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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 16, 02:01 PM 2011

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Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Mar 19, 03:28 PM 2011
Iggiv, I think he's married already    :xd:

Seriously, when will 2ofK roll off the showroom?
Thats a good one its still being finalized Proof. Check your PM later ive got that E/C meth coming to you sorry taken so long.


I am now playing your methode john legend I only skip the quad trigger and so I need 7 quads to bust but its earning at a verry good rate  ;)


just did another 630 so spins and came +21  thats around a unit every 30 spins is this a good average   john legend ?


Quote from: Post on Mar 19, 05:24 PM 2011
Just did another 630 so spins and came +21  that's around a unit every 30 spins is this a good average   john legend ?
Yes Post its never even you may get two or three bets in a 50 spin batch then wait another 100 spins for the next QUAD. But if youre skipping the TRIGGER you will get alot more action as trips are a cert. Youve got me thinking do we even need a trigger on a live wheel? The last 50 games ive played broke down like this post.

1 QUAD 33
2 QUADS 12

Not even one 4 QUAD Post so if you can afford to cover 6 quads. I THINK youll have a method that might win 5000/1 and again Im estimating as LIVE WHEELS simply dont like forming, too many QUADS in a row. WHAT IF MATRIX VERTICAL 6 QUAD IS THE HOLY GRAIL?


That's exactly what I was thinking I get lots more action in my session there were times I had 35 spins and 5 units profit so that's a unit every 7 spins and then it goes into the winning.

so I skipped the trigger and so you still need 7 quads to go bust. and we even haven't ever seen a 5 quad this could be a system with just that bit more strike rate don't you think ?


Quote from: Post on Mar 19, 06:10 PM 2011
That's exactly what I was thinking I get lots more action in my session there were times I had 35 spins and 5 units profit so that's a unit every 7 spins and then it goes into the winning.

so I skipped the trigger and so you still need 7 quads to go bust. and we even haven't ever seen a 5 quad this could be a system with just that bit more strike rate don't you think ?
Yes post that tweak may have just made this method alot more appealing and profitable over a smaller time frame well done. Im going to start playing without the trigger too.


Just did another 630 spins only I was +22 this time so that's 1 unit every 28 spins seems constant still need more testing  ;)


and just did another 630 spins i was +28 this time thats a unit every 22 spins ! doing good so far most quads I have seen was 4 quads


Quote from: Post on Mar 20, 02:08 PM 2011
And just did another 630 spins I was +28 this time that's a unit every 22 spins ! doing good so far most quads I have seen was 4 quads
Thats the most ive seen too Post on a Live wheel. I waded over all my recorded Post and had I bet every TRIP to not become a QUAD Id havd made 4652 points no loss. And been taken this far in the progression twice

1,3,9,27,81x2 risk 242 Points. What Im saying here Post, is even if there had been 10 FIVE QUADS in my results. I would still be more than 2000 points ahead in profit. This Method simply DECODES ROULETTE...


Hello guys new to the forum! iv been playing roulette for donkeys years now and have spent so much money and time wasted on regular systems that don't work full stop! Started of at 16 with the martingale system on black and red I thought I was in the matrix and I knew a secret no one else knew  ::) then came to realise 8 or 9 reds or black in a row was not to uncommon in the RNG game of roulette! bummer.  .   then went throught the years paying for systems that were not worth the paper they were written on! all in all I think I can say iv wasted near ÂÃ,£3-4k chassing roulette in search of a holy grail.   I don't do testing on free play because you seem to get a "fairy" version of the real thing were nothing seems to go wrong.   I do every testing on real money which is why I'm down so much bloody cash. 

The latest roulette system iv come into contact with was aparently the holy grail for ÂÃ,£49.  99  :thumbsup: it involved waiting for 5 colours to come in a row, then putting a big sum on the same colour to come up for a 6th time but you would not bet.   Instead you would wait for 2 minutes to suposidly trick the computer which he called MCSAP (Multiple Controller System Activity Program) which aparently moniters your bets which came from "2 insides sources" after 2 minutes you cancel bet quickly and put ÂÃ,£10 on the opposite colour.   IF this failed you double your bet to ÂÃ,£20 if this failed again you SWITCHED COLOURS back to the one who is having a streak and bet ÂÃ,£40 if that failed you did your final bet which "in all his years has never lost" of ÂÃ,£80.   Well I went armed to ladbrokes with ÂÃ,£150 and lost it in 10 minutes contact the guy and like a black hole he has disapeard off the face of the earth  8)nice. 

Anyways guys sorry for the long post but I'm realy posting to say I have been folowing this thread for 4 days now and I still don't have a clue how to make any sense of it! could anyone please pm md with a more lamen easy to understand version of how this works I don't have a clue what a quad is, what this trigger I'm looking for is or how to bet please someone give me a hand!

Thanks a lot, Theway2go


Quote from: theway2go on Mar 20, 06:07 PM 2011
Hello guys new to the forum! iv been playing roulette for donkeys years now and have spent so much money and time wasted on regular systems that don't work full stop! Started of at 16 with the martingale system on black and red I thought I was in the matrix and I knew a secret no one else knew  ::) then came to realise 8 or 9 reds or black in a row was not to uncommon in the RNG game of roulette! bummer.  .   then went throught the years paying for systems that were not worth the paper they were written on! all in all I think I can say iv wasted near ÂÃ,£3-4k chassing roulette in search of a holy grail.   I don't do testing on free play because you seem to get a "fairy" version of the real thing were nothing seems to go wrong.   I do every testing on real money which is why I'm down so much bloody cash.  

The latest roulette system iv come into contact with was aparently the holy grail for ÂÃ,£49.  99  :thumbsup: it involved waiting for 5 colours to come in a row, then putting a big sum on the same colour to come up for a 6th time but you would not bet.   Instead you would wait for 2 minutes to suposidly trick the computer which he called MCSAP (Multiple Controller System Activity Program) which aparently moniters your bets which came from "2 insides sources" after 2 minutes you cancel bet quickly and put ÂÃ,£10 on the opposite colour.   IF this failed you double your bet to ÂÃ,£20 if this failed again you SWITCHED COLOURS back to the one who is having a streak and bet ÂÃ,£40 if that failed you did your final bet which "in all his years has never lost" of ÂÃ,£80.   Well I went armed to ladbrokes with ÂÃ,£150 and lost it in 10 minutes contact the guy and like a black hole he has disapeard off the face of the earth  8)nice.  

Anyways guys sorry for the long post but I'm realy posting to say I have been folowing this thread for 4 days now and I still don't have a clue how to make any sense of it! could anyone please pm md with a more lamen easy to understand version of how this works I don't have a clue what a quad is, what this trigger I'm looking for is or how to bet please someone give me a hand!

Thanks a lot, Theway2go
Hi Theway2go let me start by saying. Welcome to the forum. Stay here learn this method And STOP PLAYING THOSE RIGGED bookmaker machines. They read what youre doing THEY ARE NOT ROULETTE at all.


ARM yourself with a pen and WRITING BOOK. When you record spins for the dozens. You record them like this in a 7 wide grid.

3112222-TRIGGER=Doz 2 column 7 A QUAD
3122111-Bet 1 Doz 3 column 1 we bet


A VERTICAL FORMATION of 4 of the same DOZEN is a QUAD. We are now playing without it. What we do is bet against every vertical TRIP (3 OF THE SAME DOZEN) becoming a Quad using a progression. This is my concept Theway2go perfected by two other forum members learn how to play this on a real wheel and winning is assured.


little confused mate there was a quad of 3333 just above the 2222? is that a mistake or am i understanding it wrong?


Quote from: theway2go on Mar 20, 07:03 PM 2011
Little confused mate there was a quad of 3333 just above the 2222? is that a mistake or am I understanding it wrong?
LoL we are not looking left to right horizontaly, Its VERTICAL FORMATIONS we are interested in Theway2go. This is a completely different approach to beating the game. SO, you trigger is column 7 dozen 2, your first bet would be column 1 dozen 3 No one has ever seen 5 consecutive vertical Quads on a live wheel Theway2go. that's the idea we bet against this. 6 or 7 QUADS in a row may be as hard for TRUE random to produce as 37 numbers in 37 spins. If so THIS is THE HOLY GRAIL.


ow my god i finaly get it LOL! thanks sooo much man i been looking the wrong way all this time what a daft prat! no wonder why i didnt understand a thing anyone was going on about in this whole thread  ::) was just wondering if you can make the staking plan as lamen as possible for me aswel  :D how would i be beting? progessive im geusing but what are the numbers, how many times will i bet this specific chip count and when will i move on if i am still loosing? do i have to wait for 4 in a row i heard someone saying they are playing after just two? please tell me the best a most profitable way to play it without bringing the risk up by too much.  Thanks so much john honestly.  -Theway2go


Quote from: theway2go on Mar 20, 07:24 PM 2011
Ow my God I finaly get it LoL! thanks sooo much man I been looking the wrong way all this time what a daft prat! no wonder why I didn't understand a thing anyone was going on about in this whole thread  ::) was just wondering if you can make the staking plan as lamen as possible for me as well  :D how would I be beting? progessive I'm geusing but what are the numbers, how many times will I bet this specific chip count and when will I move on if I am still losing? do I have to wait for 4 in a row I heard someone saying they are playing after just two? please tell me the best a most profitable way to play it without bringing the risk up by too much.  Thanks so much john honestly.  -Theway2go
The way we have been staking is the classic

1,3,9,27,81x2 That USED to be with One quad TRIGGER. BUT, it slowed the game right down. And alot of potential profit was lost. Now, we are playing against every TRIP BECOMING A QUAD. Sometimes you will get 7,8,9 TRIPS before a QUAD forms Why waste all those wins?

If you just starting out you could stake as Zig Zag suggested 1,1-3,3    2,2-6,6

The idea is there will be more trips than quads  overall if you lose at level 1 you move to level 2 you will make a profit. But ive got 4652 trips recorded and only two 4 QUADS in thousands of results. ITS AMAZING.
