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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: praline on Apr 03, 09:43 PM 2018
One little thing...
Don't write things like "it's a mind set" , "self-discipline" or other bullshit like "wait two loosing months and then bet your salary on red".
Mind set, patience and discipline is not bullshit.

It is a core necessity for success. Even if you possess a winning system you will still fail.

Your level of patience and discipline is correlated to the relative bet size compared to your net worth. If your bet size is too small,  you naturally have inherited poor patience/discipline.

How you select your bet size depends on your confidence with the system you play. Here fear comes into play in a big way. If you lack confidence or your financial circumstances naturally put you on the back foot fear then plays a huge role.

As a result you select a bet size less then optimal to reduce the risk that trigger your fear - psychologically from this fear standpoint you feel comfortable at this selected risk level.

At the same time we have expectations of how much we wish to win - this is normally on the high end of the scale. When we play at a risk tolerable bet size lesser than the optimal we feel bored, listless where the work becomes meaningless even if we come out winning most of the time - our extrapolated perception will whisper repeatedly to us it takes a very long time to reach our goal.

Here,  people blame that the lack of patience and discipline is the culprit for their failure.

Not entirely wrong.

However, FEAR that guides their choice from the start do play a much larger role in success or failure than many realise.

That's why we read this sayings -
"learn to lose"
"lose $100k to win"
"scared money never win"
"It's not about how smart or right you are, it's all about how much you win. -------- cht


Quote from: Ricky on Apr 04, 02:13 AM 2018
Hi viclimks,
As DR mentioned earlier Baccarat has less variance than roulette. What you are betting against when you play Baccarat is one random event, the shuffle of the cards before the shoe starts. From that point on your fate of catching or avoiding patterns is set. So if you are lucky enough to use your chosen system on a favorably shuffled shoe you can profit. The patterns cannot change during the game. It does not depend on the number of players playing(in blackjack) or the speed at which the croupier spins the wheel or which objects it hit during its spin. Roulette has to deal with all these random events each and every spin. And these events dictate the fate of your bet. So the variance of random is much greater in Roulette than Baccarat. Besides that the rules are more favorable. Standard Baccarat you do not lose your bet when there is a Tie (player and banker hands are the same) So if you cover the tie in a long progression you get you relatively large bet back plus you win 8:1 on the tie. You can't ask for anything safer than that proposition. If you do find a rare pattern to bet against like PBB PBB PBB PBB and bet for the last 4 hands in 1-1-2-4 or 1-2-4-8 and cover the Tie bet on hands 2 or 3  to step 4 then you have a high probability of profiting.

But it is still a risk and the higher your progression the higher the risk. Because of the low variance in Baccarat I am prepared to risk 140 euro with 600 euro bankroll. In Roulette I am not prepared to take this risk because with my bad luck I am risk ruin to make a few units profit. Its not worth it.

Having said that DISCIPLINE and PATIENCE win in the long run over any decent system. You need to know when to make those calculated risks and when to avoid them. I am not very good at that but am improving. Just came across this scenario now and took a risk but got away with a 19 euro loss as I have never gone to the 4th step before and miscalculated my betsize.

The General

Why would betting against a pattern that has already hit be any more effective than betting randomly?

If the same number of pockets remain on the wheel from one spin to the next, then where's the logic behind betting against a pattern???
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Welcome back The General - long time no see! :)
Have you tried the PB then?
Nice to have you aboard this L-O-N-G thread.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


cht said:
"It's not about how smart or right you are, it's all about how much you win.

Yes - that's the REALITY of it - and you made some valid points there.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: The General on Apr 04, 03:42 AM 2018
Why would betting against a pattern that has already hit be any more effective than betting randomly?

If the same number of pockets remain on the wheel from one spin to the next, then where's the logic behind betting against a pattern???

Hi The General,

Well if you took time out to check you will see it all explained earlier on in the thread by no less than the originator of PB himself, by that I mean, member Sentinel3 aka JohnLegend...

It's interesting to mention some of your quotes from other topics of yours here:

A unit can be any denomination.  My point is, if a system/method can only muster a few units each day, then the system/method likely isn't working.  A working method should yield far more.
1. When you have a working method/system, again, the more you play, the more you should win. 
2. If your method/system works, then you should stop playing accountant.  Stop thinking in terms of "one session" and consider all sessions within a month combined as one on going session.  (Yes, you still need to keep records.)  Your goal though is to play for as long as possible as long as the playing conditions are good.  Focus on the game, not the accounting.   A losing session is irrelevant.  It's no different than a losing spin in the big picture.
3. HOWEVER.. If you're relying on variance to win, then you need to quickly realize that you're just gambling!  You are relying on luck to win and you should quit whenever you can get ahead (Follow John Patrick's advice.)

I'm sorry, but just a few units a day is nothing.  If you have a decent winning method, then your goal should be hundred(s) of units, or even thousands per day.  The more spins you play, the more you should win. 
If your win goal is just a few units per day, then your method doesn't really work.  (It's just randomness.)
Sorry, just the facts.

Here's some advice that most people won't like, and it's not politically correct:
If you're going to try and beat roulette, don't try to win just a little.  Shoot for the chandeliers.  Learn how to really win and go for the throat!  Think bigger.
If you have a winning method, then the more spins you play, the more you should win.  If you're goal is to win just a few units a day, then the method being used is a waste of time.

I disagree with you when you state that a few units a day is NOTHING.
Some players operating the system in this thread are more than quite, quite happy and satisfied to use a PLAN and play SHORTER hit and run sessions of PB with lower stakes aiming to win exactly just a few units each day; slowly and gradually building up a profit balance just so they CAN indeed later on down the line play the suggested bigger bets that you are clearly in favour of.
It seems you have misunderstood or are unwilling to grasp the full rules, mechanics and suggestions that JL has given in relation to PB...
There's a right way and wrong way to play this strategy.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Exactly Atlantis

Quote“If you have a winning method, then the more spins you play, the more you should win.  If you're goal is to win just a few units a day, then the method being used is a waste of time.”

We have to deal with him based on his opinion

You cannot speak for people like that

Some people use a large unit size and want to limit exposure to the house edge. It’s smart to aim for just a few units especially when it’s a good unit size

Waste of time? I don’t understand how an individual can decide what a waste of time for someone is when they are winning

Unfortunately he’s back and he’s bored. I’ll cause trouble until he’s removed again.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: praline on Apr 03, 09:39 PM 2018I will code it with rx to show you that it's a loosing system, method or strategy.

I've already coded the system - link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=20064.0

But some people believe that because they've won with it, it must be a winning system. What they don't seem to realize is that any random selection will work just as well. They are in denial.  ::)
Logic. It's always in the way.


I don’t think people are in denial

I think they are just going to keep using it while it’s making them money

If it’s making people money that’s all that matters regardless of what 1 million spins say

Also I don’t think you tested it right

But even if you did, people will continue to play while they make money with it that’s just how it goes.
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 04, 06:34 AM 2018Also I don’t think you tested it right

Then please point out where you think it's wrong. It's a simple system really, and the simulation even skipped spins after a few wins to simulate playing in real casino conditions.

Yes people will continue to play it and if it wins they will believe that it's the bet selection which has merit, but it doesn't. You would get the same results betting randomly and you would save a lot of time. Try it. ;-).
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: cht on Apr 04, 03:01 AM 2018Mind set, patience and discipline is not bullshit.

It is a core necessity for success. Even if you possess a winning system you will still fail.

Yes but patience and discipline are not a substitute for a bet selection with an edge. It seems to be your mantra but no amount of patience or discipline will turn a losing system into a winning one.
Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 04, 06:21 AM 2018
I've already coded the system - link:s://:.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=20064.0

But some people believe that because they've won with it, it must be a winning system. What they don't seem to realize is that any random selection will work just as well. They are in denial.  ::)
Hi Coderjoe what exactly did you code?
My understanding is that the PATTERN BREAKER method comprises of the following:
1. A bet selection - Original rules defined on page 1. Since been refined over the years
2. A progression method - various options discussed and used by different contributors/members. I use for my simulation a 0-1-2 method covering the house edge the Zero Bet and betting FOR/AGAINST depending on outcome of the first spin.
3. A recovery method - some are using 1-2-4 for normal and then 2 sessions of 2-4-8 to recover half your loss. I am using 0-1-2 for normal and two sessions of 0-1.5-3 (slightly more as I cover the Zero bet but lets ignore for sake of discussion) to recover MOST of my loss
4. Have the discipline to limit your exposure to the risk of losing while meeting your PLANNED daily profit target by betting between 1-10 games and preferably spread over different wheels/casinos to limit your risk on one wheel's random spins.
5 Have the Patience and DISCIPLINE to play the same system for 11+ years with the same determination to succeed as the first day you played it.
6. Will not give up after 10 or 100 games because its not a get rich quick scheme or holy grail you were looking for
7. Discipline and patience to grind out a small but consistent profit that over time will equate to a LARGE profit. Measure success over 100 games not 1 or 2. Then put these consistent 100 game wins together and measure the success over thousands of games.

The above are a long list of attributes that make up the PATTERN BREAKER system. Which one did you program? I guess it was only the first one played continuously for 1 million spins and found it generated a negative bankroll because it was exposed to the game too long and came across many losing scenarios.

This method has been mentioned continuously on this forum to be a GRINDER that,played with the above points in mind, will reward the beholder. But expect to make zillions in one day at the casino and I'm afraid your in the wrong place to find your holy grail.


If a certain method works daily because of “only winning a few units” is fine in my book

Limiting exposure certainly helps especially when everything is tested over the long term

the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 04, 06:56 AM 2018
Yes but patience and discipline are not a substitute for a bet selection with an edge. It seems to be your mantra but no amount of patience or discipline will turn a losing system into a winning one.
Hi Coder Joe,
I would not say its a losing system because even with my continuous play over 100 games in my bot I managed to grind out a small profit. However that last couple of games it has to go ran into some losing situation with a very minor loss overall (6 games to go). But at stages it was up considerably given I was only betting 4-6 euro base bets. But my aim was not to show I could make zillions playing this system continuously. I will share my results after I have analysed them carefully. But my conclusion is that the 100 game session I have had correlates well with what has been reported by others.

Now having said that I am also keeping stats on the PATTERN BREAKER Baccarat version described on this thread by Andre and in my opinion he has stumbled on what I can only call the 🛑HOLY GRAIL🛑. Over 100 game sets played with discipline and REAL PATIENCE (you have to have it to play 3 games in 5 hours)
this method has no equal in terms of win rate. currently I am 33W - 1L. Playing with 10-25 euro base bets that puts me 256 euro in profit

I will report results once 100 games is completed but this is going to take much longer because it is only played manually when I get the time. Someone please program a Baccarat BOT to play online. I will pay handsomely for it. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Coderjoe, you can either test PB-Andre's method out on live Baccarat games waiting for the pattern we are looking for PBB PBB PB and start betting 1-1-2-4 (but also adjust to cover the Tie bet) betting PBPP to bet against the 4th repeat. Do the same for the BPP
since you like coding and probably don't have the patience to sit at your computer for 24 hours straight to bet 10 or 15 times, you can code a baccarat card game and do a simulation where you shuffle 6 decks of cards before starting the session and then deal them one at a time to player/ banker hands. No RNG of each hand here. Simulate EXACTLY how the game is played live. Do this 1 million times and test this method. If you don't come out ahead I will be shocked.



Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 04, 06:56 AM 2018
Yes but patience and discipline are not a substitute for a bet selection with an edge. It seems to be your mantra but no amount of patience or discipline will turn a losing system into a winning one.
Not sure how you conclude that. :)
