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Started by atlantis, Jan 07, 02:33 PM 2011

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My latest offering for DOZ and COL. I am liking it so far!

This system involves continuous tracking - but is worth it.

Bet only ONE column or dozen at a time.

Bet ONLY on a column or dozen that has slept for 9 consecutive times.

If a col or doz both qualify I usually take the DOZEN.

Play consists of a CYCLE OF 3 bets using a mild progression.

Start progression 1,1,2

If no win in the FIRST CYCLE cease betting that column or dozen immediately and check to see if any other col or doz has now 9 - OR MORE consecutive misses.
If so and there is a qualifier then bet it with the NEXT progression cycle ELSE if after the loss there is no further qualifier then continue to track spins until a col or doz qualifies with the necessary 9 successive misses and bet the qualifier starting with the NEXT progression cycle.

The progressive cycles (units)
1,1,2 - The starting cycle

(etc... if ever required)

**On a WIN and if level or ahead of highest bank; reduce to the first cycle for next bet (1,1,2)

**On a WIN but if not level or ahead of highest bank; then start at the beginning of the CURRENT cycle for the next bet.
(e.g.: if win during 2,2,2 cycle but still behind then next bet cycle must be 2,2,2)

**On a LOSS of a cycle (no win in 3 bets) it is time to STOP, search for a NEW qualifier or track until one occurs then continue to play starting at the beginning of the next higher cycle.

Play to win 5 to 10u (approx)

Here is long session (numbers from German Casino)

2nd Mar 2010: #0203
Spin,Number,=Type==,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,=Bet Layout
1,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
9,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
10,23,Bet,1,3,-1,2,502,1 : 2nd Dozen
11,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
12,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
13,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
14,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
15,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
16,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
17,2,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 1st Dozen
18,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
19,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
20,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
21,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
22,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
23,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
24,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
25,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
26,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
27,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
28,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 2nd Dozen
29,17,Bet,1,3,-1,2,505,1 : 2nd Dozen
30,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
31,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
32,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
33,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
34,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
35,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
36,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
37,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
38,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
39,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
40,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
41,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
42,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
43,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
44,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
45,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
46,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
47,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
48,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
49,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
50,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
51,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
52,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
53,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
54,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
55,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
56,17,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 3rd Dozen
57,6,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 3rd Dozen
58,33,Bet,2,6,-2,4,507,2 : 3rd Dozen
59,25,Bet,1,3,-1,2,509,1 : Column A
60,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
61,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
62,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
63,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
64,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
65,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
66,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
67,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
68,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
69,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
70,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
71,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
72,24,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : Column C
73,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
74,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
75,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
76,0,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 1st Dozen
77,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 1st Dozen
78,5,Bet,2,6,-2,4,513,2 : 1st Dozen
79,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
80,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
81,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
82,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : Column C
83,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : Column C
84,31,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : Column C
85,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
86,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
87,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
88,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
89,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
90,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
91,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
92,11,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : 1st Dozen
93,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
94,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
95,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
96,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
97,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
98,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
99,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
100,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
101,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
102,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
103,35,Bet,1,3,-1,2,513,1 : 3rd Dozen
104,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
105,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
106,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
107,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
108,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
109,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
110,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
111,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
112,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
113,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
114,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
115,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
116,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
117,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
118,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
119,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
120,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
121,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
122,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
123,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
124,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
125,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
126,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
127,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
128,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
129,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
130,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
131,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
132,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
133,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
134,16,Bet,1,3,-1,2,515,1 : Column A
135,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
136,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
137,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
138,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
139,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
140,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
141,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
142,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
143,29,Bet,1,3,-1,2,517,1 : Column B
144,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
145,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
146,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
147,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
148,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
149,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
150,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
151,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
152,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
153,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : 3rd Dozen
154,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : 3rd Dozen
155,32,Bet,2,6,-2,4,519,2 : 3rd Dozen
156,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
157,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
158,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
159,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
160,7,Bet,1,3,-1,2,521,1 : Column A
161,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,521,
162,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,521,
163,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,520,1 : 2nd Dozen
164,28,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,519,1 : 2nd Dozen
165,3,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,517,2 : 2nd Dozen
166,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
167,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
168,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
169,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
170,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
171,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
172,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
173,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
174,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
175,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
176,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
177,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
178,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
179,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
180,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
181,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
182,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
183,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
184,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
185,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
186,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
187,23,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Column C
188,20,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Column C
189,23,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,512,2 : Column C
190,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
191,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
192,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
193,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
194,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
195,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
196,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
197,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
198,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
199,32,Bet,2,6,-2,4,516,2 : Column B
200,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
201,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
202,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
203,17,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Column A
204,9,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,512,2 : Column A
205,10,Bet,2,6,-2,4,516,2 : Column A
206,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
207,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
208,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
209,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
210,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
211,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
212,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
213,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
214,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
215,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
216,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
217,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
218,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
219,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
220,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
221,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
222,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
223,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
224,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
225,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
226,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
227,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
228,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
229,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
230,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
231,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
232,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
233,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
234,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
235,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
236,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
237,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
238,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
239,28,Bet,2,6,-2,4,520,2 : Column A
240,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
241,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
242,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
243,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
244,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
245,13,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,518,2 : Column B
246,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,516,2 : Column B
247,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Column B
248,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
249,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
250,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
251,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
252,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
253,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
254,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
255,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
256,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
257,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
258,29,Bet,2,6,-2,4,518,2 : Column B
259,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
260,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
261,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
262,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
263,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
264,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
265,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
266,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
267,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
268,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
269,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
270,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
271,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
272,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
273,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
274,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,518,
275,17,Bet,2,6,-2,4,522,2 : Column B
276,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
277,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
278,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
279,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
280,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
281,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
282,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
283,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
284,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
285,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
286,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
287,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
288,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
289,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
290,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
291,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
292,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
293,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
294,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
295,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
296,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
297,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,
298,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,521,1 : Column C
299,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,520,1 : Column C
300,24,Bet,2,6,-2,4,524,2 : Column C
301,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
302,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
303,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
304,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
305,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
306,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,524,
307,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,523,1 : 3rd Dozen
308,29,Bet,1,3,-1,2,525,1 : 3rd Dozen
309,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
310,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
311,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
312,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
313,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
314,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
315,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
316,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
317,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
318,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
319,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
320,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
321,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
322,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
323,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
324,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
325,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
326,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
327,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
328,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
329,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
330,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
331,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
332,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
333,26,Bet,1,3,-1,2,527,1 : 3rd Dozen
334,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
335,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
336,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
337,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
338,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,527,
339,1,Bet,1,3,-1,2,529,1 : 1st Dozen
340,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
341,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
342,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
343,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
344,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
345,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
346,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,528,1 : 2nd Dozen
347,23,Bet,1,3,-1,2,530,1 : 2nd Dozen
348,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
349,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
350,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
351,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
352,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
353,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
354,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
355,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,530,
356,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,529,1 : 1st Dozen
357,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,528,1 : 1st Dozen
358,13,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,526,2 : 1st Dozen
359,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
360,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
361,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
362,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
363,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
364,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
365,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
366,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
367,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
368,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
369,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
370,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
371,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
372,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,526,
373,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,525,1 : 3rd Dozen
374,26,Bet,2,6,-2,4,529,2 : 3rd Dozen
375,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
376,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
377,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
378,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,529,
379,31,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,528,1 : Column C
380,12,Bet,2,6,-2,4,532,2 : Column C
381,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,532,
382,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,532,
383,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,532,
384,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,532,
385,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,532,
386,18,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,531,1 : Column B
387,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,530,1 : Column B
388,1,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,528,2 : Column B
389,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
390,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
391,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
392,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
393,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
394,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
395,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
396,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
397,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
398,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
399,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
400,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
401,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
402,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
403,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
404,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
405,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
406,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
407,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
408,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
409,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
410,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
411,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
412,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,
413,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,528,

No more spins left.

Highest cycle: 2,2,2

This system does not chase dozens or columns. Each qualifier gets 3 chances to appear.
Your results will be welcome too. Always test with real numbers not r.n.g.


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Bud sorry if i upset u but this is a voice of my mind. I can't keep silent. It is insane to bet sleepers. It is a very luring thing. U win till your moment comes.

for God's sake don't play big units, don't let yourself be drawn into this progression which will end up for u as a total loss. If u wanna have fun and see how it goes, fine, but don't bet anything that will give u a pain if u lose.


Quote from: iggiv on Jan 07, 08:16 PM 2011
Bud sorry if I upset you but this is a voice of my mind. I can't keep silent. It is insane to bet sleepers. It is a very luring thing. you win till your moment comes.

for God's sake don't play big units, don't let yourself be drawn into this progression which will end up for you as a total loss. If you wanna have fun and see how it goes, fine, but don't bet anything that will give you a pain if you lose.

Hi Iggiv,
Just bumping this thread as I had forgotten all about it...
No worries on that score, iggiv! And remember we don't chase the doz/col. It gets three chances to appear otherwise we forget it and concentrate on finding new qualifier.

Seems to me this could be highly playable under fastspin and with a bot.

Session Duisburg 03 MAR 2011 #0203
Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
9,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
10,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
11,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
12,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
13,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
14,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
15,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
16,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
17,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
18,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
19,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : Column A
20,25,Bet,1,3,-1,2,501,1 : Column A
21,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
22,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
23,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
24,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
25,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
26,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
27,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
28,6,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : Column C
29,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
30,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
31,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
32,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
33,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
34,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
35,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
36,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
37,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
38,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
39,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
40,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
41,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
42,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
43,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
44,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
45,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
46,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
47,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
48,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
49,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
50,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
51,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
52,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
53,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
54,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
55,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
56,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
57,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
58,3,Bet,1,3,-1,2,505,1 : 1st Dozen
59,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
60,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
61,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
62,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
63,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
64,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
65,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
66,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
67,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
68,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
69,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
70,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
71,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
72,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
73,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 1st Dozen
74,26,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 1st Dozen
75,8,Bet,2,6,-2,4,507,2 : 1st Dozen
76,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
77,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
78,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : Column A
79,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : Column A
80,0,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,503,2 : Column A
81,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
82,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
83,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
84,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
85,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
86,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
87,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
88,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
89,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
90,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
91,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
92,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
93,20,Bet,1,3,-1,2,505,1 : 2nd Dozen
94,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
95,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
96,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
97,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
98,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
99,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 3rd Dozen
100,21,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,502,2 : 3rd Dozen
101,29,Bet,2,6,-2,4,506,2 : 3rd Dozen
102,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
103,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
104,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
105,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
106,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
107,18,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 1st Dozen
108,15,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,503,2 : 1st Dozen
109,14,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,501,2 : 1st Dozen
110,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
111,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
112,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
113,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
114,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
115,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
116,5,Bet,2,6,-2,4,505,2 : 1st Dozen
117,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
118,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
119,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
120,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
121,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
122,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
123,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
124,1,Bet,2,6,-2,4,509,2 : Column A
125,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
126,5,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : Column B
127,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
128,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
129,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
130,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
131,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
132,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
133,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
134,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
135,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
136,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
137,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
138,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
139,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
140,6,Bet,1,3,-1,2,513,1 : 1st Dozen
141,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
142,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
143,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
144,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
145,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
146,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
147,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
148,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
149,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
150,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
151,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
152,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
153,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
154,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
155,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
156,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
157,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
158,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
159,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
160,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
161,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
162,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
163,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
164,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
165,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 1st Dozen
166,21,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 1st Dozen
167,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : 1st Dozen
168,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
169,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
170,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
171,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
172,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
173,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
174,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
175,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
176,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
177,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
178,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
179,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
180,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
181,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
182,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
183,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
184,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
185,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
186,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
187,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
188,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
189,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
190,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
191,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
192,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
193,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
194,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
195,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
196,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
197,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
198,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
199,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
200,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
201,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
202,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
203,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
204,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
205,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
206,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
207,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 3rd Dozen
208,1,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,506,2 : 3rd Dozen
209,25,Bet,2,6,-2,4,510,2 : 3rd Dozen
210,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
211,18,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Column B
212,17,Bet,2,6,-2,4,513,2 : Column B
213,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
214,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
215,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
216,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
217,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
218,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
219,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
220,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
221,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
222,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
223,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
224,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
225,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
226,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
227,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
228,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
229,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
230,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
231,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
232,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
233,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
234,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
235,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
236,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
237,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
238,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
239,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
240,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
241,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
242,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
243,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
244,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
245,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
246,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 2nd Dozen
247,3,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 2nd Dozen
248,11,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : 2nd Dozen
249,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
250,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Column A
251,25,Bet,2,6,-2,4,512,2 : Column A
252,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
253,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
254,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
255,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
256,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
257,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
258,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
259,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
260,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
261,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
262,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
263,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
264,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
265,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : Column A
266,27,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : Column A
267,14,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,507,2 : Column A
268,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
269,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
270,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
271,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
272,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
273,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
274,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
275,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
276,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
277,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
278,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
279,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
280,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
281,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
282,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
283,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
284,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
285,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
286,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
287,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
288,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
289,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
290,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
291,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
292,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
293,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
294,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
295,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
296,33,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,505,2 : 2nd Dozen
297,19,Bet,2,6,-2,4,509,2 : 2nd Dozen
298,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
299,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
300,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
301,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
302,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
303,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
304,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
305,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
306,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
307,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
308,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
309,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
310,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
311,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
312,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
313,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
314,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
315,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
316,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
317,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
318,34,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,507,2 : 1st Dozen
319,4,Bet,2,6,-2,4,511,2 : 1st Dozen
320,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
321,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
322,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
323,28,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : Column C
324,22,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,507,2 : Column C
325,3,Bet,2,6,-2,4,511,2 : Column C
326,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
327,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
328,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
329,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
330,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
331,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
332,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
333,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
334,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
335,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
336,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
337,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
338,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
339,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
340,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
341,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
342,24,Bet,2,6,-2,4,515,2 : 2nd Dozen
343,6,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Column A

+14 (high +15) in 343 spins
highest bet=2
highest cycle=2-2-2
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



I could never play this as a stand alone system because of the time factor.  Now if we combined 3 or 4 other systems that do a lot of tracking with only a few bets periodically, maybe I could hang with it.

If this one and your matrix matcher stay stable, playing both of them at the same time may provide enough bets that you can reach +10 a lot quicker than playing only one system at a time.  Let me think, that would be about twice as fast.

Then, adding a 3rd and or a 4th could actually cause you to reach +10 in about 100 spins or less.  That would be playable in a walk-in casino.


I just went back and checked your extended session and you won +17 units flat betting.  At one time you were at +21.  You were never in the hole.  If it always performed like this, I might be able to hang with it no matter how many spins it took.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Mar 04, 09:21 PM 2011

I could never play this as a stand alone system because of the time factor.  Now if we combined 3 or 4 other systems that do a lot of tracking with only a few bets periodically, maybe I could hang with it.

If this one and your matrix matcher stay stable, playing both of them at the same time may provide enough bets that you can reach +10 a lot quicker than playing only one system at a time.  Let me think, that would be about twice as fast.

Then, adding a 3rd and or a 4th could actually cause you to reach +10 in about 100 spins or less.  That would be playable in a walk-in casino.


I just went back and checked your extended session and you won +17 units flat betting.  At one time you were at +21.  You were never in the hole.  If it always performed like this, I might be able to hang with it no matter how many spins it took.

Hi George,

Duisburg - 03 Mar 2011 - #0204: +11 in 239 spins. Highest bet=2 ; highest cycle = 2-2-2

I actually prefer this to MATRIX MATCHER as it is easier all round to test and play thru RXtreme simulator. Of course you can whizz thru the spins and complete a session within minutes especially with the doz/col stat box showing to tell you when a doz/col has missed for 9 consecutive times :)

If in a real casino and recording by hand I agree it is going to be a real nightmare time-wise so as to be virtually inoperable under such conditions...

However online with trustworthy rng (preferably nozero) with fastspin and with the help of  an autobot to handle things - well that would be a much different and amenable scenario!
I mean , if you could do that, it would be fast and you could actually make some serious money  - even with low unit stakes as Iggiv advised.

Thanks for your thoughts and feedback.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Dusiburg 03 Mar #0205
+10 in 404 spins.

This time tested betting max of 4 times with "4-spin cycles" eg:

Like in the ZONE - I now bet up to 4 times (maximum) after the doz/col has slept for 9 spins.

highest bet = 2
highest cycle = 1,1,2,2

In this instance I did not bet separate progressions for the dozens and columns  - although that might be worth considering.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Mar 05, 11:51 AM 2011
Dusiburg 03 Mar #0205
+10 in 404 spins.

This time tested betting max of 4 times with "4-spin cycles" e.g.:

Like in the ZONE - I now bet up to 4 times (maximum) after the doz/col has slept for 9 spins.

highest bet = 2
highest cycle = 1,1,2,2

In this instance I did not bet separate progressions for the dozens and columns  - although that might be worth considering.


Do you think the 4 spin cycle is better than the 3 and if so, maybe a 5 would be better than a 4.  I know the larger the number of bets in a cycle, the closer we get to a flat bet, but if it doesn't win with a flat bet but it does with a slight progression, then it's worth the grind.

I agree, with a bot anything that wins in the long run is worth it.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
