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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 16, 02:01 PM 2011

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Quote from: Post on Mar 14, 01:14 PM 2011
You are right john legend between the losses there were gaps of 5 -6 so if you would be +5 you would have been away every time when the progression went bust.
I dont escape everytime im typically now running into a loss once every 7-8 sessions, what did the losses eventually end at Post? And how many consecutive QUADS does that 600 spin data show Post. Thankyou for your time..



and i had 8 quads  in 600 spins thats a quad every 133 spins and no 5 pointers !


Quote from: Post on Mar 14, 04:21 PM 2011
And I had 8 quads  in 600 spins that's a quad every 133 spins and no 5 pointers !
Thats a typical result Post. Matrix Vertical QUAD played live is invincible. The problem Post is few human beings have the PATIENCE to wait for the trigger. Thats what it will ALWAYS COME DOWN TO.

Roulettes always been beatable its only the lack of patience and persistence in the HUMAN mind that has kept this fact a MYTH. Thankfully A more instant HOLY GRAIL is about to be released on this forum. If this one cannot capture the imagination of even the casual forum members, NOTHING EVERWILL.

A HOLY GRAIL will never be more easily understandable and immediate than TWO OF A KIND....


who is going to release the new methode you john legend ?
ÃÆ'Ã,'m looking forward to it  :D


Quote from: Post on Mar 14, 05:18 PM 2011
Who is going to release the new methode you john legend ?
ÃÆ'Ã,'m looking forward to it  :D
I am its refiner tester and presenter. But not its creator we will (those of us that realize its greatness) all owe a debt of gratitude to its creator in the coming weeks Im not just testing this gem I am making real money with it as this is my bread winner.

And there has never been anything in my 7 years living off this game that has been so natural and even enjoyable to use. You KNOW its going to win not MAYBE. Thats why even myself who has seen it all is so overawed by it.

I know that whoever uses this method is going to profit and every naysayer that has the misfortune to come across it has a large slice of humble pie waiting for them. MATHS THEORIES AGAINST ROULETTE are DONE, after Friday....


Hi John. The vertical quad is THE matrix daddy! I have the patience, but problem is my casino kicks you out if you dont make a bet within 10 spins. Bit of a pain having to log back in time and time again, and be sure it will log you out JUST as you have your bet trigger! lol

I always look foward reading your posts and very excited to read about TWO OF A KIND   :xd:


"I know that whoever uses this method is going to profit and every naysayer that has the misfortune to come across it has a large slice of humble pie waiting for them. MATHS THEORIES AGAINST ROULETTE are DONE, after Friday...."


How's that for a publicity intro! :o
Well i am certainly looking forward to Friday.



Quote from: ZigZag on Mar 14, 08:28 PM 2011
Hi John. The vertical quad is THE matrix daddy! I have the patience, but problem is my casino kicks you out if you don't make a bet within 10 spins. Bit of a pain having to log back in time and time again, and be sure it will log you out JUST as you have your bet trigger! LoL

I always look foward reading your posts and very excited to read about TWO OF A KIND   :xd:
Zig zag I couldnt AGREE MORE WITH YOU. On a live wheel YOU could go YEARS without losing. The wait for the trigger is the only drawback. What country do you live in Zig zag and who do you bet with online? If you live in the Uk I recommend BETFRED OR PADDYPOWER. If you are tracking yes you will get cut out after about 10 spins with no action but you can click the live icon and jump back in very quickly. So unless you have a treble right next to a quad you should be okay.

If you play Quad vertical. My advice is play a three step progression with a 52 point risk. 2,2-6,6-18,18
After the trigger so you win two points at a time its that solid. Then every bank of 100 points you win take it up until you reach 5 points a win. That will make the wait worthwhile. I've got thousands of results Zig and MATRIX VERTICAL QUAD is without question a GRAIL. But it requires PATIENCE. You have it, I have it, but a lot don't. Its a pity never rush success just increase its value

Aim for five units a win in the future ZIG ZAG, I've been betting for that whenever I SEE A QUAD during my MV 3 play and I rarely go beyond step one. True random doesn't like doing QUADS too often LoL.


Hey JohnLegend, I know you have the big release Friday  :thumbsup:   ,but I have to ask do you have a even chances system in your collection?


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 14, 10:31 PM 2011
Hey JohnLegend, I know you have the big release Friday  :thumbsup:   ,but I have to ask do you have a even chances system in your collection?
Yes proofreaders2000 I have a very good one for HI AND LO. PM me and ill send you the method.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Mar 14, 10:06 PM 2011
Zig zag I couldnt AGREE MORE WITH YOU. On a live wheel YOU could go YEARS without losing. The wait for the trigger is the only drawback. What country do you live in Zig zag and who do you bet with online? If you live in the Uk I recommend BETFRED OR PADDYPOWER. If you are tracking yes you will get cut out after about 10 spins with no action but you can click the live icon and jump back in very quickly. So unless you have a treble right next to a quad you should be okay.

If you play Quad vertical. My advice is play a three step progression with a 52 point risk. 2,2-6,6-18,18
After the trigger so you win two points at a time its that solid. Then every bank of 100 points you win take it up until you reach 5 points a win. That will make the wait worthwhile. I've got thousands of results Zig and MATRIX VERTICAL QUAD is without question a GRAIL. But it requires PATIENCE. You have it, I have it, but a lot don't. Its a pity never rush success just increase its value

Aim for five units a win in the future ZIG ZAG, I've been betting for that whenever I SEE A QUAD during my MV 3 play and I rarely go beyond step one. True random doesn't like doing QUADS too often LoL.

I'm from Rochdale but moving to London  :xd: I have recently opend a Paddypower account. Very impressed with them so far. Had 2 withdrawals and no problems, and there cutomer service was excellent when i asked to take the bonus off. I wasn't impressed with Betfred, they bombard your balance with bonuses!  Fred isn't called the bonus king for nothing!  >:(

I'm currently just playing matrix 3 with smaller units until i build up a bank to play vertical quads with highier base chip  :thumbsup:


Quote from: ZigZag on Mar 15, 07:12 AM 2011
I'm from Rochdale but moving to London  :xd: I have recently opend a Paddypower account. Very impressed with them so far. Had 2 withdrawals and no problems, and there cutomer service was excellent when I asked to take the bonus off. I wasn't impressed with Betfred, they bombard your balance with bonuses!  Fred isn't called the bonus king for nothing!  >:(

I'm currently just playing matrix 3 with smaller units until I build up a bank to play vertical quads with highier base chip  :thumbsup:

Hi Zig Zag. yes Betfred are a nuisance but I just decline any of their offers so my funds dont come under any play a million spins stipulation.
Okay its MATRIX VERTICAL 3 UPDATE TIME. Have suffered two more losses in my last 80 games. Still never inside 30 games of eachother which is special. The strikerate has come down, but considering 26/1 is break even at a one level progression its still good. And Matrix vertical QUAD which I play simultaneously is INVINCIBLE. IT DOESN'T KNOW WHAT LOSING IS.




Ultimately the tradeoff comes down to time versus Invincibility, if I play matrix vertical QUAD LIVE. I MIGHT BE REPORTING A LOSS TO YOU IN 2018. BUT, Only get 3 or 4 qualifying bets in a 2--4 hour session ;) ;) ;) ;)


And the two of a kind methode what is that exactly ? or are you waiting with that till tommorow ?


yesterday i had this playing quads

221 Trigger
131 Quad 1
233Quad 2
333Quad 3-4 BUST END
