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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 16, 02:01 PM 2011

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John legend you are right I missed that one I won it and didn't lose.
damn I thought I almost found a loss its just too hard  ;)


Quote from: Post on Mar 18, 06:54 AM 2011
John legend you are right I missed that one I won it and didn't lose.
darn I thought I almost found a loss its just too hard  ;)
Post I'm not saying it can't happen, I'm saying it wont happen often especially the way I play. What tends to happen is you get one quad or longer then two or three trips. In A Matrix 49 I play 5 of these a day sometimes I have to go longer to complete a game. Its all about when you enter the cycle and playing short sessions that's how you rack up longer winning streaks than the law of averages dictates. I've no doubt if you play several 100 continous spins youll get one. But playing short sessions I believe you can enter the cycle half way through a five quad or just have missed one. It definately affects strikerate. My twenty years playing this game has shown me that.


and how about the strike rate of the 2 of a kind methode  ? just curious


Quote from: Post on Mar 18, 07:53 AM 2011
And how about the strike rate of the 2 of a kind methode  ? just curious
Unknown as yet Post. ;D


So you haven't had the time to test it ?
or not enough ?
I know I am too curious  ;)


Quote from: Post on Mar 18, 03:23 PM 2011
So you haven't had the time to test it ?
or not enough ?
I know I am too curious  ;)
No its been tested it just hasnt lost yet. And where Matrix vertical QUAD has 80 points at risk TWO OF A KIND HAS *20*. Thats all ys get till SUNDAY


I have found what I think is a good bet progression for this method.  It requires a maximum of 404 units, but you will never lose 404 units unless you lose 12 times straight on a double dozen bet.  The most I've lost with this bet selection method is 5 times in a row.

This is based on the idea I have in my post titled "Threes Please" in the money management section.

This is for a 2 dozen bet.  It should work with any 2 dozen bet selection method.  That includes all the matrix systems that bet on 2 dozens.

This is based on the idea of winning a certain number of bets at a level resulting in a overall hight bank and being able to reset back to 1 unit on both dozens.

We are going to base this progression on winning 4 bets at a level betting 2 dozens.  Here is the bet line:  1-1  2-2  2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7  11-11  16-16  24-24  30-30  45-45  68-68.

I know that looks like a horrendous bet line, but is only represents 404 units and as you'll see, there are some safety brakes we can use to decrease our odds of losing at the 68-68 bet level.

The way we play this bet level is, we start by betting 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  As long as we win, we continue to bet 1-1.  When we lose at 1-1 we move to the 1st 2-2.  If we win 2 times at 2-2, we will be up 2 units and can start over. (If you want, you can start over after winning 1 times at 2-2 because this will put you even).  If you lose before winning, then you immediately move to the 2nd 2-2 bet.  This bet must win 3 times to be even or 4 times to be up 2 units.  You decide. 

If you win 2 times and then lose at any level, do not move to the next higher level.  You will be even for that level and can play again.  You may have a winning streak and not need to go to the next level.  As long as you win 2 before a loss, you can remain that the same level.

If you win 1 time at a level and then lose, you should go ahead and move to the next level.

Anytime you win 4 times at a level, you will be at a high water mark and can reset to 1-1.

If you win and then lose the next bet at a couple of levels, you may find yourself at a new high water mark after only 3 wins at a level.

Safety brake time.  You should shoot for the 4 wins at the levels 2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7.  Remember that we only need to win twice at the 1st level 2-2.

If you find yourself betting at level 11-11 or higher, you should move back to the left after only 2 wins.  After 2 wins calculate at what level you would need to go back to in order for a 4 time win at that level to wipe out your deficit.

Example:  You are at 16-16 and have won 2 times in a row and are down 27 units.  Divide 27 by 4 and you get 7.  Go back to level 7-7 and begin playing to win 4 times at that level which will wipe out your 27 unit deficit +1 units.

The trade-off is that if you had won 2 more times at 16-16 you would recover but since you moved back to 7-7, you must win 4 more times to recover.  On the other hand if you went into another series of losses starting at 16-16 you would run the risk of hitting your maximum bet limit.  At 7-7, you have a 2 level additional cushion.


-1-1       =  -2
-2-2       =  -6
+2+2     =  -4
-2-2       =  -8
-3-3       =  -14
-5-5       =  -24
-7-7       =  -38
+11+11  =  -27
-11-11   =   -49
+16+16 =  -33
+16+16 =  -17
At this point I divide 17 by 4 and get 5 so I go back to 5-5 because 4 wins puts me up +3.
-5-5      =   -27
-7-7      =   -41
-11-11  =   -63
+16+16=   -47
+16+16=   -31
At this point I divide 31 by 4 and get 8 so I go back to 8-8 even though 8-8 isn't on our progression line, we can make adjustments when needed.
+8+8    =   -23
+8+8    =   -15
+8+8    =   -7
+8+8    =   +1    Reset to 1-1.

The above series is a real series I had in my last session.  Had I not dropped back to 5-5 after winning 16-16 twice, I would have lost 3 bets putting me at betting 45-45 which is almost maxed out and is too risky for my blood.

As it turned out, had I stayed with 16-16 the second time, I would have recovered completely in 2 more spins rather than 4.

To get 4 wins in a row with a decent double dozen system is a common occurrence.

Can you lose with this bet method?  Of course.  Will you lose often?  No!

Is this a valid bet method?  You be the judge.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


please any body tell me that this system works for online casinos or not has any body tried yet ?



Quote from: GLC on Mar 19, 01:31 AM 2011
I have found what I think is a good bet progression for this method.  It requires a maximum of 404 units, but you will never lose 404 units unless you lose 12 times straight on a double dozen bet.  The most I've lost with this bet selection method is 5 times in a row.

This is based on the idea I have in my post titled "Threes Please" in the money management section.

This is for a 2 dozen bet.  It should work with any 2 dozen bet selection method.  That includes all the matrix systems that bet on 2 dozens.

This is based on the idea of winning a certain number of bets at a level resulting in a overall hight bank and being able to reset back to 1 unit on both dozens.

We are going to base this progression on winning 4 bets at a level betting 2 dozens.  Here is the bet line:  1-1  2-2  2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7  11-11  16-16  24-24  30-30  45-45  68-68.

I know that looks like a horrendous bet line, but is only represents 404 units and as you'll see, there are some safety brakes we can use to decrease our odds of losing at the 68-68 bet level.

The way we play this bet level is, we start by betting 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  As long as we win, we continue to bet 1-1.  When we lose at 1-1 we move to the 1st 2-2.  If we win 2 times at 2-2, we will be up 2 units and can start over. (If you want, you can start over after winning 1 times at 2-2 because this will put you even).  If you lose before winning, then you immediately move to the 2nd 2-2 bet.  This bet must win 3 times to be even or 4 times to be up 2 units.  You decide. 

If you win 2 times and then lose at any level, do not move to the next higher level.  You will be even for that level and can play again.  You may have a winning streak and not need to go to the next level.  As long as you win 2 before a loss, you can remain that the same level.

If you win 1 time at a level and then lose, you should go ahead and move to the next level.

Anytime you win 4 times at a level, you will be at a high water mark and can reset to 1-1.

If you win and then lose the next bet at a couple of levels, you may find yourself at a new high water mark after only 3 wins at a level.

Safety brake time.  You should shoot for the 4 wins at the levels 2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7.  Remember that we only need to win twice at the 1st level 2-2.

If you find yourself betting at level 11-11 or higher, you should move back to the left after only 2 wins.  After 2 wins calculate at what level you would need to go back to in order for a 4 time win at that level to wipe out your deficit.

Example:  You are at 16-16 and have won 2 times in a row and are down 27 units.  Divide 27 by 4 and you get 7.  Go back to level 7-7 and begin playing to win 4 times at that level which will wipe out your 27 unit deficit +1 units.

The trade-off is that if you had won 2 more times at 16-16 you would recover but since you moved back to 7-7, you must win 4 more times to recover.  On the other hand if you went into another series of losses starting at 16-16 you would run the risk of hitting your maximum bet limit.  At 7-7, you have a 2 level additional cushion.


-1-1       =  -2
-2-2       =  -6
+2+2     =  -4
-2-2       =  -8
-3-3       =  -14
-5-5       =  -24
-7-7       =  -38
+11+11  =  -27
-11-11   =   -49
+16+16 =  -33
+16+16 =  -17
At this point I divide 17 by 4 and get 5 so I go back to 5-5 because 4 wins puts me up +3.
-5-5      =   -27
-7-7      =   -41
-11-11  =   -63
+16+16=   -47
+16+16=   -31
At this point I divide 31 by 4 and get 8 so I go back to 8-8 even though 8-8 isn't on our progression line, we can make adjustments when needed.
+8+8    =   -23
+8+8    =   -15
+8+8    =   -7
+8+8    =   +1    Reset to 1-1.

The above series is a real series I had in my last session.  Had I not dropped back to 5-5 after winning 16-16 twice, I would have lost 3 bets putting me at betting 45-45 which is almost maxed out and is too risky for my blood.

As it turned out, had I stayed with 16-16 the second time, I would have recovered completely in 2 more spins rather than 4.

To get 4 wins in a row with a decent double dozen system is a common occurrence.

Can you lose with this bet method?  Of course.  Will you lose often?  No!

Is this a valid bet method?  You be the judge.


Nice work George, What Im thinking of for THE MATRIX VERTICAL QUAD, Is a 6 STEP PROGRESSION.. Because 5 Quads are infrequent enough. it would take an 8 QUAD TO BREAK ME. And I believe thats simply Impossible for random to do. Here is the plan.

243,243--728 PT Risk INVINCIBLE. You will be winning forever.


What I'm thinking of for THE MATRIX VERTICAL QUAD, Is a 6 STEP PROGRESSION.. Because 5 Quads are infrequent enough. it would take an 8 QUAD TO BREAK ME. And I believe that's simply Impossible for random to do. Here is the plan.

243,243--728 PT Risk INVINCIBLE. You will be winning forever.


I've been playing for some time with this progression a while ago and gave it a try on a RNG. One RNG (casino.com) spun a 8 trip and bust the progression (and it wasn't even real money play).  In other RNGs I played, the progression keept winning, and this for trips (not quads).
So if someone is thinking about playing this on a RNG, just beware that it can bust even this progression. Other than that, i am in agreement that it has the ability to be incinvicible on a live game betting against quads!



Quote from: vundarosa on Mar 19, 07:26 AM 2011
What I'm thinking of for THE MATRIX VERTICAL QUAD, Is a 6 STEP PROGRESSION.. Because 5 Quads are infrequent enough. it would take an 8 QUAD TO BREAK ME. And I believe that's simply Impossible for random to do. Here is the plan.

243,243--728 PT Risk INVINCIBLE. You will be winning forever.


I've been playing for some time with this progression a while ago and gave it a try on a RNG. One RNG (casino.com) spun a 8 trip and bust the progression (and it wasn't even real money play).  In other RNGs I played, the progression keept winning, and this for trips (not quads).
So if someone is thinking about playing this on a RNG, just beware that it can bust even this progression. Other than that, I am in agreement that it has the ability to be incinvicible on a live game betting against quads!

Thats an interesting point Vundarosa, it would be interessting to see how 8 Quads consecutive holds up on an Rng, you have to use the 7 wide format though. Ive never seen a five quad on A live wheel let alone an 8 quad. A typical game will deliver one or two quads or longer then a trip or two. then a few doubles. Then it cycles around again to a smilar batch of results. The reason I think five quads or beyond are rare is its asking random to remain in repeat phase for too long. Afterall in the longest vertical formations in THE MATRIX are never repeaters theyre non repeaters. Ive recorded a non repeating column of 17. You could live to be a 1000 and never see a column of 17 matching dozens. Even an RNG couldnt do that.


but we need a lot more testing with this too even guess the strikerate of the quads !


Quote from: Post on Mar 19, 02:19 PM 2011
But we need a lot more testing with this too even guess the strikerate of the quads !
Agreed Post its will take years. All I know At present is in over 1000 recorded games with a QUAD TRIGGER have see two 4 QUADS at most. That has to tell you something positive.


John, tomorrow, u said, u gonna bring us happiness?     :love: :P


Iggiv, I think he's married already    :xd:

Seriously, when will 2ofK roll off the showroom?
