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Started by atlantis, Feb 06, 07:24 PM 2011

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With the MATRIX-50 DOZEN system capturing interest and providing an idea, I am just trying out this simple and easy selection method.  F_LAT_INO's magic 7 number string GRID also provided inspiration:

I track 7 DOZEN results (ignore 0) until I have seven latest results where one particular DOZ has only ONE hit...

e.g.: 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 (Doz 2 qualifies as the lowest scorer)

I bet that qualifying dozen until it hits using progression:
Forward 1 on a loss; back two steps on a win.
However I RESET when level or ahead of current highest total...

I always keep track of the LAST SEVEN doz results at all times (ignore 0)

If win: I consult the last 7 results for next qualifier.
If no qualifier I continue recording until one occurs.

I bet the qualifier at the appropriate stake level.

Rinse and Repeat... :)

I'm always using the last 7 recorded results to determine the next dozen to bet.
(ie. a rolling list of seven where the earliest doz drops off the list as the new one is added to the end)

Well, in the end - is it really any better or worse than Matrix50 or MatrixVertical?
Will probably hit the Long losing sequence in the end like they all do but maybe some checks and balances might help...?

EXAMPLE RESULT (real numbers)
Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net=,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 3rd Dozen L
9,32,Bet,1,3,-1,2,501,1 : 3rd Dozen W
10,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
11,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
12,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 1st Dozen L
13,33,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 1st Dozen L
14,17,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,498,1 : 1st Dozen L
15,31,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : 1st Dozen L
16,9,Bet,2,6,-2,4,500,2 : 1st Dozen W
17,5,Bet,2,6,-2,4,504,2 : 1st Dozen W
18,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
19,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
20,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 1st Dozen L
21,1,Bet,1,3,-1,2,505,1 : 1st Dozen W
22,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
23,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
24,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
25,2,Bet,1,3,-1,2,507,1 : 1st Dozen W
26,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
27,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 2nd Dozen L
28,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 2nd Dozen L
29,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 2nd Dozen L
30,25,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,502,2 : 2nd Dozen L
31,0,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : 2nd Dozen L
32,11,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : 2nd Dozen L
33,21,Bet,3,9,-3,6,504,3 : 2nd Dozen W
34,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,502,2 : 2nd Dozen L
35,12,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : 2nd Dozen L
36,24,Bet,3,9,-3,6,506,3 : 2nd Dozen W
37,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
38,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
39,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
40,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
41,29,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 2nd Dozen L
42,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 2nd Dozen L
43,19,Bet,2,6,-2,4,508,2 : 2nd Dozen W
44,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 2nd Dozen L
45,3,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 2nd Dozen L
46,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 2nd Dozen L
47,14,Bet,2,6,-2,4,509,2 : 2nd Dozen W
48,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
49,35,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : 3rd Dozen W
50,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 3rd Dozen L
51,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 3rd Dozen L
52,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 3rd Dozen L
53,31,Bet,2,6,-2,4,512,2 : 3rd Dozen W
54,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
55,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 2nd Dozen L
56,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 2nd Dozen L
57,23,Bet,1,3,-1,2,512,1 : 2nd Dozen W
58,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 2nd Dozen L
59,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 2nd Dozen L
60,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 2nd Dozen L
61,20,Bet,2,6,-2,4,513,2 : 2nd Dozen W
62,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
63,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
64,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
65,17,Bet,1,3,-1,2,515,1 : 2nd Dozen W
66,27,Bet,1,3,-1,2,517,1 : 3rd Dozen W
67,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
68,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
69,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
70,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
71,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
72,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : 1st Dozen L
73,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : 1st Dozen L
74,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : 1st Dozen L
75,1,Bet,2,6,-2,4,518,2 : 1st Dozen W
76,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,517,1 : 1st Dozen L
77,6,Bet,1,3,-1,2,519,1 : 1st Dozen W
78,19,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,518,1 : 1st Dozen L
79,1,Bet,1,3,-1,2,520,1 : 1st Dozen W
80,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
81,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
82,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
83,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,520,
84,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,519,1 : 2nd Dozen L
85,15,Bet,1,3,-1,2,521,1 : 2nd Dozen W
86,24,Bet,1,3,-1,2,523,1 : 2nd Dozen W
87,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,523,
88,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,523,
89,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,523,
90,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,523,
91,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,523,
92,31,Bet,1,3,-1,2,525,1 : 3rd Dozen W
93,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
94,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
95,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,525,
96,23,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,524,1 : 3rd Dozen L
97,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,523,1 : 3rd Dozen L
98,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,522,1 : 3rd Dozen L
99,26,Bet,2,6,-2,4,526,2 : 3rd Dozen W
100,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,525,1 : 3rd Dozen L
+25 in 100 spins
Longest Losing Run=6

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


A.is there anyone who can code this say 10.000 spins?


Hi Warrior,

A.is there anyone who can code this say 10.000 spins?

Please wait - I have an idea to improve/modify which I *think* will make better.
Will post later. Thanks.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Good job A,

Looking interesting indeed



Hi Folks,

As promised a modification here for this.

First off, I just want to clarify that I bet only when I have a current string of seven latest dozen results in order and 1) all three dozens are amongst the seven dozens listed and 2) one of the dozens is the lowest scorer and must have only hit ONCE. It does not matter what dozen it may be or its position in the line.

Remember the 7-LINE is to be updated to reflect the latest seven dozen cycle results after EACH spin.

Now the modification:
When a qualifier appears I bet it using the progression above as in the first post but now ONLY until it drops off the list!!
If it wins - that's fine  - I stop betting as normal and search for next qualifier - but once it disappears out of my cycle of 7 doz results - I STOP BETTING IT.
I wait for it to reappear then search for the next qualifier and continue the betting from the next stage of the progression.

1 3 3 2 3 2 3 (dozen 1 qualifies - but can only be bet ONCE)
1 2 1 2 3 2 2 (dozen 3 qualifies - but will only be bet up to a max of 5 times)
3 1 3 2 2 3 2 (dozen 1 qualifies - but will only ever be bet for a max of 2 times)

Stops me chasing potential Sleeper dozens.

It's possible a dozen can requalify once it reappears  - by being the latest doz to hit and having hit only ONCE in the last 7 recorded doz.

I use the very same session as above for the following example.

Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 3rd Dozen L
9,32,Bet,1,3,-1,2,501,1 : 3rd Dozen W
10,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
11,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
12,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 1st Dozen L
13,33,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 1st Dozen L
14,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
15,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
16,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
17,5,Bet,1,3,-1,2,501,1 : 1st Dozen W
18,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
19,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
20,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
21,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
22,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
23,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
24,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
25,2,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : 1st Dozen W
26,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
27,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
28,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
29,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
30,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
31,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
32,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
33,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
34,30,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 2nd Dozen L
35,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 2nd Dozen L
36,24,Bet,2,6,-2,4,504,2 : 2nd Dozen W
37,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
38,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
39,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
40,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
41,29,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 2nd Dozen L
42,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
43,19,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 2nd Dozen W
44,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 2nd Dozen L
45,3,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
46,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 2nd Dozen L
47,14,Bet,2,6,-2,4,505,2 : 2nd Dozen W
48,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
49,35,Bet,1,3,-1,2,507,1 : 3rd Dozen W
50,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 3rd Dozen L
51,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 3rd Dozen L
52,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 3rd Dozen L
53,31,Bet,2,6,-2,4,508,2 : 3rd Dozen W
54,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,508,
55,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 2nd Dozen L
56,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 2nd Dozen L
57,23,Bet,1,3,-1,2,508,1 : 2nd Dozen W
58,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 2nd Dozen L
59,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 2nd Dozen L
60,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 2nd Dozen L
61,20,Bet,2,6,-2,4,509,2 : 2nd Dozen W
62,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
63,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
64,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
65,17,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : 2nd Dozen W
66,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
67,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
68,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
69,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
70,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
71,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
72,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 1st Dozen L
73,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 1st Dozen L
74,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 1st Dozen L
75,1,Bet,2,6,-2,4,512,2 : 1st Dozen W
76,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
77,6,Bet,1,3,-1,2,514,1 : 1st Dozen W
78,19,Bet,1,3,-1,2,516,1 : 2nd Dozen W
79,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
80,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
81,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
82,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
83,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,516,
84,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : 2nd Dozen L
85,15,Bet,1,3,-1,2,517,1 : 2nd Dozen W
86,24,Bet,1,3,-1,2,519,1 : 2nd Dozen W
87,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
88,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
89,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
90,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
91,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,519,
92,31,Bet,1,3,-1,2,521,1 : 3rd Dozen W
93,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,521,
94,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,521,
95,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,521,
96,23,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,520,1 : 3rd Dozen L
97,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,519,1 : 3rd Dozen L
98,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,518,1 : 3rd Dozen L
99,26,Bet,2,6,-2,4,522,2 : 3rd Dozen W
100,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,522,

+22 in 100 spins.
Longest Losing Run = 3

Profit not quite as much - but stats are better and L.L.R. only 3 :)
I haven't much time to test today but I think this mod improves the safety whilst hopefully not affecting the profitability too much.


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


How to play example:

1 2 1 2 3 2 2 (7 numbers featuring all dozens and doz 3 has hit ONCE only)

1 2 1 2 3 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #11 hits LOST -1
2 1 2 3 2 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #29 hits WON +1 *Reset
1 2 3 2 2 1 3  No Bet - #5 hits
2 3 2 2 1 3 1  No Bet - #12 hits
3 2 2 1 3 1 1  No Bet - #17 hits
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #0 hits LOST +0
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #9 hits LOST -1
2 1 3 1 1 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #7 hits LOST -2
1 3 1 1 2 1 1  Bet 2u on DOZ3 - #30 hits WON +2 *Reset
3 1 1 2 1 1 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #31 hits LOST +1
1 1 2 1 1 3 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #14 hits WON +3 *Reset
1 2 1 1 3 3 2  No Bet - #36 hits
2 1 1 3 3 2 3  No Bet - #4 hits
1 1 3 3 2 3 1  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #23 hits WON +5 *Reset
1 3 3 2 3 1 2  No Bet - #3 hits
3 3 2 3 1 2 1  No Bet - #2 hits
3 2 3 1 2 1 1  No Bet - #13 hits
2 3 1 2 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #16 hits LOST +4
3 1 2 1 1 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #19 hits LOST +3
1 2 1 1 2 2 2  No Bet - #32 hits
2 1 1 2 2 2 3  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #26 hits WON +5 *Reset
1 1 2 2 2 3 3  No Bet

+5 in 22 spins. (12 bets; 5L - 7W)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Atlantis you could do three attempts per trigger and a progression continuation if no hit.

i.e. 1,1,1   (wait for next trigger) 2,2,2 (wait for next trigger, repeat)




Thanks Proofreaders2000 for your suggestion. I will bear in mind during test period.  :thumbsup:

@Warrior: You mean it could be original method of playing dozens?

Another winning session:

Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
9,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
10,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
11,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
12,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
13,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 3rd Dozen L
14,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,498,1 : 3rd Dozen L
15,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,497,1 : 3rd Dozen L
16,29,Bet,2,6,-2,4,501,2 : 3rd Dozen W
17,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
18,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 3rd Dozen L
19,29,Bet,1,3,-1,2,502,1 : 3rd Dozen W
20,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
21,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
22,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 1st Dozen L
23,12,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : 1st Dozen W
24,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
25,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
26,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
27,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
28,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
29,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
30,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
31,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
32,21,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 2nd Dozen W
33,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
34,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
35,8,Bet,1,3,-1,2,506,1 : 1st Dozen W
36,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
37,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
38,26,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 1st Dozen L
39,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 1st Dozen L
40,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 1st Dozen L
41,9,Bet,2,6,-2,4,507,2 : 1st Dozen W
42,11,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
43,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
44,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
45,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
46,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
47,18,Bet,1,3,-1,2,509,1 : 2nd Dozen W
48,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
49,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
50,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 1st Dozen L
51,3,Bet,1,3,-1,2,510,1 : 1st Dozen W
52,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
53,23,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 1st Dozen L
54,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 1st Dozen L
55,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 1st Dozen L
56,11,Bet,2,6,-2,4,511,2 : 1st Dozen W
57,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
58,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 2nd Dozen L
59,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 2nd Dozen L
60,22,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : 2nd Dozen W
61,15,Bet,1,3,-1,2,513,1 : 2nd Dozen W
62,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
63,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 3rd Dozen L
64,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 3rd Dozen L
65,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 3rd Dozen L
66,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
67,9,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,508,2 : 3rd Dozen L
68,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,506,2 : 3rd Dozen L
69,34,Bet,2,6,-2,4,510,2 : 3rd Dozen W
70,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
71,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
72,12,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,508,2 : 2nd Dozen L
73,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,506,2 : 2nd Dozen L
74,6,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,504,2 : 2nd Dozen L
75,17,Bet,3,9,-3,6,510,3 : 2nd Dozen W
76,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
77,29,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,508,2 : 2nd Dozen L
78,25,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,506,2 : 2nd Dozen L
79,16,Bet,3,9,-3,6,512,3 : 2nd Dozen W
80,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
81,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
82,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
83,22,Bet,2,6,-2,4,516,2 : 2nd Dozen W
84,21,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : 1st Dozen L
85,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : 1st Dozen L
86,23,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,513,1 : 1st Dozen L
87,35,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,511,2 : 1st Dozen L
88,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
89,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
90,17,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,509,2 : 1st Dozen L
91,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,507,2 : 1st Dozen L
92,36,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,504,3 : 1st Dozen L
93,17,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,501,3 : 1st Dozen L
94,3,Bet,3,9,-3,6,507,3 : 1st Dozen W
95,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
96,32,Bet,3,9,-3,6,513,3 : 3rd Dozen W
97,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
98,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
99,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
100,35,Bet,2,6,-2,4,517,2 : 3rd Dozen W

+17 in 100
51 bets - 18W; 33L


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Yes it is a different way to play its original .


Next winning session. Played a bit longer to get a +20 profit.
A more difficult session with a stake of 4u required due to longer losing run - but it holds up and delivers quite nicely... :)

Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 3rd Dozen L
9,35,Bet,1,3,-1,2,501,1 : 3rd Dozen W
10,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
11,34,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : 3rd Dozen W
12,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
13,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
14,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
15,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
16,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
17,22,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 2nd Dozen W
18,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 3rd Dozen L
19,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 3rd Dozen L
20,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
21,34,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 3rd Dozen W
22,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
23,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
24,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,504,
25,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 2nd Dozen L
26,29,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
27,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
28,0,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 2nd Dozen L
29,14,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : 2nd Dozen L
30,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
31,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
32,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 1st Dozen L
33,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 1st Dozen L
34,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
35,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
36,32,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,499,2 : 1st Dozen L
37,24,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,497,2 : 1st Dozen L
38,36,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,495,2 : 1st Dozen L
39,33,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,492,3 : 1st Dozen L
40,17,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,489,3 : 1st Dozen L
41,33,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,486,3 : 1st Dozen L
42,18,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,482,4 : 1st Dozen L
43,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,482,
44,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,482,
45,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,482,
46,30,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,478,4 : 1st Dozen L
47,6,Bet,4,12,-4,8,486,4 : 1st Dozen W
48,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,486,
49,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,486,
50,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,486,
51,30,Bet,4,12,-4,8,494,4 : 3rd Dozen W
52,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
53,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
54,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,490,4 : 3rd Dozen L
55,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,486,4 : 3rd Dozen L
56,34,Bet,4,12,-4,8,494,4 : 3rd Dozen W
57,2,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,490,4 : 2nd Dozen L
58,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
59,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
60,2,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,486,4 : 2nd Dozen L
61,22,Bet,4,12,-4,8,494,4 : 2nd Dozen W
62,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
63,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
64,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
65,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
66,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
67,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
68,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
69,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
70,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
71,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
72,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
73,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
74,26,Bet,4,12,-4,8,502,4 : 3rd Dozen W
75,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
76,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
77,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
78,17,Bet,3,9,-3,6,508,3 : 2nd Dozen W
79,17,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 1st Dozen L
80,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
81,2,Bet,1,3,-1,2,509,1 : 1st Dozen W
82,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
83,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
84,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : 3rd Dozen L
85,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,508,
86,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,508,
87,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,507,1 : 2nd Dozen L
88,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 2nd Dozen L
89,32,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,504,2 : 2nd Dozen L
90,36,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,502,2 : 2nd Dozen L
91,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
92,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
93,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
94,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
95,11,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : 2nd Dozen L
96,6,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,497,3 : 2nd Dozen L
97,16,Bet,3,9,-3,6,503,3 : 2nd Dozen W
98,0,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,501,2 : 3rd Dozen L
99,15,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,498,3 : 3rd Dozen L
100,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,498,
101,16,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,495,3 : 3rd Dozen L
102,27,Bet,3,9,-3,6,501,3 : 3rd Dozen W
103,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
104,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
105,7,Bet,3,9,-3,6,507,3 : 1st Dozen W
106,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
107,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
108,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
109,5,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,505,2 : 2nd Dozen L
110,22,Bet,2,6,-2,4,509,2 : 2nd Dozen L
111,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
112,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,509,
113,6,Bet,1,3,-1,2,511,1 : 1st Dozen W
114,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
115,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
116,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
117,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
118,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,511,
119,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 3rd Dozen L
120,25,Bet,1,3,-1,2,512,1 : 3rd Dozen W
121,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 2nd Dozen L
122,22,Bet,1,3,-1,2,513,1 : 2nd Dozen W
123,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
124,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,513,
125,31,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 2nd Dozen W
126,24,Bet,1,3,-1,2,514,1 : 2nd Dozen W
127,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
128,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,513,1 : 3rd Dozen L
129,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 3rd Dozen L
130,36,Bet,1,3,-1,2,514,1 : 3rd Dozen W
131,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
132,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
133,19,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,513,1 : 3rd Dozen L
134,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,512,1 : 3rd Dozen L
135,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 3rd Dozen L
136,27,Bet,2,6,-2,4,515,2 : 3rd Dozen W
137,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,515,
138,25,Bet,1,3,-1,2,517,1 : 3rd Dozen W
139,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
140,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
141,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,517,
142,29,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : 2nd Dozen L
143,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : 2nd Dozen L
144,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : 2nd Dozen L
145,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,514,
146,19,Bet,2,6,-2,4,518,2 : 2nd Dozen W
147,30,Bet,1,3,-1,2,520,1 : 3rd Dozen W

+20 in 147 spins
69 bets - 24W ; 45L

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Today's session:

Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,32,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
9,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 2nd Dozen L
10,35,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,498,1 : 2nd Dozen L
11,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,498,
12,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,497,1 : 2nd Dozen L
13,19,Bet,2,6,-2,4,501,2 : 2nd Dozen W
14,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
15,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
16,35,Bet,1,3,-1,2,503,1 : 3rd Dozen W
17,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
18,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 3rd Dozen L
19,19,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 3rd Dozen L
20,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 3rd Dozen L
21,26,Bet,2,6,-2,4,504,2 : 3rd Dozen W
22,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : 2nd Dozen L
23,33,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 2nd Dozen L
24,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 2nd Dozen L
25,32,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,499,2 : 2nd Dozen L
26,6,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,497,2 : 2nd Dozen L
27,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
28,24,Bet,2,6,-2,4,501,2 : 2nd Dozen W
29,21,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,499,2 : 1st Dozen L
30,17,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,497,2 : 1st Dozen L
31,3,Bet,2,6,-2,4,501,2 : 1st Dozen W
32,14,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,499,2 : 3rd Dozen L
33,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
34,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
35,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,499,
36,26,Bet,2,6,-2,4,503,2 : 3rd Dozen W
37,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
38,22,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
39,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
40,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
41,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
42,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
43,17,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 3rd Dozen L
44,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
45,31,Bet,2,6,-2,4,506,2 : 3rd Dozen W
46,33,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 2nd Dozen L
47,17,Bet,1,3,-1,2,507,1 : 2nd Dozen W
48,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,507,
49,0,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,506,1 : 1st Dozen L
50,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,505,1 : 1st Dozen L
51,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
52,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
53,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
54,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
55,18,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
56,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,505,
57,34,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,504,1 : 1st Dozen L
58,16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,502,2 : 1st Dozen L
59,28,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : 1st Dozen L
60,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : 1st Dozen L
61,32,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,495,3 : 1st Dozen L
62,14,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,492,3 : 1st Dozen L
63,22,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,489,3 : 1st Dozen L
64,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,489,
65,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,489,
66,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,489,
67,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,489,
68,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,489,
69,4,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,485,4 : 3rd Dozen L
70,21,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,481,4 : 3rd Dozen L
71,0,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,477,4 : 3rd Dozen L
72,33,Bet,5,15,-5,10,487,5 : 3rd Dozen W
73,8,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,483,4 : 3rd Dozen L
74,29,Bet,4,12,-4,8,491,4 : 3rd Dozen W
75,23,Bet,4,12,-4,8,499,4 : 2nd Dozen W
76,24,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,496,3 : 1st Dozen L
77,10,Bet,3,9,-3,6,502,3 : 1st Dozen W
78,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
79,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
80,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
81,23,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,499,3 : 1st Dozen L
82,29,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,496,3 : 1st Dozen L
83,2,Bet,3,9,-3,6,502,3 : 1st Dozen W
84,29,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,499,3 : 2nd Dozen L
85,22,Bet,3,9,-3,6,505,3 : 2nd Dozen W
86,31,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,503,2 : 1st Dozen L
87,20,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,500,3 : 1st Dozen L
88,3,Bet,3,9,-3,6,506,3 : 1st Dozen W
89,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
90,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,506,
91,4,Bet,2,6,-2,4,510,2 : 1st Dozen W
92,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
93,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,510,
94,29,Bet,1,3,-1,2,512,1 : 3rd Dozen W
95,20,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
96,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,512,
97,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,511,1 : 3rd Dozen W
98,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : 3rd Dozen L
99,11,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : 3rd Dozen L
100,27,Bet,2,6,-2,4,513,2 : 3rd Dozen W

+13 in 100 spins
56 bets - 19W ; 37L
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Feb 07, 10:09 AM 2011
How to play example:

1 2 1 2 3 2 2 (7 numbers featuring all dozens and doz 3 has hit ONCE only)

1 2 1 2 3 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #11 hits LOST -1
2 1 2 3 2 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #29 hits WON +1 *Reset
1 2 3 2 2 1 3  No Bet - #5 hits
2 3 2 2 1 3 1  No Bet - #12 hits
3 2 2 1 3 1 1  No Bet - #17 hits
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #0 hits LOST +0
2 2 1 3 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #9 hits LOST -1
2 1 3 1 1 2 1  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #7 hits LOST -2
1 3 1 1 2 1 1  Bet 2u on DOZ3 - #30 hits WON +2 *Reset
3 1 1 2 1 1 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #31 hits LOST +1
1 1 2 1 1 3 3  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #14 hits WON +3 *Reset
1 2 1 1 3 3 2  No Bet - #36 hits
2 1 1 3 3 2 3  No Bet - #4 hits
1 1 3 3 2 3 1  Bet 1u on DOZ2 - #23 hits WON +5 *Reset
1 3 3 2 3 1 2  No Bet - #3 hits
3 3 2 3 1 2 1  No Bet - #2 hits
3 2 3 1 2 1 1  No Bet - #13 hits
2 3 1 2 1 1 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #16 hits LOST +4
3 1 2 1 1 2 2  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #19 hits LOST +3
1 2 1 1 2 2 2  No Bet - #32 hits
2 1 1 2 2 2 3  Bet 1u on DOZ3 - #26 hits WON +5 *Reset
1 1 2 2 2 3 3  No Bet


Are these Real results/spins?

If so, (its an engineering thing I'm about to say).....can U see the Moire' Fringes being set up, in the diagonal lines moving right to left across the number list?

Interesting, but prob nothing that one could design a bet for!!

(Or could we?.......................................  :twisted: )


Quote from: chrisbis on Feb 11, 04:32 AM 2011
Are these Real results/spins?
If so, (its an engineering thing I'm about to say).....can you see the Moire' Fringes being set up, in the diagonal lines moving right to left across the number list?
Interesting, but prob nothing that one could design a bet for!!
(Or could we?.......................................  :twisted: )

Hi Chrisbis,
Yes they are real number sessions I'm posting. The lines of 7 are just showing the latest order of the last hit dozens after each spin (the history of the most recent hit dozens)
I can see the patterns you mention  - didn't know they were called that. The dozen numbers simply move one step right to left after each result until they drop off the matrix...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Todays session. A more difficult session with some negative swings but finishing with a +4 profit after 100 spins.

Spin,Number,=Type=,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.=,Bet Layout
1,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
2,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
3,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
4,25,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
5,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
6,7,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
7,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,500,
8,23,Bet,1,3,-1,2,502,1 : 2nd Dozen W
9,35,No Bet,0,0,0,0,502,
10,7,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : 2nd Dozen L
11,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 2nd Dozen L
12,33,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,499,1 : 2nd Dozen L
13,9,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,497,2 : 2nd Dozen L
14,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,495,2 : 2nd Dozen L
15,5,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,493,2 : 2nd Dozen L
16,2,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
17,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
18,29,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
19,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
20,9,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
21,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
22,21,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
23,9,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : 2nd Dozen L
24,20,Bet,3,9,-3,6,496,3 : 2nd Dozen W
25,4,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,494,2 : 3rd Dozen L
26,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
27,28,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
28,0,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,491,3 : 3rd Dozen L
29,23,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,488,3 : 3rd Dozen L
30,28,Bet,3,9,-3,6,494,3 : 3rd Dozen W
31,17,No Bet,0,0,0,0,494,
32,18,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,491,3 : 1st Dozen L
33,1,Bet,3,9,-3,6,497,3 : 1st Dozen W
34,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,497,
35,7,Bet,2,6,-2,4,501,2 : 1st Dozen W
36,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
37,12,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
38,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,500,1 : 3rd Dozen L
39,16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : 3rd Dozen L
40,8,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : 3rd Dozen L
41,3,No Bet,0,0,0,0,496,
42,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,496,
43,31,No Bet,0,0,0,0,496,
44,19,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,494,2 : 3rd Dozen L
45,15,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,491,3 : 3rd Dozen L
46,4,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,488,3 : 3rd Dozen L
47,11,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,485,3 : 3rd Dozen L
48,30,Bet,4,12,-4,8,493,4 : 3rd Dozen W
49,26,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
50,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
51,1,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
52,6,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
53,35,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,491,2 : 2nd Dozen L
54,34,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,489,2 : 2nd Dozen L
55,1,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,486,3 : 2nd Dozen L
56,23,Bet,3,9,-3,6,492,3 : 2nd Dozen W
57,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,492,
58,0,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,490,2 : 2nd Dozen L
59,36,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,487,3 : 2nd Dozen L
60,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,484,3 : 2nd Dozen L
61,30,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,481,3 : 2nd Dozen L
62,12,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,477,4 : 2nd Dozen L
63,17,Bet,4,12,-4,8,485,4 : 2nd Dozen W
64,33,No Bet,0,0,0,0,485,
65,5,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,482,3 : 2nd Dozen L
66,21,Bet,4,12,-4,8,490,4 : 2nd Dozen W
67,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
68,36,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
69,0,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
70,24,No Bet,0,0,0,0,490,
71,26,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,487,3 : 1st Dozen L
72,8,Bet,3,9,-3,6,493,3 : 1st Dozen W
73,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
74,23,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
75,15,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
76,16,No Bet,0,0,0,0,493,
77,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : 3rd Dozen L
78,18,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,487,3 : 3rd Dozen L
79,5,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
80,8,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
81,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
82,10,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
83,4,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
84,34,No Bet,0,0,0,0,487,
85,3,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,484,3 : 3rd Dozen L
86,36,Bet,4,12,-4,8,492,4 : 3rd Dozen W
87,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,492,
88,35,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,489,3 : 2nd Dozen L
89,19,Bet,3,9,-3,6,495,3 : 2nd Dozen W
90,13,No Bet,0,0,0,0,495,
91,7,Bet,3,9,-3,6,501,3 : 1st Dozen W
92,14,No Bet,0,0,0,0,501,
93,29,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,499,2 : 1st Dozen L
94,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,497,2 : 1st Dozen L
95,12,Bet,3,9,-3,6,503,3 : 1st Dozen W
96,27,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
97,19,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
98,30,No Bet,0,0,0,0,503,
99,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : 1st Dozen L
100,7,Bet,1,3,-1,2,504,1 : 1st Dozen W

+4 in 100 spins
50 bets - 15W ; 35L

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
