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ANOTHER REALLY GOOD SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!! The Perfect Pattern...

Started by Newlight, Jun 28, 09:53 PM 2011

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I've figured this out myself.

What you do is record the numbers as they come on a roulette Table a print out or make on.

What you are looking for in 3rd is for a perfect pattern to appear.  I look for a square, T or 2 lines ie 13, 14 15 and 22, 23 24...

2nd You GOTTA realise is the way it falls is like rain Drops... Random Drops.  So the Point is on the other 3rds with out the pattern... Your say N... That PERFECT pattern WON'T come up again...

So I may put 1 chip on bottom  Long row  1 4 7 10 13 ... ect  Then if it's a square on 3rd Dozen 33 36 32 35

I would bet on 3 5 6 9  and the other 2nd Dozen 14 15 17 18

So again FIND your Pattern... Bet it wont' reappear in the other Dozens... Like rain Drops making perfect patterns... Don't happen twice on the other Dozens....


You cant always loose , but when you do loose you will win it all back.



Only perfect explanation is missing. Please, take your time and make an example of 20 spins with explanation. Is it a diarrhea strategy?


Well you know 1 2 3 Dozens...  You make your own or print out your own roulette table.

I posted a system I made up earlier and I truely won 7 K over 2 days. Someone got upset not believe me and calling me a scam.  In the past 24 Hrs I won $290 doin  Dollar bets.. I don't care if no one believes me. Just saying this seems to work too.

As the Balls Drop you Start Crossing out where they Land on a piece of paper. 

This is one example That won me money.  I'm not giving the Order they fell... I don't know I just cross them off as they come.

1  2  3

4  5  6

7  8  9

10  11 12

3  14 15

16  17 18

19 20 21

22  23 24

25  26  27

28  29 30

31  32 33

34  35  36

If you Look 22 23 24 21 27 Made a Perfect T....  Again I can do a Square  2 lines of 3... Even done a Triange.

SO NOW I REPLICATE the T on 10 11 12 9 15 and again 34 35 36 33 3. 

I position the T in the Same LOCATION on the OTHER 1/3 or 2 Dozens.

So I'm basically BETTING that the PERFECT T... OR SQUARE or TRIANGE, Or 2 Lines... ( I GO FOR PERFECT PATTERNS.

Then the I DO NOT BET on the DOZEN the T has Formed and I  bet on most numbers that are NOT in the T in the OTHER DOZENS...  I may put $1 on 1-6 $28-38... You can Chose to progress bet on them.

I've had Great Success.

Another Example I won on again 32 33 35 36 made a sqare.  So replicate the PERFECT SQUARE 20 21 23 24

and 8 9 11 12.... THERE THE NUMBERS YOU DON"T BET ON.... This Time I placed $1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34.  So if it lands on that I BREAK even. Then I put $ 14 15 17 18 AND 2 3 5 6.

So I'm breaking EVEN or WINNING $6....

Again the $1 are Ratio's you can do what you like. I recommend you can progress bet... If you BREAK EVEN Don't Progress...


Just to make sure When I get a T or Square 2 lines of 3...

When I replicate that Pattern in the EXACT SPOT on the other DOZENS...

I don't put any bets on the Dozen the T or square is...


And basically saying the numbers come up like rain drops and that a perfect pattern won't happen twice...


1  2  3

4  5  6

8  9

10  11 12

3  14 15

16  17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

25  26  27

28  29 30

31  32 33

34  35  36

Of Course I had other numbers come out...

So the Perfect Pattern is 32 33 35 36

Replicate in other Dozens in SAME LOCATION.

Don't bet in the LAST dozen thats where the Square is.

The Replicas APPEAR in the SAME location in the Other Dozens

20 21 23 24  &  8 9 11 12   THERE THE NUMBERS YOU DON"T bet on

Again I put $1 on Ro2 1 4 7 10 ... 25 28 31 34 

And put the Money on $1  (2 3 5 6) (14 15 17 18)  You can progress bet but if you break even with the other one DON'T progress no need.

You can USE YOUR OWN INIATIVE if you chose the BreaK even bet or just leave it out...

You could just chose to bet 1-6 & 13-18.

There are MORE PERFECT patterns than I've stated. Again USE YOUR BRAIN.. Make sure there Perfect.

Another Example is I had a L     28  29  30

So I replicated the L in the SAME LOCATION on the OTHER Dozens. 

Don't bet in the DOZEN on the  PERFECT L.

When I get my win... I START FROM SCRATCH. With a NEW piece of Paper.

Again the Perfect Pattern Can be UPSIDE DOWN... Diagonal... AGAIN I HAD a TRIANGLE 10 11 12 14

So I work out how to Bet against that TRIANGLE appear in other DOzens.


MEANING the square could be 35 36 2 3... You just move things a bit.  Like the TRI ANGLE was in Dozen 1&2

So you can have the 1st Column to be Number 4-15 instead of 1-12....



And I still Gotta SAY... How sour are PEOPLE... Why are people on this FORUM who are SOUR!!!

This Forum is for People to toss idea's around.  No ones Perfect at explaining things all the time and critics... WHAT DO you have to contribute...



you are betting that the pattern will replicate on the other squares.

Is that it?


NO... I'm Saying the PATTERN Won't Replicate....

I replicate the Pattern to WORK out what numbers NOT to bet on...

Again it's like random drops... I say it's unlikely random drops will replicate...


Quote from: Hermes on Jun 29, 04:21 PM 2011
Only perfect explanation is missing. Please, take your time and make an example of 20 spins with explanation. Is it a diarrhea strategy?

Kindly clarify that question. ADMIN


Quote from: Newlight on Jun 29, 06:59 PM 2011
NO... I'm Saying the PATTERN Won't Replicate....

I replicate the Pattern to WORK out what numbers NOT to bet on...

Again it's like random drops... I say it's unlikely random drops will replicate...

i got it newlight

Thanks for sharing.
good work


Quote from: Newlight on Jun 29, 05:47 PM 2011
And I still Gotta SAY... How sour are PEOPLE... Why are people on this FORUM who are SOUR!!!

This Forum is for People to toss ideas around.  No ones Perfect at explaining things all the time and critics... WHAT DO you have to contribute...

People vary in degrees of sweetness so nothing new there! ;)
The trick is to distinguish between a deliberately negative comment versus one seeking clarification. If you're unsure it's always better to give the benefit of the doubt.
But as a relative newcomer here you need to be aware established members have been taught to be cautious (as I have been) because there are a lot of hidden agendas 'out there' that sometimes make their way 'in here'.
Mate, you've explained this perfectly well to my eyes but be patient if others still need further examples and clarification. We don't all absorb and process information in exactly the same way or at the same rate.

So please do keep this interesting thread going!



15  21    another Pattern.  Try and go for Bigger Patterns.  If you go for a small pattern like a square use a safety
14  20    Bet if you find the place.  $1 on a dozen 2 bets on 4 numbers twice...
13  19


Once you have a pattern that you're happy with and you start betting do you keep marking off the card or do you suspend marking the card until you have finished betting?

If you do keep marking the card what do you do if an even more perfect pattern shows up while your betting against the previous pattern?

If you do suspend marking the card until you're finished betting do you then start again with a fresh unmaked card?

Thanks in advance.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.
