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Code 4 flat bet or progression

Started by Halba1, Jun 19, 02:08 AM 2011

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Hi. this is a new system I recently thought about doing.

Consider the following statistic.

In a CODE 4 matrix, the chances of getting a direct repeat below a line is 1/81. its possible, but because we are not progression its okay. I have checked all my records, and I don't see a single line repeat.

there are 3x3x3x3 combinations.

E.g. you have

1A1A as your first line
1C2C         <<bet opposite to each line above: 3win, 1 loss
1A3B         3 win 1 loss
2A1A      3 win 1 loss
3B2B  2 win 1 loss
2C1C 4 win 1 loss(excellent row)

Session: 15 winners, 5 losers.

of course sometimes there will be 4 losers to balance it out. not sure the stats. short sessions only.

so I guess the only way to profit would be to use GLC's group of 5 method progression posted in the forum on D/C's. it is much safer like flat bet. if we did this above we would be going

e.g. 1/1 for 5 bets, if lose overall, 2/2 , moving upwards on loss, back to 1/1 if ahead.

otherwise can just use same CODE 4 progression on each number 1/1,3/3,9/9 27/27 with a good bankroll

Here is another session using a matrix of 6. bet against it, each letter using martingale. largest stage reached 3rd step. ignore 0. you just need massive bankroll esp. coz of zero.

1A2A1B  = +4
2B1C10 = +8
3C3C3C = +12

total +12 units.


Results from GLC progression on code 4


+9 units. 24 spins. 0.375 units per spin

atlantis you might like this one. there isn't any steep immediate progression.

higher progression level reached? guess what, level 1.

there are 729 combinations 6 wide(3x3x3x3x3x3), so chances of getting nearly similar are low. you will get a lot of differences on each line.


Another SESSION real money fellas RNG

keep win/loss tally 5 bets, if same or higher, stay at level, if lower increase to 2/2,

3C2C3A bet against each letter/number

+9 units. highest progression 1/1


Hi Halba1,

Interesting mod and "best of 5" progression idea on D/C (thanks GLC)
I like it much. Could prove to be a winner even against r.n.g. (err... untampered one of course)

Quick game on SLC real numbers:
2B2B1B +3
3C1C1C +6
303B3A +9


No-zero wheel obviously best!
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on Jun 19, 04:45 AM 2011
Hi Halba1,

Interesting mod and "best of 5" progression idea on D/C (thanks GLC)
I like it much. Could prove to be a winner even against r.n.g. (err... untampered one of course)

Quick game on SLC real numbers:
2B2B1B +3
3C1C1C +6
303B3A +9


No-zero wheel obviously best!

yes. because of the lack of zero, you may only end up at base bet progression most of the time. this should be played hit and run. 10 units and get out. relogon after a minute. john legend where are you? i played 3 sessions of 10 units each today. no loss, highest progression 2/2.


method tested and failed instantly today 3x in a row. no surprise. typical roulette.


Hi Halba, you could try flat betting across 6 EC’s, only moving up at specific points eg.

R/B â€" H/L â€" O/E â€" R/B â€" H/L â€" O/E

so, say you note 6 spins:


Now flat bet 1unit across all 6, (I bet opposite & use all 3 ec’s to minimise the effect of streaks), stopping at +1.

(Flat bet 1)
B-H-E-B-H-E (-1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -2: total -2)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-L-E-B-H-O (+1, +2, +1, 0, -1, 0: total -2)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-H-O-B-L-E (-1, 0, +1, 0, +1, +2: total 0)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-L-E (-1, 0, +1: total +1 stop)

To get betting unit, divide total drawdown by 6 & round up, ie. in the example above 2 divided by 6 is 0.33, round up to 1. If the total drawdown reaches say -8, then 8 divided by 6 is 1.33, round up to 2.

The above was just a made-up example to show the basic workings, this was a real play & it shows how it deals with a bad run.. most of the time it works quicker but the worst case scenarios are the ones to focus on.

Bet 1u
R-H-O-R-H-O (-4, total -4)
B-H-O-R-L-O (-2, total -6)
R-L-E-R-L-E (+2, total -4)
B-L-O-B-L-E (0, total -4)
R-H-O-B-L-E (-2, total -6)
R-L-O-B-L-E (-4, total -10)
10 divided by 6 is 1.66 so round-up to Bet 2u
B-H-O-B-L-O (0, total -10)
B-H-E-R-L-O (-4, total -14)
14 divided by 6 is 2.33 so round-up to Bet 3u
B-H-O-Z-L-E (-6, total -20)
Bet 4u
R-Z-E-R-L-E (-8, total -28)
Bet 5u
R-H-O-R-L-O (-10, total -38)
Bet 7u
B-L-O-B-H-E (+28, total -10)
B-L-E-R-H-O (0, total -10)
B-H-E-B-L-E (+14, total +4)

36 wins out of 84 spins, biggest bet 7u, biggest drawdown -38

It manages to keep bets relatively low on losing streaks (had a strike rate of about 38% for the majority of the time), and just a small move in your favour sees you home.

Could be ok for your 1 or 2 units a day..


Quote from: monaco on Jun 21, 09:03 AM 2011
Hi Halba, you could try flat betting across 6 EC’s, only moving up at specific points e.g..

R/B â€" H/L â€" O/E â€" R/B â€" H/L â€" O/E

so, say you note 6 spins:


Now flat bet 1unit across all 6, (I bet opposite & use all 3 ec’s to minimise the effect of streaks), stopping at +1.

(Flat bet 1)
B-H-E-B-H-E (-1, -2, -3, -2, -1, -2: total -2)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-L-E-B-H-O (+1, +2, +1, 0, -1, 0: total -2)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-H-O-B-L-E (-1, 0, +1, 0, +1, +2: total 0)
Flat bet 1 again:
R-L-E (-1, 0, +1: total +1 stop)

To get betting unit, divide total drawdown by 6 & round up, ie. in the example above 2 divided by 6 is 0.33, round up to 1. If the total drawdown reaches say -8, then 8 divided by 6 is 1.33, round up to 2.

The above was just a made-up example to show the basic workings, this was a real play & it shows how it deals with a bad run.. most of the time it works quicker but the worst case scenarios are the ones to focus on.

Bet 1u
R-H-O-R-H-O (-4, total -4)
B-H-O-R-L-O (-2, total -6)
R-L-E-R-L-E (+2, total -4)
B-L-O-B-L-E (0, total -4)
R-H-O-B-L-E (-2, total -6)
R-L-O-B-L-E (-4, total -10)
10 divided by 6 is 1.66 so round-up to Bet 2u
B-H-O-B-L-O (0, total -10)
B-H-E-R-L-O (-4, total -14)
14 divided by 6 is 2.33 so round-up to Bet 3u
B-H-O-Z-L-E (-6, total -20)
Bet 4u
R-Z-E-R-L-E (-8, total -28)
Bet 5u
R-H-O-R-L-O (-10, total -38)
Bet 7u
B-L-O-B-H-E (+28, total -10)
B-L-E-R-H-O (0, total -10)
B-H-E-B-L-E (+14, total +4)

36 wins out of 84 spins, biggest bet 7u, biggest drawdown -38

It manages to keep bets relatively low on losing streaks (had a strike rate of about 38% for the majority of the time), and just a small move in your favour sees you home.

Could be ok for your 1 or 2 units a day..

that's a nice idea. one for betvoyager. its like oscars grind. i am interested in your results on this one.

Assume you play with $25 units, 38 drawdown can be very high. Nice wins at the end there, really got you back fast, like you say probably needs more testing. 38% strike rate is still solid in my opinion.

I guess what is your stop profit limit 1 or 2 units? and how often you get bankrolled is a key equation. If you have an early losing streak then its going to be a hard day at the office and you could lose all that hard work. you need a strong mindset like above, to pull you through 38 units drawdown.

Tested today in demo. got my target +2 in 1 minute on an RNG. ignore the zero.

BL          +2


tried it again. the zero really hurts on this one - house edge. best to try on betvoyager. But you need a stop profit and a stop loss i think.

stop profit is +2 units

SL ??


I’ve been looking more closely at this the last few days, & I think you’re right when you say a drawdown of 38u is too big for a 1 or 2u profit per day type scenario.
A realistic aim would have to be somewhere more like 4-10u a session I think.

Have had a look at bet selection here, after reading a lot on this forum, & rather than the pattern-type selection, I’ve tried to use some of the other advice I've come across. 

What I’ve tried the last couple of days: Taking R/B as our ec for example, if we stick to one colour until we see lll, or lwll, or llwl, & then switch, this seems to have levelled out the strike-rate quite a bit, the swings seem to be far less extreme, therefore the game takes place in a much narrower set of parameters thereby avoiding the bigger betting units. The last couple of days, I haven’t had to go above a basic betting unit of 2. (I also think waiting for 2 virtual wins after lll could help ride out a few storms.)

So the basic working is the same, 6 spins across, divide total drawdown by 6 to give betting unit for next 6 spins.

This was the longest game I had yesterday - the working out may look something like this:

Bet 1u:
-1,-2,-3,-2,-3,-4 (total drawdown -4)
-1,0,-1,-2,-3,-2 (-6)
+1,0,-1,-2,-3,-2 (-8)
Bet 2u:
-2,0,+2,0,+2,0 (-8)
+2,+4,+6,+4,+2,0 (-8) (could maybe have stopped here at +6, where total drawdown was back to -2)
+2,0,-2,-4,-2,0 (-8)
-2,-4,-2,0,-2,-4 (-12)
+2,+4,+6,+8,+10,+8 (-4) (again could have stopped here at +10, total drawdown would’ve been -2)
-2,0,-2,-4,-2,-4 (-8)
+2,+4,+2,+4,+2,0 (-8)
-2,-4,-6,-8,-6,-4 (-12)
-2,0,+2,+4,+2,+4 (-8)
+2,0,-2,0,+2,+4 (-4)
-2,0,+2,+4 (0)
End (after moving to 2u I would end when level or +)

So 39 wins, 82 spins, biggest bet 2u, biggest drawdown 14 units.

Either side of this I won another 6 units pretty quickly.
About a stop-loss I don’t know â€" if the bet selection really can produce a more even strike rate, then I would say maybe 18 units, so no bet to be placed above 3u, but any suggestions would be welcome.


Quote from: monaco on Jun 24, 05:45 AM 2011

Either side of this I won another 6 units pretty quickly.
About a stop-loss I don’t know â€" if the bet selection really can produce a more even strike rate, then I would say maybe 18 units, so no bet to be placed above 3u, but any suggestions would be welcome.

hello are you betting AGAINST all the time. if you have a strike rate of 38% against, why don't you bet FOR it, i.e. don't bet against.

Are you playing on an RNG or live wheel, because it will take a long time.

I also tried it on RNG and not too bad this system at all. its a bit better than guessing straight red/black where no random is broken up. I also spin another 12 times to get some zeroes in and resume.

here you have atleast broken up random so you have a chance. pattern systems i found weren't good because of large bankroll losses at points and large progressions.


no, i'm not betting for or against any pattern in that sense here now.

you pick your colour & stick with it until you hit 3 losses in a row, or loss/win/loss/loss or loss/loss/win/loss, then switch to the other colour.
If you hit three straight losses in a row, wait for 2 virtual wins in a row & then start again.

i've been playing live wheel, so yes, it can take a while.


(although you are right, betting for the pattern in the earlier examples does produce much better results than betting against) - maybe looking for & winning from streaks is easier than trying to minimise their effect? though it may just be unique to that set of results..


just tried small sample again, +7units in 31 spins, highest betting unit 1, max drawdown -4. got on a good streak  :)  makes up for the longer games..

Playing r/b, switching on lll, lwll or llwl, (have decided not to pursue virtual spins after 3 losses for time being)

will keep updated if all goes pearshape..


Quote from: monaco on Jun 24, 12:46 PM 2011
just tried small sample again, +7units in 31 spins, highest betting unit 1, max drawdown -4. got on a good streak  :)  makes up for the longer games..

Playing r/b, switching on lll, lwll or llwl, (have decided not to pursue virtual spins after 3 losses for time being)

will keep updated if all goes pearshape..

so just flat betting red/black no more patterns. pretty good result, with only 1 unit highest unit.
