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Random to beat Random ?

Started by Twisteruk, Jan 21, 11:05 AM 2011

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First Session of the day

+342 Units

0 Losses

Highest Level 6

All Dozens and Columns covered. Zero covered at Random too.

Running Total +5073 Units

Its Set In Stone =)


Where do I find the bet placement for what Ur playing Here Paul?


Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 27, 03:16 AM 2011
Where do I find the bet placement for what your playing Here Paul?

Do you mean where I place my bets ?

Its Set In Stone =)


Its ok, I found it, just U now place down on 5 corners right?


Yes that's correct. We play 5 corners (20 numbers)

ALL Dozens and Columns must be covered, Zero too if you choose.

Keep all your corner selections Random

Only change your 5 corners on a Win

Its Set In Stone =)


and are U TRULY Random, or have U "Systemed" it, where U have a list maybe, (created random of course!) and U play down that list, jumping from one to another choice as the game/session progresses?


Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 27, 03:28 AM 2011
And are you TRULY Random, or have you "Systemed" it, where you have a list maybe, (created random of course!) and you play down that list, jumping from one to another choice as the game/session progresses?

Nope no list. Then Order plays a part. I dont want that.

All my 5 corners are chosen, as Randomly as my brain will allow, at Random

I do accept I maybe use some corners more than others, but that happens Randomly too

Just bounce around. Have no list or order  :)

Its Set In Stone =)


Show me ONE of UR randoms then buddie!


An example would be,

0 1 2 3, 4 5 7 8, 11 12 14 15, 22 23 25 26, 28 29 31 32

Its Set In Stone =)


The reason I ask/say, is because IF Ur covering ALL Col's and ALL Doz's,
then its not Random at all is it!

There's method in Ur madness of KING GEORGE!


Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 27, 03:38 AM 2011
The reason I ask/say, is because IF your covering ALL Col's and ALL Doz's,
then its not Random at all is it!

There's method in your madness of KING GEORGE!

"Nothing Is Random" DERREN BROWN
Its Set In Stone =)


Sure it ain't!! ha ha.


Do U bet place also in accordance with what has already spun out?

Ie. if say 3, 5, 8 are on the marque, are U paying attention to them in Ur bet placement choice, or totally ignore previous spin results?[/box]


Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 27, 03:50 AM 2011


Do you bet place also in accordance with what has already spun out?

Ie. if say 3, 5, 8 are on the marquee, are you paying attention to them in your bet placement choice, or totally ignore previous spin results ?

Ignore, as best is possible with a Random brain  :D

Its Set In Stone =)


I wonder if U could reverse engineer a sector from the wheel, into a Random bet on the table/felt.

See how Ur example fits into the wheel? (WRT fours/corners I meant!)


Interesting stuff this random!!? [/box]


The beauty of this System is that it is Random

Its as Random as your brain will allow it to be

Unless ure playin a bias wheel or following DS, its all Random
Its Set In Stone =)
