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Started by woods101, Jan 07, 09:51 PM 2011

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Okay.  A bit of history to this so far.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ll try to keep it brief.  First of all thanks to all people on this forum for enlightened views  on roulette, chance and life as a whole and the randomness of it.  In particular, thanks to Victor for maintaining it and including me as part of it.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ve learnt a lot from being here.  (Thanks for the avatar also!) Moving onââ,¬Â¦.

Randomness of the roulette wheel.

Until now Iââ,¬â,,¢ve never believed in the validity of hit and run tactics.  Why should playing short sessions be any different  to a long session. ?  Surely if you string the numbers from those short sessions together , then this is the same as a long session.  This is what I believed.
I have tried various devised systems of my own, primarily just testing.  All have tanked in the long run so far.  I donââ,¬â,,¢t disprove of the fact that consistent methods exist, fellows such as Flatino and Mr J seem testament to this, though my head at present is firmly in the  stop/loss, stop/profit camp.

Law of the Third.

I tried a few of my systems applying hit and run, all won for a while but the losses levelled the wins out until I was back to zero or worse. 
I was then looking at a scam method advertised that was based on a progression on the dozens.  The system was BS but in discussing it on the newcomers page,  I then came across Bayes repeating number stats (How long until a repeat?- Maths section).  I looked at this and it got me thinking.  There is a bias for numbers to repeat between the 4th and the 9th spin.   We all know of the Law of the Third.  (I find it strange when people talk of finding a biased wheel when you take this law into account- look back over the last 24 numbers ââ,¬â€œsome of these numbers will always be biased to repeat, no?)
I tried some tests , betting  for repeats around the 5th-9th spin region, and combined with a stop/loss strategy, after tweeking a little, have had good results so far.  I have tested only with Wiesbaden numbers dated from 2004.  I have not tested RNG and do not want to discuss RNG.  Please feel free to do so but maybe under another topic/post.
This system will ONLY work as a hit and run strategy.  To play it past the chosen profit margin is a guarantee of failure.  You may go 100/150 units beyond the chosen profit line but it will crash spectacularly after that.  I recommend after a win or loss, that you do not return to that wheel to play again until that wheel has spun for a further 350/400 spins, i. e.  only play that wheel once for that day.  The reason for this? I imagine the graph for the spins in relation to this system much like a slope , maybe a glacier with deep cravaces .  You climb the slope for maybe 300 feet and then there is a cravace.  The cravace is only 150 feet (spins) wide but it drops for a thousand feet (units).  Tommorrow the helicopter(jeez whereââ,¬â,,¢s this all coming from!!??) drops you beyond the cravace and you can climb safely for a little bit before the next one.

For all the non-believers in hit and run (I was one last month!) I can only provide this rather abstract analogy. 
Say you set sail in a small boat upon the waves of an ocean from a coastline, say the English channel.   At first the water is calm, but the further and longer you travel the more likely you are to hit rough seas, bigger waves and eventually capsize.  Before that happens, Imagine being transported to Another coast say Mauritius(!) again you set sail and the water is calm, but the further you go, again the more likely you are to meet rough conditions.  The idea is to keep transporting to a different ocean or sea (roulette table) before the waves get too big.   Every now and then it will be rough immediately as soon as you set sail and you will sink just off the coast in 4 feet  of water- i. e you will lose your BR immediately and try a different wheel /go home.  Hope this helps.
The system has been tested against 42 Weisbaden sessions until now.  The average win rate so far is two out of three sessions.  I have had exactly 14 losing sessions and this ratio has rarely changed so far.   At the most, two losing sessions in a row.  Remember though that this is equal roughly to betting on two dozens repeatedly with no zero on the table.  Taking this into account, one dozen (the one you donââ,¬â,,¢t bet on) can repeat quite commonly for six or seven spins and you can expect repeats of 9/10 every thousand spins or so as well as even longer lengths of 20 or so every million spins so the same applies here.  Aim to play with a twentieth( or even fourtieth)  of your BR and be prepared for 8 losses in a row as a common occurrence.  Regarding BR strategy I would recommend a read of Manrique posts.  Effectively you are playing micro games here.  He discusses this in more detail.

The system.

Too simple. 

Wait for five/ count back down the marquee the last five unique numbers.  Next spin bet those five numbers, one unit on each.  If you win then reset.  Do not wait.  Do not take repeats into account.   The wheel knows nothing.  You are counting from now onwards.  Forget past spins.

If you lose then rebet, including the number that was just drawn, so now you are betting on six numbers, one  unit on each.  If you win then reset (to last five unique numbers).

If you lose then add the last number drawn.  You are now betting  on seven numbers -the last seven numbers drawn, one unit on each.   If you win then reset.

If you lose, then you bet on the last five unique numbers but this time bet two units on each number.  Apply the same stages as above but this time with two units on each number.   If you win then reset to start, betting one unit per number again.

If you lose then apply the same as before, this time betting three units on each number.  Apply the same rules as before.

If you lose then increase unit bet to 4 units and the same as above etc.

Stop loss isââ,¬Â¦ Stop after passing 100 units profit though use your discretion.  If you battle to get to 90 units up then stop there maybe.  Most session that end in profit will end at say 120-130 units after busting past 100.
Orââ,¬Â¦Stop if your losses exceed -100 units but play till you are passed this level, i. e.  if you only have 23 units left and have to play say 36 units at the next bet, then play that bet until you finish below -100 (this example would leave you with a loss of -113) then stop and walk away.
You are playing single numbers so zero has no bearing.  Play it like any other number.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ve tried to be as comprehensive as possible so please read a few times to understand it before asking any questions (though do feel free to ask).

More importantly than anything else this has only been trialed in test mode so far with a few limited sessions on DB (free play- which also stood up) as well so do not trust this wholly.  What would be great is if a few people could test and let me know the results.
To all of you, thanks in advance. 

Big love to ya all.


Nice post Woody.

Really good read that, I enjoyed Ur take on the high C's too.

I will test, seen something like this before, and Twisteruk has a similar theme play system he use's.

Look forward to reading others members take on this well presented, and articulate Topic.

Cheers Woods.



Quote from: woods101 on Jan 07, 09:51 PM 2011
Okay.  A bit of history to this so far.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ll try to keep it brief.  First of all thanks to all people on this forum for enlightened views  on roulette, chance and life as a whole and the randomness of it.  In particular, thanks to Victor for maintaining it and including me as part of it.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ve learnt a lot from being here.  (Thanks for the avatar also!) Moving onââ,¬Â¦.

Randomness of the roulette wheel.

Until now Iââ,¬â,,¢ve never believed in the validity of hit and run tactics.  Why should playing short sessions be any different  to a long session. ?  Surely if you string the numbers from those short sessions together , then this is the same as a long session.  This is what I believed.
I have tried various devised systems of my own, primarily just testing.  All have tanked in the long run so far.  I donââ,¬â,,¢t disprove of the fact that consistent methods exist, fellows such as F_LAT_INO and Mr J seem testament to this, though my head at present is firmly in the  stop/loss, stop/profit camp.

Law of the Third.

I tried a few of my systems applying hit and run, all won for a while but the losses levelled the wins out until I was back to zero or worse.  
I was then looking at a scam method advertised that was based on a progression on the dozens.  The system was BS but in discussing it on the newcomers page,  I then came across Bayes repeating number stats (How long until a repeat?- Maths section).  I looked at this and it got me thinking.  There is a bias for numbers to repeat between the 4th and the 9th spin.   We all know of the Law of the Third.  (I find it strange when people talk of finding a biased wheel when you take this law into account- look back over the last 24 numbers ââ,¬â€œsome of these numbers will always be biased to repeat, no?)
I tried some tests , betting  for repeats around the 5th-9th spin region, and combined with a stop/loss strategy, after tweeking a little, have had good results so far.  I have tested only with Wiesbaden numbers dated from 2004.  I have not tested RNG and do not want to discuss RNG.  Please feel free to do so but maybe under another topic/post.
This system will ONLY work as a hit and run strategy.  To play it past the chosen profit margin is a guarantee of failure.  You may go 100/150 units beyond the chosen profit line but it will crash spectacularly after that.  I recommend after a win or loss, that you do not return to that wheel to play again until that wheel has spun for a further 350/400 spins, i. e.  only play that wheel once for that day.  The reason for this? I imagine the graph for the spins in relation to this system much like a slope , maybe a glacier with deep cravaces .  You climb the slope for maybe 300 feet and then there is a cravace.  The cravace is only 150 feet (spins) wide but it drops for a thousand feet (units).  Tommorrow the helicopter(jeez whereââ,¬â,,¢s this all coming from!!??) drops you beyond the cravace and you can climb safely for a little bit before the next one.

For all the non-believers in hit and run (I was one last month!) I can only provide this rather abstract analogy.  
Say you set sail in a small boat upon the waves of an ocean from a coastline, say the English channel.   At first the water is calm, but the further and longer you travel the more likely you are to hit rough seas, bigger waves and eventually capsize.  Before that happens, Imagine being transported to Another coast say Mauritius(!) again you set sail and the water is calm, but the further you go, again the more likely you are to meet rough conditions.  The idea is to keep transporting to a different ocean or sea (roulette table) before the waves get too big.   Every now and then it will be rough immediately as soon as you set sail and you will sink just off the coast in 4 feet  of water- i. e you will lose your BR immediately and try a different wheel /go home.  Hope this helps.
The system has been tested against 42 Weisbaden sessions until now.  The average win rate so far is two out of three sessions.  I have had exactly 14 losing sessions and this ratio has rarely changed so far.   At the most, two losing sessions in a row.  Remember though that this is equal roughly to betting on two dozens repeatedly with no zero on the table.  Taking this into account, one dozen (the one you donââ,¬â,,¢t bet on) can repeat quite commonly for six or seven spins and you can expect repeats of 9/10 every thousand spins or so as well as even longer lengths of 20 or so every million spins so the same applies here.  Aim to play with a twentieth( or even fourtieth)  of your BR and be prepared for 8 losses in a row as a common occurrence.  Regarding BR strategy I would recommend a read of Manrique posts.  Effectively you are playing micro games here.  He discusses this in more detail.

The system.

Too simple.  

Wait for five/ count back down the marquee the last five unique numbers.  Next spin bet those five numbers, one unit on each.  If you win then reset.  Do not wait.  Do not take repeats into account.   The wheel knows nothing.  You are counting from now onwards.  Forget past spins.

If you lose then rebet, including the number that was just drawn, so now you are betting on six numbers, one  unit on each.  If you win then reset (to last five unique numbers).

If you lose then add the last number drawn.  You are now betting  on seven numbers -the last seven numbers drawn, one unit on each.   If you win then reset.

If you lose, then you bet on the last five unique numbers but this time bet two units on each number.  Apply the same stages as above but this time with two units on each number.   If you win then reset to start, betting one unit per number again.

If you lose then apply the same as before, this time betting three units on each number.  Apply the same rules as before.

If you lose then increase unit bet to 4 units and the same as above etc.

stop-loss isââ,¬Â¦ Stop after passing 100 units profit though use your discretion.  If you battle to get to 90 units up then stop there maybe.  Most session that end in profit will end at say 120-130 units after busting past 100.
Orââ,¬Â¦Stop if your losses exceed -100 units but play till you are passed this level, i. e.  if you only have 23 units left and have to play say 36 units at the next bet, then play that bet until you finish below -100 (this example would leave you with a loss of -113) then stop and walk away.
You are playing single numbers so zero has no bearing.  Play it like any other number.  Iââ,¬â,,¢ve tried to be as comprehensive as possible so please read a few times to understand it before asking any questions (though do feel free to ask).

More importantly than anything else this has only been trialed in test mode so far with a few limited sessions on DB (free play- which also stood up) as well so do not trust this wholly.  What would be great is if a few people could test and let me know the results.
To all of you, thanks in advance.  

Big love to ya all.

Yes ,nice post  :thumbsup:
Keep us informed, and  take a look at this similar  ideas
by Skakus and me.


"""(I find it strange when people talk of finding a biased wheel when you take this law into account- look back over the last 24 numbers ââ,¬â€œsome of these numbers will always be biased to repeat, no?)"""

The Biased wheel numbers have a steady advantage....wile the law of the 3d is unsure of which numbers will have a repeat and this is why no one could ever take an advantage of this law.

"""This system will ONLY work as a hit and run strategy."""

Hit what ? And after hitting run Where?  :D
Hit and run is a gumbing fallacy...your 1st understanding of this tactic was correct.

"""For all the non-believers in hit and run (I was one last month!) I can only provide this rather abstract analogy.  
Say you set sail in a small boat upon the waves of an ocean from a coastline, say the English channel.   At first the water is calm, but the further and longer you travel the more likely you are to hit rough seas, bigger waves and eventually capsize.  Before that happens, Imagine being transported to Another coast say Mauritius(!) again you set sail and the water is calm, but the further you go, again the more likely you are to meet rough conditions.  The idea is to keep transporting to a different ocean or sea (roulette table) before the waves get too big.   Every now and then it will be rough immediately as soon as you set sail and you will sink just off the coast in 4 feet  of water"""

You do not know when the calm or the waves will come...so you can t help it.

This was my opinion.
You will find out the truth by testing your system or any system that is based on the hit and run in more spins.


Quote from: VIP on Jan 08, 03:08 AM 2011
"""This system will ONLY work as a hit and run strategy."""

Hit what ? And after hitting run Where?  :D
Hit and run is a gumbing fallacy...your 1st understanding of this tactic was correct.

"""For all the non-believers in hit and run (I was one last month!) I can only provide this rather abstract analogy.  
Say you set sail in a small boat upon the waves of an ocean from a coastline, say the English channel.   At first the water is calm, but the further and longer you travel the more likely you are to hit rough seas, bigger waves and eventually capsize.  Before that happens, Imagine being transported to Another coast say Mauritius(!) again you set sail and the water is calm, but the further you go, again the more likely you are to meet rough conditions.  The idea is to keep transporting to a different ocean or sea (roulette table) before the waves get too big.   Every now and then it will be rough immediately as soon as you set sail and you will sink just off the coast in 4 feet  of water"""

You do not know when the calm or the waves will come...so you can t help it.

This was my opinion.
You will find out the truth by testing your system or any system that is based on the hit and run in more spins.

I have to agree with VIP
Hit and run is a complete non sense in my opinion.

Nothing tells you that after a hit you will have a losing streak
If that was true we would wait for a hit and then play the opposite.


Hi guys,
@ chrisbis ââ,¬â€œ Thanks for the positive response.  If you can take any time out to test this then that would be great.

@Katilla, again thank you.  I had a brief look at the link -very similar ideas.  Iââ,¬â,,¢m trying variations on a theme with this.  This is the first system that Iââ,¬â,,¢ve felt confident enough to post.  Hopefully I can offer more in the future.
I intend to start testing with low stakes in a local b&m next week.  I will let you know the results. 

@ VIP and A3on, Thanks for looking.  Again I would like to say that I thought exactly the same as you guys re: hit and run techniques until recently. 
I would like to offer my (above) glacier analogy as an explanation as to why I think this would work (alongside MM with a stop/loss point).  Does this make sense to you guys? If not then do not reply. 
I only ask that you reread my post with emphasis on the last paragraph.  I do not  state this is foolproof, and please note that it is posted in the Testing Zone not the Full systems section as, out of respect to the members of this forum, I would not want to put anything that is half-baked in that section and waste peoples time (and money).  In particular please note the only request that I ask in the very last sentence- please test if you have the time, only with real spins.  I am asking one of two things from my fellow members- to either validate my system or prove it to fail by posting your proof.  Iââ,¬â,,¢d like to see this proven to be bad so I no longer waste my time on it, but remember opinions prove nothing.

If I offered you an apple, and told you that it tastes good, would it be too much for you to take a bite?

Love to all.



If I offered you an apple, and told you that it tastes good, would it be too much for you to take a bite?

Woods- If I offered U two apples.............................Wood U take the Pear? ?  :wink:


First of all woods, i found your system very interesting and I will give it a try for sure.
Please don't think I'm an hater .. I will just give my opinion regarding hit and run

As you said:

Quote from: woods101 on Jan 07, 09:51 PM 2011
For all the non-believers in hit and run (I was one last month!) I can only provide this rather abstract analogy. 
Say you set sail in a small boat upon the waves of an ocean from a coastline, say the English channel.   At first the water is calm, but the further and longer you travel the more likely you are to hit rough seas, bigger waves and eventually capsize.  Before that happens, Imagine being transported to Another coast say Mauritius(!) again you set sail and the water is calm, but the further you go, again the more likely you are to meet rough conditions.  The idea is to keep transporting to a different ocean or sea (roulette table) before the waves get too big.   Every now and then it will be rough immediately as soon as you set sail and you will sink just off the coast in 4 feet  of water- i. e you will lose your BR immediately and try a different wheel /go home.  Hope this helps.

Your example doesn't apply to roulette my friend

Lets pretend that calm waters are a good run and rough waters are a bad run.

When you sail you start in the coastline and just after some time you reach the rough seas.
In roulette nothing tells you that when you start playing you don't start in the rough seas and as you play you go to a more calm water.

If roulette was a straight game that goes from "calm to rough water" it would be much easier to beat !

Roulette is just too random, and you can stay in calm waters for 10, 100, 1000 spins, as well as in rough water !

So imagine this.
Lets say that you start playing with your strategy and you hit and run, but the next 1000 spins for example are very calm and smooth (that would give you an amazing profit if you had continue). But your decision was to quit.

Next time you play the wheel was in "rough waters" (in contrast to your analogy when you play roulette you don't start in the "coast").
And thats so for the next couple of sessions.

So you loose big because when the waters were good to sail you runned way, and when you come back the water was too rough for the next couple of sails.

I hope I made myself clear my friend
My English is very poor, so it's kinda hard to express myself as I wish =/

And please, this is just a friendly discussion.
No hard feelings here ^^

Best regards,


Quote from: woods101 on Jan 08, 01:17 PM 2011
either validate my system or prove it to fail by posting your proof.  Iââ,¬â,,¢d like to see this proven to be bad so I no longer waste my time on it, but remember opinions prove nothing.

If I offered you an apple, and told you that it tastes good, would it be too much for you to take a bite?

I will be happy to test your system as I found it interesting.
So yes, I will take a bite as soon as I get some free time  :thumbsup:

And one more thing, I've hundreads of continuous spins.
After a session how many spins should I wait before sail again?

Best regards,


@chrisbis- give me a pineapple, a pear, an orange and an apple and I'll make you a mean fruit salad!

@ Alfonso.  Thanks for trying it.  There are more calm seas than stormy seas, but the stormy seas are extreme and will cost dearly.  The only combat is to limit BR to minimize loss.  In response to how long to wait, I would recomend 400 spins between each session if using the same wheel.  I have tested using weisbaden sessions, one session per wheel per day, starting from the begining of the day, even though there may have been 380+ spins on that wheel that day, I moved to another wheel as soon as I had won or lost that session.
So. . .  I would recommend testing against individual sessions from one wheel at a time if possible.
Thanks again.



Quote from: woods101 on Jan 08, 03:39 PM 2011
@ Alfonso.  Thanks for trying it.  There are more calm seas than stormy seas, but the stormy seas are extreme and will cost dearly.  The only combat is to limit BR to minimize loss.  In response to how long to wait, I would recomend 400 spins between each session if using the same wheel.  I have tested using weisbaden sessions, one session per wheel per day, starting from the begining of the day, even though there may have been 380+ spins on that wheel that day, I moved to another wheel as soon as I had won or lost that session.
So. . .  I would recommend testing against individual sessions from one wheel at a time if possible.
Thanks again.


Sorry woods but I can't understand it.
So let me give an example.

The casino open and your start playing.
You win and then you go out. You just came back on the next day.

In the next day you go to the casino after lunch. OMG bad decision, you had hit the 400 spins you should had wait if you went there in the morning.

So if you go to the casino everyday in the morning, the bad run will come after lunch?
And if you go to the casino at afternoon? The bad run will wait till dinner?

Sorry I can't understand it, maybe it's my fault.
Please don't take this personally. I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it
I will give this a try, but testing on continous spins.
If you want I will post the results after (you may not want the results as they don't obber to your hit and run strategy).
But I will pass testing it with using it and run. Maybe someone else will be able to do it :)

Best regards,


Hey Alfonso.

Let me clarify.  I did not test against continuous spins, I tested slightly differently, but, in theory it should make no difference.  As long as the spins are real and not rng you should get similiar results.  Just make sure you give it about 400 spins between each trial.  Don't worry about the maths or the fact that this may seem ilogical and not make any sense to you.  Jus try it and see what kind of results you get.  Like I say I have tested against 42 individual spin sessions (from 7 wheels) to simulate 42 real situations of walking into a casino, straight upto a table and playing immediately, I have not tested against continuous spins from one wheel, but if you leave a gap of say 400 spins between each trial then this should produce the same results.  (i. e playing the same wheel once a day, everyday).  I hope this makes sense. 


Ok. Ignore this idea for the meantime. Think I need to revise a few things!



Glad I found this thread started by Woods......

My focus is on his first post...........


I had an enlightenment the other day, after reading Woods section on LOT3.
I havnt heard this quite put like this before, and you are all probably going to laugh and say...duh..we all knew that.

Think of sectors. Pick any 2 numbers using random/org until you have 18 groups of 2. it follows LOT3. 12, 13 will hit, 6 won't.

Any groups of sectors will do. Sectors on the wheel all nice and pretty. Groups of splits on the betting table. They all work to repeating and irratic distribution 2 3rds to 1 3rd..

So what is the biggest, hottest, happening sector in the betting history without a pen or paper or bot?

Well..for example, what's the hottest 4 number sector that is hot hot hot?

Its the last 4 unique numbers on the marquee. Last 4 numbers out......2,14,33,24. That is a sector of 4 numbers that has hit 4 times. That is (just my theory) why numbers repeat in the first 5-9.

Its because the numbers are following a very hot sector, that will repeat.

Flip side....

So why does it go 16 spins without a repeat.

Not sure...does that prove hot sectors don't have a better chance of repeating?


maybe I have an argument that no matter how long the wait until a repeat....it followed a big big hot sector.
