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I Have An Announcement To Make-I'm Pregnant.

Started by chrisbis, Jan 07, 06:45 AM 2011

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Test Results.

Testing DozColWave

This is a 1 hour test result, with the foot firmly pressed down on the accelerator.
U'll see what I mean in a moment.

Start     BR  $6411.67
End       BR  $7005.17

Profit/Loss  $  593.50

Start Time   07.13 am..................13/01/2010
End   Time   08.13 am

Duration        01.00 hour

Rate2         $593.50/Hour

Chips played  0.50cents

Highest progression   799 (on Column) (Occurred once)

I think the test result says it all.

Not forgetting, its Fun Money Demo Mode. No Real Casino was harmed in the making of this Test.  



Test Results

Testing 3 DozWave

Working day full 9 hour test.

Start     BR  $7005.17
End      BR  $7207.07

Profit/Loss $  201.90

Start Time  08.50am  ................13/01/11
End   Time  18.10pm

Duration               9.20minutes

Duration Decimal  9.333Hours

Rate2  - $21.632/Hour

Chips played  - 0.01cents

Highest Progression - 4046

Good result for long duration of play.



Its Set In Stone =)


I think you're asking me to expand on what I mean about betting differentially and how it would trick the casinos.

Let's say I want to bet 2 units on the 1st dozen, 3 units on the 2nd dozen and 13 units on the 3rd dozen. 

If the 1st dozen hits, I win 4 units less 3+13 = -12.
If I subtract the 2 units bet on the 1st dozen from the amounts bet on all dozens I get the following:  2 units on doz 1 - 2 units =  0 so no bet on dozen 1.  3 units on doz 2 -2 units = 1 unit bet on 2nd dozen.  13 units on 3rd doz - 2 units = 11 units bet on 3rd doz.

The payoff is the same but you're always betting on only 2 dozens from the casino's viewpoint which is a common bet and allowed by all casinos.

I just realized that my example would only be possible if a zero had just hit.  Otherwise 1 unit would always be bet on 1 of the dozens.

This doesn't really save but 3 or 6 units when a zero hits, but it does allow us to bet on only 2 dozens.  I know that 3 or 6 units doesn't sound like that much when you're betting over a thousand units on a dozen.

On the other hand, you could just skip the 1 unit bet on a dozen and always start at 2.  That'll trick them
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


QuoteLet's say I want to bet 2 units on the 1st dozen, 3 units on the 2nd dozen and 13 units on the 3rd dozen.

But here U say to bet on all Three George? Don't get that.

Also, to get to a position where one was betting
(Let's say I want to bet 2 units on the 1st dozen, 3 units on the 2nd dozen and 13 units on the 3rd dozen.) the route there MUST have meant U have progressed them in the first place.

It sure would be great, but can't really have my cake and eat it too !!

Love U man. x   :-*


Well, if we want to bet on dozens (d1,d2,d3) units (2,3,13), the results would be same as (2-2,3-2,13-2)=(0,1,11). We play the system AS IF we were progressing all three dozens, but in reality we bet only two dozens. That is a common sense, this way we avoid some loses caused by zero.

if x hits:               profit

  d1 : (2,3,13) -> 2*2-3-13 = -12
         (0,1,11) -> 0*2-1-11 = -12

  d2 : (2,3,13) -> -2+3*2-13 = -9
         (0,1,11) -> -0 +1*2-11 = -9
  d3:  (2,3,13) -> -2-3+2*13 = 21
         (0,1,11) -> -0-1+2*11 = 21

         (2,3,13) -> -2-3-13 = -18
          (0,1,11) -> -0 -1 -11 = -12

So any "three dozens" system is actually two dozens system. If you want more, play that system on dozens and columns simultaneously. Anyway that is dangerous, but you spare some time because you play twice as fast.

BTW If I were a casino owner, I would gladly allow my players to bet on all three dozens, or ECs at the same time, all 37 or 36 numbers, all six lines and anything. I would even encourage them to do so  ;)


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Test Results

Testing 3DozWave Tool

Start    BR  $7207.07
End     BR   $7341.57

Profit/Loss $  134.50

Start    Time  23.28 pm.........13/01/11
End      Time  00.08.............................server had timed out, so game stopped.

Duration                40 minutes

Decimal Duration   .66666 hours

Rate2        $201.75/hour

Chips placed   0.10cents

Highest Progression  4046




I just bought RouletteBot Pro to test and other purposes, and i set the system as James outlined at first, am testing and its doing fine but i cant get past the warning message from the casino that says am luck and suggests to play for real money.. i disabled warning messages on the options box but still its popping out, therefore stopping the bot from playing...

did you find a way to avoid that? because i want to be able to leave the bot for hours like you.. thanks mate

if you have any suggestions they are welcome..


Quotedid you find a way to avoid that? because I want to be able to leave the bot for hours like you

Sadly you can't avoid or disable that damn thing, so I told the bot to close it when it appears, don't think rbp can do that for you as its not part of the game window and on each playtech casino the box is A a different size and B the close X is in a different location
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


thanks Superman,

I guess for testing could be that i open a real money account deposit the minimum and put the bot to spin and play virtually..hopefully they dont mind about spinning so much without placing a bet, thanks anyways mate!



U just can't disable this stuff. This stuff is supposed to annoy and push you to play in real mode and lose. It is psychological. When you get repeated message you are lucky, you may start thinking you are really are. It is like annoying commerical on TV. Nobody likes them but they get to you, and you REMEMBER which product they advertise. And next time you wanna buy something of a kind-- this product comes to your mind (and doesn't matter that much that the commercial was annoying -- you remember about this product anyway, and you are not gonna reject it because of the commercial).

So u remember this message "I am lucky" in your head. And when casinos start calling u -- and they do call u to ask if u r gonna play, when u did not for some time, -- this has the same effect.
They tell u next time u may get lucky, and u get this message about being lucky.

of course it does not work with strong will power people, but not everybody has  strong will power.


Quote from: yrt00 on Jan 14, 03:03 AM 2011

I just bought RouletteBot Pro to test and other purposes, and i set the system as James outlined at first, am testing and its doing fine but i cant get past the warning message from the casino that says am luck and suggests to play for real money.. i disabled warning messages on the options box but still its popping out, therefore stopping the bot from playing...

did you find a way to avoid that? because i want to be able to leave the bot for hours like you.. thanks mate

if you have any suggestions they are welcome..

I see superman has answered Ur question buddie.

Need to play for real, but virtual, which Roulette Bot Pro will only do in the test mode.

Our next step- just to keep U and the rest of Forum in the loop- is a Bot set up for Real Money RNG account, and then play virtually, using real money spin results.

Hopefully this 'Simulated' bot will be again tested to destruction/death next week by myself and superman, on all three variants- 3Dozens, 3DozenWave, DolColWave.

I'll be setting Up new Topic for the new 'Simulated' bot results, so as to isolate the tests from these Fun/Play/Demo performances.

(Prerequisite warnings on the content of the new Topic will be included.)


When there is no real money bet, all is gonna be just fine, because the software REACTS to your bets. it is like trying to run faster than your own shadow

that was a very good thread (and posting), just in case people forgot because of excitement


copy the link into browser window


Hey Guys,

A little small session playing with fun money, I will start doing tests with real money account on test mode virtual play, to see what results it throws...this session was interrupted by warning message that I can't avoid on fun mode, will now try in real money mode for longer periods.. enjoy


start balance :  2189.17
end balance :    2670.67

chips used :  0.50 cents
win/loss :     +481.50

time of play: 1 hr aprox (screenshot of bot time play is longer because i left it running and took screenshot much later)

hope this helps..
