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A system to test. 3rd contribution

Started by averagejoe, Jul 25, 10:03 PM 2011

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take note of 40 spins , you need to have a minimum of 12 sleeping numbers and a maximum of 13

if you have more than 13 numbers, wait till you have only 13. i.e. 1-10 extra spins.

if there are less than 12 numbers, cross your first 10 spins and take note of the next 10 spins
see if now you have 12-13 sleeping numbers. if not, repeat this step.

bet on those 12-13 numbers.
all spins bet on the same ones.
start playing 3 chips per number.
whenever you win, lower bet 1 chip.
if you lose 2 spins on a row, raise bet 1 chip.

quit whenever:

you are winning 40+chips.
if you hit 4 times within the 1st 9 spins.
if you hit 5 times within the 1st 12 spins.
if you hit 11 times.
at spin 74th counting from start. (if you had to wait 10 extra spins then add this to 74+10)


quit if you win 6 times  at 12th spins or before . correction


How are your experiences? Which tracker do you use?


offline wheels

a spreadsheet and a pen  ;)


experiences so far look promising, but I want to test it much more.


Thanks. Simple tracker would be welcome.....


to test it you can use this:

then go to spin #40 and look for 12-13 numbers with 40 sleeping spins. and play on paper

you can do the same at spin #50 , 60 and so on.


Quote from: averagejoe on Jul 27, 08:52 PM 2011
to test it you can use this:

then go to spin #40 and look for 12-13 numbers with 40 sleeping spins. and play on paper

you can do the same at spin #50 , 60 and so on.

I am not sure I understand what you mean..... To choose archive spins on left and let them test with systems on the right?


choose there a casino, the language is italian but you can translate
choose a date and table then choose, pieni which means straight up number

a stat will show up

go to row 40 and try the system
