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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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not getting your retrack? what are those numbers?
i thought you just started anew?  

"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: ZigZag on Apr 11, 08:05 AM 2011
Re track upto 3 times MAX

Re track block starts

[7 15 17] [35 34 29] [15 8 12]  on a retrack

[15 17 35]  etc on a retrack

[17 35 34] etc


If we lose on the last pattern doesnt we start all over with new spins?



I don't know how John retracks but the way i do is

Maybe John or other have better way to retrack

Personaly i re track last 20

so say from your last 20 spins the block started like this


on each re track i would move 1 over to the right so your starting blocks would now look like this

[LLH] [HHL] etc

Just to mix it up a bit using same numbers.

Maybe others have better ways  ???


Yes Jon, you start from the beginning or end session
I wanted to share an alternative even chance tactic

A. 1st Dozen, 25-30
B. 2nd Dozen, 31-36

These two letters are European wheel neighbor friendly

AAA      BBB
AAB      BBA
ABB      BAA
ABA      BAB


Yes on a loss start new session


Quote from: ZigZag on Apr 11, 08:24 AM 2011
I don't know how John retracks but the way I do is

Maybe John or other have better way to retrack

Personaly I re track last 20

so say from your last 20 spins the block started like this


on each re track I would move 1 over to the right so your starting blocks would now look like this

[LLH] [HHL] etc

Just to mix it up a bit using same numbers.

Maybe others have better ways  ???

I get it now :)

Its just a different way to do it :)

I start all over after a win or loss but its the same :)


John said on a win we can re track upto 3 times i think but on a loss we start a new  :-\


Quote from: ZigZag on Apr 11, 08:32 AM 2011
John said on a win we can re track upto 3 times I think but on a loss we start a new  :-\

Yes thats right :)




I have real trouble with my English to try to describe and tell something.

I understand and can read pretty well but not write and tell my own things  :D LoL

Here we go. I will try to get all to understand without describe with combinations and patterns so maiby you guys understand me so I don't have to use 3 years on this :)

We all now with the 8 patterns  what 100% will happen and that is that the beutifull latvian girls will hit some of the combinations in 8 patterns right.

Or they will not hit all 8 in a row its exactly the same.

Do some understand where this is going? See on the 8 pattern and we note the HH got example and bet for the last combination in all patterns to hit :)

Hope you understand and can see what I mean. One of the 8 patterns will hit since this is all combination posible on the table.

If not understand I will need a little time to write with example and try to describe what I mean.



One of the 8 patterns will hit! If the HHH don't hit we wait for new  combination in our 8 pattern like LH and bet the last combination to hit.

1 of the pattern will hit. :)

We dont bet same combination beacuse of repeats so this is for the patient but as we know patient pay of :)


Quote from: soggett on Apr 11, 05:50 AM 2011
Hi everybody
How are you all doing?

I would like to thank JL for this great system, its awesome.
The whole fourm is awesome.

I have just two things to ask/say:

1.  ok, assuming we have

HHH - 1
LLL - 2
HLH - 3
LHL - 4
HHL - 5
LLH - 6
HLL - 7

Now, we have LHH that didn't hit.  We bet LHH.  If we lose do we just put 8 beside LHH, erase the 1 beside HHH and start betting HHH?
This would be like we started 3 spins after the previous session.
Is this how to play PB? Is this what the numbers are for?
And what if we win?how do we go then?
Or do we start from beginning every time we win/lose?start new tracking no matter the outcome?

and 2:

I played yesterday PB in Titan Casino
I went from 113 units to 141 units and then lost all.  Yes that's right.
I had 4 loses in 8 sessions, 2 in a row.  
It was L,L,W,W,L,W,W,L.

BUT, I did a lot retracking so this could be the reason why.  I played like I asked above, erasing numbers till I got 7 unique and then bet against the 8.
And it worked like a charm till it didn't :)

What can I say, I got greedy, don't we all? :D

I learned that PB can make you a lot of money, but you can lose it all if you get greedy.
So folks don't be greedy, take it slow and win slowly but surely
I think that's the key

I think that with PB everyone can make money, just have to be patient :)

Soggett you are playing PATTERN BREAKER WRONG. After a win if you decide to play continuosly you must start tracking FRESH Spins against your 8 unique patterns not home in on the first formed pattern from your previous game.

PATIENCE, is the requirement to beat this game consistently. Its better to wait for SUCCESS than rush to FAILURE. that's the motto I live by.



So if you see LH

How do you know wich to go for?


Or am i reading you wrong  ???


this seemed so simple when it started lol, now im getting confused
can anyone post a long list of examples? i want to hand test it but want to do it right
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Apr 11, 09:14 AM 2011
This seemed so simple when it started LoL, now I'm getting confused
can anyone post a long list of examples? I want to hand test it but want to do it right
just go on the first page.
