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The Return of The Ball

Started by Kattila, Jun 09, 05:13 AM 2011

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Wheel based metod(s).
Based on this *event*....the ball will return in the hot zone(s).
Two methods ,see excel files/rules/examples .


very impressive katt!

thx for this. you always have a new approach.

you're a born observer.



Hi Kat.

In ur example, how did U choose which 9 number sector to play?

U first chose a nine number sequence [reveal][attachimg=#][/reveal](trigger A, which was 22,18,29,7,28,12,35,3,26

and then later down the track (after a win on "A" I presume!)......
U change the "A" sector to :-

How did U choose that second "A" sector?

Cheers Buddie.  :thumbsup:


Hi Chris,
Yes after win on A ( number 22) start again new track/new triggers 28,22,31 (first new
trigger, no matter the name ...A or B...or whatever), then wait second trigger and bet.
About your question..... numbers 28,22,31 inside in the 9 numbers group, easy.



Quote from: Kattila on Jun 12, 05:14 PM 2011
Hi Chris,
About your question..... numbers 28,22,31 inside in the 9 numbers group, easy.


So, sorry to be a pain, but how did U choose the second series 'A' numbers?

I can not at the moment, see the connection............or am I missing something here!  :'(

I use what I call a "Pivot Point" number, and play the wheel numbers (like U) from that Pivot point= going each side.

How are u choosing the new "A" numbers after Ur win in that sector?


we have new trigger (3 numbers) and a new 9 numbers zone , no matter
if it s  close to the previous A group.
So, the new numbers/ triggers  22,28,31 , now we try to centrate this numbers in one
hot zone( 9 numbers), so the best choice  is  14,31,9,22,18,29,7,28,12 because left side
from nr. 31 is one number(14) and right side from nr. 28 is one number (12), now we
have centrate our 3 trigger numbers in the hot zone.

Another example:
4,25,17 trigger numbrers, now our hot 9 numbers zone is 15,19,4,21,2,25,17,34,6

Another one :
11,23,5 ...........our group is 36,11,30,8,23,10,5,24,16 or 13,36,11,30,8,23,10,5,24
really no matter so much , important is centrate the best you can, no strict rule for
that, important is the 3 numbers inside of the hot zone.

Another think for triggers....if hit (example) 6,21,21 still valid trigger because the ball
hit 3 times in the same zone.

hope this time is ok for you.


This is a variation for the TRBall method, this time i try to attack the hot zone,
some repeaters and some neighbors.
First  this method is only for live roulette wheels where can start from 0,10 per number
and also need time(at least 45 sec./ 1 minute) to place the bets( to cover 22 or 25 numbers).

R.H.N. method ( repeaters,hot,neighbors)

Use the same trigger for the TRball method, so  3 numbers( or two same + one different)
in the same zone , but no wait for another hit in that zone.
Until now 9 numbers, but add to this 9 another 4 numbers(see example), total 13 numbers
for the first bet, if lose add the new number +the two neighbors(now bet 16 numbers),
if lose add the new + the two neighbors...so on ...until total 25 numbers to bet.
If posible take the two neighbors one left side , another right side, but if not (because
we already bet that numbers) take both from the same side, left or right
(so next uncovered numbers).


26    now 4,12,26 trigger(group 12,35...till 4), we add  36,18,10,14
1      add 33,20 ... so on....new number + neighbors

another one

17 trigger 21,27,17(group 4,21...till ...27,13), add  23,20,3,22
8  now add 30,11....so on ....new number + neighbors


1.    0,10 x 13         -1,3             +2,3
2.    0,20 x 16         -4,5             +2,7
3.    0,40 x 19         -12,1           +2,3
4.       1   x 22         -34,1           +1,9
5.       4   x 25         -134,1         +9,9       or use 5a. , but don t use 5.
(5a.     5   x 25         -159,1         +20,9)

or  another one:

1.    0,10 x 13          -1,3             +2,3
2.    0,20 x 16          -4,5             +2,7
3.    0,50 x 19          -14              +4
4.    1,50 x 22          -47              +7
5.       5   x 25          -172            +8

