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Put me out of my misery!

Started by woods101, Feb 21, 08:12 PM 2011

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Hi Guys.

Thanks for looking.

This is an idea i posted a while back. I tweaked a bit and then tested against live play on DB and smart live with very good results. About 1 in 6 sessions lost, some streaks of 10+ winning sessions in a row. Tried it with real money at local casino. Had two losing sessions in a row (something that had also happened when testing, but never more than two in a row).  Like stepping into a cold sea, my balls shrank and method is on hold. Am moving house so life has staked a claim on rest of BR for now so can do no more live testing with real money.
I would be grateful if anyone would be prepared to have a look at this further for me and offer any feedback as to whether or not this works.


Starting BR is 500 units.

Wait for five/ count back down the marquee the last five unique numbers.  Next spin bet those five numbers, one unit on each.  If you win then reset.   

If you lose then rebet, including the number that was just drawn, so now you are betting on six numbers, one  unit on each.  If you win then reset (to last five unique numbers).

If you lose then add the last number drawn.  You are now betting  on seven numbers -the last seven numbers drawn, one unit on each.   If you win then reset.

If you lose, then you bet on the last five unique numbers but this time bet two units on each number.  Apply the same stages as above but this time with two units on each number.   If you win then reset to start, betting one unit per number again.

If you lose then apply the same as before, this time betting three units on each number.  Apply the same rules as before.

If you lose then increase unit bet to 4 units and the same as above etc and continue this until a new profit is reached or BR is gone.

stop-loss isââ,¬Â¦ Stop after passing 170+ units profit. Three wins at this point will have doubled your BR.  If it's a long session and you battle to get to 100 units up then stop there maybe.  Most sessions are between 40 - 60 spins on avg.

Another angle I was looking at originally was frequency of repeats. I was looking at some stats that Bayes had posted previously regarding:-


...and was wondering if it would be better, instead of playing the immediately drawn numbers , to play the numbers drawn 5 spins earlier thru to 9 spins earlier say...? That way you would have more chance of hitting a repeat, which this system is based upon. I have provisionally tried this instead but did not see any difference in results though did not test a lot at all.

Any help in confirming any of the above works/ needs to be binned would be gratefully appreciated.




It might work at BV No Zero.

I will give it a trial later. Thanks.  :thumbsup:


Hi Chris.

Thanks for that. Let me know what you think.



Quote from: woods101 on Feb 22, 03:17 AM 2011
Hi Chris.

Thanks for that. Let me know what you think.


Just played bout 25 minutes on BV Nzero and I think its quite good.
(will play longer and 'deeper' later tonight!)

Made 637 units in 25 minutes which I think is good for any system.

(was playing with 0.01 chips)

Took 114.84 upto 121.21..............= + Euro 6.37 (637 penny units)
(note 100 units were made from a Red/Black advantage play that came up!)

History page 1 and 5 below to show progress. (0.02 bets are to get the spins from the wheel)

First page shows the 5 starter spins, to fill the Marquee.

I did change the bet formate after a win.
Also I took advantage of a few other things I spotted!!  ;D



what would be a good stop loss i just went 15 spins without a win on bv nz was down by 500 units lucky fun money :)


Quotelast five unique numbers

Do they need to be together? eg, 1,23,32,27,4

Or could they be eg 1,23,4,32,27,4

Are you looking for only non repeats is what I am asking

QuoteIf you win then reset

Do you mean retrack for 5 uniques again?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Hi Superman,

I have tried both methods you ask about. Generally I have been favouring waiting for the next five numbers to come after a win (that do not include a repeat). i have found this better, though any maths head will say it makes no difference (past results etc blah blah).


" have tried both methods you ask about. Generally I have been favouring waiting for the next five numbers to come after a win (that do not include a repeat). I have found this better, though any maths head will say it makes no difference (past results etc blah blah).

....and they're probably right!

@ Chris

Hi Chris,
I'm curious what the changes were, and what other things you might have spotted...?



@ Ausjase

G'day Jase,

You should survive 21 spins with no repeat before you lose your entire BR (well 504 units in total). You're betting 5,6, then 7 numbers, 1 unit each to start with (18 units), and then increasing by 1 unit the next round, so each round is an increase of 18 units (18,36,54,72,90,108,126 = 504). Hope this helps, and yes- test only with play money for now and see how it feels for you. I honestly don't know how this will stand up over time.

Thanks for your input so far tho man.



@ Ausjase and all

...also this will crash for sure, but you should win a lot more sessions than you lose which should still leave you in profit (in theory!). This is what happened to me in B&M- two crashes one after the other. I have not seen more than two simultaneously tho. In total I have tested for about 30 sessions (including real and play money) and if it was all real - I would still be in profit.

Also I was changing wheel after a win/loss. Some losing streaks could be 300/350 spins long  I had found when testing in RX (where there are not a lot of repeats), so change wheel or wait a day or so before returning.


Hi Kattilla,

I have had similiar thoughts to the ones you describe above. They are covered in my post 'Put me out of my misery' in the notepad section. I'd love to know what you think, especially regarding targeting certain sections of past numbers based on the likelyhood of repeats.

Woods   **

Yes Woods, are similar thoughts. I understand you test/play   max. 7 numbers
and rise units on the next levels. What can i say? good idea budy, now you have to
test..test...test with actuals.
I prefer to bet/test  on more numbers(5  until  12  or....) to catch the repeater, but i didn t
test enough my ideas (from that topic about repeaters) because no time to test every
idea i have.


Hi Katilla,

I like your idea (5 to 12). Time it seems, is the most precious thing of all! Have you seen the repeat stats that Bayes posted above? I'm thinking along the lines of hitting the core numbers where the bulk of repeats take place - i.e. playing the previous numbers 6th - 10th. I have had good results just flat betting 6 numbers from the past 6th drawn thru to the past 12th drawn..



...tho I would say the original above method still seems pretty strong- about 30 sessions against real wheels- like yourself I just don't have the time to test further at the mo.


Of course i have seen the repeat stats from  Bayes  :)

**I'm thinking along the lines of hitting the core numbers where the bulk of repeats take place - i.e. playing the previous numbers 6th - 10th. I have had good results just flat betting 6 numbers from the past 6th drawn thru to the past 12th drawn..**

Agree the core is there 6th...10th.  And you mean flat bet the last  six not repeated,
bet six times but take the new number and drop the furthest,and
if lose wait new six not repeated in the last 6  and bet again 6 times ?
What about a progression at the next level(s) after trigger , like :
level 1 ....1,1,1,1,1,2    then  level 2 ....2,2,2,3,3,3  then level 3.....4,4,4,5,5,5  etc..
something like this , if bank in plus reset to level 1, if not stay on same level 3 or 4
until  win or hit stop lose.


"Agree the core is there 6th...10th.  And you mean flat bet the last  six not repeated,
bet six times but take the new number and drop the furthest.."

Absolutely. I have tried this as a constant, just flat betting but not tested much tho. I think a prog could work also. Great idea! Great minds think alike- I'm also favouring a five stage prog generally these days (1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,..etc)- i figure if it works flat betting then a prog should work also and a bit quicker...?
