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What if the layout of the table would be different??

Started by reddwarf, Jun 01, 11:44 AM 2011

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Hi All,

Something to think about: why is the table a rectangle and not a square? If it were a square, would roulette than be beatable?

grts reddwarf


Wow,  :o
I was thinking of something similar.
If we change the layout...

3 dozens, 3 columns, 6 Doublestreets, 12 streets, 36 numbers and 0  (European wheel)

What if we make our own "practice layout" with I dont know, 4 dozens, 2 columns?
We personalize it the way we like and then try to beat the game, invent a new system. If it works then it should work on a normal layout, right?

I think that way you could be thinking  "out of the box"   ;)
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Hi Soggett,

8) Nice to hear I'm not the only one thinking along these lines.



I love stuff like this, because thinking "out the box" is me...

BUT doesn't matter how we change the table layout...it has to change back once you're betting on the "old school" table  :(

Trust the timing of your life!


or what if the layout would change after every spin according to the results the wheel gives?  :question:


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Hi Maui,

No problem, it's always possible to project the new layout on the old layout. The only thing that will change are the betting amounts!



Quote from: reddwarf on Jun 01, 01:32 PM 2011
Hi Maui,

No problem, it's always possible to project the new layout on the old layout. The only thing that will change are the betting amounts!


Thats right  :thumbsup:

You could just bet straight numbers if not anything else. Would need a bigger BR though, but if it works that wouldn't be a problem then would it?  :)
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Hi Hans

Yup, that is also possible, although i'm from the school that does not put any meaning to numbers spun from whatever source: but again, you are right, a nice thought to consider also.



To give you all a hint:

suddenly a big imbalance will become apparant. How you can use it remains to be seen.



this it what the layout looks like if it follows the layout of the wheel.


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Hi Hans,

Do you notice anything when you compare it with the standard layout?



This just temps the hell out of me to test it... HEHEHEHE!!!
Trust the timing of your life!


just to make comparing a little easier.  :)


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


@ hans

I think this is awesome. Here is why I say so.

Before you think, another law of the thirds ...let me speak my mind. After 37 spins, it will become very apparent in what "dozens" the ball prefers to land with the specific croupier spinning.

I don't have a method nor do I know how one would play it, just a suggestion???

Edit My opinion is that were trying to hard to beat the table, instead of trying to beat the wheel....

Trust the timing of your life!


You are right, Maui13.

If you beat the wheel you beat the felp.
That's so obvious.
But sometimes when the clue is so obvious it is not such easy to grasp it.

You are walking along the right road while comprehending the wheel layout .

The truth is there.

All needed to beat roulette has already been taught .

You must try Kimo Li's teachings.

His book about the European Roulette has enough hints to let you play consistent strategies based on tools such as matrices that help the player a lot to find the weak point of chance no matter whoever's dealing with the roulette ball.

Not many people have the wits, patience and will to understand the principles spread in the book. What i find amazing and unbelievable you have the answer in this forum and others but it seems most are unable to see it. 

Hard working is involved where everybody's seeking easy anserws to their quests.
There are no easy solutions. Inside bets are a must for a skillful roulette player.

It requieres thinking out of the box. Conventional mindset means trying things over and over again while one tries programming millions of spins to arrive always to the same conclusions.
Nothing static works. Both ball and bets are dinamic.
The latter needs to adapt to ball movement. It is all about science, math formulas and matrices to solve problems about distances among sockets while trends, frecuences and secuences are developing which let you know where the ball is most "due" to drop next.
I'm not the one to enlighten you but I'm saying where to look for.

