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Safe roulette system - even chance

Started by Halba1, Jun 09, 06:03 PM 2011

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Any number of same Reds or Blacks two or over in a row is the figure you must look for. Ie. 2 â€"3 â€"4 â€"5 â€"6 etc.

You wait for a change of colour to occur, then bet the same as your run of two or more. In other words Not the change colour. The penultimate colour! (one before last)

This bit is crucial to this bet…. On a win..You must leave it “Ride” once on the same bet.  You now have two units running to complete the double.

so no progression. just leave total win + original bet on same colour.


B   *        These stars* represent a change! Ok!  Bet after any change!
B         bet 1 unit red and lose
R   *  
B         bet 2 units black and win…….leave on black to double
B         bet wins     Win=5 (total of 3 units on) you take 8 units off
R   *  
R         bet 1 unit and lose  
B   *
B         bet 2 units lose  
R   *
B         bet 3 units black and win…leave on black to double        
B         bet wins    Win =6  (total of 6 units bet) you take 12 units off
R   *
B         bet 1 unit and win…..leave on to double
B         bet wins    Win = 3 ( total of 1unit bet) You take 4 units off
R   *
ETC.   (in the example you have won 14 points)

money management? expect occasional losses of a mini-bank.

Where to play? Author recommends live roulette wheels only. link:://:.spielbankhamburg.de/spielsaal/permanenzen.php4

flat bets can also be used in place of above with better results possibly.

all ECs can be played at same time.


You caught my attention. It is combination of progression with parlay. For sure it will be more secure flat with parlay but we don't know if it will be profitable enough. Fibonacci prg. could work? Testing both versions would tell.
It could work both ways against the last spin and the same spin also. Follow the last decision would be if the last action against last spin was successful make the same decision again, if the same bet decision was successful make the same bet again. Go with the trend.
Thanks for interesting take on ECs.
Has Spielbank Hamburg also online casino?


The boffins bet comes to light again !!!!!!!!


This same subject was exposed on other threads already by ego and myself (Coin Toss / Ego Concepts applied, etc..)
i am not saying it is exacly the same system... howewer

it is based on the law of series.
a single comes 2x a double
a double comes 2x a triple
a triple....
and so on
THE GENERAL LAW OF THE APPEARANCE is indeed very effective.
nothing new although!

from my explorations and I can forward you to my intensive studies on this matter, I came to the conclusions I give here for free:

-regarding the progression the best performing one is the famous guetting progression.

-one must also set triggers to attack this, as continuous play will obviously end up hitting on ecart swings. the smallest sample one must use is 64 spins to be able to observe this distribution "law".

in 64 spins (disregarding the zero as it does not break a series)

singles - 16
series of 2 - 8
serios of 3 - 4
series of 4 - 2
series of 5 - 1
series of 7 - 1

one approach consists in playing not 1 but chops of series of 2 also.
as you can see you are making an 50/50 chance bet
the number of expected singles equals the number of expected series.

this is a very interesting subject to me as I personally develop my studies on this.
hope to have helped a little.



I have bustled with ECs, D/C and double and single streets distribution  and also with parlay bets. What Alberto said is fact and can be exploited.
Good contribution albertojonas!
My 2 cents to discussion when the chops are equal to sum of all streaks why not bet after chop a chop again? e.g..

B  bet next RED (expecting chop as they come more often then doubles)

Actually, I have a Holy Schmoly built on that strategy. I presented it long time ago on the other forum and nobody was interested. People are numb even to the best ideas.
Cheers Hermes


Quote from: Hermes on Jun 10, 12:00 AM 2011
People are numb even to the best ideas.
Cheers Hermes

that seems unfortunately to be the very truth  :-\
i presented this kind of bet on Coin Toss thread and it was almost ignored too. it comes to a certain point that I keep my findings to myself in disbelief.
there were times here that we built and tested systems and posted results ans brainstormed and tweaked. Now it comes a bit to misconstruction and nay sayers.

i have my faith in some people here. you know who.

appart from this

may you post your turbo system here dear hermes?

the very best of the series concept is explored by ego aka lucky strike at this very forum


glad to see people like this system. its worth a test run

Blood Angel

Quote from: D1 on Jun 09, 06:49 PM 2011
The boffins bet comes to light again !!!!!!!!

