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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 17, 02:39 PM 2011

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Tested MV5 4wide betting H/L against trips becoming 5pts on Smartlive live.
116 spins.  Immediately after first won progression 2 side by side 5pts.

HHLH ouch -15u

Won 3 sessions at level 2 and 5 at level 1.  Again 1 loss , recovery at level 2
and 1 win.

Total +5u.

We need to follow the pattern to use it.  And of course hit and run after a few wins.
From my observation playing it with dozens or columns is safer option but requires
more patience and br.  During my tracking of dz i had 3trips,1quad and 1 5pts.  :) ;)


i was betting against 5 pointers in a row with trigger and was up 32 when i first lost my 15 progression that means i was working on my third bank in al my dozen testing i did not ever came to the third bank ( this was testing continious spins no money management )


Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 18, 03:01 PM 2011
If I had bet straight without thinking about what was developing in the matrix Zig I would have lost four times. This is the skill in the game. Even if you miss one five pointer the odds are strong you will win the two level progression. I did this 14 times out of 99 won games. Only loss came as a result of three consecutive FIVE POINTERS.

Can you John if possible show  examples of your games so we get some idea of when to

start betting and when to wait



to play matrix 4 against 4 and 5 pointers you need 3 events not only 2,remember dozens and colums on matrix 4,you got doz1,doz2,doz3(3 events) just my opinion
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Apr 19, 04:51 AM 2011
To play matrix 4 against 4 and 5 pointers you need 3 events not only 2,remember dozens and columns on matrix 4,you got doz1,doz2,doz3(3 events) just my opinion

Agree  ;D

Warrior lost 4 times in a row last night in B&M.




Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 18, 03:09 PM 2011
That would be dangerous Post, of the 37 FIVE POINTERS in my 100 game sample 14 of them were 7 or longer. Including 9,9,9,10,11

I don't think its wise to try and outlive a single VERTICAL FORMATION. I'm sure 11 wont be the longest I see as time goes by. If RANDOM was able to form a 12 for the dozens. HI LO? ??? ???


Ok, this is stuff we need to be reading, as guys come accross them....

So, so far it seems that we shouldn't:

*Try to outlive a vertical formation (which I was trying to do);
*Bet every trip not to become a five pointer, (which I was trying to do)--so, how to decide which ones to bet and which ones not to? It seems that four or more consecutive 5 pointers are possible within the matrix (and maybe not so rare).

what other pitfalls you've found (general "you", not just JL) others may not yet be aware of?!



Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 18, 01:56 PM 2011

Average gap between FIVE POINTERS 5

And minimum gap between FIVE POINTERS? One?


How about a trigger like that one in MV5?  (Wait for a five pointer, then wait for triple...)


Quote from: vundarosa on Apr 19, 05:15 AM 2011

Ok, this is stuff we need to be reading, as guys come accross them....

So, so far it seems that we shouldn't:

*Try to outlive a vertical formation (which I was trying to do);
*Bet every trip not to become a five pointer, (which I was trying to do)--so, how to decide which ones to bet and which ones not to? It seems that four or more consecutive 5 pointers are possible within the matrix (and maybe not so rare).

what other pitfalls you've found (general "you", not just JL) others may not yet be aware of?!

If I enter the game and there are three or more TRIPS, QUADS already formed Im betting FOR FIVE POINTERS, If there are one or more five pointers im betting for TRIPS AND QUADS. AC/DC PLAY CONCEPT CURTESY ATLANTIS.

There is no need to fear FIVE POINTERS, make them work for us. I will give 25 games played this way later. And full and FINAL REVISION of this method. You really cant lose playing this way, its a win, WIN situation. :o


Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 19, 06:35 AM 2011
If I enter the game and there are three or more TRIPS, QUADS already formed I'm betting FOR FIVE POINTERS, If there are one or more five pointers I'm betting for TRIPS AND QUADS. AC/DC PLAY CONCEPT CURTESY ATLANTIS.

There is no need to fear FIVE POINTERS, make them work for us. I will give 25 games played this way later. And full and FINAL REVISION of this method. You really can't lose playing this way, its a win, WIN situation. :o
john there going to 6 and 7 pointers on more then just one line.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Apr 19, 06:35 AM 2011
If I enter the game and there are three or more TRIPS, QUADS already formed I'm betting FOR FIVE POINTERS, If there are one or more five pointers I'm betting for TRIPS AND QUADS. AC/DC PLAY CONCEPT CURTESY ATLANTIS.

There is no need to fear FIVE POINTERS, make them work for us. I will give 25 games played this way later. And full and FINAL REVISION of this method. You really can't lose playing this way, its a win, WIN situation. :o



 :) It seems that 5pts come in series now.  In dublinbet in 80 spins session i had 7 5pts
in all EC events.  4 some reason the best results always come playing H/L.  Still ahead.
I think i will stay away from RB and OE.  So far the best results come when i
play MV5 4wide betting against DZ trips becoming 5pts.
I play it playing also against Dz repeating itself in series of 4 spins.
Dozens not repeating always worked 4 me.


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Apr 19, 07:42 AM 2011
:) It seems that 5pts come in series now.  In dublinbet in 80 spins session I had 7 5pts
in all EC events.  4 some reason the best results always come playing H/L.  Still ahead.
I think I will stay away from RB and OE.  So far the best results come when i
play MV5 4wide betting against DZ trips becoming 5pts.
I play it playing also against Dz repeating itself in series of 4 spins.
Dozens not repeating always worked 4 me.

The orginale MV5 playing with dozen works like allways ;D



Quote from: warrior on Apr 19, 07:41 AM 2011
john there going to 6 and 7 pointers on more then just one line.
Warrior are you sure they arent selling snake oil in that casino you're using? If you are meeting so many five pointers my advice is to gauge the average gap between them and BET FOR THEM. You have a turnover here that makes it ALL POSSIBLE. I have a definate pattern going on, online live. I have yet to see more than 3 FIVE POINTERS in a row in 120 games played. that's happenned five times but with the AC/DC play. They become winners. FULL EXPLANATION LATER out to enjoy this weather... >:( >:(


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Apr 19, 07:42 AM 2011
:) It seems that 5pts come in series now.  In dublinbet in 80 spins session I had 7 5pts
in all EC events.  4 some reason the best results always come playing H/L.  Still ahead.
I think I will stay away from RB and OE.  So far the best results come when i
play MV5 4wide betting against DZ trips becoming 5pts.
I play it playing also against Dz repeating itself in series of 4 spins.
Dozens not repeating always worked 4 me.
Chose hi and low for a reason Robeenhuut, it behaves more consistently.
