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Started by WannaWin, May 24, 07:01 AM 2011

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Profit averages $60 per hour using $1 chips.

Losing sessions are very rare. (About two per thousand spins).

Two bets are made on every spin:
Low (1-18) and the 3rd Dozen (25-36)

Bet One - One to Eighteen

The 1 - 18 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the numbers 1 to 18. This bet pays even money, meaning that a $1 bet pays $1 if any of the numbers 1 to 18 come up on the next spin.


Bet Two - Third Dozen

The 3rd Dozen or 3rd 12 bet on the outside of the roulette table covers the numbers 25 to 36. This bet pays two to one, meaning that a $1 bet pays $2 if any of the numbers 25 to 36 come up on the next spin.


Placing the Two Bets Together: 1-18 and the 3rd Dozen

You can cover 30 numbers on the roulette layout by placing two bets on every spin: 1-18 and the 3rd Dozen.

Only 8 numbers can make you lose:
0, 00, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24.

You must place the two bets in the proper amount of 3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen.

If 1 to 18 comes up, you win 3 chips on 1-18 and lose 2 chips on 25 to 36, for a profit of 1 chip.
If 25 to 36 comes up, you win 4 chips on that bet and lose 3 chips on 1-18 for a profit of 1 chip.

How Many Times in a Row Can the Two Bets Lose?

You will be very happy to know that the two bets together don't lose very often and not too many times in a row. That's because on every spin you have 30 chances of winning versus only 8 chances of losing. The odds of winning are tremendously in your favor!

After thousands of test spins using recorded casino spins, the most times in a row the two bets lost were four times. Four times in a row is incredible!

In an average 1,000 spins, there should be 210 single losses, 40 two-in-a-row losses; 9 three-in-a-row losses; 2 four-in-a-row losses and 0 five-in-a-row or more losses. These numbers are based on mathematical probability.

During our testing, the numbers varied from each group of 1,000 spins, but not by much.

We have never seen a five-in-a-row loss in our testing. This doesn't mean five in a row or more are not possible. Anything is possible, but the odds against seeing five in a row losses or more are astronomical! On average, you will experience a two-in-a-row or more loss once every 40 spins. With such a low "losses in a row" rate, you can formulate simple winning progressions to take advantage of these great odds.

A Winning Progression

If any one of the eight losing numbers come up, 0, 00, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24, you lose both bets for a total loss of 5 chips. If you bet 5 chips on every spin, you will lose money in the long run. However, if you increase your two bets after a loss, you will win more money in the long term than you lose in the short term.

Here is a winning progression:

One Loss:
Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).
Continue to bet 3/2 until you have a loss (when 0, 00, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 comes up).
After your first losing bet increase your bet to 9/6.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 9/6.
If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.
You only need to win the next two spins in a row to show a profit.
For example, the first spin is 21. You lose 5 chips.
Your next bet is 9 chips on 1-18 and 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen.

The next spin is 4. You win 9 chips on 1-18 and lose 6 chips on the 3rd Dozen for a profit of 3 chips. When you subtract the 5 chips you lost on the first spin, you're still down 2 chips. Your next bet is again 9 and 6 chips. The next spin is 7. You're profit for this spin is again 3 chips. Add that to your minus 2 chips and you're ahead 1 chip. You now go back to your basic bet of 3/2 chips.

Two Losses in a Row:
Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).
After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 33/22.
If that bet wins, you have made a 1 chip profit.
Your next bet is again 3/2

Three Losses in a Row:
Our "basic bet" is 3/2 (3 chips on 1-18 and 2 chips on the 3rd Dozen).
After first losing bet your next bet is 9/6.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 33/22.
If that bet loses, your next bet is 74/36.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36.
If that bet wins, your next bet is also 74/36. Your next bet is again 3/2.
If either of the last two bets lose, take the $185 loss and play again later. Don't risk more than $100 on any spin.

Total bankroll is $185

In an average 1,000 spins you should win $630. ($1,000 minus 2 losses of $185 each). As stated earlier, you should only experience 2 four-in-a-row losses per thousand spins.

The above progression is the one we use when we play this system. You can experiment with your own progressions if you'd like.

Converting Four-in-a-row Losses to Winners.
We have found a secret that eliminates most four-in-a-row losses! Anytime one of the eight losing number shows up, switch to the opposite two bets for the next bet: (on the next bet after a loss, place 9 chips on 19-36 and 6 chips on the 1st Dozen). Then, switch back to your normal bets.

Consider this sequence of spins:
21 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)
19 (switching back to 1-18/3rd Dozen turns this into one loss)
23 (betting on 19-36 and the 1st Dozen turns this into a win!)

This is truly the World's Best and Safest Roulette System. Good luck. And don't forget to thoroughly test this system before you play it for real money.
Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


U do realise, there is a flip side to this bet.

Ur bet  :- 3 x 1 on LOW + 2 x 1 on 3rd Dozen
Flip bet:- 3 x 1 on HIGH + 2 x 1 on 1st Dozen.

Alternate between the two, when U have seen large hits on those 6 numbers that are not covered by this PPPC bet. (exclud Zeros)

There is also a way to buy insurance on the Zero Green Goblin Brothers (for our American Cousins, or Single Goblin for Us European folk!)

Multiple up the bet values.

These bets ONLY make profit when the EC's hit, so, like a lot of bets that are being designed at the Moment (Matrix/Lines/Dozens) the trick is to watch the trends, and move accordingly.

Trending, is the Future.


hi WW where do you play this method live or RNG

Midnight Player

For the French tables, add a 1/10th of a unit bet on the zero, if it hits, the 1-18 bet of 3 units receives back half the bet i.e 3/2=1.5 plus the 3.6 units return on the zero pay out totals 5.1 units which means that your total bet is returned on a zero hitting ( 2 units on the 3rd doz + 3 units on the EC and 1/10 unit on the zero, total = 5.1 units)
Total on a win equals 1 unit  minus 1/10 unit on zero = 9/10th's of a unit (My B&M table minimum bet is 10 times the inside bet minimum)
Never never never never never never give up... Winston Churchill


@ Midnight Player.

I like it!  :)

Midnight Player

Never never never never never never give up... Winston Churchill


Thanks for the system. Any further information such as profit target per session?


hullo.  this is a good one.  where can i play this.  can i play it on william hill rNG? thanks


I have discussed this method way back here in my section: link:://rouletteforum.cc/albalaha%27s-exclusive/best-hit-and-run-strategy/. This can be a good one for hit and run but not very good for playing infinitely.


Hi, i know its old topic but im interested is anyone still playing this?? I gave it a try in BV no zero roullete and its doing quite good, switching Dozens and sides between every win or loose maybe can strenghten this method, no zero provides only 6 loosing options? Playing short sessions ..

Anyone? O0


Wow!  Just saw what an old topic this is.

I, too, wonder if anyone plays this or has played it.  This is a whole lot like the "Flaming Torch". 

Seems Bet Voyager would be the ideal place to play.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Sorry...I dont get it. The original post is like a scam. The system wont ever work because its naive, like "wait until a dozen doesnt show for 5 spins....."
It the kind of post that shouldnt be put up in such an experienced forum.

You cant just fill in the holes in a system with a statement like "take the $185 loss and play again later"

Thats fine if you are a premiership football player...lol



If there is one system without "holes", I'd be grateful to see it.  Sometimes--for me anyway--things just aren't going right and a stop loss just lets me walk away with some money for another day.

While it is true that every spins is just like every other spin, there are what I call "rarely occurring occurrences" and when I find one, I bet on it.  It's fun and that's all I'm after!

This system is not really that bad.  The math is behind it.  Especially at BV.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


This  system   was  known as the " Havana System" during the good ole  days  before Castro`s  revolution when the Havana  casino was the hottest place on the island.

Too many numbers. Not to be recommended .It`s a loser.



If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
