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Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced)

Started by ThomasGrant, Feb 06, 03:02 PM 2011

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Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced)
Brand new video tutorial series for 2011.

Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced)
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*



In this. One of a kind tutorial series.
I hope to go through some advanced ideas and concepts.
Well... advanced...
Advanced for me at least.

Going over old ground.
And a few new things.
Like how to work with colors and fonts.

A very detailed tutorial.
Going in depth.

Deeper than anything I have done before.
Lots of videos.
Lots of instructions.
Lots of things to learn and to do.

I will be going into thomasgrant_2.psc
Ohh dear... finally figured much of what I wanted to do with that code.
Works better now. Better than I expected.
Still a few things to tidy up.
But geez. Take a look at the previous videos.

I will also be attempting to do Roulette Bandit.
And applying that to my interface.

The interface is the easy part.

It that dam code that get most people stuck.

Hope to keep you entertained.
Why not subscribe to my youtube site?

And keep up to date on new video tutorials that I do.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


if you will get stuck just ask. its simillar enough to delphi so i think i may be helpfull.
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Quote from: ophis on Feb 13, 12:44 PM 2011
If you will get stuck just ask. its simillar enough to delphi so I think I may be helpfull.

Where we you two weeks ago?

Thank you for your kind offer.

I know that you have your point of view regarding RSS Pro.
And I have tried to code with Delphi. I really have.

Just found it to difficult to get my code to work.
RSS Pro, despite it only being an emulator.
For me... it is very easy to code with.
And to understand.
Plus, I can get my code to work.
It may be the poor mans alternative.
But for me.
It does what I tell it to.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced) Part 3
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Plus I have all the files here as well.
Download them.
They are for all platforms.

Playtech Live
Real Time Gaming
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced) Part 4 (Unit4, Unit5)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Explaining Unit4 and Unit5 again.
Going to get back to these and show you how they work in action.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Just a quick note.
The download has 2 memos on form2

Remove Memo2
Don't know how that got there.
I may have duplicated it somehow.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced) Part 5 (Dialogs, SaveDialog)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced) Part 6 (Dialogs, OpenDialog)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

procedure open_file(Title,FileName);
OpenDialog1.Title:=Title; {The Titles of the Dialog Window}
   OpenDialog1.Filter:='Txt files (*.txt)|*.txt';
   if OpenDialog1.FileName='' then
       ShowMessage('Open file was cancelled');{If you press cancel, this message will appear}

procedure save_file(Title,FileName);
 SaveDialog1.Title:=Title; {The Titles of the Dialog Window}
   SaveDialog1.Filter:='Txt files (*.txt)|*.txt';
   if SaveDialog1.FileName='' then
       ShowMessage('Save file was cancelled');{If you press cancel, this message will appear}

procedure MainMenu1_LoadSettingsClick(Sender: TObject);
  open_file('Open my file','My_file.txt');        

procedure MainMenu1_SaveSettingsClick(Sender: TObject);
 save_file('Save My Files','My_file.txt');

This comes in handy later on.
Or anywhere in your script.
Now you can send the Title. The IntialDir, The FileName to these procedures.
And these procedures can now be used anywhere.
Or copied for later projects.
All you now need to do is change the variables that come in.


We have

save_file('Save My Files','My_file.txt');

Well, you can put in.

save_file('Save my Docment','My_document.txt');

Makes sense?
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Tom's RSS Pro: Tutorial V6 (Advanced) Part 7 (Dialogs, FontDialog)
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

FontDialog1.Execute(false); {Opens the font requester}

Object Name: Font, Font Style, Font Color, Font Size


Using the .Font on Objects and the FontDialog1.Font will affect the Object with all the font elements.
If you want to be more specific and just change certain Object elements.
Like the font style or color.
It would look like this.




This process can be used for many of the objects.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*
