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Started by Halba1, Jun 24, 06:44 AM 2011

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hi. in the last 24 hrs i got a tip from a friend. He said he has increased his bankroll 30-40% playing small units at this stage, following a very simple method. it will only work on a playtech RNG. Of course zeroes we will get from time to time. Not sure whether it will go bust, but i tried a few bets and it worked.

Step 1. Open up 2 casinos at same time - REAL MODE.

Play them against each other in a matrix of 4.

e.g. RBRR in casino 1. Casino 1 is your 'dummy'. Casino 2 is where you actually make the bets.

I used Casino Tropez vs Swiss casino(where i placed my bet).

In Casino 2, i will bet AGAINST RBRR repeating on Casino 2 at the exact same juncture. martingale progression 1,2,4,8 and stop 16 units total. Sure it is 1/16 chance again, but at exact same juncture unlikely. Likely you will exceed 16 units before going bust, so if you go bust at 16- 25 units or so + start again at 1.

Alternate strategy:

e.g. RBRRBB - 6 combinations. 1,1.5,3,5.5,10(and stop) progression (and continue if unsuccessful to the next one). total units 21 units.

here we will profit in the first 3 spin, and very unlikely to have a 6 pattern repeat again. harder to get bust and more certainty. increase progression if you want to be aggressive

So i do it in casino 1, and bet against in 2.

its RNG vs RNG

alternatively if you want to really be protective

RHOBLE - note down 6 matrix in casino 1. and bet against that in casino 2. how likely they are gonna be equal now?? hopefully if they do become equal, you will have built a safety cushion bankroll. if it becomes equal often then i'll hang up my boots.

To avoid zero - maybe spin 12 or 18 times on each casino between bets to get a few zeroes out of the way.


i report good results using this method using 6 wide matrix


etc. and betting opposite in casino 2 using martingale progression.

I also spin 12 more times in both casinos after 1 unit win not sure whether this affects results.

so far +7-8 units.


A pattern of six EC's has 2*2*2*2*2*2 combinations

and that is Random Vs Random

funny you come out and say it is new...

Good Luck


Quote from: ZeroBlue on Jun 24, 07:20 PM 2011
A pattern of six ECs has 2*2*2*2*2*2 combinations

and that is Random Vs Random

funny you come out and say it is new...

Good Luck

never said new. but i use RNG vs RNG, so i am specifically targeting the software 'opening' here.

already tested good strike rate. any suggestions on progression

best is the 6 matrix with BLO this is to break up the 'streaks'. get too many repeaters on the 4 matrix

Most of the time i get 1 or 2 differences, enough to make money.


Nice idea dude - I played a 6 matrix H/l, R/B, O/E system betfair rng against europa rng. And I played continuously for 35 games - not hit and run!

It did really well....100% wins on all games. Only reached the last progression once playing a very low martingale real money.

So im up 35 units - real easy and simple....im gonna keep playing!


Quote from: Smee on Jun 24, 10:18 PM 2011

It did really well....100% wins on all games. Only reached the last progression once playing a very low martingale real money.

also follow this simple tip. If you want to avoid zeroes, make sure you spin the wheel 12 or 18 times on each RNG, sometimes can clear a few zeroes. don't know whether it will impact. sometimes you miss the zero anyway. Make sure you spin the equal number of times on both.

one other question - whenever i look at my euro. roulette, i still see numbers from the prev. session. how do you clear it?


This method is certainly random vs random and far better than other forms of fixed betselections. Although, I do not believe in using Martingale as progression. Martingale is a sure loser irrespective of betselections, in long term. It is tailor made to lose more than it would earn if you keep playing this way. Actually, this way of random betselection protects you from normal sleepers of red/black in any session but with martingale, it can be used for hit and run only. If you go to any real casino (land based) you can use it with two tables there too. I have put up this concept of playing pure random betselection with the help of a dice in my section too. We just need to work out the progression aspect.


Quote from: albalaha on Jun 24, 11:57 PM 2011
We just need to work out the progression aspect.

hello. the only way this system works is martingale. this is because we are betting against a group or pattern.  not 50/50 outcomes, we just want a pattern to be different. the only way to do it in one go is martingale.

if you use other slower progressions, you will lose or break even on the pattern, unless you are right at the very start, because i have seen 4/6 same letter in the pattern. Yet with martingale, i win because i have picked a couple right in the middle of the pattern.

try these :

Other than that a slower grind like  Gr8player's progression can work in this one, but it will take a lot longer.

Also Penthouse progression link:://rouletteforum.cc/general-discussion/penthouse-progression/msg33046/#msg33046 $10, $10, $10, $20, $20, $20$30, $30, $30, $40, $40, $40, $50, $50, $50.


Martingale is an escapist way of playing. It looks very simple and powerful till it makes you lose more than you ever earned through it. You may play like 1+2+4+8=15 units and keep winning 1 unit per cycle of win till you encounter loss. You may be lucky in a session to not to find a loser but as a whole and in long run, losses are sure.


Quote from: albalaha on Jun 25, 12:39 AM 2011
in long run, losses are sure.

yes true. but if you gain more than you lose...you need to clear about 20 cycle profit per session to cushion a marty loss. Smee has done 35 games+ without loss only reaching last progression once. so if he loses with his modified marty(not too sure, what is it smee?) he is still well up. He could go another 30 games( i hope) and then its a brilliant system imo.

how about the other progressions alba. they are valid?


Quote from: Halba1 on Jun 25, 12:18 AM 2011

hello. the only way this system works is martingale. this is because we are betting against a group or pattern.  not 50/50 outcomes, we just want a pattern to be different. the only way to do it in one go is martingale.

if you use other slower progressions, you will lose or break even on the pattern, unless you are right at the very start, because i have seen 4/6 same letter in the pattern. Yet with martingale, i win because i have picked a couple right in the middle of the pattern.

try these :

Other than that a slower grind like  Gr8player's progression can work in this one, but it will take a lot longer.

Also Penthouse progression link:://rouletteforum.cc/general-discussion/penthouse-progression/msg33046/#msg33046 $10, $10, $10, $20, $20, $20$30, $30, $30, $40, $40, $40, $50, $50, $50.


why don't you flat bet with a stop win of +5 and stop loss of -9?! don't bet the line but bet every spin on each line.
then all you need is a 3/1 rate win rate to keep advancing and a smaller BR to play with big units

let me know how it goes



Quote from: vundarosa on Jun 25, 01:21 AM 2011


why don't you flat bet with a stop-win of +5 and stop-loss of -9?! don't bet the line but bet every spin on each line.
then all you need is a 3/1 rate win rate to keep advancing and a smaller BR to play with big units

let me know how it goes


in testing i found some lines with 4/6 losers(i.e. repeaters - we are betting against) only 2 winners. but overall the lines are different, and the system works so far. win rate 3/1 is that 30%?

yes we could try staged flat bet on each, but i am not in favour of this idea because of too many losers and low strike rate..and increase stages as per requirements. see monaco's thread here, looks similar



It just failed the 6 step martingale progression on game 44.....so im only up 12 units total.

I think the problem with it is that it still has only a 1 in 64 chance of losing (forgetting the zero) - 1.5% chance it will lose. Even tho I was swapping EC's the odds of the 6 different EC's coming up are still the same as 6 of the same EC's coming up. I.E - might as well bet on 6 reds in a row.....same chances as H,L,O,E,R,B coming up in that order. And im sure everyone here knows 6 reds in a row isnt that uncommon....

I was trying out betting against an 8 step pattern with a normal martingale on Hi/Lo but I kept notes on what the other EC's were doing at the same time and I saw it lose 8 times over about 2000 games...the odds of that losing are 1 in 256 - 0.4%....insane odds but it still dosnt work. This is why i try to cover the zero and make the EC bets cover my losses from that one game - as in only profit from zero or remain even.

Until someone comes up with a better progression than the marty I think the only way to play this sort of anti-pattern game is as JohnLegend does.....hit and run. Which isnt ideal for me cause I want to sit here for an hour or two every night for a bit of beer money!


Can we combine each spin so it is all 3 EC's? So for example -

Spin 1 - RHO
Spin 2 - RLE
Spin 3 - RLO
Spin 4 - BLO
Spin 5 - BHE
Spin 6 - RLO

Then bet against that pattern of 6 happening? Gonna be difficult to work out as spin 1 could be BLO - you would win the B and L part but lose on the O....


Quote from: Halba1 on Jun 25, 01:23 AM 2011

in testing i found some lines with 4/6 losers(i.e. repeaters - we are betting against) only 2 winners. but overall the lines are different, and the system works so far. win rate 3/1 is that 30%?

yes we could try staged flat bet on each, but i am not in favour of this idea because of too many losers and low strike rate..and increase stages as per requirements. see monaco's thread here, looks similar



what i am saying halba is if you're up at +5, or at -9, section ended . you play 10 games and lose 4 you will still be ahead by 14units without needing a big BR. Your  unit size can therefore be bigger for a more profit over time..This is what needs to be seen...how often does it lose in 10s games.

