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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Catching the Heat EC method

Started by buffalowizard, Jan 28, 04:50 PM 2011

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Quote from: moles40 on Jan 28, 11:13 PM 2011
Can't belive this another system using the martingale.Give it up guys :(

A limited martingale is not better or worse than any other mechanical betting method.  They will all have losing runs where you either have to take a loss or reach the house limit.  This one is limited to how much you can lose.

Consider this, if I play a 1-2-4 marty all that means is that I'm playing a 7 unit flat bet, but I'm giving myself 3 shots at winning a little piece of the 7 units instead of winning all or nothing.  It's not like I'm going to reach the table limit with this bet.  If it were a 15 step martingale, I might have to agree with you unless you had the discipline to grow your bankroll with your wins so you would have won money to give back when you finally have the losing run.

Those are my thoughts on the martingale.  I could be wrong, but I'll never admit it.  ;D

Just kidding.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Okay, since Moles doesn't like martingales, here's another one he won't like either.  Sorry Moles.

I've been testing the single parlay bet system, or as some like to call it the let-it-ride method.

Progression 1-1-1-2-2-3-4-5-7-9-12.  That's -47 units if you get unlucky.

The way you play is to wait for 3 in a row and the begin betting for a repeat for 3 spins starting with the 1st 1 unit bet.  If it wins you're not through, you let it ride meaning you bet 2 units the one you won plus your 1 unit bet.  If you win again, you are ahead 3 units.  Start over.

If you win your 1 unit bet and lose the let-it-ride bet, you have lost your 1st unit so go to the 2nd 1 unit bet.  If you lose your 1st 1 unit bet then go to the 2nd 1 unit bet.

Keep moving to the right on every loss and on every win, you let it ride and the 1st time you win 2 in a row, you will be at a new high so start over at the 1st 1 unit bet.

if you lose all 11 bets on either the 1st or the let-it-ride bet, you will lose 47 units.  Sounds like a good time to take a break.

The hit rate seems to be good enough to catch 20 or so units, then take a break.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Jan 29, 12:52 AM 2011
Okay, since Moles doesn't like martingales, here's another one he won't like either.  Sorry Moles.

I've been testing the single parlay bet system, or as some like to call it the let-it-ride method.

Progression 1-1-1-2-2-3-4-5-7-9-12.  That's -47 units if you get unlucky.

The way you play is to wait for 3 in a row and the begin betting for a repeat for 3 spins starting with the 1st 1 unit bet.  If it wins you're not through, you let it ride meaning you bet 2 units the one you won plus your 1 unit bet.  If you win again, you are ahead 3 units.  Start over.

If you win your 1 unit bet and lose the let-it-ride bet, you have lost your 1st unit so go to the 2nd 1 unit bet.  If you lose your 1st 1 unit bet then go to the 2nd 1 unit bet.

Keep moving to the right on every loss and on every win, you let it ride and the 1st time you win 2 in a row, you will be at a new high so start over at the 1st 1 unit bet.

if you lose all 11 bets on either the 1st or the let-it-ride bet, you will lose 47 units.  Sounds like a good time to take a break.

The hit rate seems to be good enough to catch 20 or so units, then take a break.


Hi George,

Thanks for thinking about new ways of approaching this. It's helpful that you already have experience of bet placement this way, albeit waiting for 4 in a row. It's interesting to know how well it can be implemented with all 3 EC's...and I expect you could be quite busy playing this way.
I have felt that the progression is a little off...it's the second and third levels that aren't quite right, so I will give your let-it-ride technique a go.

Just to clarify, if you win on the first 2 bet, then you carry on with the 2 units you won and also the second 2 units, so 4 units altogether? Is there any chance you could post a short string of numbers as an example?

I think a stop/loss of 20 units would be fine for this, so that is what I will be testing for.




hi..i was discussing this idea in chat a few nghts ago.the way i,ve tested it was wait for a colour to appear 4 times in a row then bet only once the oppisite colour.if lose then wait untill another run 4 colours then bet again the oppisite colour using martingale.
ideally each seperate colour should have its own progression so to minimize the run of misses.
also have been playing about with this adaption on it with very good results.its as follows and remember treat each colour in its own right...and this formula is for both colours maybe all ec,s but not tested it on them  this is what i was going to ask superman to put in rx...
1st bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet oppisite colour ,if lose go to next bet
2nd bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet oppisite colour if lose go to next bet
3rd bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet same colour if lose  go to next bet
4th bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet same colour if lose goback to the very 1st bet then replay

although the very 1st bet is slow in its own right i have never gone bust with testing it.the rest is an adaptation or add on after testing it further .like to hear what you think and if superman coul rx it


Quote from: 6th-sense on Jan 29, 03:50 AM 2011
Hi..i was discussing this idea in chat a few nghts ago.the way I've tested it was wait for a colour to appear 4 times in a row then bet only once the oppisite colour.if lose then wait until another run 4 colours then bet again the oppisite colour using martingale.
ideally each separate colour should have its own progression so to minimize the run of misses.
also have been playing about with this adaption on it with very good results.its as follows and remember treat each colour in its own right...and this formula is for both colours maybe all ec,s but not tested it on them  this is what I was going to ask superman to put in rx...
1st bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet oppisite colour ,if lose go to next bet
2nd bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet oppisite colour if lose go to next bet
3rd bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet same colour if lose  go to next bet
4th bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet same colour if lose goback to the very 1st bet then replay

although the very 1st bet is slow in its own right I have never gone bust with testing it.the rest is an adaptation or add on after testing it further .like to hear what you think and if superman coul rx it

Hi 6th Sense,

It seems lots of people are onto the same ideas and this is good because together hopefully we can find the best way to play this.

I like the idea of betting once each stage...I'm sure playing all EC's it wouldn't take too long for a 4 in a row happening.

Unfortunately I don't have much time on my hands at the moment but there is lots to look into and test, so you're right...superman, come to our rescue!!



QuoteI was going to ask superman to put in rx

I dont use rx anymore, I just run the bot on the tables

Quote1st bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet oppisite colour ,if lose go to next bet
2nd bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet oppisite colour if lose go to next bet
3rd bet wait for 4 colours in a row bet same colour if lose  go to next bet
4th bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet same colour if lose goback to the very 1st bet then replay

Is that the full system? if win on any stage, do what, start from step 1 again?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


yep if you could...each colour treated on its own....also if you could just do the step 1 on its own so 2 programs in rx ,,1 for the step 1 only and another for the 4 steps....after a win on that particular colour reset it back to start


Quote4th bet wait for 3 colours in a row bet same colour if lose goback to the very 1st bet then replay

At this point do you set your progression back to 1?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


ok without resetting progression after level/bet 4 is reached, theres too many losses with that bet selection, see file for results.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: buffalowizard on Jan 29, 02:52 AM 2011
Hi George,

Thanks for thinking about new ways of approaching this. It's helpful that you already have experience of bet placement this way, albeit waiting for 4 in a row. It's interesting to know how well it can be implemented with all 3 EC's...and I expect you could be quite busy playing this way.
I have felt that the progression is a little off...it's the second and third levels that aren't quite right, so I will give your let-it-ride technique a go.

Just to clarify, if you win on the first 2 bet, then you carry on with the 2 units you won and also the second 2 units, so 4 units altogether? Is there any chance you could post a short string of numbers as an example?

I think a stop/loss of 20 units would be fine for this, so that is what I will be testing for.



Another way to explain this bet is to call it the Boffins Bet.  The Boffins bet was tweaked by Jordan on a system from quite a few months ago if my memory serves me right.

In the boffins bet you bet 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.  If you lose you go to the right 1 step.  If you win, you parlay for 1 more bet and if you win you will be ahead so start over at 1 unit.  If you lose the parlay bet, it's the same as losing the 1st bet at that level so you must move 1 bet to the right.  In order to win, we must hit 2 wins in a row otherwise we will lose 28 units.

1st bet   1unit  -  lose  -1
2nd bet   2 units  -  lose  -3
3rd bet   3 units  -  win  0  Anytime we win 1st bet we parlay
4th bet   6 units  -  win  +6  3rd bet leaves 6 units on table for next bet.  If win = +6  
5th bet   1 unit  -  win    +1  Won our 1st bet at 1 unit
6th bet   2 units  -  win  + 3  Won our parlay bet of 2 units  =  +4 - 1 original unit bet = +3.

I tweaked this so that it doesn't climb so quickly.  The units won at each level is less, but the chances to win before having to take a series loss are more in number.

1-1-1-2-2-3-4-5-7-9-11.  At win at any stage ends in profit.  With my series we have to lose 11 times for -47 verses 7 times for -28 units with the original Boffins bet.  

This is just less volatile than the marty.

The quick way to calculate this let-it-ride once parlay is  2 units X4  =  8 - 2 = +6
2 units wins 2 = 4 for parlay bet.  4 wins 4 =  8 units minus the 2 we bet originally leaves a 6 unit win.

Nuff said?? ???
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


how did the test for the bet oppisite 5 in a row go superman?


Okay gals and gents,

This is going to be almost impossible for me to explain so that you understand it right away.  Not because you are lacking in intelligence, but because I'm way too wordy in my explanations.   Here goes.

BW is betting a three step marty that a color will repeat within 3 spins after has hit 3 in a row.

What if we used a 3 step marty on each of the 3 bets for the re-hit?

Here's what I mean.  RRR now we will bet 3 times the Red will hit again.  Let's take each of those 3 bets as isolated marties. 

Let's name our 3 bets  A  B  C
Example:   RRR  3 in a row
                        A bet = 1  lose  (level 1 on A marty)  A marty = -1
                        B bet = 1  lose  (level 1 on B marty)  B marty = -1
                        C bet = 1  win   (level 1 on C marty)  C marty = +1

                BBB  3 in a row
                        A bet = 2  lose  (level 2 on A marty)  A marty = -3
                        B bet = 2  lose  (level 2 on B marty)  B marty = -3
                        C bet = 1  win   (level 1 on C marty)  C marty = +1

                 BBB  3 in a row
                        A bet =  4  win  (level 3 on A marty)  A marty = +1
                        B bet =  No bet
                        C bet =  No bet

                 RRR  3 in a row
                         A bet =  1  lose  (level 1 on A marty)  A marty = -1
                         B bet =  4  win   (level 3 on B marty)  B marty = +1
                         C bet =  No bet

                  BBB  3 in a row
                         A bet = 2 lose  (level 2 on A marty)  A marty = -3
                         B bet = 1 lose  (level 1 on B marty)  B marty  = -1
                         C bet = 1 lose  (level 1 on C marty)  C marty  = -1

                  RRR  3 in a row
                         A bet = 4 lose  (level 3 on A marty)  A marty  =-7
                         B bet = 2 win  (level 2 on B marty)   B marty  =+1
                         C bet =  No bet

Total:  A marty = +1 & -7 = -6
          B marty = +1 & +1 = +2
          C marty = +1
total at this stage of betting = +3 -6 = -3

As you can see, each step is a marty horizontally instead of vertically.  You can go for more than 3 step.  Or if you lose 3 in a row, you can go to the next level of 2-4-8 to recover lost units at the previous level.  Even to 4-8-16 and maybe 8-16-32 to recover losses at 4-8-16.  You can go to as many 3 bet levels as you are comfortable with recognizing that there is always the possibility that you may have the streak from hell that results in you taking some kind of loss so as not to continue going deeper and deeper into the hole.

I hope this is clear.  I don't know if it's worth the extra effort to keep track of each marty separately.  And I don't know if it gives any advantage over the original method. 

It's just an idea I thought I would throw out there just in case someone can get some benefit from it and share with the rest of us.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


G L C that is a very well put explanation.you can,t get better than that thanks. bearing g l c,s progression superman...now this is where i,ve hand tested this in rx with very good results  is wait for 4 colours then bet once the oppisite. if lose wait for next 3 colours to show then bet the oppisite.repeat when lose or win but reset with a hit
i was using marty to test this out as seperate bets for each colour....maybe glc ,s could work maybe not....if i could use or program a bot which i can,t i could have a field day just tweaking here and there its very frustrating...and again glc thankyou for the explanation



Hi George, I hope Ur well, U have been posting up some great stuff of late- brill to see/read.

On this latest example of Ur's how would the "Routine" (I'll call it a Routine for now)

cope with this outcome from the wheel/marquee:-


Looks like it would fair well me thinks?


Quote from: chrisbis on Jan 29, 02:36 PM 2011
On this latest example of Ur's how would the "Routine" (I'll call it a Routine for now)

cope with this outcome from the wheel/marquee:-

Looks like it would fair well me thinks?


 Just to inject a bit of casino advice here.....

 If whatever system you're playing, both now and in the future, has trouble with the above displayed graphic, you're on the wrong track.

 Eleven in a row of anything "should" produce a profit of some type, unless you're way off the mark.

 I do believe that the current system up for review in this thread does handle this string nicely.

 If "yours" didn't, you may want to rethink your attack of the wheel.

