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8 Is Great

Started by Big EZ, Mar 25, 07:56 PM 2011

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Big EZ

This is something that I have been toying around with for a little bit. So far the results have been very good. Obviously I am not good at naming my method lol. I am posting this here for other members to test and see if it fits their playing style. So without further ado, I present to you 8 is great.

This is to be used on the American 00 wheel. I have not tested it on the 0 wheel. So all my test results are for the 00 wheel.


When one of these numbers shows, bet the 8 number group for 4 spins. If there is no hit in the 4 spins let the wheel spin to get a new trigger. If it the trigger is the same as the group we were just betting then let the wheel spin again and get a new trigger. You continue the progression on the next trigger if there was no hit.  I am not sure this is the best progression to use, but it has served me well so far. If anyone has any ideas on how to improve the progression please chime in.

This is the progression: 1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4-5-6-8-10

Short Example:

30-  bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
30- W +28
34- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
31- L
34-W +20 RUNNING TOTAL = +48
13- same group wait until next spin
10-  bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
9  - W +28  RUNNING TOTAL = +76
10- same group wait until next spin
21- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
11- L
6  - W +20 RUNNING TOTAL = +96
5  - same group wait until next spin
11- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
33- L
0  - L
1  - L
34- L  wait for next spin for new trigger
21- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
15- L
29- L
15- L
32- L  wait for next spin for new trigger
29- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
8 - W +20  RUNNING TOTAL = +116
12- same group wait for next trigger
15- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
29- L
2  - L
25- L
3  - L wait for next trigger
21- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
23- W +24  RUNNING TOTAL = +140

If you have any questions ask, and I will explain. Every test I have done so far has been amazing. I have yet to lose the progression in 12 sessions tested. I am thinking that the WIN target should be +100 and if the progression is lost that is -352.

I am open to suggestions. And all my testing has been done by hand up to this point. Hope to see some more positive tests from fellow members.  :thumbsup:
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ

Another test....

17- nb
0  - nb
8  - bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
25- L
22- L
2  - L
30- W +4
30- nb
20- nb
33- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
7  - L
7  - L
35- W +12  running total = +16
24- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
25- L
00- L
17- L
17- L
20- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
27- L
11- W +8  running total = +24
1  - bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
25- W +28  running total = +52
13- bet  13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
24- L
6  - L
5  - L
14- W +4  running total = +56
8  - bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
25- L
30- W + 20  running total = +76
30- nb
3  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
32- L
10- L
23- W + 12  running total = +88
24- nb
0  - nb
5  - nb
34- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
33- W + 28  running total = +116
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ

31- nb
16- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
7  - L
8  - L
14- W +12
22- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
31- L
20- L
5  - W + 12  running total = +24
4  - nb
21- nb
32- nb
13- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
32- L
1  - L
16- W +12  running total = +36
33- nb
3  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
15- L
3  - W + 20  running total = +56
3  - nb
26- bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
2  - W + 28  running total = +84
22- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
2  - L
24- W +20  running total = +104
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ

4  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
14- L
4  - W +20
26- bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
7  - L
29- L
7  - L
29- L
6  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
5  - W + 24  running total = +44
18- nb
36- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
30- L
1  - L
20- L
16- W +4  running total = +48
2  - bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
20- L
30- L
30- L
31- L
7  - bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
36- L
20- W +8  running total = +56
9  - bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
35- L
1  - W +20  running total = + 68
6  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
5  - W +28  running total = +96
11- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
8  - W +28  running total = +124
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ

4 Sessions
133 Total Spins
484 Units Profit

More tests to follow
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ

Session 5....

20- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
12- W + 28
33- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
00- L
36- W + 20  running total = +48
0  - nb
18- nb
29- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
30- W +28  running total = +76
13- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
16- W + 28  running total = +104
7  - bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
0  - L
0  - L
17- L
33- L
0  - nb
28- bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
7  - L
27- W +8  running total = +112
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


Playing on-line against real live spins Big EZ?  :question:

Big EZ

Session 6

5  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
20- L
15- L
5  - W +12
00- nb
33- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
36- W +28  running total = +40
23- bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
24- W + 28  running total = +68
22- nb
31- nb
25- bet 1-2-9-10-25-26-27-28
18- L
32- L
10- W +12  running total = + 80
00- nb
25- nb
4  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
13- L
7  - L
18- L
0  - L
00- nb
13- bet 13-14-15-16-33-34-35-36
25- L
16- W +8  running total = +88
17- nb
15- nb
30- bet 7-8-11-12-19-20-29-30
25- L
25- L
34- L
5  - L
3  - bet 3-4-5-6-21-22-23-24
19- L
26- L
21- W +20  running total = +108
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

Big EZ


These are real spins from my files that I have from one of many local casinos that I go to  :thumbsup:
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


pretty cool so far---good luck
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Big EZ on Mar 26, 08:47 AM 2011
4 Sessions
133 Total Spins
484 Units Profit

More tests to follow


Wow!  Great post. :thumbsup:

I was going to ask how you picked the groups but I see that you picked them wheel based, which is always good, and opposite sections which gives you a shot on either side .  Good reasoning. :thumbsup:

Here's my analysis.  Your results are excellent, especially on a double zero wheel.  I understand that limitation all too well.  We US based players are handicapped with that.

Your progression is a martingale progression which means that it will win a lot of relatively small wins and every now and then it will have a large loss.

The hope with this system is that, as your tests have shown, you can get ahead of the 352 unit loss, preferrably by at least 2 losses. 

The big question is,"Can this system win more than it loses over the long haul?"  We cannot determine that by testing by hand.  A computer program may be able to determine if it will win over a million spins, but so far I don't know of a system that passes that test.

In my humble opinion, all testing does is show us if our system creates a good win vs loss ratio to at least give us a chance to get ahead and maybe not give all our wins back when the losses come.

You cannot test this or any system enough to say for sure that it will win for the rest of your life, or even for the rest of this week.

Almost all these systems win if the spins stay within the 1st standard deviation.  The problem is that spins always go to level 2 and even level 3 and no system that I know of  will hold up to a 3rd level deviation.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just stating what I've learned by experience over the last few years while I've been trying to understand this great game.

Having said all that, I will do a few tests to see how playing it feels to me. 

I know that's not too scientific, but I have found that if a system doesn't feel good to me, I can't win with it.

I need to sit down feeling that I'm probably going to win with the way I'm playing or I usually lose.

Thanks again for the system. :thumbsup:

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!

Big EZ


Thanks for checking in. 

The whole point of posting this up is to hopefully get more people to test it to see if it will work over the long haul. As I am only testing by hand and only when I have free time. So far so good though.

I am well ahead of the 352 unit loss if the whole 12 step progression is lost. Even right here on the testing I did on the forum it is ahead of the 352 unit loss.

My main goal is to see if anyone can tweak the progression to make it a little safer for when the inevitable loss comes.

Looking forward to seeing your testing results. I know you are the king of finding the hell sessions  :P
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


Hi Big EZ

Like your stats so far, well done.

For a more conservative progression, maybe try

3333   If lose then take the hit and start over again.

Good luck. If your results carry on like this, I may have to utilise it for a european wheel.



u gotta check it on different wheels. and on random.org spins. But u can check it on German singe zero wheels as well, of course double zero results would be worse, but not extremely
worse.  If it works on single zero then it will work on double zero as well.

Big EZ

So far these sessions that I posted are all from different wheels. THIS IS NOT TO BE TESTED ON SINGLE ZERO WHEELS, and this is also not to be tested on random.org spins. The layout is different from the 00 wheel. This should only be tested against LIVE casino spins. I will be posting more tests later on tonight.
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting
