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The Ultimate Matrix System

Started by GLC, Mar 14, 01:03 AM 2011

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This is a dozens system played on a 3 column matrix.
There's no limit to how many rows we use. 
Use as many as you want.

We are using the same nine 2 dozen triggers as in the alternative matrix systems.
1-1;1-2;1-3;2-2;2-3;3-3;2-1;3-1;3-2.  Each of these 9 triggers can have three 3rd dozens.
1-1 can have 1,2 or 3 so = 1-1-1, 1-1-2, 1-1-3.
Same for all nine triggers.

We begin by listing our triples as they form.  We don't bet until we have two of the three triples for a trigger.  This means that we will have at most 18 triples that will determine what we are going to bet.

We are going to bet that a 2 dozen trigger will repeat one of the two triples from that set that hit last. 

Example:  Let's say we have 1-1-1 and 1-1-3.  That's two of the three possible triples that start with 1-1.  We are going to bet on dozens 1 & 3.  We are betting that 1-1-2 won't show. 
If we had 1-1-2 and 1-1-3, we would bet on the 2 & 3 dozen against a 1-1-1 forming.

That's it.  After we get well into the matrix, we will have 18 of the 27 possible triples.  We will be betting a two dozen bet for the most recent triples to keep forming.

If the third triple that we're betting against hits, we will cross off the oldest triple in this set and replace it with the newest triple that just hit.  This way we will always have the 2 most recent formed triples in that set to bet on.

My tests have shown that this is a very stable bet.  This is what my most recent test looks like:
+--++++++---+++++---+++++-++++++---++++-++-+-+++-+++-++++++++-++-++-++--+++---+++++++--+++  That's 27 losses and 63 wins for a +9 flat betting.  Or, +63 if you are betting 1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27.  But, I don't recommend that form of betting. 

I recommend either a flat bet or a typical Alembert type bet for 2 dozens.  That is this bet line: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 etc...  Move 1 step to the right after each loss and move 1 step to the left after 2 wins.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hello George,

Looks interesting but since I am a "visual guy", I would like you to give us a 30-spin example of the way you play it. Thanks for your help.

Scooby Doo


Quote from: ScoobyDoo on Mar 14, 01:48 AM 2011
Hello George,

Looks interesting but since I am a "visual guy", I would like you to give us a 30-spin example of the way you play it. Thanks for your help.

Scooby Doo

Scooby Dooby and all interested parties.  FYI this is just the 1st part of 3 parts.  I will post part 2 later today if I get time.  And then part 3 will put it all together.

My initial testings show this to be a pretty solid system.

Unfortunately, it does require a bit of tracking and calculating to play.

I will post enough sessions so that we can all fully understand it.  Your right, it's much harder to explain verbally than to explain with diagrams.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


A little more detail.

So now we know that we have 27 possible triples: 1-1-1;  1-1-2;  1-1-3;  2-2-1;  2-2-2;  2-2-3;  3-3-1;  3-3-2;  3-3-3;  1-2-1;  1-2-2;  1-2-3;  1-3-1;  1-3-2;  1-3-3;  2-1-1;  2-1-2;  2-1-3;  3-1-1;  3-1-2;  3-1-3;  2-3-1;  2-3-2;  2-3-3;  3-2-1;  3-2-2;  3-2-3.

These triples are built on nine 2 double dozens: 1-1;  2-2;  3-3;  1-2;  1-3;  2-3;  2-1;  3-1;  3-2.

As we start filling in our matrix with spins and starting with the 3rd row we start writing down each triple as it forms.  We will not bet until we have 2 out of 3 of the triples in a given set.

Example: (These are live spins from today on my airball machine, 0/00)
First nine spins converted to dozens are:  3-1-2-2-3-3-1-2-2

Our matrix looks like this so far:


This gives us our first three vertical triples: 3-2-1;  1-3-2;  2-3-2

The next 2 dozens in our matrix are: 2-3


We can now add our next triples:  2-1-2;  3-2-3; 

I didn't include the 3rd triple because we have a 3-2-1 and a 3-2-3 in our list of triples which is 2 triples from the 3-2 set.

Since we have a trigger of 3-2 and we have 2 sets of triples starting with 3-2 we can bet. 

The 1st part of our system says that we will bet for a repeat of one of the 2 most recent triples from that set.  In this case we would bet on dozens 1 & 3, betting against dozen 2 hitting and forming the missing triple. 

We will use the Alembert-type bet progression of 1-2-3-4-5 etc...  Move 1 step to the right on a loss and 1 step to the left after 2 wins.

So we are betting 1 unit on each of the dozens 1 & 3. 

The next dozen to spin is a 3 so we win. +1
Since we already have a 3-2-3 triple, no need to write it again.

Our next three spins are:  3-2-2


1-2-3 is a new triple to add to our list.      1-2-3
2-3-2 is already in our triples list, so nothing to add.

The next 3 dozens in our matrix are  2-1-3


We only had 1 triple in our list that started with 2-3 and it was a 2-3-2 so no bet on the 2-3 trigger but also no new triple to add to our list yet.

3-2 begins our next triple, and we already have 2 triples in our list from that set (3-2-1 & 3-2-3) so we bet on the 1 & 3 dozens for a repeat.  As we can see the 1 doz hits for another win.  +1+1=+2

I think this should give us enough information to be able to play the strategy.  We just keep adding triples to our list until we get 19 of the 27 possible.  Then every time we have a 2 dozen trigger, which will be every spins, we will have a bet to make for 1 of the 2 triples in our list to repeat.

If the triple hits that isn't one of the two in our list, we add the new one that just hit and delete the oldest one so that we always have the 2 most recent triples of the 3 in our list.

Zeros can be played 1 of 2 ways.  Either don't bet any triple if there's a zero in it or ignore the zero and bet for the triple just as if the zero wasn't there.  I prefer skipping the next two bets in that vertical until the zero is out of our hair.

I don't see any reason why we should have a win target with this system.  If you use the bet line I suggested in this post, you should always come back to a positive balance.

In my next post I will present the â€Ã...“rest of the story.â€Ã,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Okay, that's the 1st third of the system.  (It may be more like half of the system)

The next third is very easy to present.

It is based on the exact same matrix and bet selection method except for 1 big difference:

Above we were betting against the missing triple to form and now we're going to bet for the missing triple from our set of 3 to form.

So, if we have in our list of unique triples 3-2-1 and 3-2-3 and we have a 3-2 trigger.  Instead of betting for one of the two in our list to repeat, we will bet for the missing one to form or 3-2-2.

We will again bet an Alembert-type bet progression: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 etc...  On a loss move 1 step to the right and on a win move 2 steps to the left.

And the final step is to put it all together and play both of them simultaneously.  By doing so, we get the best of both worlds, and the negatives are softened by the counter-balance of the opposite system.

So, when one side is winning the other side will be losing and vice versa.

Anytime we are at +1 or more, we reset  back to 1 on both bets.

Of course we bet differentially so we don't lose extra chips when the zeros hit.

Here's the result of today's play at the casino.  It's a short one, but still a good example.

A summary:

59 spins
21 bets
14 wins on the 2 dozen bets
7 wins on the 1 dozen bets
+14 won

2 dozs       1 doz        Total

+1+1          -1            0    Since I bet differentially I made no bet here.
+1+1          -2            -1   Only have to bet 1 on the 1 doz.
+1+1         -3           -3   Only bet 2 on 1 doz bet.
+1+1         -4            -6   Up till now we've lost 4 1 doz bets in a row.
-1-1           +5            +2     Only bet 4 on the 1 doz bet  +10-2-6=+2  reset
+1+1         -1           0
+1+1        -2              -1
+1+1        -3              -3
-1-1          +4             +3          +8-2-3=+3   Reset
-1-1           +1             0
-2-2           +1         -2
+3+3         -1              0
+3+3         -2              +1          +3-2=+1   reset
+1+1         -1              0
+1+1        -2              -1
-1-1           +3          +3           +6-2-1=+3    Reset
+1+1        -1            0
+1+1        -2            -1
-1-1           +3       +3            +6-2-1=+3    Reset
+1+1        -1        0
-1-1          +2       +2             +4-2=+2        Reset
                                        Total win = +14 units

Well, that's it.

I know it's a little complicated to explain and it does take some tracking.  A pen and paper is a must.

I also know that it will lose every now and then. :(  What I don't know is how much can we stay ahead of the game with wins vs losses.  

I'm hoping this is a very big number. :D

That's all for now.

George :thumbsup:   
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


As I work with this, I'll keep you all posted on new ideas I may have.

I'm not asking anyone to help test this yet unless someone just can't help themselves.

I'll continue to work with it and if it turns out to be a little gem, then you'll be able to see from my postings that it's worth the effort to try to learn it.

If I find out that I'm just having the usual good fortune in the beginning and the dreaded losing potential is looming around the corner, then you won't have wasted your time going down a dead end road.

I think that this is a fair way to present new systems.  Don't you?

Anyway my latest test results betting both ways:

120 spins
89 bets
+44 units won
Largest draw down -28
Largest bet  8 units

That's using the above posted bet progressions.

A more conservative approach on the single dozen bets is to move 1 step to the right on a loss and move 3 or even 4 steps to the left on a win.  This keeps  your bets smaller and it still results in wins.  The wins aren't as large, but that's a fair trade-off for smaller bets.  We can always increase the unit size to inprove dollars won.

I think this method is a possible flat bet contender.

Here's how I play this method with a flat bet.  When I flat bet, I don't bet both sides at the same time.  I jump back and forth between the two bets.  I'm looking for streaks of wins .

I start betting on the double dozens 1 units on each.  As long as I continue to win I stay with the double dozens.  When I lose, I jump over and bet 1 unit on the single dozen bet and continue to bet that until I lose.  Then I jump back to the double dozen bet etc...

This last session would have netted +19 units flat betting this way.

Well, that's all for now, back to testing.
Keep reading and if anyone has a question or a comment, it'll help us all.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


After a few more tests, all winners, I have concluded that combining both bets, thought it smoothes out the ups and downs somewhat, it doesn't make enough difference to justify all the extra paper work.

My system "The Alternative Matrix" posted under Notepad coupled with this new idea of tracking the last 2 triples in each set and betting that one of them will repeat is, in my opinion, the best way to play this matrix system.

The simplest way that I have found to track the last 2 triples in a set is to write all 9 of the 2 dozen triggers.  Below each trigger, write the 3 dozens that have hit.  When you have 2 different 3rd dozens, you can start betting the next time you see that 2 dozen trigger.  Then when if you win you will have hit 1 of the 2 dozens that have already hit, so no need to change anything.  If you lose, cross off the oldest 3rd dozen and write in the newest 3rd dozen.

Example:  Let's say we have 2-3 trigger and the 2-3-1 and 2-3-3 triples have already hit for the 2-3 trigger.  We will have this shown on our roster:


Next time we get a 2-3 trigger, we will bet on the 1 & 3 dozens for a repeat of either the 2-3-1 or the 2-3-3.  If the 2 dozen spins our tracking roster will look like this:


This way we can quickly see what the last 2 dozens are that hit with that trigger.

I suggest not playing it with the 1-1; 3-3; 9-9; 27-27 4-step martingale.

Instead play it with this line 1-1; 2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 5-5; 6-6; etc...

Move 1 step to the right on a loss.
Move 1 step to the left after 2 wins.  This will recover 3 losses with 4 wins and since we win almost 6 times for each 3 losses on average, the 4 to 3 recovery rate looks very good.  And, in fact it is very good.

It's way less volatile than the martingale and with the good strike rate of this system, most of the time you'll be betting in the 1-1 thru 4-4 range.

When a new high is reached, re-set to 1.

I'm still open to further discussion if anyone is interested, if not, then I'll keep playing this baby on my trusty airball, 0/00 machine.

Oh yeah.  Good news.  The casino that's about half as far away as the one I have to go to now is putting in an airball machine just like the one I play on now.  With the price of gas these days, that's worth a few units every month.

Good Luck to All,


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Last test betting for a repeat of the last 2 triples only:

120 spins
79 bets
26 losses
53 wins
+32 units won
Largest draw down -20
Largest bet 5-5


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Latest test betting for repeat of last 2 triples with 1-1;2-2;3-3;etc...

120 spins
85 bets
56 wins
29 losses
-25 largest draw down
6-6 largest bet
+34 units won
-2 units flat betting


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Another session.  By the way, I'm playing through my pamphlet of 20,000 continuous spins recorded at the Casino de Macao.  Single 0 wheel.  Life dealer.

These tests are all 120 spins + or - a few.  I don't count the units I might be minus at the end of the 120 spins because I would never stop after losing a couple of bets.  I would always play until a win and then stop.  For the skeptics information, I always check to ensure that I wouldn't have gone into a tailspin had I played on.

120 spins
91 bets
65 wins
26 losses
+13 flat betting
+34 with progression
Largest draw down -36
Largest bet 8-8
Most losses in a row 3
Most wins in a row 10

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


After a couple more sessions, I have changed my mind regarding the best way to play this. 

I felt that just betting the double dozens was to best way to play this.

I have found out that just betting the double dozen bet is not as stable as I originally thought.

I have tweaked the progressions a little and added a safety brake concept and now I'm back to betting both ways at the same time.

I admit that you can win betting it either double dozens or single dozen, but playing both sides together smooths out the lows and yes even the highs.

But, it's worth it because what you get is more, even though smaller wins along with fewer and less drastic draw downs. 

Overall, a better system.

Here's the changes in the bet progressions.

On the double dozen bet we have 1-1; 2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 5-5; 6-6; etc...  Move 1 step to the right on a loss and 1 step to the left on a win.

On the single dozen bet we have 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 etc...  Move 1 step to the right after each loss and 1 step to the left after each win.

The safety brake I
mentioned is this; we will list 10 losses in a row for the double dozens with the single dozen bet winning.

-(1-1)    +1   =   0
-(2-2)    +1   =   -2
-(3-3)    +1   =   -6
-(4-4)    +1   =   -12
-(5-5)    +1   =   -20
-(6-6)    +1   =   -30
-(7-7)    +1   =   -42
-(8-8)    +1   =   -56
-(9-9)    +1   =   -72
-(10-10)+1   =   -90

Next we will write out a list of 10 losses of the single dozen bet.

+1+1    -1    =   0
+1+1    -2    =   -1
+1+1    -3    =   -3
+1+1    -4    =   -6
+1+1    -5    =   -10
+1+1    -6    =   -15
+1+1    -7    =   -21
+1+1    -8    =   -28
+1+1    -9    =   -36
+1+1    -10  =   -45 
+1+1    -11  =   -55
+1+1    -12  =   -66
+1+1    -13  =   -78

How we use these charts is if we find ourselves going up and down and up and down and one side of our opposing bets is getting too large, we can check these charts and adjust our bet sizes to the bet sizes next to one of these amounts and if we go into a series of losses on the side that had a large bet size we won't drop so quickly.

That's a general description of the system as I'm working on it now.

I will keep you posted on how it's going. 

Just check back every now and then.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


by george, george i think your onto something.......
"No Whining, just Winning"


Thanks for the vote of confidence my friend, but this is still a work in progress.

I'm leaning toward just playing the double dozens bet with a stop loss of 150 units.

The more I play it, the more I'm not sure it's going to be worth all the work it takes to play it.

I think I'll have a mod move this to the Notepad section until and if I ever feel like it's a full system.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I have found what I think is the perfect bet progression for this method.  It requires a maximum of 404 units, but you will never lose 404 units unless you lose 12 times straight on a double dozen bet.  The most I've lost with this bet selection method is 5 times in a row.

This is based on the idea I have in my post titled "Threes Please" in the money management section.

This is for a 2 dozen bet.  It should work with any 2 dozen bet selection method.  That includes all the matrix systems that bet on 2 dozens.

This is based on the idea of winning a certain number of bets at a level resulting in a overall high bank and being able to reset back to 1 unit on both dozens.

We are going to base this progression on winning 4 bets at a level betting 2 dozens.  Here is the bet levels:  1-1  2-2  2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7  11-11  16-16  24-24  30-30  45-45  68-68.

I know that looks like a horrendous bet line, but it only represents 404 units and as you'll see, there are some safety brakes we can use to decrease our odds of losing at the 68-68 bet level.  You don't have to go to 68-68.  You could stop at 24-24 or 30-30.

The way we play this bet method is, we start by betting 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  As long as we win, we continue to bet 1-1.  When we lose at 1-1 we move to the 1st 2-2.  If we win 2 times at 2-2, we will be up 2 units and can start over. (If you want, you can start over after winning 1 time at 2-2 because this will put you even).  If you lose before winning, then you immediately move to the 2nd  2-2 bet.  This bet must win 3 times to be even or 4 times to be up 2 units.  You decide. 

If you win 2 times and then lose at any level, do not move to the next higher level.  You will be even for that level and can play again.  You may have a winning streak and not need to go to the next level.  As long as you win 2 before a loss, you can remain that the same level.

If you win 1 time at a level and then lose, you should go ahead and move to the next level.

Anytime you win 4 times at a level, you will be at a high water mark and can reset to 1-1.

If you win and then lose the next bet at a couple of levels, you may find yourself at a new high water mark after only 3 wins at a level.  That's because the progression is based on losing on the 1st spin in each level.

Safety brake time. 

You should shoot for the 4 wins at the levels up to 7-7. 

If you find yourself betting at level 11-11 or higher, you should move back to down the line after only 2 wins.  After 2 wins calculate at what level you would need to go back to in order for a 4 time win at that level to wipe out your deficit.


You are at 16-16 and have won 2 times in a row and are down 27 units.  Divide 27 by 4 and you get 7.  Go back to level 7-7 and begin playing to win 4 times at that level which will wipe out your 27 unit deficit +1 units.

The trade-off is that if you had won 2 more times at 16-16 you would recover but since you moved back to 7-7, you must win 4 more times to recover.  On the other hand if you went into another series of losses starting at 16-16 you would run the risk of hitting your maximum bet limit.  At 7-7, you have a 2 level additional cushion.


-1-1       =  -2
-2-2       =  -6
+2+2     =  -4
-2-2       =  -8
-3-3       =  -14
-5-5       =  -24
-7-7       =  -38
+11+11  =  -27
-11-11   =   -49
+16+16 =  -33
+16+16 =  -17
At this point I divide 17 by 4 and get 5 so I go back to 5-5 because 4 wins nets me 20 units which  puts me up +3.
-5-5      =   -27
-7-7      =   -41
-11-11  =   -63
+16+16=   -47
+16+16=   -31
At this point I divide 31 by 4 and get 8 so I go back to 8-8 even though 8-8 isn't on our progression line, we can make adjustments when needed.
+8+8    =   -23
+8+8    =   -15
+8+8    =   -7
+8+8    =   +1    Reset to 1-1.

The above series is a real series I had in my last session.  Had I not dropped back to 5-5 after winning 16-16 twice the first time, I would have lost the next 3 bets causing me to be betting 45-45 which is almost maxed out and is too risky for my blood.

As it turned out, had I stayed with 16-16 the second time, I would have recovered completely in 2 more spins rather than 4.

To get 4 wins in a row with a decent double dozen system is a common occurrence.

Can you lose with this bet method?  Of course.  Will you lose often?  No!

Is this a valid bet method?  You be the judge.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here is a session in which I lost 60 units playing the 2 dozen progression of move up 1 unit on a loss and move down 1 unit on 2 wins.

This is with the 1-1  2-2  2-2  3-3  4-4  6-6  9-9  14-14  21-21  31-31  46-46  69-69 = 413 units.
I'm not going to post the numbers, or the matrix unless someone requests it for their inspection.
As anyone who's posted something like this knows, it takes a lot of time and typing to post a detailed example of a lengthy playing session.

-1-1   -2
-2-2   -6
+2+2   -4
-2-2   -8
-3-3   -14
-4-4   -22
-6-6   -34
+9+9   -25
-9-9   -43
+14+14   -29
+14+14   -15  Divide by 4 = 4
-4-4   -23
-6-6   -35
-9-9   -53
+14+14   -39
+14+14   -25  divide 25 by 4 = 7
+7+7   -18
+7+7   -11
-7-7   -25  Don't increase because won 2 times previous
+7+7   -18
+7+7   -11
+7+7    -4
-7-7   -18
-9-9   -36
+14+14   -22
+14+14   -8   Divide 8 by 4 = 3 (I never go below 4 in this type case)
+4+4   -4
+4+4    0
-1-1   -2   
+2+2    0
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1             +1
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
-1-1   -2
-2-2   -6
-2-2   -10
+3+3   -7
-3-3   -13
-4-4   -21
+6+6   -15
+6+6   -9
+6+6   -3
+6+6   +3   +4
+1+1   +1   +5
+1+1   +1   +6
+1+1   +1   +7
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1   +8
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1   +9
+1+1   +1   +10
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1   +11
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1   +12
+1+1   +1   +13
-1-1   -2
-2-2   -6
+2+2   -4
-2-2   -8
+3+3   -5
+3+3   -2
+3+3   +1   +14
+1+1   +1   +15
-1-1-   -2
+2+2    0
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
-1-1   -2
+2+2    0
+1+1   +1   +16
+1+1   +1   +17
-1-1   -2
-2-2   -6
+2+2   -4
+2+2   -2
+2+2    0

So, from -60 to +17.  This is an encouraging result.
I tested Kattila's bet method  link:://rouletteforum.cc/full-systems/round-and-round-for-two-dc/ on this series of wins/losses and his lost 46 units.  I'm not saying that mine out-performs his every time, but I think it's a toss up which one is better over-all.

I will keep testing.  I hope some of you are at least looking at this occasionally.  It may turn out to be a hum-dinger as we say in Oklahoma.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
