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Col & Street method

Started by clothdog, May 30, 02:24 PM 2011

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Good to hear Razor. Sounds like you took a different approach which is playing single numbers. I don't understand how you bet alternate rows.But if it works for you fine or if it works out better for everyone great!
That is my other system just betting the 12 numbers. The 5-7-8 is actually for some reason very strong. That is what I play hit and run. just looking for that group with no more than 1 spin between those numbers, then bet the 12 numbers..5-7-8-14-16etc.
I just thought using the  2 columns would produce better strike rate since you are using more numbers. The 12 number has always done well for me also. I'm interested to see how Shermantor tests with my 6 numbers.  9-18-19-27-29-36.
CD :thumbsup: 


Hello CD

Just one question. How many games do u typically play with this system?
I tested it more and had 28 straight wins  ;D



The one u posted here.  Group A & B numbers & u bet Col 1,2 or 1,3.


my goal is to win 25% of br.


well i had a go at this today only a test ,47 placed bets out of 100 spins 1= 4 progression and the rest hit with 2 to 3 spins nice method on the triggers. :thumbsup:


Quote from: clothdog on Jul 08, 08:30 AM 2011
my goal is to win 25% of br.

And about how much is that? What is your recommendation for Bankroll?
I tested this today whole morning and works unbelivebly well.. Thanks..
And you can maybe apply labby for double dozens and you are ready to kick some arses :)



Quote from: clothdog on Jul 08, 08:30 AM 2011
my goal is to win 25% of br.


Did u notice that group A behaves much better than group B?.  There is virtually no threat playing col 1,2 - most hits on 1 step. And u get more games in group A.
Is this yr experience 2?


I don't understand why do you play only those chosen streets? You can make also group B and C and if hit back to back play them also.

A= 1,2,3-10,11,12-19,20,21-28,29,30
B= 4,5,6-13,14,15-22,23,24-31,32,33
C= 7,8,9-16,17,18-25,26,27-34,35,36

No more discrimination and more triggers.

To the second strategy:

Why not bet 1/2 column if black shows up and 1/3 column when red shows up? More scientific. Look the table cloth (not you). I play this strategy for years and very successful.


Quote from: Hermes on Jul 08, 10:02 AM 2011
I don't understand why do you play only those chosen streets? You can make also group B and C and if hit back to back play them also.

I've to agree with that
I've been testing and in 1000 spins group A was much more ahead than group B bets

Quote from: Hermes on Jul 08, 10:02 AM 2011
To the second strategy:

Why not bet 1/2 column if black shows up and 1/3 column when red shows up? More scientific. Look the table cloth (not you). I play this strategy for years and very successful.

So you bet column 1 either red shows or black shows
Does that means that column 1 hits more than the others?



that is my system. why I chose those numbers was based on thousands of numbers and observation. Go ahead and play your streets if that's what works for you. I'm not sure what you mean by betting "1/2 column if black shows up and 1/3 column when red shows up". I don't get it. Please explain.

yes, I did notice that. Last night I was in the casino and in 30 spins believe it or not only 3 numbers of the 5-7-8 group hit. But 2 of them hit back to back and the 1st column hit on the next spin. Game over. I checked out 3 tables and the 5-7-8 was not hitting that much. Mostly 4-6-9. I did win 3x with my 6 number play when 00 hit.

as far as BR is concerned I have no recommendation. It's all what your comfortable with and can afford. the method hits nicely and you will recover.

CD :thumbsup:


ok, going through 6000 live spins from dublin bet and started to notice something.

i have been testing the strike rate for 1st,2nd,3rd stage of progressions and the 3rd stage is holding this back.

only got through 500 spins so far but its enough to come to this conclusion.
strike rate,  1st spin = 61
                  2nd       = 24
                  3rd        = 4
                 profit      = 89
lost progressions      = 6  (-156)

if we stop betting after a miss on the second progression our total loss would be -48, and profits would be 85, meaning +37 total.

as said above this is only after 500 spins so far i'll update once i'm done the full test, but currently this is winning in long run this way

one more thing this is begging for a labby progression, to be honest think its the best way to go given the high 1st spin strike rate.

personally I would use;

111111 - with dynamic progression

if lost 1st spin (2,2 = 4 units) , divide losses between remaining numbers don't add onto the end of the line;


after win remove first and last as normal;


when doing it like this it mean you can finish your line in same number of win, rather than adding onto the end. but its personel preferance.

betting first two spins then retracking,

need someone to check my maths here.
winnings for 6 line labby
61+24=85/6 = 14.1 completed lines
14x6 = +84 units

not sure if that's the right way to work that out, (i suck at maths rofl)
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Another interesting fact,

winning strikes for A and B Groups in 500 spins

A = 43
B = 46

suprised myself cause I thought A hit a lot more, but must be messing with your head LoL.
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Results from today

+6 first game playing columns. 2 wins group A.  4 wins group b.  4 wins straight up.  1 win second bet. 1 win third bet.  Numbers + 24!  William hill.  40 min game

+7 second game.  5 wins group A.  2 wins group b. 6 wins straight up.  1 win second.  Numbers + 12.  PP slingshot bout 40min game

+13 third game.  7 wins 1st bet. 6 wins on second bet.  Numbers - 52 lol!  PP slingshot 55 min game.

+7 fourth game.  5 wins first go. 2 wins on third bet.  Numbers + 52 phew!  William hill 30 min game.

So playing columns today +33 .  22 wins 1st bet.  8 wins second bet.  3 wins third bet.  Only thing is with the progression could lose 1 game and only be +4 !!!  Dunno if theres a better progression out there then 1 - 3 - 9???  But so far nice system!

Numbers + 36 had a bad sesh on third game!

Want to see as well the difference between an air machine (pp) and live roulette (william hill) noticed numbers won more on live roulette, while the columns was working more on air machine.  Just making an observation see if it holds up!


interesting, using the trigger for streets I found betting corresponding lines rather than streets (trio)
to very effect with the system, same progression 1,3,9



works just as good as rows system on first glance

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