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Started by ZeroBlue, Jun 28, 10:55 PM 2011

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... this is Code 2

Each number has a code for dozen and column. We just bet it won't repeat. play game in Dozens and Columns at the same time.
Once you build up your bankroll save your money and play with the money you won from them.
One should aim for 10% the bankroll and get out, play another session, refresh your concentration.

One can apply any double dozen/column progression.

If you like aggressive "JL style"  ;D


check the attachment
use it at your own discretion.

BUT I WOULD RECOMMEND FOR try it out flat bet first.

check the attachment

Good Luck


Progression to play Code 4 but to match the same outcome as before.

Bet: $ 1 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $1
Bet: $ 1 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $2
  Bet: $ 2 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $4
  Bet: $ 3 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $7
  Bet: $ 4 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $11
  Bet: $ 6 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $17
  Bet: $ 9 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $26
  Bet: $ 14 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $40
  Bet: $ 21 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $61
  Bet: $ 31 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $92
  Bet: $ 47 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $139
  Bet: $ 70 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $209
  Bet: $ 105 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 1 Bankroll Needed: $314
  Bet: $ 158 on 1 spots. Profit on a Win: $ 2 Bankroll Needed: $472

play after 6Losses LLLLLL



This is similar to all the other code systems around , personally i am bored with the whole code systems  :o  , a switch to some thing different must be due!  :xd:

:)  Looking for perfection :)
You cant always loose , but when you do loose you will win it all back.


Quote from: Kingspin on Jun 29, 06:27 AM 2011
This is similar to all the other code systems around , personally i am bored with the whole code systems  :o  , a switch to some thing different must be due!  :xd:

:)  Looking for perfection :)

So true Kingspin. More than bored with these things... Actualy annoying if you ask me...It cant be they all are working good. Why is so many of them, based on same principle??? What is smart about that?


QuoteProgression to play Code 4 but to match the same outcome as before

Is that because code 4 failed at the opposite outcome?

I too have seen/heard/read enough of these matrix/code X/mishmash methods, they are ALL based on eye candy, the next outcome has nothing to do with pretty pictures you just saw or noticed, the forum is not advancing if guys keep morphing these 'things' hoping it will work.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Jun 29, 08:30 AM 2011
the forum is not advancing if guys keep morphing these 'things' hoping it will work.

Couldn't agree more.  :thumbsup:
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Jun 29, 08:39 AM 2011
Couldn't agree more.  :thumbsup:
how would you suggest it advances?

flukey luke

Maybe the idea of seperating the different kinds of bets into subsections is not a bad idea.

It might encourage more focus. There are a lot of talented people on this forum and we are certainly not getting the most out of what we already have here. The other forums are dead in my opinion and this is probably the only one left with any potential. I just wonder if familiarity breeds contempt and some of us just can't really be arsed sharing anymore. It feels like that sometimes. I really hope that's not the case.


Quote from: superman on Jun 29, 08:30 AM 2011

Is that because code 4 failed at the opposite outcome?

I too have seen/heard/read enough of these matrix/code X/mishmash methods, they are ALL based on eye candy, the next outcome has nothing to do with pretty pictures you just saw or noticed, the forum is not advancing if guys keep morphing these 'things' hoping it will work.

that is not the true reason. the main motive is that anything works. Whatever your bet is against or in favor. i've said this a million times already, all there is to it is to play a progression. this kind of bet selections are just random, it does not matter how sophisticated they seem if they have no ground in a mathematical paradigm.

I feel the forum and the brilliant minds over here must advance too in the search for "new" approaches.

Roulette as the saxophone has 200 years only. to many things to experiment are still there.

I accept your urge to move on.

I love to see all this will concentrated here. Thank you guys.


Quote from: ZeroBlue on Jun 29, 10:06 AM 2011

that is not the true reason. the main motive is that anything works. Whatever your bet is against or in favor. i've said this a million times already, all there is to it is to play a progression. this kind of bet selections are just random, it does not matter how sophisticated they seem if they have no ground in a mathematical paradigm.

I feel the forum and the brilliant minds over here must advance too in the search for "new" approaches.

Roulette as the saxophone has 200 years only. to many things to experiment are still there.

I accept your urge to move on.

I love to see all this will concentrated here. Thank you guys.

I agree.
The code thing is ridculous. Lost enough chasing it. It is time to move on.
Although CODE Abracadabra  ;D  is an amazing 11 step progression I have. You start with .1 units and you can't lose your allowance for the week.
I'm done with codes. They are for secret agents.  8)
CD :thumbsup:

flukey luke

Hello guys, it looks like the concensus in this thread is that codes are going out of fashion, lol.

I have developed a flat bet strategy which I call 'roulettegold'. It targets the sixlines.

It is not the easiest thing in the world to understand but you can work it all out if you put in the time and effort.

I have stuck it on a couple of webpages @ roulettegold.weebly.com

It would be too much to put in a thread and I have tried to make it as easy to learn as possible.

There are plenty of examples and a few Live Sessions where I explain step by step how I play.

Now I am not saying it is the 'holy grail' or anything like that but it works great for me and this week alone has earned me over £600.

Just to add, there are no adds or spam on the pages. The pages are solely dedicated to explaining the strategy in full. It is my gift to the roulette community.

It is not a mechanical way of playing. You have to do some thinking with it and navigate your way through a session. On saying that, everyone will more or less come to the same playing decisions throughout a game.

I hope you all like it.


A lot of work has gone into that site John, is the system working?  :D

On your blog you say that you lived off your roulette winnings for a year - so what happened?
Have you looked into AP methods?, some say they're the only way to win long term.  ;)

"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain

flukey luke

Hello Bayes.

The 'living of my roulette earnings' part was from 5 years ago and the good luck vanished as quickly as it arrived. I was just playing some kind of dealers signature method which I believed was working. But so would anyone if they were winning every other night.

I was just highlighting the point that there can be a lot of false dawns in roulette.

To be honest, I have just written that stuff up in the last few days to compliment my blog over at VLS. This strategy is working very well for me.

As regards VB and bias play. It is all interesting stuff but I don't belief a lot of it can be applied anymore. I managed to get hold of a lot of material the last few months and my opinion is that it all sounds good in theory but is not as practical as the people selling all this stuff make out. There are signs that the casinos have taken countermeasures. So you have to assume the threat was real at some stage. I would not believe anyone unless they could demonstrate it in real life conditions and some people have being promising that for years.



Intersting site flukey luke, bit tricky to see ur method :) but the + units look good!  ill keep reading and then try give it a go and post results if i ever figure it out!



If I had said 2 months ago that someone in the world (in this case ZeroBlue(nice name))..... would win 1000 games straight with CODE 4 would you have agreed it is a very good method?

ZeroBlue did use a virtual loss as a trigger...

Hello Warrior
