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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: atlantis on Apr 05, 01:56 PM 2018
PB Andre is strong - maybe stronger than PB Sentinel. The results I showed were from Ricky's PDF result file for 36 games on baccarat using the 3-step cyclic progression that starts with 1-1-2.

Andre - you saw BPP BPP BPP BPP - a four time repeat. Looking at those results it is apparent that you already missed a LOSER. You assumed it would change, went in big and were very unlucky to have a disaster.

What can be learned? Maybe there needs to be another rule here in such a case? Noticing such an instance and realising that a loss has been avoided one perhaps SHOULD wait for the losing sequence to run its course and naturally end FIRST before awaiting a fresh trigger and resuming with a higher 3-step cycle of bets?
I'm sorry to hear the news that it backfired on you - but this all I can think of at present.

Hi Atlantis

It may be stronger. But the wait can test even my patience lol. And I dont play Baccarat. Roulette is my game. But if its working for Andre and Ricky im happy for them. The name of the game is to consistently increase your bankroll over the LONGTERM...


Quote from: Ricky on Apr 05, 11:07 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
Firstly I would like to thank you for sharing this method with the forum and your observation of the rarity of this sequence. Subsequent results and testing have obviously shown that this may be one of MANY patterns that only come up on rare occasions. But when they do they can obviously come in waves. So we need to always be prepared that the next trigger is going to be the one to form the rare 4th or 5th or 6th pattern. So the only way to tackle this is to do as I suggested with the FLAT BETTING and using POSITIVE progression as mentioned by Shawn Tinling playing blackjack. If you get a winning streak betting FIRST step then you increase your bet after 2 wins in a row. You keep increasing using 50-50-75-100-150-200-300-400-500 UNTIL your 1st STEP loses. Then you go back to betting 50 on 1st STEP. Now to avoid your recent wipe out I would not try to use Marty of negative progression for the next step but what I would do is if the 4th pattern repeats bet another 50 on the 1st step of the 5th pattern. If it repeats then bet another 50 on the 6th pattern. This way we are only FLAT betting knowing that eventually the pattern must stop. If it stops halfway through a repeat then we take the loss and wait for the next trigger. Doing this I think we can even avoid covering the Tie Bet as we are not using negative progression betting anymore

I will try this for the next month and see if I continue getting the 10:1 ratio on 1st step


Hi Andre,
I just applied FLATBETTING to my results and it proves this is a winner 925Euro with LITTLE risk vs 296 with HUGE risk. I will be switching to this method with 50 euro base bets


Quote from: cht on Apr 04, 03:01 AM 2018
Mind set, patience and discipline is not bullshit.

It is a core necessity for success. Even if you possess a winning system you will still fail.

Your level of patience and discipline is correlated to the relative bet size compared to your net worth. If your bet size is too small,  you naturally have inherited poor patience/discipline.

How you select your bet size depends on your confidence with the system you play. Here fear comes into play in a big way. If you lack confidence or your financial circumstances naturally put you on the back foot fear then plays a huge role.

As a result you select a bet size less then optimal to reduce the risk that trigger your fear - psychologically from this fear standpoint you feel comfortable at this selected risk level.

At the same time we have expectations of how much we wish to win - this is normally on the high end of the scale. When we play at a risk tolerable bet size lesser than the optimal we feel bored, listless where the work becomes meaningless even if we come out winning most of the time - our extrapolated perception will whisper repeatedly to us it takes a very long time to reach our goal.

Here,  people blame that the lack of patience and discipline is the culprit for their failure.

Not entirely wrong.

However, FEAR that guides their choice from the start do play a much larger role in success or failure than many realise.

That's why we read this sayings -
"learn to lose"
"lose $100k to win"
"scared money never win"
"It's not about how smart or right you are, it's all about how much you win. -------- cht


Thats how a winning systen can become a losing one.


Quote from: sentinel3 on Apr 05, 11:27 PM 2018
Hi Atlantis

It may be stronger. But the wait can test even my patience lol. And I dont play Baccarat. Roulette is my game. But if its working for Andre and Ricky im happy for them. The name of the game is to consistently increase your bankroll over the LONGTERM...
Hi Sentinel,
based on recent events I don't think we need to be as patient as we thought. The patterns seem to be forming more often than we first antipicated. What I am liking is that I am not gambling as much as I used to. Especially during casino visits. So as you say the name of the game is to grow your bankroll betting sparingly. This method certainly takes care of the betting sparingly. Now I just need those wins to grow my bankroll. I think the method I just described is a safe way to do this without risking ruin. I'll give it a try and keep you posted. But to fine tune the system I think the best thing is to observe other rare patterns and add them to the list of triggers. All patterns are going to come in waves but most time they will fail to form so if we can get 10:1 wins on 3 or 4 patterns then thats 30:1 or 40:1 in total. Combine this with a positive progression I think winning streaks can optimize the gains



Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 04, 12:08 PM 2018
Hi Ricky,

Did you realise you used the word "patience" 7 times and the word "discipline" 9 times in your last 3 posts?

Here's the thing about computer simulations  :

* Computer simulations never get impatient (they have endless PATIENCE).
* Computer simulations do exactly what they're told (they have perfect DISCIPLINE).
* They never get tired or make mistakes.
* They never need to go for a piss, or get distracted by the dealer's big tits.

I could go on...

My simulation played PB correctly to the letter, and even with plenty of PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE, it didn't get anything like the astounding results claimed by JL. Instead, the results were exactly as probability would predict, and which would be the same if you were just betting constantly on red.

I'm sorry, but those are the facts.
Computer simulations in no way mirror REALITY. Thats why they are an unreliable source for testing a systems value.

The only way to test a systems true value is EXACTLY how you intend to play it in reality. This is why so many dismiss a system like PB. It didnt stand up to 100k spins in an RNG. Therefore throw it away people.

No in REALITY it ticks along beautifully. But its constantly asking the player. DO YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR SUCCESS?

And the anwser from 999 out of a 1000 people is NO.

And thats why they will never know this game can be beaten consistently. Their mind wandering and jumping from system to sytem. Expecting to find somerhing that never loses.

Year pass by. And the overwhelming conclusion in their mind is, roulette cant be beaten longterm. They resign themselves to that false belief for the rest of their days.


Quote from: CoderJoe on Apr 05, 06:42 AM 2018
Ricky, think about what you're saying here. If this was true, then you could save a lot of time and boredom by just betting on red and not waiting for the 7 patterns to show. If played "sparingly" you would win more than you lose according to your logic. JL has said he's played 14,000 games; is that playing "sparingly"? And if you create a bot to play PB, is that playing "sparingly" if you have it running 24/7?
15,000 games over ELEVEN YEARS, is indeed sparingly CODERJOE.

I would play anything from 1 to 10 games a day. Thats why a simulator can in no way mirror what i do. Its like having sex with a blow up doll instead of a real woman. It might feel good to some. But its just not the same.

Andre Chass

Quote from: Ricky on Apr 05, 11:38 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
I just applied FLATBETTING to my results and it proves this is a winner 925Euro with LITTLE risk vs 296 with HUGE risk. I will be switching to this method with 50 euro base bets

Sorry bothering you... But I'm typing on my mobile. I'm without a laptop right now and it's hard to understand the Excel file by mobile.

Are you using the positive progression as mentioned by Shawn Tinling,?
How to use this progression?
I didn't understand it.
The first bet is $50. If I win? If I lose?

How many patterns do u wait?
I'm betting after BPP BPP BP or PBB PBB PB

How many games a day?

I need to watch the video.

Thanks in advance
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Ricky on Apr 05, 12:37 PM 2018
Hi ProofReader, thanks for the suggestion and you are absolutely right. My results for 100 games playing 2 steps show:

So I think we can do the following: Bet BIG first step. If it loses then we reduce profit expectation to 1/2 or 1/3 of the First bet
So progression would be 2-3 or 4-6
This limits risk to 5 or 10 units but maximizes 1st step return to 2 or 4 units and 2nd step return to 1 or 2 units unit
I will add these What ifs to my current results and do a comparison of returns together eith the recovery bets
Yes Ricky that first STEP is very special. It owns 45--50% of most 100 game sets. Its there to be exploited. I am favouring it myself now. Especially when it doesnt hit for 5 games in a row.

Over 11 years and 15,000 games the longest gap I have between step 1 wins is 🛑10 GAMES🛑 In 11 years. The average is 🛑4 GAMES🛑These kind of stats have to be taken SERIOUSLY. They add to the system and assure longterm profit.

In fact a system could be fashioned just to play STEP 1. and it would be another roulette killer. A system within a system.

Andre Chass


I just watched the video about flatbetting and I don't know if it's a good idea.

It is difficult to have a winning streak on the first bet.

I prefer using 1, 2 progression after PBB PBB PB or BPP BPP BP.

I have only two losses in about 3 months. But the last loss hurt me because  I was greedy

What do you think?

Anyway I'll give it a try.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Apr 06, 12:52 AM 2018

I just watched the video about flatbetting and I don't know if it's a good idea.

It is difficult to have a winning streak on the first bet.

I prefer using 1, 2 progression after PBB PBB PB or BPP BPP BP.

I have only two losses in about 3 months. But the last loss hurt me because  I was greedy

What do you think?

Anyway I'll give it a try.

Sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully, you will recover it soon.

I am glad that you are giving the 1 2 a try.

That is now my standard progression for playing JL's version of PB (previously, I used the 1 2 2 progression).

Just stay away from progressions, like the  1 2 4 and the equally risky 1 1 3 6.


Because when you are using more prudent progressions (the 1 2 is one, in my book) and the losing sequences come (and they will, regardless of whichever method you play), the losses in terms of actual monetary units will be relatively small -- and more easily recoverable.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Andre Chass on Apr 05, 01:40 PM 2018

I like to say the truth...
I don't know what the hell is going on.
I felt like I was in paradise. Now I feel like I'm walking to hell.

Yesterday I had a great defeat ... again. As soon as I entered the casino I saw the pattern BPP already formed by 4 times in a row and. I thought: It's a great opportunity to make a big profit.

So I used the progression 200, 400, 600 and I had loss. I did not believe what I was seeing ... The pattern was formed more than 5 times: BPP BPP BPP BPP BPP BPB.

Besides the money I also lost my laptop because I threw it on the wall. I collapsed so nervous that I was. Sorry but I lost confidence in the strategy.
I feel depressed with no hope. A ruined dream ...
If you have any suggestions tell me. Help me...

I failed! My enemies... enjoy my failure.
Andre can you give me your current STATS please...


You say failure. But what has failed? The system as you play it requires how many wins to break even?

I think you are expecting too much. Because it got off to an amazing start. You should have maintained YOUR BET SIZE.

Dont be drawn in to thinking this cant happen that cant happen. And then risk silly money.

Maintain your composure. And keep to the STAKING PLAN.

You still have POSITIVE STATS. Ricky whats the win loss record for you?


Quote from: Andre Chass on Apr 05, 11:18 PM 2018
Thanks Ricky!

Tomorrow I'll buy another laptop...lol  and start it again.
Hi, I don't post a lot, but I read this thread every day...
Andre, may I suggest you, keeping good your bet selection, instead of using a martingale that wipe out all your profits, to change your MM looking at your bets Won or Lost and build, basing on all your data you should have accumulated, a proper progression that makes your losses recovered by winnings.
make a L-W registry from your first attempt and look for a progression that can handle the variance you met.


Quote from: atlantis on Apr 03, 05:05 AM 2018
Hi DoctorSudoku,

Using the 3-step cyclic progression over 4 bets would look like this:


But if a four-step cycle series would be simply like this:

......... etc...

If a win occurs in a cycle then restart from the beginning of that cycle line UNLESS level or ahead overall in which case restart from first cycle.

Although, personally, I like the 3-step cycle prog I posted earlier..


Thanks for posting these cyclic progressions. They may or may not work for PB.

I am not sure. Maybe you have tested them for PB and maybe they are giving positive results.

However, these long drawn out  cyclic progressions are particularly effective for grinding out small but consistent profits using classical bet selection methods, like FTL, OLD, DBL, and ODBL.

Baccarat players, quite understandably, use those bet selection methods much more frequently than do roulette players.

So these progressions that you have posted should be of natural interest to baccarat players.

What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.

Andre Chass

Quote from: sentinel3 on Apr 06, 01:10 AM 2018
Andre can you give me your current STATS please...


You say failure. But what has failed? The system as you play it requires how many wins to break even?

I think you are expecting too much. Because it got off to an amazing start. You should have maintained YOUR BET SIZE.

Dont be drawn in to thinking this cant happen that cant happen. And then risk silly money.

Maintain your composure. And keep to the STAKING PLAN.

You still have POSITIVE STATS. Ricky whats the win loss record for you?

Will you believe it?

About 3 months playing using 1, 1, 3, 6 progression. PPB PPB PB or BPP BPP BP

I confess some games I went to 5 step progression... Craziness

Games played around 7 a day
Games won around 400
Games break even around 180
Games "real loss" 2
Games "tie" loss I don't know

Currently my bet size is $45 for a profit of $225 a day. I started 3 months ago bet size $3

I failed because I was gredy and very self-confident

Thanks for the advices
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

Andre Chass

Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Apr 06, 01:09 AM 2018

Sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully, you will recover it soon.

I am glad that you are giving the 1 2 a try.

That is now my standard progression for playing JL's version of PB (previously, I used the 1 2 2 progression).

Just stay away from progressions, like the  1 2 4 and the equally risky 1 1 3 6.


Because when you are using more prudent progressions (the 1 2 is one, in my book) and the losing sequences come (and they will, regardless of whichever method you play), the losses in terms of actual monetary units will be relatively small -- and more easily recoverable.


Using 1, 1, 3, 6 progression is too much stress. I can't get it no more...
Sometimes I went to 5 step progression. Rarely.

I was lucky not to bust my bankroll

I'll try 1, 2 progression and play safely
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...
