could write a script that could calculate the settings for me?
And then use those settings to play with?

And so was born BigScript.
It was called this because of the amount of code that was in it.
It was very long. And very big.
Lots of if and elseif and end statements.
Had no idea about arrays at that time.
Or how to use them.
Or how to save to a file.
Or how to save numbers to a file.
Or how to do certain things.
But I just kept on asking questions.
BigScript evolved with time.
As each new version would be done.
I would learn something new.
Then I would do the next version. And so on...
BigScript V8
BigScript V12
I did these on purpose.
As I am into cars with big engines.

As I progressed.
I learned more and more.
Got the hang of procedures.
And how to use them.
Got the hang of Arrays and how to use them.
And how powerful they are.

Figured out a great deal.
How to print things.
How to save to a file.
How to save to a specific file.
How to bring up a requester so you could enter in a file name.
How to use Inc.


Has all of this and more.

Things I wanted the script to do.
Load and save files.
Load and save numbers.
Run or gather spins.
Use the spin data to calculate the settings.
Change the betting units for each element.
Let the script tell me what the frak it was doing.
With messages.
Or questions.
I had so many questions...
That they became annoying after a while.
Start to bet with the settings and bet units while playing.

Note: I also figured out...
That I could use these settings for Roulette Bot Pro.

It's another roulette tool that I use and recommend.
But many people ask me about settings for it.

So what I would do, is....
Run the script.
Get the extreme settings.
And put them into RBP.

Seems to work ok.

That was my basis.
My ideas.

I have worked towards reaching them.
Continue to modify and learn.
Add new ideas.
See what works.
Base all my code on what Silver has sent me.

Please note.
I paid Silver to write some of the scripts you see in the download section.
They are free to the members of MMM.

Thanks to all for there questions.
And support.

Thanks to MMM Admin for his help.

Thanks to Silver for all his wonderful code.
And assistance.


Get coding....


Thomas R. Grant
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


How to add your very own system/element into the script.

You need to have the EXACT same name in all 3 areas.

This is the first important part.
You got to tell it what chips to place and where.

for y:=0 to VarArrayHighBound(yelements,1) do begin
           case yelements[y] of

So lets do one.
Lets call it

'Sector 7'

So now we got to tell it what chips and where for 'Sector 7'
Since we have more than one chip.
We got to put it in between a begin and end statement.

'Sector 7':begin

Now for the other important part.
function number_is(number, name):boolean;
{check if the number is red, black ,etc.}
case name of

Here we got to tell it what numbers to look out for.
'Sector 7':  if in_array(number,[15,0,32,19,7,12,21]) then result:=True;

Can you see how the two match?
The names and numbers must be the same.

Now onto the elements.

[[0],[15],[0],35,['Sector 7'],[0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4],7,[-1],0,[1],'Sectors'],

Now notice that I have intentionally used a capital letter to point this out.
Also you may get error messages when you do this.
Because you may have a , at the end of you elements section.
Make sure this is removed if it is the last element on your list.

Things to pay attention to are in RED.
[[0],[15],[0],35,['Sector 7'],[0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4],7,[-1],0,[1],'Sectors'],

So these are the area that affect the balance and the script.
15 {How many spins for it to wait before betting on Sector 7}
35 {Since we are using singles. Each bet is worth 35/1}
7 {Sector 7 has 7 chips in the bet}
And we can turn it on or of. With [-1]

So that is how you can add your very own systems/elements to the code.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


How the script works.

This is where it places a bet.

procedure el_bet(eb_elements; var eb_elements);
          bet_x_on_y(unit_value*eb_elements[k_el,9,k_el1]*eb_elements[k_el,5,eb_elements[k_el,2,k_el1]],[eb_elements[k_el,4,k_el1]],chips);//here we bet

This counts each element or system.

procedure stack_array(sa_elements; var sa_elements);

This is where it starts to play.

while amount<wish_amount do begin

So lets look at

bet_x_on_y(unit_value*eb_elements[k_el,9,k_el1]*eb_elements[k_el,5,eb_elements[k_el,2,k_el1]],[eb_elements[k_el,4,k_el1]],chips);//here we bet

bet_x_on_y {Is the procedure in s_utils that tells it what and where to place bets on}
unit_value {is the value of the unit to bet on} $1 or what ever you wish.
eb_elements[k_el,9,k_el1] {If you recall 9 is the amount of bets placed}
eb_elements[k_el,5,eb_elements[k_el,2,k_el1]] {Here is the progressions it goes through}
[eb_elements[k_el,4,k_el1]] {This is the name of the element}
chips {The chips we use to bet on}

Easier to understand when I break it down like that. Isn't it.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Ok, so now we got to find out how find the errors with the script.
First we look at adding in a few watches.
Or things to look for in the script.

print('Start betting on '+eb_elements[k_el,4,k_el1]+'.');

We can also find information when it prints to screen.

end else amount:=amount+(unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]]*(sa_elements[k,3]-(sa_elements[k,6]-1)));//in case the red win we increase the amount
         print('Spin count - '+IntToStr(spin_count)+'. We have bet $'+FormatFloat('0.##',unit_value*sa_elements[k,9,k1]*sa_elements[k,5,sa_elements[k,2,k1]])+' on '+sa_elements[k,4,k1]+' and win.');
         if sa_elements[k,7,k1]<>-1 then sa_elements[k,7,k1]:=sa_elements[k,7,k1]-1;//we decrease the play_cnt

Look for anything that starts with print.

You can also pause the script.
Or put in a stop point.

You also may employ something like this.
bet_x_on_y(unit_value*eb_elements[k_el,9,k_el1]*eb_elements[k_el,5,eb_elements[k_el,2,k_el1]],[eb_elements[k_el,4,k_el1]],chips);//here we bet


Try and figure out where it is going wrong.
I normally put a stop point at
To see what bets have been placed down.
And to keep track of the balance.

You got to remember.
What is being bet.
How much of what is being bet.

Here is a tip.
Turn all the elements of.
Except one.
Or turn on one element at a time.
And turn the rest of.
See what element is causing the balance problem.
Then see why that element is casing the problem.
Make sure you look at how many bets are being placed down.
What the each bet is worth when it wins.

I know this may be time consuming.
But it is worth it.

To stop the change elements feature.
Just put a // before each one.
//for k_el:=0 to VarArrayHighBound(elements,1) do begin
for k_el:=0 to 1 do begin
   for k_el1:=0 to elements[k_el,8]-1 do begin
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*



I found the error.
Or errors in the script.
Told you it was something simple.
And you can overlook these things.

Now, it all has to do with Silvers s_utils
You will notice in the script.
That I have a few elements.
All of the exist in the

procedure bet_x_on_y(xunits,yelements,chips);

Not all of them are in the

function number_is(number, name):boolean;

Have a look and see for yourself.
Some of em are not there.
So bets where being placed down.
Without it telling it that the bet had won or not.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


So when you add elements to the script.
Like these.


Make sure they correspond to the s_utils.psc script.
Make sure they are in both places.

procedure bet_x_on_y(xunits,yelements,chips);
for y:=0 to VarArrayHighBound(yelements,1) do begin
           case yelements[y] of

function number_is(number, name):boolean;
{check if the number is red, black ,etc.}
case name of

'single36': if in_array(number,[36]) then result:=True;
   'tier': if in_array(number,[7,8,10,11,13,16,23,24,27,30,33,36]) then result:=True;
   //here you can add other elements

All you got to do is add in vosinis and 'orphelins'
Plus any others that may not be there.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*
