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*TWO OF A KIND* (Rapid Fire)

Started by Johnlegend, Mar 20, 04:49 PM 2011

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Great results John. Covering the zeros is a must with TWO OF A KIND  :thumbsup:


JohnLegend could you post the new rules for the trigger revision?


Quote from: ZigZag on Mar 26, 09:33 AM 2011
Great results John. Covering the zeros is a must with TWO OF A KIND  :thumbsup:
Yes Zig Zag it makes the method much stronger and accelerates profit. Those 200 games were played in 5 game sessions, 4 times a day. longest session was 124 spins, shortest 72 spins.


Hi John,

I don't mean to be the Stupido hombre in this thread but I have no clue as to what you mean with your new betting progression. Will you please give a "visual" example of it in action?

And also at what stage do you start betting on the Zero and for how much?

I hate feeling like the village idiot since this was suppose to be my creation but you have taken it to another level my friend.

Scooby Doo


Testing  result using john legends  trigger and two level plan

66 spins      +11        5  games  highest bet  11-11,1 level 1
96 spins      +39       5  games   highest bet   11-11,1  level 1   ( 0 win +29)
75 spins      +22      10 games   highest bet   11-11,1  level 1   extra 5 games played

           237 spins 20 games  +72  profit


Quote from: ROB22 on Mar 27, 12:35 AM 2011
Testing  result using john legends  trigger and two level plan

Can you explain the trigger and the two level plan please? Thanks.


The 2 level plan I used is explained in post 119 by john legend.
wait for a loss which is the trigger then bet once and wait again for trigger


This is another progression idea for TWO OF A KIND - it's very different to the existing stake plans.

Always incrementing after a loss by 0.5u

However, on a win the unit progression is reduced to the absolute minimum necessary to equal the previous high when close to a full recovery (the minimum being 1-1) so as to curtail rising stakes - otherwise despite any win achieved the stakes continue to rise by 0.5u...

If there are more W than L with "2ofaK" then this might work satisfactorily (warning: will take longer though)

This is how it handles an example 28 game w/l betting string of:

1-1,  L,  -2
1.5-1.5,  L,  -5
2-2,  L,  -9
2.5-2.5,  W,  -6.5
3-3,  W,  -3.5
3.5-3.5,  W,  +0* EQUAL HIGH restart
1-1,  L,  -2
1.5-1.5,  W,  -0.5
2-2,  W,  +1.5* NEW HIGH restart
1-1,  W,  +2.5* NEW HIGH restart
1-1,  L,  +0.5
1.5-1.5,  W,  +2 (reduce to 1-1 as only 0.5u behind previous high)
1-1,  L,  +0
1.5-1.5,  W,  +1.5 (reduce to 1-1 as only 1u behind previous high)
1-1,  W,  +2.5* EQUAL HIGH restart
1-1,  L,  +0.5
1.5-1.5,  L,  -3.5
2-2,  L,  -7.5
2.5-2.5,  L,  -12.5
3-3,  W,  -9.5
3.5-3.5,  W,  -6
4-4,  W,  -2
4.5-4.5,  W,  +2.5* EQUAL HIGH restart
1-1,  W,  +3.5 *NEW HIGH restart
1-1,  L,  +1.5
1.5-1.5,  W,  +3 (reduce to 1-1 as only 0.5u behind previous high)
1-1,  W,  +4* NEW HIGH restart
1-1,  W,  +5* NEW HIGH restart

Would probably be even better with the TRIGGER L - but take very much longer!
Also could be used on other double dozen systems e.g.: MATRIX.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Using my above progression and also now starting with a new lower base bet of 0.5-0.5,  I have played 3 sessions (30 mins duration) on slingshot roulette (real money) and been successful each time. My highest bet placed was 1.5-1.5


Because I use different progression I play the original way without the trigger L to get more bet opportunities and I also do not bet the 0. Haven't had any major problems so far and will continue. Feeling comfortable and optimistic at this level for the time being. :)
The system is good.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Great twist to the staking, A

Deserves some serious testing



Will someone suggest the best possible trigger and progression? This can best be done by author himself.


Quote from: buffalowizard on Mar 28, 02:37 PM 2011
Great twist to the staking, A

Deserves some serious testing


Hi BW,
Played 2 more 30min sessions today (real money) and won both.
so I am now +28u overall - not bad for 5 half-hour sessions over just 2 days.
Using the "twist" as you refer to it and the "Grab a few and get out" policy :)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Mar 29, 02:01 PM 2011
Hi BW,
Played 2 more 30min sessions today (real money) and won both.
so I am now +28u overall - not bad for 5 half-hour sessions over just 2 days.
Using the "twist" as you refer to it and the "Grab a few and get out" policy :)


A,  I would like to make a small suggestion.  If, and it may never come up with this bet selection, but if, and I'm not implying that there's anything wrong with your progression exactly the way it is, but if, (just having a little fun with ya').  If you happen to get into trouble by having a few more losses vs wins than normal and your bet size starts getting too high for your bank roll, you can play this little tweak.

Write out a chart as if you were to lose say 20 times in a row.  Now if you are having trouble with your bets creeping higher because you wins aren't keeping up with your losses, your losses should be moving in waves.  In other words you win a couple and lose a couple, then win a couple and lose a couple.  Problem is that your waves just aren't getting back to even or better and your bet size keeps getting larger and larger. 

What to do is, when you find yourself at a fairly low point, look at you chart and see what you were betting when you were at that exact point on your way down into the hole.  Now adjust your bet size to reflect what you were betting on your way down and if you happen to hit another bad losing streak, you won't be losing on such large bets.

The idea is that if you were at say -12 when betting 2 & 2 while losing and we find ourselves at -12 betting 15 &15, we should be able to go back to 2&2 and act as if our bets had never gone over 2&2.

With this method you can weather some very nasty loss vs win ratios without busting.  Unfortunately, there's the bad side, if you hadn't adjusted the bet size to the smaller amount, and you had a few more wins instead of losses, you would have pulled out to even or better and been able to reset to 1 unit on each dozen.

It's just a safety brake idea, because I have had a couple of sessions on a similar method that my loss count was just high enough that I kept going deeper and deeper into a hole.  There were times when I was almost back to even and then a couple of losses at large bets and I was sweating it again.

I played the series from hell both ways and went from a low point of -215 to a low point of -40.  Since I can't bet half units, my progression started with 1 and incremented by 1 for each step.

Just a thought.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi George,

The idea is that if you were at say -12 when betting 2 & 2 while losing and we find ourselves at -12 betting 15 &15, we should be able to go back to 2&2 and act as if our bets had never gone over 2&2.

With this method you can weather some very nasty loss vs win ratios without busting.  It's just a safety brake idea, because I have had a couple of sessions on a similar method that my loss count was just high enough that I kept going deeper and deeper into a hole.  There were times when I was almost back to even and then a couple of losses at large bets and I was sweating it again.

Sounds like good sensible advice to me. I do understand what you mean and I will be keeping a sharp eye for this type of scenario to occur (I'm waiting and wondering if or when it will happen) Hopefully it can be dealt with in similar fashion as you have outlined to curb large drawdowns and losses.
My latest 30min session tonight was another winner +6u and highest bet 2-2

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Fellow forum members, I would like to insert an adaptation of Lanky's 6 point divisor method he posted for double dozen bets.

I think this form of betting is always worth considering with any system.

He started with 6/6.
Anytime our target is 6 or less, we start over.
When we lose we add both lost bets to our target.
When we win we subtract the amount won from our target.
When we lose 2 times in a row, we increase our divisor by 1.
When we win we decrease our divisor by 1.
Lanky began with noting whether he won or lost (W or L) and he listed the divisor first and the target second, thus divisor=6 target=12 looks like this 6/12.

Let's get started with a short session just to remind you of the basics of the system.

L-6/8=2x2=8+4=12 divisor up to 7
W-7/12=2x2=12-2=10 div down to 6
W-6/10=2x2=10-2=8 div down to 5
W-5/8=2x2=8-2=6 =Even = Start again
W-6/6-1x1 Won ={+1}
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+1={+2}
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+2={+3}
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+3={+4}
W-6/8=2x2=8-2=Even and Start again.
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+4={+5}
W-6/8=2x2=8-2=Even and start again
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+5={+6}
W-6/6=1x1 Won=1+6={+7}
L-6/8=2x2=8+4=12 Div up to 7
L-7/16=3x3=16+6=22 Div up to 8
W-8/28=4x4=28-4=24 Div down to 7
W-7/24=4x4=24-4=20 div down to 6
W-6/28=5x5=28-5=23 div down to 5
W-5/23=5x5=23-5=18 Div down to 4
W-4/18=5x5=18-5=13 div down to 3
W-3/13=5x5=13-5=8 div down to 2
Whenever we get a divisor of 2 we add the safety brake of 6/6
Safety brake=2/8+6/6=8/14=2x2  (win target is now 12 so anytime we get to 12 or less we start over).  You could have chosen not to apply the safety brake since you were only 1 win from a reset point and your bet of 4x4 was not too high.  But generally speaking at a divisor of 2 you should consider applying a safety brake.

Now if You have reached the stage of 6/72=12x12 then Your Method has had a really Bad Run especially if You have started with 6/6=1x1.

Now You can do a Couple of things here at 6/72=12x12
If it was Me I would cut the target in half.  6/36=6x6 and play two sessions starting at this level.

Or you can add a safety brake like this.

6/72 + a 6/6 safety brake = 12/78 = 7x7 and 12 is the new target to reach.

Nothing is perfect, but this bet method is head and shoulders above most others I know.

Good Luck with whichever bet method you choose.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
