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Programming Tutorial for those who knows nothing.

Started by WannaWin, May 24, 06:53 AM 2011

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How to learn to program for the total novice?

I have no computer instruction. Only turn on and off the computer and use Internet explorer and Word and maybe other common softwares.

I want to learn to program for not having to wait and depend on others. Only aimed at roulette, do not ask to teach me to create another Windows system.

Would even be willing to pay some for the time of a tutor. Within the forum if possible.

Maybe a school program for those interested in the forum and the admission money goes to financial support from the site? Someone has been devising this possibility?

There are several developers in the forum. Ophis, Mr. Bayes, Mr. Victor, Mikeo, ThomasGrant and others. If they can donate some time in dealing with rookies I'm sure more than one person is interested in learning to program from zero and could help fund the site in the process.

The course graduation would be able to program their own roulette systems that you want.

When you're learning something new is better done in a group with someone who already has knowledge of the subject and has already gone through it.

The frustration is greater when only give you a link to read and to fend for yourself. By the attendance of a person who acts as a mentor it is fair to request support of a certain amount of money.

Just wondering if possible.

If not possible give me the link to read the free tutorial and finish in 2050 by figuring myself :-X
Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


I would start play with sikuli: link:://sikuli.org/ for basics, there are also some tutorials for that. Programming language used in sikuli is python. Just play with that for now. Sikuli is very good for roulette programming, because you can make bots directly.


Thanks Mr. Ore

Sikuli is a casino bot? You can read the numbers on the screen? What must I do to start programming using it?

I got into the Sikuli website but did not read anything about roulette programming or casino.

Are you a developer? Consider to devote time to what I explained above.

I'm not good at following tutorials, but I do understand when I get explained things directly: install this, type that in notepad, etc.

Thank you.
Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


Sikuli is a tool to make programs which can read and click and write anything you see on screen. Watch videos, read tutorials and try to make a simple script that click a start button.


Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


I think IF you are totally new to ANY programming it would be much easier to program for RX.

There are so many different languages you could use for a bot and they all have different ways of, for example, reading the screen and clicking, RX will be a much shallower curve.

My 2 cents
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


I agree with superman in that if you only want to program for roulette then RX is the best specialised tool for the job. Having said that it's quite limited for general purpose programming and as far as I'm aware it doesn't have the capability to code bots.

If you want to keep your options open then it's better to go for a 'general purpose' programming language. Any version of BASIC would be ok, FreeBASIC has a good forum (important for newbies) as well as several tutorials and good documentation. link:://:.freebasic.net/

"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Thank you Mr. Bayes, I want to keep my options open and I am delighted that FreeBASIC also maintains a version of Linux.

I have been studying FreeBASIC much as I can in recent days but my head is spinning trying to make a window with a list for numbers and a list to keep track of progression. I must say at the moment I'm lost.

This code says that is the basis for making a window for the user:


Option Explicit
Option Private

#include once "windows.bi"

Declare Function        WinMain     ( ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                                     ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                                     szCmdLine As String, _
                                     ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer
   '' Entry point    
   End WinMain( GetModuleHandle( null ), null, Command$, SW_NORMAL )

'' ::::::::
'' name: WndProc
'' desc: Processes windows messages
'' ::::::::
Function WndProc ( ByVal hWnd As HWND, _
                  ByVal message As UINT, _
                  ByVal wParam As WPARAM, _
                  ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As LRESULT
   Function = 0
   '' Process messages
   Select Case( message )
       '' Window was created
       Case WM_CREATE            
           Exit Function
       '' User clicked the form
       Case WM_LBUTTONUP
           MessageBox NULL, "Hello world from FreeBasic", "FB Win", MB_OK
       '' Windows is being repainted
       Case WM_PAINT
           Dim rct As RECT
           Dim pnt As PAINTSTRUCT
           Dim hDC As HDC
           hDC = BeginPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
           GetClientRect( hWnd, @rct )
           DrawText( hDC, _
                     "Hello Windows from FreeBasic!", _
                     -1, _
                     @rct, _
                     DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_CENTER Or DT_VCENTER )
           EndPaint( hWnd, @pnt )
           Exit Function            
       '' Key pressed
       Case WM_KEYDOWN
           'Close if esc key pressed
           If( LoByte( wParam ) = 27 ) Then
               PostMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 )
           End If

       '' Window was closed
       Case WM_DESTROY
           PostQuitMessage( 0 )
           Exit Function
   End Select
   '' Message doesn't concern us, send it to the default handler
   '' and get result
   Function = DefWindowProc( hWnd, message, wParam, lParam )    
End Function

'' ::::::::
'' name: WinMain
'' desc: A win2 gui program entry point
'' ::::::::
Function WinMain ( ByVal hInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                  ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                  szCmdLine As String, _
                  ByVal iCmdShow As Integer ) As Integer    
   Dim wMsg As MSG
   Dim wcls As WNDCLASS    
   Dim szAppName As String
   Dim hWnd As HWND
   Function = 0
   '' Setup window class
   szAppName = "HelloWin"
   With wcls
       .style         = CS_HREDRAW Or CS_VREDRAW
       .lpfnWndProc   = @WndProc
       .cbClsExtra    = 0
       .cbWndExtra    = 0
       .hInstance     = hInstance
       .hIcon         = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_APPLICATION )
       .hCursor       = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
       .hbrBackground = GetStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH )
       .lpszMenuName  = NULL
       .lpszClassName = StrPtr( szAppName )
   End With
   '' Register the window class    
   If( RegisterClass( @wcls ) = FALSE ) Then
      MessageBox( null, "Failed to register wcls!", szAppName, MB_ICONERROR )
      Exit Function
   End If
   '' Create the window and show it
   hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, _
                          szAppName, _
                          "The Hello Program", _
                          WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, _
                          CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                          CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                          CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                          CW_USEDEFAULT, _
                          NULL, _
                          NULL, _
                          hInstance, _
                          NULL )

   ShowWindow( hWnd, iCmdShow )
   UpdateWindow( hWnd )
   '' Process windows messages
   While( GetMessage( @wMsg, NULL, 0, 0 ) <> FALSE )    
       TranslateMessage( @wMsg )
       DispatchMessage( @wMsg )
   '' Program has ended
   Function = wMsg.wParam

End Function

What is the code to make a window in Ubuntu? Perhaps it is easier? If the same code I can make a window in  FreeBasic linux and FreeBASIC windows with the same file?

I am learning the freebasic keywords from this list:

Reading slowly so far. My impression is that there are too many to be a basic language for beginners. I can not imagine how many keywords have advanced languages. I ​will probably never use anything advanced in any case. I am only focusing on the basics but to me it is a lot.

Maybe anyone can provide where to insert the freebasic code to create list and the code when user click the number from the list?

I am doing my best to learn to program but still I can use some guidance from the more advanced programmers in the forum.

Thank you very much.
Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


Hello mate

this is the function to create the window


everything pertaining to that window will be explained in the help file, as you can see from the example above there are a good few options.

Like I said in my first reply, you look like you are trying to run before you can crawl, let alone walk. I would strongly suggest learning rx first because you can also use basic like statements within rx, that is how you will slowely learn what you need to put where and what it actually does.

Creating code that just runs on its own is one thing, creating code that runs in/with windows/linux is another ballgame.

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


If I decided to program my library for roulette system again, I would go with python and sikuli. Sikuli is basicaly a python interpreter with advanced abilities. The code with winmain will not work in ubuntu, it is windows specific Windows API and that is a something you can study a year after you learn programming. Knowledge of Windows API is useless today anyway, you are losing your time. I will try to make a simple example application in python and then test it in sikuli and post there. I cannot program in python, so it might take a few minutes more, but all those programming languages are similar.

There are many options of course, in ubuntu, open a konsole and type aptitude install monodevelop or try to find it with your package manager. Just for fun, you can draw windows there, add buttons and boxes, if you click something it add a function to be executed when clicked on. It uses C# as a programming language. Not that you should decide to learn it, just look at it.

To install mono in ubuntu, maybe you need rather this command:

sudo aptitude install mono-mcs mono-utils libgtksourceview-common libgtksourceview2-2.0-cil libgtk2.0-cil libgecko2.0-cil monodevelop monodoc

I am not sure about all dependencies.

BTW to make a window in linux, you need to use GTK or QT library, or some other of many UI libraries. You need a wrapper for freebasic for them, if there is any.


Hmm, you want your own gui, now I can't find a way howto do that with sikuli other than import part of it into a java and make rest there. It would be too advanced. I will look into wxpython if it can be imported...


In sikuli swing from java can be include, because it uses jython. To make a window I used this code, which is much simplier:

from javax.swing import JButton, JFrame

frame = JFrame('Hello, Jython!',
            size = (300, 300)

def change_text(event):
    print 'Clicked!'

button = JButton('Click Me!', actionPerformed=change_text)
frame.visible = True


Good luck with your coding.
We need more people who are just like you.
Both interested in Roulette and coding for Roulette.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


I would not recommend RX because it is a misleading language and it does not contain loops(like for, while, do ... while and similar constructions in other languages). Therefore it is not a real programming language, just a script for roulette simulator. Actually keyword "while" is used in the meaning of "if" in other languages, so it is really bad for a beginner, when he change for another language.

He apparently wanted normal programming language, that's why he tried to use freebasic. There are better alternatives of course for simple gui. Jython in sikuli is quite simple to program gui with swing, I have basic tracker almost done, and then I will make it into simple bot, but before that I will post it there as a template. Jython is python interpreter in java which can import java libraries and call them, so it is good option in my opinion, and combined with sikuli it seems more than interesting. Also many things in swing can be styled with some html tags, so it is really useful.
