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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Started by ScoobyDoo, Apr 24, 12:28 AM 2011

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Well I must say that I was conquered today.   I won my first two games, then preceeded to lose the next two, won 3 more,  then finished with a loss.  8 games played.  5-3.  NOT GOOD.  My bankroll is now he red with this method.
In 33 spins the 0/00 came up 6 times! the only other table next to me I saw four zero's that hit!I couldn't even get the PB4 going because of the zero's hitting.  unfortunately the casino I go to will not open up the only single zero wheel.  I will pass on this method until i can play a single zero wheel.


Hello X!
thank you for your prompt and courteous reply.  Read about my trevails today as the Zero crushed me! :'( I should have known better.


Quote from: clothdog on May 22, 06:29 PM 2011
Well I must say that I was conquered today.   I won my first two games, then preceeded to lose the next two, won 3 more,  then finished with a loss.  8 games played.  5-3.  NOT GOOD.  My bankroll is now he red with this method.
In 33 spins the 0/00 came up 6 times! the only other table next to me I saw four zero's that hit!I couldn't even get the PB4 going because of the zero's hitting.  unfortunately the casino I go to will not open up the only single zero wheel.  I will pass on this method until I can play a single zero wheel.
very hard session. I think it is the worst yuo will ever have...
but that's far beyond the usual sessions.
keep it up



Hi Clothdog

If you kept a record of your spins could you please post a copy of these or PM them to me. I would be interested to analyse them.


Sorry but I was so disgusted I threw my cards out.   I know when I was tracking I had
110-L .  .  which was one of my losing sessions back to back.   next time I will save them. 
The zero's popped literally almost every 5 spins.   I should never have stayed at the table or at least put an insurance bet.   I was only using $15 as a unit and it's $10 minmum inside.   not good enough. 


Here are the rules of play as I conduct them at this time and for the 1000 game sample completed for D+C.

Monitor Dozens or Columns. Observe 6 outcomes. Should zero appear within these disregard the zero as if it never had appeared.






Take the outcomes two at a time and position them beside numbers 1, 2 and 3 as follows...

1  3  1                          2  2  2               3  1  1

This is your benchmark

Next outcome is your trigger.

For example 3

Position the 3 beneath the matrix benchmark so...

                                                            3  1  1

You observe that beside the 3 and to the right we will mark the next outcome. We will bet that this will be different to the number directly above ie  bet 2 and 3 , one of which to appear for a Win bet (W) giving +1 profit on a bet of 2.

Should 2 appear then this is a winning game and we await the trigger for the next game to appear two spins later.

                                                            3  1  1
                                                            3  2                    W +1

Should 1 appear then this bet loses and we start to apply a short negative progression 1-3-9 in order to achieve a win. This time we will move to the right and observe that again we require either a 2 or 3 to win.

                                                            3  1  1
                                                            3  1  2                W  +1  matrix code  LW

This time the bet is a winning bet and as we had bet 3 units on 2 and 3 units on 3, we achieve a net win result of +1.

Had the following outcome occurred then the progression would have to move to the next betting opportunity but first we must wait for a new trigger.

                                                            3  1  1
                                                            3  1  1                L -2  L -6 = -8

Next outcome is a 2. This is a new trigger. Position below the appropriate benchmark.

                                       2  2  2

So we bet that 1 or 3 will win next.

3 appears so we win and that closes the game.

                                       2  2  2
                                       2  3                W +9 -8 = +1      matrix code LLW

Had there been another 2 show instead then the progression would have lost -26.

We would stop and write this off.                                 matrix code LLL(LW)* -played virtual

I would take no further steps to chase this loss.

Note that in the event of the first bet winning we would have filled the next part of the matrix to the right as a 'virtual' (non) bet, before seeing what the next trigger presented.

Now lets consider the situation when zero appears during any of these sequences. We have seen that if it appears within the first six spins of the benchmark selection then it is disregarded.

However lets analyse a set of outcomes and we will see what unfolds....

Dozens - new example:

1                                      1 3 2           2 1 3      3 1 1
                                                          2 2         3 0 2      LW
                                                                        3 1 0
3                                                                       3 1 1      LLW
2   zero appears and does cause a loss but note how it is positioned, next bet wins. Game.

0   zero appears again but this time is ignored because it falls between the sets of three  
     outcomes for every line of the matrix

1   the 1 would be a loss because we look above the zero on the matrix and see another 1.
0   bless my cotton socks but zero appears yet again and note its position, also a loss.

0   disregard

1   we look above the zero and see that we need a 1 or 3 so we win.

or the game may have concluded on the third bet by going over to another benchmark had another trigger shown....

2   win

So that is the core of it and I simply target streaks of Win bets with this approach using 1-3-9 (26 unit risk sub-bank). Expectation with this progression would be for streaks to be 26 or less in duration.

By playing this method on a short cycle hit and run sequence  ( usually only 3 games)  I encounter long streaks of wins. Most encountered in dozens has been 97, and the average duration exceeds 30.

Take note that there are cycles of long streaks and there are cycles of corrective short streaks. Our experience is our universe, so what we encounter is our reality. So it is wise to be mindful of the state of the Ecart deviation mode and if it is short and play is adverse I suggest you stop and re-start elsewhere. Selected entry and exit points will make all the difference to your results.

This is the difference between being a donkey tied to a pole going round and round at the bidding of a Master, and being a Free Agent where you can stop and start at will. Timing is everything in this game if you can read the signs.

The donkey model is continuous play where you are at the mercy of the swings of Ecart and Equilibrium and so will end up a (slight) loser.

By choosing when to start and stop given proven and tested trigger points you will improve upon the long term average expectation. If you are foolish and your readings are inaccurate you will do worse than expectation!

I will go into more detail later but as an example of a trigger point you may note that before you join the game there had been a (virtual) loss of a bank with three games losing in a row and then one game had won.

This may be a good time to climb on, and a streak may follow.

You can play short sessions with a higher value unit, and possibly play ongoing streaks to win at say one third unit value and just let them ride. Or you can parlay 3,4,5 games in a row as long as you allow for the 1-3-9 discipline to be followed.

For future reference I term the individual bets the micro game.

I term the combined bets that make a completed coup/ game  or group of three games the macro game. These two viewpoints give differing perspectives and can enable more detailed analysis of when to stop and start and possibly play for higher unit values.

More in a later post.


No worries Clothdog.  Put this behind you.
Ditch the term Insurance Bets. They are a fallacy in B/J and in Roulette.

Play zero to WIN! ....not just to cover your position.

Be bold about this.

And if its the 0/00 split so be it. Even better.

It seems you were playing only 1-3 or did you go 1-3-9-27 ?

The former is too short and the latter too long.

Please carefully read and practice the play instructions now posted. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Turn this situation/ experience to your advantage.
Good Hunting!


Quote from: XXVV on May 22, 08:25 PM 2011

I will go into more detail later but as an example of a trigger point you may note that before you join the game there had been a (virtual) loss of a bank with three games losing in a row and then one game had won.

This may be a good time to climb on, and a streak may follow.

You can play short sessions with a higher value unit, and possibly play ongoing streaks to win at say one third unit value and just let them ride. Or you can parlay 3,4,5 games in a row as long as you allow for the 1-3-9 discipline to be followed.

For future reference I term the individual bets the micro game.

I term the combined bets that make a completed coup/ game  or group of three games the macro game. These two viewpoints give differing perspectives and can enable more detailed analysis of when to stop and start and possibly play for higher unit values.

More in a later post.

Very nice summary.
Your work is very serious and appreciated.
i would like to know better what you mean on this highlited phrases. If you aim for 3 games, in practic you aim for +3 units.

so you're thinking of a parlay 3,4 or 5 MACRO games? Like compounding winnings?
elaborate on this please.

. Another point is to obbey the entry trigger. I totally agree with you on your ecart thoughts.
you suggested as entry point LLLW
This way there is so much tracking involved to get 3 units?
If we wait for trigger we should expect for +- 26 micro game wins as you pointed out.
Please clarify.

Thank you so much for your clean, serious reviews and tests on the systems.
Best Regards
Alberto Jonas


made two tests on real spins.
howewer i still believe the method..
waiting for comments.
good luck to all


Quote from: albertojonas on May 22, 09:14 PM 2011
Very nice summary.
Your work is very serious and appreciated.
i would like to know better what you mean on this highlited phrases. If you aim for 3 games, in practic you aim for +3 units.

so you're thinking of a parlay 3,4 or 5 MACRO games? Like compounding winnings?
elaborate on this please.

. Another point is to obbey the entry trigger. I totally agree with you on your ecart thoughts.
you suggested as entry point LLLW
This way there is so much tracking involved to get 3 units?
If we wait for trigger we should expect for +- 26 micro game wins as you pointed out.
Please clarify.

Thank you so much for your clean, serious reviews and tests on the systems.
Best Regards
Alberto Jonas

Thanks Alberto. My pleasure.

My suggestion is that if you wait for a key trigger phase, and use some patience, you can play a 2-3-5 parlay increasing profit on the 3 macro games that follow, although of course you are exposing yourself to say 2 X the progression, then 3 x, then 5 x. I hope you follow this. The idea is to get in and get out quick.

Parlay is good because you are not risking so much.

Another way would be 3 straight games but played at higher value units step by step. In other words the first 3 games at level 2 say, then another 3 games at level 3 say and then another 3 games at level 5 say.

This is a stepping up by compounding.

The sets of 3 games could be fresh sessions.

In 500 games tested I played 2 sets of 3 games as my session, then moved to another time and place. So each session was 6 games, approximately 20 spins on average.

e.g. :

LW   W   W

So these represented the  macro games of my session, ie a complete LW ending in a win.

The micro games were the L and L and W that made up a macro win LLW if you follow.

In 500 games ( say 85 parlay opportunities) I only had 6 situations where there was a 1-3-9 failure within the three steps, and three of those were on the first step. So this was a profitable strategy on the hit and run approach.

I hope this answers your question.

I have been doing so much subsequent analysis on games within games methodologies I hope I have not contradicted myself along the journey!

I have some additional information still to add to the entry point / exit point decisions and have not put this in yet as I did not want to confuse anyone because there is a lot to take in here. I will clarify that in a post in a few hours. But generally a cluster of micro losses can signal 'trouble' and like a storm, they can pass, allowing some blue skies for  a possible streak of winning plays with fewer micro losses, and hopefully NO macro losses!

example :

W     LW    LLLW   and loss
LW   W      W                    ... suggest climb on board after the first single W after the big loss.
W     W      W
LW   W      LW
W     W      W                     a streak of at least nine winning macro games.

The exit strategy is not such a tough call unless you are troubled by "if only I...." hindsight!
To take nine wins in a row would be good ( macro wins). You werent to know that this streak actually continued another 80 wins!!! Hence the idea of going with the flow but maybe at reduced unit value so your total win at bigger units is safe.

Obviously this is optimum. It is not always like this, and it is necessary to 'overview' the game to sense just where the pendulum of Ecart is positioned.

Hope this is all clear.

I am going to add some material later which will surprise you because I will show another and possibly more profitable way to play, by playing 'to lose'.
Cheers for now.


Hello X,
Thank you for your most courteous reply.  yes, indeed I followed the instructions correctly, however very astutely you pointed out that I did indeed just go 1-3 and not carry it to the 9.
thanks for your help and guidance with this.


in reference to the splits on zero, with a $10 minimum on the inside I would think that your unit for the dozens should be $25-$75-$175.  Would that be correct? I'm not sure how you were using the patlay method.  thanks.


Thanks for the tests Alberto

At this stage I have just looked at the first set of spins and by the basic approach had 17 wins then a loss on the fourth attempt and then 34 consecutive wins.

I suppose you could say +26 points o/a by my reckoning using basic 1-3-9 progression, without any parlays or other strategies.

This on 180 spins.

I do emphasise continuous play is not what I am encouraging to bring forth worthwhile results. The only purpose of this test is to illustrate methodology stage 1.

Continuous play without discretion / management will simply and eventually result in a small loss that gradually increases with time to reflect the true odds of the game. So continuous testing is really pointless. Better would be the collection together of short sessions and printing those results independently session by session, then amassing the net overall result. However this is just basic strategy at this level.

You will recall what I have said about the game of roulette needing to be played in short cycles ( sessions) with a small edge (available to the player from time to time).

I completed an identical test for the 180 spins on column bets and the result was a loss requiring a sixth attempt for the win. This was after 24 consecutive wins. There followed another 24 wins without loss. So result +23 points.

Thanks for the very clear set out of your data.

I will use this to illustrate some points later, on a micro scale as well as macro scale.


Hi Clothdog.
I think you would be fine with those units on the outside bets for dozens and columns.

Your sub bank though would need to be 26 x $25. I would recommend three of those sub banks for serious play.

My suggestion is that you could simply attack say 3 or 6 games on dozens then attack the columns.

Take 6 X $25 profit per attack and you should happily leave with $250 profit for an hours fun.

There is a huge difference between the success rate of a two step progression and a three step. My research of course has come up with the clanging realisation that the only good progression is a completed one, and some can go a long way, like the rogue waves they can be unpredictable and belong to another branch of mathematics previously unknown till 20 years ago.

Better to avoid progressions unless you can comfortably risk the $2000 or so per session to make +$250 per time ( hit and run) till you can build that up big reserve. Talk to JohnL on this subject and he will provide you with expert advice. At those stakes I would go for 3 wins and be happy. Streaks can be 100 games or they can be 1. So please take care.

Or play on lower stakes.

Or go for step play or compounding play or parlay play or flat staking with more experience of the method which will come shortly.

More on this soon.


There has been a lot of work on this method today.

Tomorrow I will post some other levels on how to play this method including how to play to lose and win!
