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Started by chrisbis, Jan 07, 06:45 AM 2011

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QuoteI tried to find a way how to balance loss among all the systems, but it only made things worse

yeah been there done that too, tried for example

if ANY dozen progression > 100

doz A prog = 1/3
doz b prog = 1/3
doz c prog = 1/3

by adding them all together then dividing by 3, as you noticed mr.ore, it just makes it worse, I guess as each dozen is unique and has lost x so how can x be recovered elsewhere, maybe Bayes has a formulae for something similar.

I have also tried switching if any reach for example > 100 then move it to the dozen with the least chips/progression level AND also tried if doz A > x them swap it with doz B etc it just ends up chasing the ball again, and as luck will have it, when you move the progression the dozen you moved it from lands!! more often than not.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


QuoteAny chance of me getting a look at this bot?

Theres nothing really to look at, the aim of the bot/tool is to run the game with the 3 dozen method in it, the bot is just a generic GUI with a start button and a pause/stop tick box, the pause is so you can just increment the tool one bet,spin check balance routine at a time.

I prefer to call it a tool rather than a bot, although it does everything a bot can do, or is able to do everything, when I see a method or think of a method to try, I just create a new betting file for the method in my mind and just compile the exe and run it, if the method has merit I save it in its own folder because you never know you may need that code or parts of it or the method could need some changes if something new comes to mind.

It has zero eye candy, wavey graphs, bells n whistles which all the other stuff sold on the web has, can't see a use for the eye candy, the tool just runs the method the balance tells the story, you know yourself, when roulettebot pro shows red figures and a downward graph, its depressing to see, I rather just check the balance periodicaly, you know within 10 minutes if its going to crash.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Let tool run from 15:53hrs to 19:12hrs today- I have just gone in, and switched it off.
Taken screen shot for U all.


Start Balance at 15:53 Hrs was- $5273.73
End Balance   at 19:12 Hrs is   -  $5973.93

Time played= 3Hrs 19mins

Total Profit made in 199mins(3Hrs19mins) = $700.20

Rate per minute= $3.518/min........Rate per second= $0.0586/second

Rate per hour= 3hr 19mins = 3.3166hrs

700.2 / 3.3166 = $211.10/hour (approx)


  • 24 level progression not broken in over 3 hours play.
  • Casino.com held up to play on (Fun money account) for 3 hours
  • 0.10 chip value is the way to earn the rate mention in prior posts.
  • My laptop did not stop the Bot.
  • The bot worked, and this session, never went over level 24

I'll post up the bot stats (With supermans approval) to show the highest progression level.


Looking good mate  :thumbsup:

When you testin for Real Money ?

Wonder if that RNG will rape you with plenty of Zero's. Only time and a nice BR will tell  :)
Its Set In Stone =)


Highest Progression on the 3hrs 19mins session in Reply 17:-

DOZEN A = 1, DOZEN B = 1799, DOZEN C = 2

That's level 20, on our progression list. High. Had 4 more levels remaining.  :-\

Nearly all the highest progressions where happening in the Middle Dozen- Doz B.

Full stats available if anyone wants them, and if anyone can produce me a graph, I'll pass them on to U.

Thank u in anticipation.


U mean- 'skin' me..............not much for the R word.

Not sure yet, I was hoping to build up a Ã,£3000 + BR by now

with the TippinG TooL.!  ???

Ur right only dosh and time will tell. Can't wait tho.  :-*


I highly recommend to stop NOW, before you lose it all. That system is not safe, Martingale-like systems are good only if you win your target with one hit, not for repeated play for a few units. What you are doing is pure gambling. Take your profit and leave, or at least reprogramm it so that max. bet is no more than half your profit and let it ride or even better bet half your profit on dozen in order to get max of it. Do not play this system, simulations have shown what can happen, and you are not guaranteed to survive any longer.

Now if a big bet happened, you MIGHT be safe for some spins, but please, limit your bet in order to ensure profit. You risk so much for so little every spin. If you are to make a big bet anyway, just do it now, and spare your time, or leave.

This system does not capitalize on profits, and that's really bad. If a good string of fortune is not utilized, and you only gain a bunch of small wins without going into a deep hole, than it is a wasted luck.


Maybe I misunderstood, if you play for a fun money, then continue. But it might happen that you really win, and when you switch to play for real money, you lose. It might be cheating, it might be personal permannence, it might be that fun mode uses simple rng in javascript. True RNGs and high quality pseudo RNG makes thing worse for systems, and cheating casino even more.


The 'limits' U mention are exactly what I have suggested.

The trick now is to choose where?

Also have a few other tricks up our sleeve.

mr.ore.....................can U produce a graph from our stats?

info is in this form:-

Program A 1 Program B 1799 Program C 2............db

Program A 2 Program B 1 Program C 3 ..................dc

da, db, dc = decision a or b or c

Program A = 1ST Dozen etc.........


Hmm, I don't fully understand that format of data. My program can read roulette numbers and play a coded system (each number on a separate line, no free lines without number).

If I understand, there are bet sizes for a progression, than some da,db,dc and that is for highest bet on a dozen. So you don't really bet two dozens, but only a highest one?

If you give me a file with da, db, dc, 0 each on one line, then da might be 1, db 13, dc 25 and 0 just 0, and if numbers are not used for anything, it could be used for simulation. Also I can detect win if progression in another spins is lower than in previous, but if it was max, than it could mean loss and reset or win and reset...


Why don't you save your balance every spin into a file, first number is spin, second a balance? Then you can very simply plot if with gnuplot. Decisions info can be commented with # or not present at all


0 0
# bet    (1,0,3)
# result (L,L,W)
1 5
# bet    (1,0,0)
# result (L,W,L)
2 4
3 6
4 5

and so on



A sample from the last session.

Its the first 16 spins.

The description is:_

Dozen A(1ST), Amount bet, Dozen B(2ND),  Amount bet, Dozen C(3RD), Amount bet,

at the end, the da or db or dc is what the result was after that bet/progression.

We bet and progress on each Dozen, on each spin, every spin. (At the moment- Virtual may be added for additional security)

I'll clear with superman what the cash means exactly- I think I know- just want to check the reference point at which it starts.

(Its a value of the amounts used in the total progression, current & highest.)

Hope this is helping.

Love to see a graph of the last session I posted.


Could you past that last session in a text format, or as an attachment txt file?


QuoteI'll clear with superman what the cash means exactly

Cash = Current bankroll as it groes, or decreases, Peak = Highest bankroll achieved, I use it in some other tools as a reference point if I am chasing it, usualy with a fibo progression if the current bank is lower than the peak go back -1 if its higher or lower within a tolerence or within a percentage of peak go back -2, the 3 doz tool doesnt do that its just the same printout I used, thought it made sense

Prog A 1 Prog B 1 Prog C 1 Cash 0 Peak 0 - dc <---- we started with 0
Prog A 2 Prog B 2 Prog C 1 Cash 1 Peak 0 - db
Prog A 3 Prog B 1 Prog C 2 Cash 4 Peak 1 - da
Prog A 1 Prog B 2 Prog C 3 Cash 4 Peak 4 - db
Prog A 2 Prog B 1 Prog C 4 Cash 0 Peak 4 - db
Prog A 3 Prog B 1 Prog C 6 Cash -7 Peak 4 - db
Prog A 4 Prog B 1 Prog C 9 Cash -18 Peak 4 - db
Prog A 6 Prog B 1 Prog C 14 Cash -36 Peak 4 - db
Prog A 9 Prog B 1 Prog C 21 Cash -40 Peak 4 - da
Prog A 1 Prog B 2 Prog C 31 Cash -71 Peak 4 - da
Prog A 1 Prog B 3 Prog C 47 Cash 19 Peak 4 - dc <---- ended with 19 units profit

The next entry was

Prog A 2 Prog B 4 Prog C 1 Cash 18 Peak 19 - da sea the peak is now at 19.

Its just a calculation amount that can be used anywhere really.

As you can see the progressions is straight forward, follow th progression of doz C so you can understand what it all relates to, any questions fire away.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!

