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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: vundarosa on Apr 09, 02:40 PM 2011
just wondering, why you think this will not work on RNG?!


I tried Pattern Breaker all last week on Real Money RNG (BellaVegas Online Casino) $25 went to $53--then it started losing regularly. (Two bad progressions)


Quote from: maestro on Apr 09, 02:52 PM 2011
Thanks for system I just have silly maybe question (my brain not very good) say I have qualified patern to bet against it say LLL we bet HHH and we win on very next spin,question is do you keep playin till pattern LLL hits and you lose or on win that it is,retrack and play the same way...because I try it and won on second spin but kept playn and had 33 spins before roulette hit patern LLL lost but balance was in plus..so how is played(sorry silly me)..thank you

Start all over after a win :)


thank very much jon,as usual i was doin it wrong,but was realy amazing for 33 spins did not lose but is wrong,so i will retrack after win..thank you
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Apr 09, 03:13 PM 2011
Thank very much jon,as usual I was doin it wrong,but was realy amazing for 33 spins did not lose but is wrong,so I will retrack after win..thank you

No problem :)


Quote from: F_LAT_INO link=topic=4655. msg46375#msg46375 date=1302372823
Be there 20-29 of august,usually play in Ruhl casino.
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you won t believe it !!
And the show must goes on


Quote from: vundarosa on Apr 09, 02:40 PM 2011
just wondering, why you think this will not work on RNG?!


But as soon as its real the cheating begins. Do you understand this?

You get fair play until your cash is at stake. A REAL WHEEL DOESNT KNOW WHETHER YOUR PLAYING FOR REAL OR NOT.....


Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 09, 03:01 PM 2011
Geo. I've played nearly 2,500 games in the last two years. PATTERN BREAKER holds up. It isnt just its ability to produce long winning streaks. It how quick you can recover loss. that's what NEVER registers in people who set out to prove a method loses.


With MV5 You are risking at base minumum 26 units to win *1* with a method that can win 100s of times in a row, but is not likely to lose twice in a row very often if EVER.

With PATTERN BREAKER, You are risking at base minumum 7 units to win *1* with a method that can WIN MORE THAN 100 times in a row. And rarely lose twice in a row played randomly.

Please take these things onboard before adopting your typical if its loses its no good attitude. These robotic simulators want a test. SHOW US 8 CONSECUTIVE 5 POINTERS. I dare you.


You have done a real good jobb here John with PB  ;D


Real Wheel Is The Real Deal :D LoL

I dont know what the name is in english for it but i belive it rimes?

Real Wheel Is The Real Deal


I have notice after only a short while here on CC that some people get negative right when a new system is posted. I feel like its just as they don't want to credit other and only be negative.

Its many good system creators here and they deserve respect when they post the knowledge they have and not negativity.

All the people that have a negative flow sould read a book called "How To Attract Money Now"

" If you give you get "

Its a real good read :)


Quote from: jon86 on Apr 09, 03:31 PM 2011
I have notice after only a short while here on CC that some people get negative right when a new system is posted. I feel like its just as they don't want to credit other and only be negative.

Its many good system creators here and they deserve respect when they post the knowledge they have and not negativity.

All the people that have a negative flow sould read a book called "How To Attract Money Now"

" If you give you get "

Its a real good read :)

Well said Jon  :thumbsup:


Quote from: mr.ore on Apr 09, 02:52 PM 2011
Well, it was just a quick test of your system. The tool is not complete yet. There is a little difference because I did not fully understand how to use patterns counted from previous session for another. It always retrack after a win, and take new spins. So it wait for one pattern missing, and then it plays against it. If it wins, it immediately forgets history and retrack until there is another pattern missing, it does not use already recorded data. Another unclear thing is that if we track say 15*3 spins and win on first or second and retrack, whether to wait and start on a spin divisible by three. So it tracks 15*3 spins, bet 1 spin, that's 46 spins, and then spins 47,48,49 are used for tracking a new pattern, then 50,51,52 and so on. Right now it just forgets everything and starts tracking again. Only thing that goes between sessions is breadwinner progression if I enable it. Another difference is it plays all three even chances at once to have more betting opportunities.

For those who thinks that there is differnce if you play continuously or have a break, what do you think of this scenario:

After a sesion played on red/black, next session will be played on low/high. Those two even chances are absolutely independent, so we might try switching them. After that we might play even/odd, then low/high, then again red/black and so on. There should be no difference if you do this change or wait. Another possibility would be to switch between bet selections and play it on top of that, either with it or against it, because one chance CAN dominate for several thousands of spins, so the spins act as if they were not independent, and with many bet selections we might try to avoid it. But what if we seek that actually ;)
Mr Ore respect and appreciate your input on this thread. But your core thinking is wrong. We don't simply play every missing pattern. Here is a factual scenario. You have just finished a game and bagged your 2 units.

Your FINAL  PATTERN WAS LHL. You decide to play back to back games instead of taking the advised gap/break. That final pattern in your PREVIOUS GAME *ALSO BECOMES THE FINAL PATTERN IN YOUR FOLLOW ON GAME* To use the words of one dirty Harry, you feeling lucky *punk*. PATTERNS are known to be big sleepers like dozens or straights. THEY CAN WAKE UP AT THE WRONG TIME.

that's why I advise single sessions, gap go again. Less is overall MORE in this game keep this in mind people. Don't think like a slot machine player, think like a poker player.


Quote from: ZigZag on Apr 09, 03:36 PM 2011
Well said Jon  :thumbsup:

Its only the truth :)

Its to S***** when we are all here for the same reason right ?

I love the Avatar its from when I was little on television :)


 Don't think like a slot machine player, think like a poker player.

This is so right  :thumbsup:


Then how would you simulate way a human plays? How many spins wait after a win and starting next session? I would rather look int MM then into waiting, because MM is a key in my opininion.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 09, 03:01 PM 2011
Geo. I've played nearly 2,500 games in the last two years. PATTERN BREAKER holds up. It isnt just its ability to produce long winning streaks. It how quick you can recover loss. that's what NEVER registers in people who set out to prove a method loses.


With MV5 You are risking at base minumum 26 units to win *1* with a method that can win 100s of times in a row, but is not likely to lose twice in a row very often if EVER.

With PATTERN BREAKER, You are risking at base minumum 7 units to win *1* with a method that can WIN MORE THAN 100 times in a row. And rarely lose twice in a row played randomly.

Please take these things onboard before adopting your typical if its loses its no good attitude. These robotic simulators want a test. SHOW US 8 CONSECUTIVE 5 POINTERS. I dare you.

Sorry John.  I re-read my post and couldn't find any statement that can be interpreted as trying to prove your system loses.

I'm just pointing out to some who may not have as much experience as you do playing roulette, to approach every system with a skeptical attitude.  Prove it to yourself and be convinced in your own mind before jumping in with hard earned cash.

I don't have a typical "if it loses it's no good attitude".

Read some of my posts.  You will see how aware I am that all systems lose.

I must admit that I do have a healthy dose of skepticism when someone starts a topic with a statement such as "I've played 2500 games in the last two years."  Why should we believe that statement?  We don't know who you really are.  It's pushing to bar of credulity to think we will just accept that statement carte blanch.  Why did you wait 2 years to share with us?  Did it take that long to decide it's a winner?  

You mean you were playing this system at the same time you were teaching us about THE ZONE that you had been playing profitably for 11 years.  I'm not saying you're not being honest with us, I'm just saying that after 60+ years on this planet I've learned that things have to fit into a normal human pattern to make sense.  If they don't, you have to have some skepticism.

There are some very knowledgeable members of this forum with a lot of experience in roulette that you don't see posting here.  I have to ask myself, Why?  Their support would go a long way in convincing a lot of us to really put some  effort into your systems.

Anyway, as I ended my post with, I hope these two systems turn out to be long term winners.  Two more arrows in the quiver will be nice.

P.S.  For any members who would like a good introduction in the even chances based on this exact pattern development, check out Lucky_Strike's topics "Classics for the even chances parts 1 and 2.  You can find them at the VLS forum.

LOL to all
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
