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my matrix H/L method :D

Started by incekt, Jun 01, 07:03 PM 2011

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Record spins for HIGH and LOW in a FOUR WIDE MATRIX,
until you get TWO VERTICAL DOUBLES, this becomes your TRIGGER.

LLHL*trigger 1 on line 4
H   *trigger 2 on line 1

We now have our 2 triggers. We do not bet on the 2nd line because there
is no knowing how far that steak of L's can go,..
but you see coming up in row 3 there is a vertical double.
we will bet that this WILL BECOME a TRIP.

LLHL*trigger 1 on line 4.
HLHL*trigger 2 on line 1. WIN on line 3

If we were to lose that step like this:

LLHL*trigger 1 on line 4.
HLLL*trigger 2 on line 1. LOSE on line 3

we would bet next on line 4 of the matix to BECOME a TRIP like this:

LLHL*trigger 1 on line 4.
HLLL*trigger 2 on line 1. LOSE on line 3
HHLL*WIN on line 4

We use a martingale progression if we lose.
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256. for a total bankroll of $510 NEEDED.
i know alot of you are very much against the martingale however
with this system i beleive it is not likely to go further then
the 5th or 6th step. your feedback would be appriciated :D
all the same... them watching
to entertain
all gone shames... small fishes to beat the game


really? no comments on this? i just feel in may be next to impossible for a 4 wide EC matrix to produce 10 vertical doubles in a row... im i nuts?   :D
all the same... them watching
to entertain
all gone shames... small fishes to beat the game


Hi Incekt,

This looks interesting. So you wait until you get 2 vertical doubles formed  - and they must be both on the same line e.g.:


Here there are 2 EXACT vertical double formations that did not form triples and they are HH in column1 and LL in column3

LLHL  These are the next results. If I'm following you correctly then I should bet on L in column2 to form a TRIPLE - yes??? So it would be a winner, right?

Just want to make sure I understand correctly...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


i  tried something similiar and you will get occassional 10-12 in a row
"No Whining, just Winning"


better play against 5 pointers with a trigger then 1-2-4-8-16-32 impossible lose 63 max loss


@ atlantis - they don't have to be in the same row or anything just using a 2 vertical double trigger....

"LLHL  These are the next results. If I'm following you correctly then I should bet on L in column2 to form a TRIPLE - yes??? So it would be a winner, right?"

Right  :thumbsup:

@ Tomla021 - were you doing this EXCACT method, betting FOR Trips in a 4 wide EC matrix? in ALL of my recorded spins this has never happened,....
all the same... them watching
to entertain
all gone shames... small fishes to beat the game


not many but yes,, i ended up testing a 10 step parlay system and it won more than it lost with some hits vs ya-----wasnt trying to put it down just saying proceed w caution:)
"No Whining, just Winning"


4 wide? because i first tryed 3 wide and it would go too high in the progression for my liking...
all the same... them watching
to entertain
all gone shames... small fishes to beat the game


i actually tested w 3 wide to be honest....maybe 4 makes it more even?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Hi incekt,

Do you wait for 2 CONSECUTIVE vert doubles (in a row) before you commence betting on the next dbl to become a triple? Thanks.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


the double verticals don't have to be in a row... but they can't have a trip or quad or 5 pointer between them... the idea is that it is just a double trigger, so it is safer ???
all the same... them watching
to entertain
all gone shames... small fishes to beat the game


Quote from: incekt on Jun 07, 01:07 PM 2011
The double verticals don't have to be in a row... but they can't have a trip or quad or 5 pointer between them... the idea is that it is just a double trigger, so it is safer ???

Right. Got that now. Thanks.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
