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Hidden Math

Started by atlantis, Apr 17, 05:32 PM 2011

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To all,


I started this thread so that we can all see Wendel's teachings over on GG condensed by none other than "turbo" from all of his threads posted there:

Turbo writes:
Since I've been scorned for only posting negative comments
about WDL and his secret method - I decided for the benefit
of all (fans of WDL and not) to spend 2 hours this evening
reading and copy/pasting everything that was relevant to his
method so that it could be condensed to one post in one place.

Anyone reading can, if they choose - find the issues where
one thing is said and then another, some points made are of
value while others are said as if from a novice with no
gambling experience.
Other than that, no comments by me - only the posts made
by WDL as he "guides" those who care through the "process"

Anyway, regards and "enjoy" the info presented by the
great one.


This is a NEW math Called HIDDEN MATH invented my myself.
This new Math tells you what will happen next You don't need
any back imformation.
This Is All you need to beat Roulette,Baccarat or Dice.
Same method can be used on all. Flat Betting only can be used on this

I wii teach people my new Hiddemn Math But right now that's
on hold The people that I sold my new Hidden Math Know now
this is the ONLY working system in the world

I am not selling ANYTHING right now.
My HIDDEN MATH is $850,000.00
And no one here on this board has that kind of money

Progression NEVER,NEVER,NEVER work's long term.

There is is no need to know the past Results,only the last play.
The past is in the past leave it there,
Thats were it belongs,because the last spin has nothing
to do with the next spin.

Progression is never to be use at any time.
progressions only tells you one thing you were wrong on your last bet

Yes my HIDDEN MATH is calculated on the first play never past that.
I look at that then it may change.
Here is a rule. You must win on a neg.wheel or a pos. wheel.
The frist play tells me this with Hidden Math.

The First play is after the first spin. Yes that is correct.

You asked about playing the numbers in side only crazy fools,
that chase empty dreams do that

They who throw the ball told me themselves
they can stay away from you numbers within three spaces
if they are good enough.But they also told me they can't stay away
from the even bets because they are to close to each other

If you see they are going for the 0's as soon as they throw the
ball put chips on the 0's As your last bet.
That will stop them in a hurry going for the o's.


You must look at the complete set of numbers to get the right answer

This whole Hidden Math is base on what people don't see.
There lies the answers

I refused my response was I already have the end game.
The unknown factor which is the D.N.A. of a number.
This isn't for the table games.

Yes there is a pattern Recognition a Hidden Math pattern.
But it's what lies ahead (pattern Recognition)
Is where you look not in the past results

If you lost your bet on the first bet you made,
Hidden Math will kick in.

If you win the first bet you made you may still have
to adjust using Hidden Math.

now God and I both know what my outcome of my sit down
will be using Hidden Math. Never think about the next
spin for the secret isn't there

My number one rule is NEVER NEVER EVER lay your bet down
until she or he throws the ball.
Never let them get even a little edge.

Say you are betting black put your chips on red as soon as
she or he throws the ball take your chips off red and play black.
You are aloud to do this.
Back your bet with the 0 to cover your bet.
That will stop then in trying to go for the 0's in a hurry.

Another thing you can play on a full table where your
bets are smaller then whats on the table.

If you ever made a bet you will know this.
You go to the casino you are up and then you're down.
What goes up must come down.
You can use this on the wheel.
When you are up a few bets stop when this happend go to the
next wheel because what goes up must come down.

if you are down on your bets then get back to being even
off the table.because back down you will go.
Hidden math tells you all of this.
Its just better when you leave when your even.

I talked to gameguy he alone knows why I am here
which I hope he keeps to himself for I don't want the
people here to be easy on me looks like it's working

Also it helps as I said to to hit and run as they
won't even know you were even there

camouflage your money. Never Never put your chips on the table
a big big no no.Keep your chips in your pocket so the pit boss
can't keep track of how much you won.
Use same value chips as the rest of the people are using on the table

You use outside chips
not the table chips.
also you don't buy your chips at the table you play at.
Never do that ever. You can play with out side chips

What I meant on the word hidden (all) can see .
It's there but you have to look hard at it see
here 14782 I see 342156363671.
I am saying you must look past what you see.
The second set of numbers up above are numbers
that I got from the first set.

Patterns can change at any time because The last spin has
NOTHING,NOTHING,NOTHING to do with the next spin.
Those numbers I got was a process from the first set of
numbers. Hope this helps

At your sit down you already have a method of play.
You just play your method and that all it is
Two things you must know
A).You must already know what the out come of your sit
down at a table is Before you even place your bet.

Why I said that I know for sure the out come.
That's an easy one Gary you should know this one.
It's called the law of Math.

Never play inside ever or any 2 to 1 BETS only a
fool would do something like that.

All Patterns all kinds of progressions every thing you
can think of is out,out,out.because of that one rule

If you leave the table and go to another table yes the
odds are the same but this where it will turn into your favor.

Say you are up +4 bets leave go to another table.
Because what will happen you will go back down. So this will avoid th

If you are losing say -4 when you get back to even get
off the table because it will go back to -4 so this will avoid that.

2+2 or 3+1 or 1+3 or 4+0 0+4 or 4+2=6-2=4 or 1+1+1+1=4 or
5+7=12-8=4 and any many more checkmate.
Very good on your part.
You see you now know look and you will find maybe even Hidden Math

Hidden Math only does two things
A).You will win
B).You will be even.

Where I got it from ,is when Mr.Albert Einstein said if you
throw a coin up in the air heads and tails would be about
about the same Out of 5,000.
Thats where all answers can be found on Hidden Math

But what the coin did. Think deep into this and you will
find what I have found the Hidden Math.

Here are some of my rules when I use to sell my system.
#1 rule to buy my Hidden Math when I was selling it,
once you lie the deal is off.

B). You see 12245
B).I see 11340212311 It's there you just have to look hard.

Only use flat betting this will keep your drawdown
low so it can be accepted my most who are betting with hard
earned money.

As I said at a session you will be even or winning NEVER A LOSS.
Do you see the word SESSION that is the key not the last spin.

the price would go
$ 1,700,000.00 As you can see thats way to much for anyone here
And it would be only to 5 people that I could trust If I do
decide to sell again this is not the place for that.
This should be for learning only .
The 500 million was for the rights of selling my system.
If my health ever got better it would go back on the market
on google ads not here.
Anyone here wolud not fit the rules in buying my system

Bank roll needed 3 flat bets is okay more if you are playing
all color hi lo ,odd even at the same time always use the house money
Bankroll needed. The bankroll needed is very very small because
if you go into the first minus the Hidden Math will kick in
to a new dimensional outlook.
You are betting $ 10.00 you would need only $ 30.00

You MUST ALWAYS win on a BAD wheel meaning.
When it takes you into a minus area it has to kick you
in to a new dimensional outlook that’s a prime ingredient
in beating the casino that can only be done in a different
outlook which can be done in a 2nd 3rd 4th Dimensional
math called a Hidden Math

1). Most of the time you are off the table in lest then 20
Hidden math kicks in right away.
2). Only a few flat bets are needed during the session.
maybe as low as 10 bets high maybe 20 bets all flat bets only.

I’m 56 years old .I have had asthma since 37 and now I literally
live minute by minute not even hour by hour

The number 5812 was to open up your minds .
This is just am example that most people like spike ,
turbo and others see but they don’t see.
Meaning that I see 343 761=04321323432165
you must see past your nose and they are blind to the obvious.

0 to 25 are in the Hidden Math Never play inside numbers
that’s for people who lost their marbles ( FOOLS )

2). Yes blindfolded in a sense meaning you already know
what to do.
The win loss of the spins has nothing to do either it’s
the outcome of the session win loss that counts.
3). Yes there are infinite numbers of probabilities .
It does not matter with Hidden Math .
When a new probability comes up will kick it into the
method of the 2nd dimension then a new probability
comes up it will kick into a 3rd dimension then a new
probability than it will kick into the last 4th dimension vision.

1). Where I place my bet it depends wheret the Hidden
Math kicks into if I’m + bets its okay.
BUT if it goes to a bet lost then the Hidden math will
kick in to a new dimensional vision.
2). First lose goes into the 2nd Dimension.
3). Second loss goes into 3rd Dimension 4).
4). Third loss goes into the last into 4th Dimension that can’t be be
During the betting session you only lose once in awhile
meaning you may be up say 3 bets those 3 =
the three you started with = 6 you see what I mean your first
loss will kick you into a new Dimension.
5). Three flat bets only is needed
THAT IS A MAIN KEY Not the next spin.
4). those numbers that I used 14782 and I see 42156363671
is done with a method.
Yes there is a method of math to come up with my set of numbers.


To Wendel (Iceman1313)

You don't seem to be able to offer any proof of any new "laws" that you claim to have invented - despite stating the transparently obvious, of course - and in no ways can that be considered "new math" since it is already covered by existing math, therefore it would seem your overall thinking has regressed to a low level of stone age thinking which is a great cause of concern over your mental health... You never ever made a book that contains these new "laws" and explains their operation like you said you would either. There's never been ANY proof that you can do what you say - but there's been plenty of forum clownship.
It may be that you are just trolling the forum looking for customers and never intend to really reveal what you promised you would. One of the oldest marketing tricks in the book. On the other hand you have brought nothing new to the table. It's just all the old, old stuff that you've posted elsewhere for what seems like aeons.. You seem to get a kick out of repeating it ad nauseum - and all this does is go around in circles and is a waste of peoples time. You get top marks for humour value though, I'll give you that
Why cannot you just step up to the plate and silence your critics with some hardcore facts instead of pie in the sky, airy fairy hidden math pseudobabble?

Better still, why not come clean and admit you've been hoaxing us all along? Might be the best option, Wendel. Folks would have more of a regard for you if you admitted you've been fooling with us all along instead of pretending to be some bigshot new math discoverer. (no details have EVER been published)
If you stopped ego-tripping and spinning false yarns and owned up to this crazy charade we could then all have a darn good laugh along with you (not that some aren't already laughing on the sidelines) Seems like a good plan to me.
Instead you seem to want to prolong your little "game" by generally leading people on to --- well nothing much at all really!
There is an old saying: "Empty vessels make the most noise."

Here's one of Wendel's pointless threads from 2006 - five years ago - spouting the same old same old...


Here is another:

Study carefully so you can see how this cat operates.

Best wishes to you and your family,
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


HIDDEN MATH  :thumbsup:

Cheers Atlantis  :)



Quote from: jon86 on Apr 17, 05:48 PM 2011
HIDDEN MATH  :thumbsup:

Cheers Atlantis  :)


Grasshopper, when you can quickly snatch the little roulette ball from the open palm of my hand, then and only then will you be truly ready to learn the secrets of HIDDEN MATH...  ;D

Meantime turbo posted a page about it here:

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Apr 17, 05:59 PM 2011
Grasshopper, when you can quickly snatch the little roulette ball from the open palm of my hand, then and only then will you be truly ready to learn the secrets of HIDDEN MATH...  ;D

Meantime turbo posted a page about it here:


Nice one  :D




Quote from: atlantis on Apr 17, 05:59 PM 2011
Grasshopper, when you can quickly snatch the little roulette ball from the open palm of my hand, then and only then will you be truly ready to learn the secrets of HIDDEN MATH...  ;D

Meantime turbo posted a page about it here:


A.  Either I don't understand how to play Wendell's method or Turbo doesn't know how to play his method because I seem to play it just opposite Turbo.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Apr 17, 11:30 PM 2011
A.  Either I don't understand how to play Wendell's method or Turbo doesn't know how to play his method because I seem to play it just opposite Turbo.
hi GLC
i am trying to find the another thread started by iceman1313 in which he describes the hidden method applied to even chances. you wer there too. but i could not find that thread- probably have been deleted. could you please explain it again. also your comments on the winnings in short or long term will be appreciated .



Quote from: atlantis on Apr 17, 05:59 PM 2011
Grasshopper, when you can quickly snatch the little roulette ball from the open palm of my hand, then and only then will you be truly ready to learn the secrets of HIDDEN MATH...  ;D

Meantime turbo posted a page about it here:



Quote from: catalyst on Apr 20, 09:43 AM 2011
hi GLC
i am trying to find the another thread started by iceman1313 in which he describes the hidden method applied to even chances. you wer there too. but I could not find that thread- probably have been deleted. could you please explain it again. also your comments on the winnings in short or long term will be appreciated .



Check this out especially the posts by Twocando.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Well done Atlantis.

Good back-ground work here man.


Quote from: chrisbis on Apr 20, 06:04 PM 2011
Well done Atlantis.
Good back-ground work here man.

Hi chrisbis, There's lots more where that came from.

Here are some of Wendel's threads about making world history (snigger)
Some nice reading for you at Easter time.
I hope it will show you what kind of person we are dealing with here :)

I made world history live and will do so again:


The Man That Made World History Live on Gambler's Glen # 3:


Again I will show why I have made World History with Facts:


Again Making World History beating the New York Numbers and the Superfecta live:


The man that made World History live on Gambler's Glen is back:


There's much, much more...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
