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Started by RouletteExplorer, Aug 13, 02:19 PM 2011

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Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 14, 05:56 AM 2011
Anyway now that i told everything I needed I will not post anymore in this forum.... the morality in here isn t the proper one .... no one is testing and everyone is scared of  posting any excitement because they are afraid not to be in the eye of the negative members.....

This forum will be completely dead soon like GG and VLS.


Hi RouletteExplorer,
I am saddened to hear of this and how it has occurred. I am sure that I speak for others on this forum when I say that there is no need to leave or stop posting at all... so I genuinely hope after calm consideration you will have a change of mind; there are no problems to return to this forum and continue with your contributions at any time.

Don't let the negatives and negativity spoil anything or put you off your worthy and worthwhile explorations and investigations. I am sure that other members will want the same thing and will want to join in with some testing at some point.

Remember, it is still a relatively new thread and many will perhaps have not have read it or tried your idea yet  (or are still in the process of trying it out) - so will be intensely interesting to see any future reports and results that may ensue.. No need for despondency or to give up!

I, for one, are grateful for the sharing of your method and your current findings and it is really to everyone's benefit to see how it will develop under further examination. Even if in the end it proves to be not viable.

There are LOTS of EC systems around. Many members like to play EC systems. This one looks promising. Surely we do not want to kill it off or halt this thread because of a few remarks and a seeming unauthorised hacking incident?

So I say ignore the naysayers, remain optimistic and in the face of any perceived adversity just carry on with your idea and please let us know and keep us informed about the highs (and lows) you find or experience during play.


Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Iggiv wrote:
U don't understand randomness if u really hope to win on a long run with 3 last winning choices.

Hi Iggiv,
I understand what you're saying but the EC bets reduce when the losing bets happen... Also he is not ALWAYS playing the 3 ECs EVERY spin - sometimes he is only betting ONE EC if required and then maybe the next spin he is betting all three again but then 2 ECs are only staked at 1u...
ALSO, and this is important, he is NOT ALWAYS betting the last 3 winning EC types EITHER!
There is as well a reset to 1-1-1 on a level or new high using the last spun number to restart.

Anyway my test this morning:
100 spins
Highest bet on an EC=10u
I beat RouletteExplorer's current stats by experiencing a run of 45 spins before getting into the profit zone - however some losses due to 0. Had I sidebetted 0 that could have been curtailed to a shorter wait...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


"because they are afraid not to be in the eye of the negative members" >>> I have been saying that for years and years. What really sucks, those 'negative members' WIN when we stop posting.

I said it before, if I was in charge I would make a rule like this.......you can NOT put down another method unless that person posts his method and it passes a test of 68 million spins.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


anybody has his right to say what he thinks unless it is abusive. i never was abusive to RouletteExplorer, rather he was to me and F_LAT_INO. Naysayers have their right to say what they want and what they believe. If i don't believe in something i have a right to say it.

i don't understand people who take it on personal level as a sign of hostility. My intention was TO HELP and not to put down any system. So was F_LAT_INO's as i can see. we were friendly and gentlemen in this topic until this guy started fighting

without naysayers like us those forums would be turned into mutual admiration society. clapping your hands to everything and saying "wow, how cool your method is". it makes no sense. healthy friendly criticism is normal, and this is not my fault that some people can't stand it and are not ready for normal human discussion. I don't think it will be a big loss if mr. WiseGuy --RE-- will leave this forum. looks like it is not his first time to get in trouble like this and he will be back under a new nick to astonish the world with his new earth shattering discoveries until somebody else will say something critical about his discoveries and the story will happen again.


I think there are different levels >>

A) A person can suggest some tweaking of a method to the author.

B) A person is rude to the author and needs to be 'warned' to settle down.

C) If a person does not AGREE with a method, dont play it, dont respond.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


due all my respect i don't agree with C)

any person may express some negative ideas if they are not intended to put someone down. For example Chris once wanted to play martingale with dozens and i warned him it is dangerous and later
we got into some kind of quarrel over it but finally he said that i was right and everything settled down.

people should realize that saying something negative about their methods is NORMAL if this is within borders of normal friendly discussion. if someone is too sensitive to normal criticism of his ideas -- it is HIS problem, not a problem of people which don't agree with him. If someone can't handle other opinions then he has something to do to prevent getting in trouble. for example
he can save his ideas for himself or some friends who are always "yes-men" to him.
if u express something publically be ready to face the music.

but for my self i came to conclusion that it is easier to follow the rule C) and just keep silent
instead of trying to help. u try to help and share your ideas -- u got back some crap from
guys like RE who don't need to really listen to somebody else, but rather to themselves and their  "yes-men" only


Quotepeople should realize that saying something negative about their methods is NORMAL

I agree 100% mate, my big issue is, I build the bots that kill the methods, so instead of thanks I get called negative, maths head etc. There are some people that get stuck in a rut with methods that are doomed to fail @ some point as they don't want to believe the outcome, they rely on luck alone, oh yes, and timing lol.

We are all after the same result, remember that.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


yes, but u can believe whatever u want. Once Steve said a good phrase something like if someone states that he can defeat roulette with woodoo, i don't mind as long as he does not attack others. "Wiseguys" can believe whatever they want, but if i say NO to their beliefs, that's no reason to call me negative, blame me for some forum problems and so on. That's a matter of exchanging opinions. And it is not my obligation to shut up, though i feel i will have to -- to avoid this hassle with "wiseguys". Let them believe what they want and clap hands with "yesmen", admiring their "winning" methods. Too much headache trying to help them to sober up a little. Let's them win on a short run and lose on a long run, who cares anymore.


Don't want to go into the behavioural psychology area regarding criticism and how people deal with it - or control of emotions and mental attitudes. We can all choose to join with the positive or negative about a situation. A person must decide for themselves. We must all be careful not to hold fast to erroneous attitudes or false conclusions. It helps us and others to make rational and realistic decisions and align with a healthy, constructive environment.

I am keeping an open mind on this until proof otherwise, so my mental viewpoint is for the present quite neutral in this respect.

If this method can deliver regular winnings without great losses then surely no bad thing. Nobody is claiming it's the holy one or anything; but at least it might turn out to be classed as a "good" system nevertheless.

We have all heard of the positive and the negative and the balance of forces. This applies also to numbers and results in Roulette. Just MAYBE within this system RouletteExplorer has discovered something with a propensity to capitalise on the trending/equilibrium effect of outcomes as the game continually strives to maintain balance and harmony?
Everything in nature that is material or non-material has to ADAPT to fit into the overarching Great Pattern of existence and maintain a balance.
Maybe this can work well in general without too large drawdowns for most of the time?

Would be great to see a graph of how it fares visually using a RX script over large volume of spins.
For sure, we can post our positive result sessions in a hope that we are not supporting what may inevitably turn out in the fullness of time to be a mistaken or miscontrued theory; a bot or RX system programmed correctly can easily and quickly show up and highlight any false hopes or delusional errors of thinking and deliver the final proof and truth of the matter.

Let's not be prejudiced and reject out of hand without a fair trial  - but also let us not labour under any misapprehensions or hold distorted unreasonable expectations.
What is needed is a more closer analysis, more extensive testing and then the informed judgements can be made with confidence so we shall know what's what.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



I was going to bot it but R_E hasnt explained it too clear, if I can't read a post once and get the picture I can't be a$$ed re reading it, and I hate asking for clarification as it makes me look dumb LMAO anyway, I get the jist but whats this meant to mean

QuoteIf we lose its because the 2 or all the 3 lost. so that means that now all the Ecs or the 2 of the 3 are EQUAL.
If all are equal

if all are equal thats 3 what do we do if only 2 are equal? the same or what?

Quotee.g. If the RED 10 and the BLACK  14 = we bet 4 chips on BLACK .(most dominiand)

I see RED 10 and BLACK 14, to me thats 1 of each, why does he say BLACK .(most dominiand)

QuoteIF EVEN is 12 and Odd 12 = NO BET on even/odd

Whats the 12 about, 12 what?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Superman i'll make it easy for you...track odd/even,red/black,high/low...calculate the difference between them so if odd numbers are more thank even numbers calculate odd-even and vice versa...this number is the number of units we bet on the dominant EC(In this case we bet (odd-even) units to odd EC.If there is a balance to an EC we bet nothing cause outcome is 0.You do that for every EC separately.Whenever we are in new profit we start over,we erase all the previous outcomes and we restart calculations with the new spun numbers.Hope i helped...


Hi superman,

I will try and explain it as I understand it.

It is actually quite simple to play and believe it or not you don't have to chart it or make calculations once you get the hang of it...

Let's say the last number is 17 BLACK.

You start off and follow the sides of the ECs and make the first bet of 1u on Black, Odd and Low.

Let's say the next number is 23 RED. You lost on Black and Low - but won on Odd.
You played 3 units and you got returned 2 units so overall you are -1 unit.

Now because you're behind (so cannot reset yet) it means for the next bet you increase by +1 on the winning EC - so you will play 2u on the winning ODD EC. As regards the other 2 ECs they lost so were reduced by 1u to 0u. They were neutralised by the opposite side occurring - so no bet is struck on those 2 now until there is a new "leader".

Let's say the next number is 10 BLACK. You lost 2u on ODD so overall you are still behind and stand at -3 units.
For the next bet we REDUCE by -1 on ODD because it lost and now play 1 unit on ODD (despite the even occurring, the odd numbers are still leading) and since Black and Low appeared we can now reinstate the bet  of 1u on those ECs as well because they are now leading too! So for this bet it is 1u on all 3 ECs: B O and L

Now we have number 10 BLACK again. We played three units and got returned four so the overall balance improves to -2. Since we won on Black and Low those bets are upped +1 to 2u each. The Odd bet lost and is reduced by 1u to 0u - which means both sides of that EC are level (since we started) so we don't bet on ODD or EVEN this time - just the Black and Low EC @ 2u each...

Next number is 8 BLACK. We won both bets and win 4units which makes our total now +2.
This is a new plus high so we can rule off there and restart the system right from the beginning
and use the last number to bet with the start stake of 1u-1u-1u. (on B E L)

You increase by 1u on a winning bet; decrease by 1u on a losing bet.
If an EC calls for a 0u bet then no bet is made on it that spin - but after the following spin result you reinstate whatever occurs on the no-bets @1u as it/they will be the new "leaders" for the respective EC.
When/If you get to level or ahead you reset to 1-1-1.


PS. RouletteExplorer states this OPTIONAL play and it seems good thing to include:
Add on to the system is that if there is a stage that we have to bet more than *9 chips* on a spin I am betting the zero.
I am not betting the zero straight.....
If for e.g.. I have to bet on the bets RED ODD HIGH and i have to bet more than 9 chips then I am also covering the split 0-2/ (because 2 is not red or odd or hight) . so with that i am not only winning if zero comes but i also have covered 1 more number that its NOT in the main Ecs bet,,.,.
The 0-2 was just an example....it could be 0-1 or 0-3 split if the betting on the Ecs was different....
You could also bet the trio 0-1-2 if the main bet is less than 10 chips....

I can say that with this add on, this system is one the safests .And very nice profits.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



Wally Gator

Quote from: iggiv on Aug 14, 04:20 PM 2011
well well. who could have thought :)

This comment was not called for .....

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A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain
