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JohnLegend's systems: Do they work as claimed?

Started by Bayes, Aug 05, 11:35 AM 2011

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What do you think of JohnLegend's systems?

If too many people play them, the casinos will go out of business.
0 (0%)
I'm doing well with them so far.
6 (14.3%)
Started off ok well but crashed eventually.
10 (23.8%)
No better than anything else I've tried.
22 (52.4%)
I lost very quickly and never bothered to play them again.
4 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 41


Quote from: GLC on Mar 22, 11:12 AM 2012
In the back of my mind there is this nagging suspicion that the wheel doesn't know what kind of gymnastics we have gone through to decide how much or what number to bet on.  It doesn't know if we're betting against a rare formation or betting for a common one.  It's all random.  The patterns are random.  No matter how rare they are, they will come up some time, randomly. 

I keep hoping we can find a method of play that will stay ahead of the losses.  Unfortunately, we cannot be sure because random can favor our system while testing and then throw a bad series of spins that can last way longer than we have money when we start playing for real.

Maybe we are just wasting our time here.

Now that is a very good sign and make common sense to make a statment like that.

So i might add this to your statment.
Now many does not know why we state the game has 37 degree of freedom witch make nothing due to happen.

The dealer release the ball with one particular fource.
The behavior change each time the dealer release the ball, so it can be similiar but not the same, even do it can occur a repeat of previos release behavior.

Then the ball make from the begining to end different amounts of turnarounds.
The spindevelopment can do 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 turnarounds to end.
During this each time, each spin with different spindevelopment the dealer puch the rotor to move.
The speed is slight different each time or for each spin.
That means the position of the numbers on the number ring or rotor will travel with certain speed.
So the timeframe for the spindevelompment and rotor is totaly random and all numbers has 37 degree of freedom or show up with not static rules as they all have the same chanse.

To this we should also add at the end there is 8 metal deflectors where the ball will hit and then randomly jump a distance and land on the number ring and start to randomly scatter on the number ring before the ball stop in one particular number or winning number.

The point is - even if the dealer try to puch the rotor with the same constant speed and spin the ball with the same fource it would still have 37 degree of freedom.
As if all spins was 16 turnarounds from begining to end there would exist duration witch would differ the time for the ball to complete and reach the end - witch would not be the same amount of time.
Also the rotor would drift 0.5 or 1.0 pocket over time into other direction and would not be in same position at end of the spin.
And also add ball jump with random scatter so are we again facing 37 degree of freedom.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


"Maybe we are just wasting our time here."

That's a non-starter.  These boards should be more about the real entertainment of explaining what's really going on (than the pretend sort which covers it all up).

But only an honest message-board would allow for that.  Like the casinos don't hang around for the "entertainment" after it's no longer profitable for them.


"I keep hoping we can find a method of play that will stay ahead of the losses.  Unfortunately, we cannot be sure because random can favor our system while testing and then throw a bad series of spins that can last way longer than we have money when we start playing for real.

Maybe we are just wasting our time here."-GLC

I understand your sentiment which brings me to this.  No you can't avoid the losses, but if there is a way to minimize the losses, (less at stake) compared to wins, that would be the Grail (for any system).


food for thought for non-believers like buddy Robeenhut. This was a little experiment with German spins, playing hot EC trends roughly with 1000 spin gaps. Hot trend -- i mean playing just last EC result randomly for 1 spin only.


playing similar way different last choices like street, corner, EC, dozen, column. All flatbet. Playing street 12 times (or till win), corner 9 times (or till win) and so on. Gaps of roughly 1000 spins.

it is like u come to the same casino every few days and play once the same wheel.


Quote from: iggiv on Mar 23, 11:20 PM 2012
food for thought for non-believers like buddy Robeenhut. This was a little experiment with German spins, playing hot EC trends roughly with 1000 spin gaps. Hot trend -- i mean playing just last EC result randomly for 1 spin only.

Hello Buddy Iggiv

Yeah its possible. I play some methods like this trying to capitalize on some trends. Pick random 18 numbers and you will be surprised how many times you will get 6 or 7 wins in a row. If you down after 6 games use mild progression.
But we are talking about something little bit different here. Look up my post on Code 4.
It looks like some people have perfect timing ALL THE TIME entering the game and walking away after just few games. Stats show that  played continuously  its just a little better than average method. And suddenly it becomes Holy Grail with hit and run stats.
Its like you always pick the right games to play thousands times over.
Its just betting against 1 Dz or CL alternatively for 4 steps and at the last step your strike ratio
is 10 to 1?  And at some point you go 600/0?

So I'm extreme non-believer here  :xd:
You are absolutely right iggiv.
I'm just trying to use some common sense.
Hehe i want to play in this german casino. Maybe they have biased wheel toward clients.



Remember, roulette is unbeatable on a long run with any method. Longer u play -- easier u lose. Don't let yourself get stuck in "tunnel vision". No method will bring u anything but losses if u try to play it continously and want a lot of money. But many methods can bring u something if u use them smartly.
Yes, hit and run, but not just this. U should know how to use "hit-n-run". How much hit and for how long run. There was a good movie, "Analyze this". And then came a sequel "Analyze that".  These are 2 very good names not only for the movies

u don't have to believe me. Analyze this and analyze that :)
u got nothing to lose.

Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat.

do widzennie :)


i agree iggy ....i,ve just posted in code 4 i,m going to see if i can set up some video capture software program and play code 4 and d&c plus and my cyclonic bet all at the same time and start putting up a day by day or session by session video for all too see either too plus 10 units or 100 spin sessions...win or lose ..someone should have done it a long time ago....a bit of effort of support for john legend wouldn,t go amiss...william hill low stakes....leave it with me.


Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 02:14 AM 2012
i agree iggy ....I've just posted in code 4 I'm going to see if i can set up some video capture software program and play code 4 and d&c plus and my cyclonic bet all at the same time and start putting up a day by day or session by session video for all too see either too plus 10 units or 100 spin sessions...win or lose ..someone should have done it a long time ago....a bit of effort of support for john legend wouldn,t go amiss...william hill low stakes....leave it with me.


I would love to see that because we dont have other data than JL's.



Bayes, interesting you should say that about the lottery. I'm reading a book called taking chances and it discussed that very subject.

123456 does actually get bet on, but humans can't ever think 123456 is random. Infact, if they used random.org to select the lottery and it came up with 123456, they would most certainly not use it.

As for Matix bets, i don't get it. Its a very simple idea tarted up to look complex, fashioned to look like it will confuse random.

If we track nice blocks of 4 in a 4x4 matrix, then say the 4th row won't repeat what does that complex human shape mean? It means the next number out won't be the same as 13 ago??

Random doesn't work in blocks of 4. Its an independant number that has no memory. So the truth of the matrix is also a single comparison without memory,i.e. 13 numbers ago.

Seen like that, then Code 4 and all those matrix systems work because betting on 2 dozens gives you very good odds.

Just my view.

Everything should be broken down into its most simple ellement to see its truth.


Quote from: turnerfeck on Apr 29, 10:06 AM 2012
As for Matrix bets, i don't get it. Its a very simple idea tarted up to look complex, fashioned to look like it will confuse random.

If we track nice blocks of 4 in a 4x4 matrix, then say the 4th row won't repeat what does that complex human shape mean? It means the next number out won't be the same as 13 ago??

Random doesn't work in blocks of 4. Its an independant number that has no memory. So the truth of the matrix is also a single comparison without memory,i.e. 13 numbers ago.

Seen like that, then Code 4 and all those matrix systems work because betting on 2 dozens gives you very good odds.

Just my view.

Everything should be broken down into its most simple element to see its truth.

Gotta agree with Turnerfeck's logic here!

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


I think the subject died down a long time ago.  To me they are not better than any pattern oriented method out here and with hit'n'run approach you  may make some money in a short run.
In a long run played straight with a progression they will gradually give back all your earnings like most of the methods out here.


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Apr 29, 12:47 PM 2012
I think the subject died down a long time ago.  To me they are not better than any pattern oriented method out here and with hit'n'run approach you  may make some money in a short run.
In a long run played straight with a progression they will gradually give back all your earnings like most of the methods out here.

the kind of progression used is the first flaw of that system. many things could be observed for triggers, but none did. Also another way of improvement was filtering the LW registry. The ultimate tuning would be interpret tendencies and switch from bet to anti-bet.
None of the above is applied on that system, so even if the hit & run works for some, in the long term, as their personal permanence grows, everything will tend to the odds of the game.

Anyway i am glad that someone hits a positive tram and profits from that.
As Iggiv says: Analyze this! -Analyze that!  :thumbsup:



Quote from: 6th-sense on Mar 25, 02:14 AM 2012
i agree iggy ....I've just posted in code 4 I'm going to see if i can set up some video capture software program and play code 4 and d&c plus and my cyclonic bet all at the same time and start putting up a day by day or session by session video for all too see either too plus 10 units or 100 spin sessions...win or lose ..someone should have done it a long time ago....a bit of effort of support for john legend wouldn,t go amiss...william hill low stakes....leave it with me.

Any progress on that mate? I'd like to see what you have in mind :)
