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The Missing Pattern EC System Put To Inside Music!

Started by Chrisbis, Aug 20, 01:40 PM 2011

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With thanx, a nod  ;) and a Wink to Atlantis for this Topic allowance.
Here is the Original Topic.

I am bringing forward, Atlantis's very interesting idea, of following/tracking the Missing 3 way EC formulation, and putting it to Good use, as a Potential Inside bet. [reveal]all set to music[/reveal]

Progression List for the 4 inside bets, will follow on the Next post. (I'll do one for 5 inside bets later)
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


:If playing only 4 inside numbers from the outcome of the assessment of missing EC System-
then this is my progression chart.

For instance, from one of the examples shown by Atlantis, here's a run down of the EC' groups ticked off as they show.

ROLx   |x|x|
RELx   |x|?|
ROHx  |x|x|
REHx  |x|x|
BOL?  |x|x|
BELx  |?|x|
BOHx  |x|x|
BEHx  |x|x|

So the EC pattern (group) to play for, would be REL (RED, EVEN, LOW)

And REL shown as an inside bet, would be:-
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


 Hi Chris and welcome back . . .

I like this system so far.

Did 10 quick tests on on line casino fun money.  I played one unit per number for the first 9 spins and if lost(twice) I increased to 2 units per number.

1   +31
2   +7
3   +15
4   +23
5   +30 (Progression Level 2)
6   +31
7   +10
8   +31
9   +27
10   +30 (Progression Level 2)

+235 Total

This is a much better return than the outside even money bets.
Will continue to test.   Nick

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Further update.  I switched to RXExtreme as it is faster than fun money casinos.

I did 30 continuous sessions for a total of +562.  See attached graph.

Went to level 4 once.

Still looking strong.

Would need bankroll of at least 200 so far.


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Performing a table test. It would seem problematic!

[tr][td]Style,Bet,Loses,Max Win,Net Gain[/td][/tr][/table]

Just look what actually come out!
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Whilst the CABLE Guy (IT Consultant) fixes the table function in the Forum, I will try and tell U about this new game of mine.

Again, before I start, hats off to Atlantis, (No, not the Undersea World Chap), the Forum member known for his prowess on the Dance floor, sorry, I meant Matrix Grid!

I will also have to mention our old friend Paul (Twisteruk), who apart from being well missed here, prob by many many members, also gave me the inspiration for this take on Atlantis's new EC bet marker.

How? U'll all asking?........well, when Matrix first came out through fellow member John Logi Bear Legend, Paul spotted a new opportunity that some may remember, in that if a group of Dozens and Columns were to be bet on, he would also cover the CROSSHAIR inside numbers, as a bonus bet.

So, here's how this new game goes.
I have changed the order of the EC groups......... (8 of them in total, so not too much to track)

ROL    .........................................Red Odd Low
BEL     .........................................Black Even Low
BOL    .........................................Black Odd Low
REL     .........................................Red Even Low
ROH     ........................................Red Odd High
BEH     ........................................Black Even High
BOH     ........................................Black Odd High
REH      ........................................Red Even High

These are now in the same order, as they appear on the Table/Felt, which makes it slightly easier to Notate, as U track the EC Groups.
There is another way to Recognise the EC to Inside numbers interface:-

1,3,5,7,9             =ROL
2,4,6,8,10           =BEL
11,13,15,17        =BOL
12,14,16,18        =REL
19,21,23,25,27   =ROH
20,22,24,26,28   =BEH
29,31,33,35        =BOH
30,32,34,36        =REH

The marking/recording of the Groups as they appear on the marquee, is exactly the same as Atlantis's original Topic.

I do however, also note in the marking sheet, the additional hits (repeats) that occur in each Group.
Thus I tend to get this arrangement:-

The "X" denotes the first hit on that Group, the number(digit) is the Inside number hit on that first hit, and the Dot(s) thereafter, are the additional hits.

1,3,5,7,9             =ROL X 3
2,4,6,8,10           =BEL  X 4...
11,13,15,17        =BOL X 15
12,14,16,18        =REL
19,21,23,25,27   =ROH X 25.....
20,22,24,26,28   =BEH X 24..
29,31,33,35        =BOH X 29..
30,32,34,36        =REH X 36...

From this example, You can see that the EC Group 12,14,16,18, REL remains un-hit.

This will now form our bet.
But instead of betting the ECs in that group, I now bet on those inside numbers that belong to that Group.
For REL.... that is Four inside numbers.......... 12,14,16,18

Here's the Progression list for the Four Inside numbers.
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5,6,7     which gives twenty levels to go at, and with the small Quantity of numbers bet on, keeps the Total value of the Progression Pot, reasonably low.

The progression list for 5 Inside numbers, is slightly different:-

In 20 session played last night, I had these results:-

Sessions won =  20
Sessions lost  =    0
Highest Progression Used = 13
Lowest Progression Used = 1
Highest number of spins before betting on missing Group(inside #) = 28
Lowest numbers of spins before betting    "       "       "        "           =   8

Session all at Bet Voyager No Zero.
For those who will ask, Zero is just counted as a level on the progression.
If your progression levels get high, I would suggest an INSURANCE bet on the Little Green Goblin!!
If Results are choppy on the Marquee, and U feel early betting would be un-wise, I suggest U track TWO sets of Results/EC Groups, to even the play out a little, and prevent your Progression levels from racing off into the Deep Blue Yonder!
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Hi Chris! I´m also experimenting with this betselection. My highest progression level until now was 35 :o, forcing me to bet 36 units on each number (BV NZ also). 2 more times I had to go over the level of 20.

Because of that, I´m now testing this with Winkel´s streched fibo. But here I had a missing of numbers for 53 :o spins after the first hit (what occurs after 21 spins).

But my luck on BV isn´t very high at the moment. With the reverse slide method I also got a perfect slide of one dozen after testing in the second day.

For tracking the patterns I have attached a little excell-sheet. You have to insert the hitted numbers from row 11, column 1, then downward. In the upper part of the sheet (it should be fixed) you can see the unhitted patterns. Just continue spinning the wheel and inserting the numbers until only one pattern is missing. Now you can start betting and deleting the previous numbers, so the tracking for the next missing pattern begins from new while betting. You can also continue with noting the numbers without deleting and only after a hit, you start deleting the previous numbers beginning with the first number, than the second and so on until a unhit number occurs. So you can play contiuously without a break of tracking for a new pattern.

After row 300 you have to copy down the formula in column B (the sheet isn´t protected) when needed. I hope the sheet is working with Excell, because it was done with OpenOffice and saved in xls.


Hi Chrisbis,

Nice idea to bet at BVNoZero with low value chips.

And nice results too, Nickmsi  :)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Yes, Chris . .   that is exactly the way I was playing it except for the progressions, which I will try later.

Attached is my Inside Music Template that I was using.


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Excellent Nickmsi.

Do U see the Logic in changing the Written order of the EC Groups to the one I posted?

It puts them down, as they are on the table/felt, so its much quicker to Tabulate the Results.

Now going to do a few sessions, results will follow soon.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Yes I see the logic but I find it easier to track them by the Red Group or the Black Group, it may be just what I have been doing for 50 sessions and at my age it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but not impossible.


50 Sessions played
50 Sessions Won
Balance +1172
Longest Progression Level = 12 (only 2 unit bet)

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


U need say whether that was a 4 number progression, or a 5 number progression.
Cause if U betting 2 at level 12, then for U to win money, it would need be a 4 number bet!?

Advice pls?
[reveal]Old Man!!! lol[reveal]I'm 51, U older than that?  8)[/reveal][/reveal]
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


Hit a speed bump:

60 Sessions played.
59 Sessions Won
1 Session Lost (Went to level 20 on 4 number bet, lost $204)
Balance:  +1153 so only lost a total of 19 on last 10 Sessions.

I continue spinning after the 20th level and it took another 19 spins (39 total) to hit a winner.

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.


U mean

QuoteI only lost a total of 19 units, within the LAST 10 sessions>

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!
