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good so far

Started by xDannyboi23x, Apr 12, 12:20 PM 2011

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hey iv been using a system for a few days and im ÂÃ,£300 up so far maybe you guys could help me test it?
i always bet on the last 4 6 number bets that have shown up in a progression of 1 3 9 27
and the trigger is wait 3 spins before any repeats. looks very good so far.
and i play rng.


please explain completely how are u betting :)


4 6 number bets ?



yeh jon 4 6 number bets :-).
what is it u dnt understand maybe i can explain. it should be quite easy to understand if u read it carefully :-)


ok if we label the 6 number bets 1 to 6.
1-6 bein 1. 7-12 bein 2. 13-18 bein 3 and so on.
you w8 until you get 3 seperate 6 number bets in a row. example 1 4 6 would be trigger
4 6 4 wouldnt be trigger as you have a repeat in 3 spins.
then all you do is bet the last 4 double streets to show in the progression of 1 3 9 26.
please note if you lose a bet you will always change which double streets you are betting on because we are always betting the last 4 remember, good winner so far and doesnt risk much


and recently i have actually been waiting for 4 difrent double streets to apear in a row for extra safety but of course that is up 2 the player :-)


i am going 2 continue testing with real money using 4 seperate double streets as my trigger i will let you know how i get on :-)


Quote from: xDannyboi23x on Apr 12, 02:10 PM 2011
I am going 2 continue testing with real money using 4 separate double streets as my trigger I will let you know how I get on :-)



For the benefit of anyone looking in:-

these are commonly know as LINES bets (or Double Streets)

just trying to help U guys.  :thumbsup:


Early tests, looking good   :thumbsup:


First official test @ BetVoyager.  It did win, but that last game it went up to 27 units per doublestreet (really scary when you end up winning only two units!)

Numbers coming in...35,19,10,27

1st bet: 31-36, 7-12, 19-24, 25-30: #20(win)+2 units

Numbers coming in...24, 32, 19, 34, 15, 1

2nd Bet: 1-6, 13-18, 31-36, 19-24: #9(x)<8>

3rd Bet:  13-18, 7-12, 1-6, 13-18 @ 3x progression: #18(win)+12

Numbers coming in...6, 36

4th Bet:  31-36, 1-6, 13-18, 7-12:  #11(win)+2

Numbers coming in...24

5th Bet: 19-24, 7-12, 31-36, 1-6:  #21(win)+2

Numbers coming in...7,36,25

6th Bet:  25-30, 31-36, 7-12, 19-24:  #2(x)<4>

7th Bet:  1-6, 25-30, 31-36, 7-12 @ 3x progression:  #19(x)<12>

8th Bet:  19-24, 1-6, 25-30, 31-36 @ 9x progression:  #12(x)<36>

9th Bet:  7-12, 19-24, 25-30, 31-36 @ 27x progression: #7(win)+54: End Session


I'm thinking the progression is the only thing to watch here.  How about progression 1,3---then if it misses from this point go up on each doublestreet one unit each.  If hit, go down one unit.


Test#2: BetVoyager European Wheel *for your information--Test#1 was at European Wheel

Numbers coming in...24,5,35,24,34,19,6,14
Bet 13-18, 1-6, 19-24, 31-36: #35(win)

Numbers coming in...0 (start over tracking)--by the way zeros usually cost in RNG

...13, 3, 6,36, 9,31, 4,23
Bet 19-24, 1-6, 31-36, 7-12: #6(win)
Numbers coming in...31,25
Bet 25-30, 31-36, 1-6, 19-24: #2(win)
Numbers coming in...33, 0 (start over tracking)

0 (again)--start over
32, 9, 2, 17
Bet 13-18, 1-6, 7-12, 31-36: #7(win)

Numbers coming in...22
Bet 19-24, 13-18, 1-6, 31-36: #23(win)

Numbers coming in...16,29,2

Bet 19-24, 1-6, 25-30, 13-18: #23(win)

Bet same lines again (4 unique numbers in natural doublestreets): #24(win)
End session


It wins on Live Wheels too...(this should get you on the Full Systems Board xDannyboi23x)

Procedure for Dannyboi's Unique Four-Line System:

Watch the newest spins, wait for four numbers that are unique to four natural doublestreets and bet those four doublestreets.  

Example:...#1(oldest), #5, #13, #29, #36(newest number)

#36 is unique to natural line: 31-36
#29 is unique to natural line: 25-30
#13 is unique to natural line: 13-18
#5 is unique to natural line: 1-6
So we bet those four doublestreets with a progression of 1,3,9,27
or Proof mod: 1,3--(up one unit per line on win/down one unit on loss)
*win or lose, you must have four new unique doublestreet numbers to bet again.
Dublinbet European Live Wheel #2: April 13,2011 @ 2:00pm CDT USA

...Numbers coming in...0,30,22,14,6,18,35,7

Bet 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 31-36: #17(win)
(while effective, Live wheels move a lot slower than RNG, so I moved to Roulette #1)
Live European Roulette#1 @ Dublinbet

...Numbers coming in...11,28,36,30,34,17,28

Bet 13-18, 19-24, 25-30, 31-36: #13(win): End session


cheers for your tests proofreaders 2000.
good idea about the progression 1 , 3 and then up one on a loss and dwn 1 on a win :-)
but im thinking would that keep u in profit enough? a lot safer tho. maybe a up 2 dwn 1 mite profit good and keep the bets dwn? :-)
