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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 06, 03:00 PM 2011

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Hi Rob

Nice results, I take it you only waited for the 1 virtual loss each session?

Just my observations, but going by my own and others results, if you are waiting for a trigger after each virtual, then it averages +1 every 100 spins, there or thereabouts



Once again I want to preface this reply by saying that I am hoping this turns out to be as good as we think, but I had another thought last night while lying in bed not being able to sleep from pondering the matrix.

I pose this perspective just to get things cleared up in my own mind and to challenge us to considered every angle.

If I pick a dozen, let's say the 3rd dozen, and I say I am going to bet it won't become a vertical row of 2 so I bet our progression 1-1.  How is this different from saying after I have 3 in a vertical row that I bet it won't become a vertical row of 4?

Once we have a vertical row of 3 of the same dozen, the next spin in that vertical row has the same odds of being the 3rd dozen as in the above example.

I think we should compare notes and determine if when we have say 2 in a vertical row and we bet against it becoming a vertical row of 3 and then we wait for another dozen to form a vertical row of 2 and we bet that it won't form a vertical row of 3 etc...that this doesn't win at about the same rate.

I'm thinking that the ratio will be pretty much the same as having 3 become 4.  It's just that we don't see 3 become 4 as often as we see 2 become 3 or even 1 become 2 and so we think that we have a higher win rate per bet opportunity.  

It may be that we have the same hit rate, but it takes so long to have the same number of bet opportunities compared to a 2 becoming 3, that we think we're better off waiting for the rarer event.

If this thought is correct, it can give us many more betting opportunities in the same number of spins.

We don't want to confuse thinking that betting 3 won't become 4 is the same as betting a single won't become 4, it's a big difference.

I think, for all of us who are concerned about having to keep a place at the table while we track for an hour or so, we should start testing or at least watching for betting that 2 won't become 3 while we also bet that 3 won't become 4, just to see if the hit rate for say 25 betting opportunities of each isn't pretty equal.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Another progression that can be used  - if you can find table that allows 25p units:

Level One
Ã,£1 staked - 4x25p LINES Profit=+0.5u

Level Two
Ã,£3 staked - 4x75p LINES Profit=+0.5u

Level Three
Ã,£9 staked - 4xÃ,£2.25p LINES Profit =+0.5u

Level Four
Ã,£27 staked - 4xÃ,£6.75p LINES Profit=+0.5u


If win Ã,£40 @ 0.5u win level then can move up to normal 1u win level 1-3-9-27 (x2) = 80u

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


then if you think you win 1 unit every 100 spins my session was a good one  ;D


"but it takes so long to have the same number of bet opportunities compared to a 2 becoming 3, that we think we're better off waiting for the rarer event."


My feelings exactly. It takes just too long to get a betting opportunity that unless you are a high $/unit player the profits are not soo attractive compared to the number of hours spent playing.

John, why do you thing the Matrix Vertical is superior to the Matrix49? In M49 one is betting way more frequently and the still at a decent win rate.



Another quick test on recorded live wheel.
122 spins --> +4 units profit


They both defeat random Vundarosa. The matrix vertical in my estimation because its beating the hell out of àn RNG. Matrix 49 Only works if you win the first line. If you go to battle the RNG takes you apart. MATRIX VERTICAL is taking RNG apart I've never seen anything like it... :o :o

Betting for two not to become 3 indeed gives you a better betting frequency. But a word of WARNING, RNG has no problem spinning off 5 trebles, live wheels too. ITS QUADS IT CAN'T DEAL WITH. I sense that ole human failing creeping in. LACK OF PATIENCE.

Its one of the reasons the Mathematicians have never been challenged all these years. MATRIX VERTICAL is special. Stick to it, I'm telling you straight its THE ONE.


My next test wasn't that good. The zero caused me 4 losses.
I'm still testing recorded live wheel
308 spins--> +26 units profit and -80 units loss = -54 units loss


Quote from: vundarosa on Feb 10, 11:04 AM 2011
"but it takes so long to have the same number of bet opportunities compared to a 2 becoming 3, that we think we're better off waiting for the rarer event."


My feelings exactly. It takes just too long to get a betting opportunity that unless you are a high $/unit player the profits are not soo attractive compared to the number of hours spent playing.

John, why do you thing the Matrix Vertical is superior to the Matrix49? In M49 one is betting way more frequently and the still at a decent win rate.

I keep forgetting Americans can't bet online. If im going to bet live I simply log on to a live casino, back track the history bar and right down the last 25 spins. And go from there. Maximum wait ive had for a Quad is 77 spins including the history bar.

Rng can knock out 5--8 spins a minute. Which is why I'm ecstatic. That MATRIX VERTICAL can beat it. Because it will give a faster turnover.

Its tough for you Americans your gambling laws suck..


Quote from: irishrob on Feb 10, 12:21 PM 2011
My next test wasn't that good. The zero caused me 4 losses.
I'm still testing recorded live wheel
308 spins--> +26 units profit and -80 units loss = -54 units loss
Irish rob 4 losses 26 points in only 308 spins, you're doing something wrong I can't open your files please explain exactly how you play...


john legend this system could just really make you a legend you know  :o

because if it proves to be as good as we think it is and we trust we can just multiply the progression by 10 it wont matter still have al lot of testing to do.

the average is really 1 unit every 100 spins but that could aso become 100 units every 100 spins. i am going to test some more now ;)


I think irish rob playes like this he waits for a triple and bets it for not becoming a quad he uses no triggers and after the quad hits he keeps betting the same dozen for the 5 pointer and so on.

and in the examle he hits a 7 pointer blowing his progression of 4 to bits -80


Quote from: Johnlegend on Feb 10, 12:36 PM 2011
Irish rob 4 losses 26 points in only 308 spins, you're doing something wrong I can't open your files please explain exactly how you play...

If I got 3 repeating number vertically, I bet not to get 4 of the same number. If it lost, I bet not to get 5 of the same number. If it lost, bet not to get 6 of the same number. And if it lost again, bet not to get 7 of the same number. If the last (4th) bet lost, stop progression under that number. That's it.


Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?



yes that confirms my thoughts so i was right  ;)

by the way irish rob i havent seen that mutch 7 pointers and usally there is a 0 in the mix just as in your example  ;)
