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Everything Reversed system

Started by RouletteExplorer, Aug 13, 02:19 PM 2011

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i been there bud already. now it is your turn :)


You can t know where I have been  ;) .
I just think that this has never tested before and this is why I am testing it.
What we need is new thinking...



What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 13, 03:51 PM 2011
I have never seen in any roulette forum this exact idea.

48 session won till now from my testings.
Max Down = -38
Max spins for new + =43
Total winning chips = +117 chips ! And all this with only 38 chips Br.

Cause you haven't be long enough here mate.But don't get discouraged
if you believe in something just explore it to the end.....Iwill not as know final score.
You can always get me on  


I really can get it .
I am posting a Topic with a system.
It shows nice results so far and it s theory seems like a nice idea.
And some people are coming in this topic just to say that they know everything and that it will fail.
Well guess what? I ALREADY know what is roulette and what is its power and that its unbeatable and bla bla bla.....
So what do you want?
Do you want no one to post any system?
Then why are you in here? why this forum even exists?

no one has ever found a winning idea...including F_LAT_INO and Iggiv..
so if you want to do something nice test the system or don't come in the Topics just to say that systems won t work.
We don't need your opinion,because your opinion is also our opinion. "Roulette is unbeatable !"
Ok....then leave this place and do something more creative if you don't like roulette.......

I am here to explore , explore and explore....
No matter how much i have explored roulette from every ancle....i want to expore more and find new ancles...... AFTER ALL THIS IS THE PERPOSE OF THESE FORUMS.

I saw Flatinos Topics.....none of them produced a winning system....so what? Did I post anything negative in them?
Anything that F_LAT_INO , Iggiv or anyone else has ever posted in any forum , I already know it 100 years ago....so what? does this makes them having a lower knowledge from me?
And if yes...so what?

Leave the Topics alone......if something you don't like, keep it to urself.
Its those kind of attitudes that all roulette forums are dead nowdays.
Being in roulette forums so many years means that you like roulette forums( I am speaking about the negative members).....so don't destroy something that you like.

GG is dead , VLS is dead...why? because of the negative members....do u like the same to happen in here?
What we need is new thinking...


Is any roulette programer willing to make a program of this system???
we can test 100.000 spins fast with a program....If it fais we move on to an other idea....if it wins we can all benefit from it.
What we need is new thinking...


Ok for the members that are intrested....
This system is going very very good !
Everything are working smoothly....
The downs are smooth and the recoveries fast.
The only thing that I am adding on the system is that if there is a stage that we have to bet more than  9 chips on a spin I am betting the zero.
I am not betting the zero straight.....
If for eg. I have to bet on the bets  RED ODD HIGH  and i have to bet more than 9 chips then I am also covering the split 0-2/ (because 2 is not red or odd or hight) . so with that i am not only winning if zero comes but i also have covered 1 more number that its NOT in the main Ecs bet,,.,.
   The 0-2 was just an example....it could be 0-1   or  0-3  split if the betting on the Ecs was deferent....
You could also bet the trio  0-1-2  if the main bet is less than 10 chips....

I can say that with this add on, this system is one the safests .And very nice profits .

Test with me if you like.
What we need is new thinking...


well, if u don't want any constructive criticism then yeah...

u r genious, your idea is genious, nobody dares to tell u anything, u r the first in the world of 200 years to come with the idea of betting 3 winning EC bets. We all know nothing comparing to your knowledge, and what our advices and opinions can do? only harm your genious which needs only
clapping, clapping, clapping and telling how great u r and your system is.

i don't get. u come to someone to give him your real life experience advice in friendly manner, to give your honest opinion, to help him, and what u get? he tells u that u r just a negative ass hole which tries to shut down the forum.

u know what? from now on -- yes, i am gonna ignore u, thanks a lot. it is better than sharing anything with u or trying to explain anything.

take care and learn how to stand fair criticism. maybe u will with the time. but explore the roulette without me, or anyone which tries to explain u something u don't understand. go along only with people which will applaud u and will lick and kiss your wise butt


and before i start ignoring i will tell u the cruel truth. U don't understand randomness if u really hope to win on a long run with 3 last winning choices. Test as much as u want, u will finally see  that i am right as FLatino who tested this stuff long ago as well.

but what i say is not gonna influence the results, so don't tell me that because of people like me or Flatino things don't get well on roulette forums. everyone is entitled to have their opinions. period.
it's a free world, so don't try to shut people up


RouletteExplorer, You can go on with the discussion on your method, they unlocked the topic, and i have no idea who locked  it, though it is under my name in logs.

something weird goin on here...


Dear R_E somewhen i shared the same enthusiam like you about finding the way to beat this game(I still do somewhat but in the level "Just cheat the F***ck game as long as my session lasts,steal some units and get the hell out of there") but as most of regular members we have tested A LOT of methods so we can say if a method would survive in the long run or not,even if it's not tested with thousands of spins .This one works great for you so far and you look excited about it so don't care about what everybody else says,play it and let it help you gain some profit,and if it fails then what the hell it wouldn't be the first or the last.Just because it doesn't last in the long run doesn't mean you won't play any method.There are methods based on a common idea that last in the long run but they need big bankroll,A LOT of playing time if they start go wrong and the profit doesn't woth it so i don't play them.
If you are one of those ones that are testing and testing and waiting for the "ONE" so they would start playing the game and win then...good luck with that too.One last comment for this method...if you have a raising uneven distribution to the EC's sure would work but what if the dominance among EC's starts changing sides more regular than it should?Boom...


but as most of regular members we have tested A LOT of methods so we can say if a method would survive in the long run or not,even if it's not tested with thousands of spins .

I have tested more methods that you could ever dream of.

Just because it doesn't last in the long run doesn't mean you won't play any method

You are wrong here...With my kind of experience + the fact that I am NOT a a gambler , I WOULD NEVER put a chip on a roulette table unless a system is a proven winner.
I have never played roulette with any mathematical or patter system. The only way that I have played roulette was in the old days with VB and RC . Now the wheels aren t like those days.

There are methods based on a common idea that last in the long run but they need big bankroll,A LOT of playing time if they start go wrong and the profit doesn't woth it so i don't play them.

If you will read my TOPIC "what a winning system would look like" you will see that I don't play those methods either...not playable

One last comment for this method...if you have a raising uneven distribution to the ECs sure would work but what if the dominance among ECs starts changing sides more regular than it should?Boom...

Me having this huge experience about the HOW roulette is working , when I see a method the 1st thing that my mind is thinking is WHAT IS THE WICKNESS of this method....and the one you mentioned is the wickness of this method...so don't worry I already know it.
  BUT as I already posted in the "DNA OF ROULETTE" Topic , with every method the only way to win is by betting EVERYTHING....but if you do that u will be losing in every spin.....
  Every method MUST leave out some unbetted numbers....it can be sleepers , it can be repeaters or patterns or anything..... So roulette is always having the way to bring more the unbetted numbers and all system eventualy are losing....

Put me any method you like and I will imediately tell you that its gonna LOSE because of the X reason. 
So what are we going to do? Not explore more because its impossible to be beaten? or go and play for fun and lose money in the long run?  I am the type of person that I wouldn t do any of the above.

That s why I posted that when a member is posting things like "This will not work because of .... "
its not something smart....its not something good. If he doesn't like itm then he may not play it.

This is the reason why forums are dead....because some experienced members are posting negative things on all the methods....OK I am experienced too....what does this mean? that i should go in any system topic and say " hey man don't bother this won t work because of ....." .

If an experienced member is STILL in a forum the best thing that he should do it add some comments about how a method can be better and not add comments that any method can t work.....

I am not exited abou this method...or any method.....
How can i say this more clear??? I KNOW THAT ROULETTE IS DESIGNED TO BE UNBEATABLE AND IT DOES THAT BY MATHS ! the ultimate maths !
Ok so what should we do? Close the forums? If you would like this...you wouldn t still be in here....
The hope of the imposible is keeping you in here.....
The INVESTMENT of exploring all these years is keeping you in here....you don't want to beliave that all this investment and all those knowledje was a waste of time and this why you keep being in here.

Anyway now that i told everything I needed I will not post anymore in this forum.... the morality in here isn t the proper one .... no one is testing and everyone is scared of  posting any excitement because they are afraid not to be in the eye of the negative members.....

this forum will be completely dead soon like GG and VLS.

What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 14, 05:56 AM 2011
You are wrong here...With my kind of experience + the fact that I am NOT a a gambler , I WOULD NEVER put a chip on a roulette table unless a system is a proven winner.
I have never played roulette with any mathematical or patter system. The only way that I have played roulette was in the old days with VB and RC . Now the wheels aren t like those days.

You'll never have that chance...all roulette tables would be closed...


Roulette explorer

I think that thing is with this is that like all other systems it will fail if it is not based upon logic and sound reasoning,  and that is that.  So the critisiscm that others offer is just the way that things are and you have to accept it,  likewise the systems those others have offered on the forum end in the same way.

However what I think you have to do is to pull up 10 000spins and start hand testing them yourself.  By the time you get to 1000 you will have a pretty good idea as to the weak and strong points of your method, (there are subtleties that you wouldn’t get from computer testing)  and then you an start tweaking it to suit the way that you personally want to play it, and try for the next 1000 spins,  tweak again for the next and so on.  Then if you so wish run the tenth version of tweaks through another 10 000 spins.  The advantage of this is that by looking at the beast by hand you become more intimate with it and are able to have an understanding as to why it is working and not working which will give you a much greater understanding, and allows you to create something that is custom built to you, and no one else.  Although the scheme may fail long term you will then be able to anticipate and manipulate to suit yourself.  I hope that is clear. The worst case is that you drop the whole thing altogether.

An example could be John Legends systems, I personally cannot see any logic in them and they are sure losers long term.  But he appears to be winning with them because he has spent time playing around with them and plays them to suit himself,  should they start to go tits up then he will tweak them until they either start winning again or he drops them.

I am really starting to believe that ultimately the whole thing comes down to ourselves and what we want to do.  I believe that the likes of Flat ino and JL who offer systems that are long term losers, win because of their experience of testing and playing,  I suspect that the methods that they offer do NOT include other criteria that they use as a matter of course, because of this experience, and it is embedded into their subconscious, and therefore may not even be aware that they are doing certain actions.

Just try and see how you get on,  hey also RE having read your last post just chillax and take on board what others say you dont need to be so defensive,  also maybe if you were to explore AP methods more you may surprise yourelf as these are based in logic so you have a head start,  perhaps you can approach these from a different viewpoint

