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Proper Hit n Run

Started by superman, Aug 17, 11:45 AM 2011

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WARNING: If you hate RNG hit back on your browser now!!!

Over the last few years I have botted 1000s' of methods/systems, they all fail eventually, even on live wheels so in my opinion (and some others here) there is no difference, unless the casino is fixing the outcomes that is. I have revisted a few of my own inside number methods that had an alarmingly favourable duration for survival with the idea of proper hit n run.

We have seen the debates over the last few weeks about hit n run, the debate has been over methods that cannot sustain an attack of even 500 spins that's why they attack for 2 units knowing IT (the floor in their system) could happen on the first attack, so they nervousley attack twice then run away after relying purely on luck and hope, well, if a method can run for hours and hours earning and staying within the table limits then it has some merit, heres why.

About a month ago I was rebuilding a method that ran all night (6pm to 8am) for 4 nights without failing, profit was around $100 per night using 1 cent chips, but then it died so I gave up, I am still looking for the one that will run while I am on holiday LoL. As the forum has been very quiet over the last few days I decided to calculate the bank needed to do a proper hit n run without the chicken run.

Let's say for example, a method produces $100 on average 5 times a week, the bank needed is $20 if you keep your bank @ $20 you can afford to lose the bank 5 times per day, yes there will be weeks when you lose 3 or 4 times but if you did an LW for the number of days/attacks rather than the number of spins, a week may look like this


Remember each L cost you $20 and each W earned you ~ $100

2 ways to approach for a bot, have a casino bank to cover 5 losses, $100, and program the bot to just reset if it gets $20.01 in the hole or just let the bot run and keep a bank of $20 at the casino if it loses it all deposit more, when you win take out everything except $20

So for the hit n run part, if you won 3 days in a row, dont play the next day

Just food for thought for those of you who like to grind it out.

Does anyone play this way?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Hmmmmmmmmm....i do something similar.I leave the bot play with a starting bankroll 100E and target 100E too.If a reach my target i withdraw immediately the profit and i leave my starting bankroll for the next game.If i lose i use my winnings for my new bankroll.With this stratefy i am up about 300-400E weekly.If i would use biger bankroll maybe i would survive from some losses but what the f**K...



This is what I am planning to achieve. On RNG (playtech and BV) with bot.
The hardest part is the system   ;D
I also think that inside bets (I am testing various inside betting methods with bot) is the way to go but I am going to give project 202 a try.
You mentioned that your method lasted for 56 hours without loss. How many spins you processed per hour and what average interval was between bets?


Quote from: superman on Aug 17, 11:45 AM 2011
>Over the last few years I have botted 1000s' of methods/systems<

1000's? Gee you've been a busy boy!

Good luck making the hit and run thing work. I've never  had much faith in it, personally.

What exactly is hit and run anyway? It's a very subjective term and could mean anything at all.

Stop as soon as you win once - stop as soon as you double your bank- stop as soon as you multiply your bank by 10 - stop after 10 spins - stop after 100 spins - stop after 10000 spins (hit and run for bots) - stop after 1 loss - stop after 4 losses - stop after 1 bank loss - go virtual - go home - go for dinner - switch systems - switch tables - switch system and table - ?
??? ??? ???

My feeling is whatever you come up with you should multiply it by about 600% :o it would still then qualify as hit and run.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Seriously, I have just run a bot for 250,000 spins.

It was in clear profit for the first 150,000 spins then encountered a hellish dispersion for 60,000 spins, which consumed the profit and reduced the starting bank by 30%.

Over the last 40,000 spins the bot recovered to the original starting bank plus 2% profit, at which point I stopped the bot for fear of losing the 2%. :xd:

Essentially, I have just employed a hit and run tactic that encompassed a 1/4 million spins!


And, my bot test continues. :thumbsup:
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Skakus on Aug 18, 08:08 AM 2011
Seriously, I have just run a bot for 250,000 spins.

It was in clear profit for the first 150,000 spins then encountered a hellish dispersion for 60,000 spins, which consumed the profit and reduced the starting bank by 30%.

Over the last 40,000 spins the bot recovered to the original starting bank plus 2% profit, at which point I stopped the bot for fear of losing the 2%. :xd:

Essentially, I have just employed a hit and run tactic that encompassed a 1/4 million spins!


And, my bot test continues. :thumbsup:
so whats the stratagie?


Quote from: Optimist on Aug 17, 01:13 PM 2011

This is what I am planning to achieve. On RNG (playtech and BV) with bot.
The hardest part is the system   ;D
I also think that inside bets (I am testing various inside betting methods with bot) is the way to go but I am going to give project 202 a try.
You mentioned that your method lasted for 56 hours without loss. How many spins you processed per hour and what average interval was between bets?

I have been testing Project 202 off and on for a couple of years.  Here's my limited input on the system.  I have to say that it works pretty well most of the time.  It's not much more than a very, very mild progression.  I think the weakest part is when you start doubling the percent increases all the way up to 250%.  On a really bad dispersion, this can drive you pretty deep into the hole and it can take forever to climb out.

If it were me, I would just stay with his very gradual increases after losses and ignore the big jumps.  If you increase by 10%-20% after each loss, you should be able to keep your bets at a reasonable size and be able to hang in there till recovery after a bad series.

If you are going to bot Project 202, that's a slightly different story.  You just need to make sure you have plenty of bankroll if you play it according to the author's method.  It does take a downswing periodically.  Like Skakus says, it can look great for a long time and then go crazy on you.  But, every system I know does that.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


QuoteLike Skakus says, it can look great for a long time and then go crazy on you.  But, every system I know does that

Correct George, every system seems to do that, its was always funny how when testing on RX in the early days, most if not all graphs start with a good upward swing, dive recover, dive further then dive again into negatives so we give up, I think thats the point this thread is trying to make, if a system can dive, we know they do, then it should at some point swing up again if it has merit.

Quoteso what's the strategies?

Answering for me AND Skakus (as I did his bot) very complicated, lots of deep tracking on inside numbers, repeaters per say, don't work they will eventually take your bet amounts into the hole, too steep for comfort, sleepers can also sleep too long so finding the balance to keep bets low, or as low as comfortable is the problem.

Heres the last few print out lines from the bots run last night at BV NZ

spin number|W/L| progression| current bank| Peak reached

1990 L  Prog 1 Cash 7572 Peak 7596
1991 W  Prog 3 Cash 7608 Peak 7596
1996 W  Prog 1 Cash 7620 Peak 7608
2000 L  Prog 1 Cash 7596 Peak 7620
2001 W  Prog 3 Cash 7632 Peak 7620
2002 L  Prog 1 Cash 7608 Peak 7632
2003 W  Prog 3 Cash 7644 Peak 7632
2004 W  Prog 1 Cash 7656 Peak 7644
2006 L  Prog 1 Cash 7632 Peak 7656
2007 W  Prog 3 Cash 7668 Peak 7656
2008 W  Prog 1 Cash 7680 Peak 7668
2011 L  Prog 1 Cash 7656 Peak 7680
2012 W  Prog 3 Cash 7692 Peak 7680

As you can see, its betting on average every 2,3,4,5 or so spins so there is good activity, BV is much slower than playtech, only 2012 spins between 10pm and 7am, unlike waiting for 20 reds in a row that would probably only happen once a night.

Quote1000's? Gee you've been a busy boy!

I have a folder with over 1 gigabyte of method files for the bot, lol, finding one I want to fiddle with is the hard part!!!
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


QuoteThis is what I am planning to achieve. On RNG (playtech and BV) with bot

Me too mate, plug n play is possible, fine tuning is the hard part as you say. There are those here who don't think it is possible though, but i'm an optimist like you, if it can chuck out numbers all day long then why cant you play them all day long, its only numbers.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


This system I posted,

Uses my 3 step triangular progression of  2, 1, 3, levels.
It always starts on level 2. After a win it always moves to the higher level of the 2 unbetted levels. After any loss, it always moves to the lower level of the 2 unbetted levels.

So if you are betting level 3 and you win then you move to level 2.

If you are betting level 3 and you lose, then you move to level 1.

If you are betting level 2 and you win, then you move to level 3.

If you are betting level 2 and you lose, then you move to level 1.

If you are betting level 1 and you win, then you move to level 3.

If you are betting level 1 and you lose, then you move to level 2.

This money management plan can be adopted for virtually any type of bet or progression.

It is my partial answer to hit and run.

How so, you ask?

Think of the levels as players, so we have 3 players and they will all play the exact same system or method.

To start, players 1&2 begin betting and player 3 is watching.

Players 1&2 lose so player 2 stops betting and joins player 3 watching.

Player 1 wins so players 2&3 join in the betting.

All 3 players win so player 1 stops betting and starts watching.

Player 2 wins so players 1 joins players  2&3 in the betting.

So on and so forth, the 3 players are each hitting and running continuously as the game proceeds.

Get it?
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Hello guys,
won't you mind telling me what bots you're using? Project 202? What's that? Can someone please put the link here?


Quote from: MaximB on Aug 31, 01:02 PM 2011
Hello guys,
won't you mind telling me what bots you're using? Project 202? What's that? Can someone please put the link here?

You can download it in the download section.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Project 202? I downloaded it .pdf file...I am reading it at the moment.
But what about the "bot"? Can you please tell me the exact name of it?


QuoteCan you please tell me the exact name of it

I call mine all different names, when it fails I call it U Barsteward when its winning is SuperBot  :P

It cant be downloaded
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: MaximB on Aug 31, 02:35 PM 2011
But what about the "bot"? Can you please tell me the exact name of it?

I am using RSS PRO (u can code bot for playtech, playtech live wheel, betvoager, microgamiming and so on). It is doing quite well. The admin (of RSS) Kevin is doing his best to support this software and I am happy.  You can find another software but RSS is the best choice I think (at the moment).
The problem is that you need to be able to code (pascal) or you will need to hire somebody.
